#SO SORRY for the inactivity everyone :((
olivashko · 5 months
Sonic sez
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Check this post for ways to help, there are also petitions, for those unable to donate
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gunsatthaphan · 3 months
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ahaura · 7 months
Bernie Sanders finally made a statement, on Nov. 4, calling for a "pause" in the bombing. People in the replies are saying "better late than never!" and I don't even know where to start.
The genocide has been going on for almost a month. Over 9,000 men, women, and children have been murdered. Thousands more have been wounded. Members of press and healthcare and their families have been deliberately targeted and assassinated. Israel has been murdering civilians en masse with impunity for weeks, both lying about it and blatantly admitting to it. 100+ Palestinians have been murdered in the West Bank due to settler terrorism backed by the Israeli army.
In an interview, Dr. Ofer Cassif, the Knesset member who was suspended for calling for an end to Israeli violence against Palestinians, revealed that he'd reached out to Bernie months prior to Oct. 7th because of the pogroms being carried out by Israelis against Palestinians which he said would result with an "explosion [of violence]", but received no response.
what the fuck do you mean "better late than never". what the fuck do you mean? the genocide is still ongoing, and, just like Blinken, Biden, and every complicit ghoul, he's calling for a pause. not a ceasefire. a ceasefire is just the start of what needs to happen. but he hasn't even called for that.
"better late than never" what gives you the fucking right to say that? tell that to the 10,000 people who the U.S. and its allies allowed Israel to murder. tell that to the thousands of wounded. tell that to the thousands who have been displaced. tell that to the people of Gaza who have been without food, water, and fuel for WEEKS. tell that to the Palestinians in the West Bank who are being murdered at the hands of settler terrorists. tell that to the Palestinians who were abducted and tortured and released with blue bands around their ankles. tell that to the Palestinians in occupied Palestine who can't reach their families and friends. tell that to Palestinians in diaspora who have seen their families, their friends, their people slaughtered with the full backing and support of the vast majority of western governments and media.
"better late than never" no, it's not good enough. IT'S NOT. there are SO many people around the world - both citizens and members of government - who recognized the injustice for what it was the DAY the bombing started. we owe the Palestinian people so much more than that. "better late than never" the ONLY thing that could POSSIBLY begin to even "make up" for the horrors and injustices inflicted upon the Palestinian people for almost a century is to end the genocide, end the occupation, end the apartheid, end settler colonialism, and dismantle the colonial state. Palestinians deserve NO LESS than total emancipation. Complete liberation. until then, it is not and will never be enough.
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sleepy-edits · 1 year
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caluupin · 3 months
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been catching up on TGAA/DGS !! :D
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softgali · 8 months
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//some babes
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tales-of-green-hill · 2 months
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Jet and Wave!!
Jet is as pretty charismatic guy and a lot of people around the school like him. People think he's so cool!! But he's also an idiot. He and Sonic have an odd dynamic where they're not exactly rivals but not really friends either. Jet thinks Sonic is cool and thinks they're friends. Jet gets under Sonic's skin a LOT, and Sonic is like "Ugh, he's so cool >:/"
Wave is ambiverted, and she'd usually rather have the company of her own thoughts and work over most people, but she can be social. She's the head of the robotics club, so Tails and her interact. Tails is the only middle schooler in the club, so Wave is more interested in how capable Tails is for his age (and she's surprised knowing he's actually younger than she thought! 11 instead of 13)
(There's a strong chance I might actually retcon all of this for story reasons, but if I do, they'll be pretty important to the end of the story, but only for an arc)
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basketobread · 6 months
I hope you have the most wonderful Christmas like you only deserve, lovely ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for always brightening up mine and many other people's days, you are the greatest gift of all!! 🙌
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HIIII THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ANYONE CELEBRATING!!! you always brighten up MY day and i cannot thank you enough!! HAHAHA you're too kind ❤❤❤❤❤
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ssblackmadhi · 1 year
looking back on it being a blackmadhi shipper is kind of funny because like. narumitsu has like pages and pages of analysis you could do (like that one essay on ao3) but for blackmadhi we really just saw them interact like one time and were like they would so be in love
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hifimuses · 10 months
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That's right gaymers you read it right. I'm gonna be gone from
September 14th - Oct 8
I am meeting long time online friends, I'm talking some I have known for OVER a decade now. One of them for the first time now. So I'm gonna be hella distracted. (Hell I get distracted here at home with nothing to do, which I apologize for everyone in my inbox and drafts currently I haven't forgotten I am just slow. If we are mutuals PLEASE take the time to approach me in IMs for a Discord add if we dont have each other now. If you are too shy, just reply like and reply and I'll just send my discord immediately to you. We can RP there when im free, the little I am or just chat when I can. I love you all and remember..
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tournament-of-ninjago · 2 months
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nympippi · 1 year
Headcanon: Robin’s feelings for Finney are hidden in plain sight just waiting to be noticed by his beloved
Real and true.
To everyone else it’s so painfully obvious and everyone is so tired of it too 😭😭
Both Finn and Robin are like:
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nulltune · 1 year
Lynn, my deawest wynny....... please recommend me blogs to follow. i am dying.
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deawest quinny..... I GOTCHU !!!! ALL MY MUTUALS ARE SUPER WORTH IT 2 FOLLOW TBH (no duh..... why would i follow em otherwise GFJSHF) so honestly i could just list down everyone in my following list but i am is weenie </3 so i'll just @ some ppl instead !! I WOULD TAG SM MORE ACTUALLYYYY but i got hit by a frikkin 50 mentions per post limit 🥹🥹 tunglr hath silenced me.!!! smh.. BUT YEA i've categorized them (in attempt) to make it a lil easier but yes pls check everyone out 🫶
and everyone pls check quinn out too!!! have u ever seen a blog for the yandere trope before?? no?? YA I THOUGHT SO!! IT'S A HELLA UNIQUE CONCEPT IMO ?? ✨️✨️ quinn does it so much justice toooo i'm eh to yandere as a trope but i trust him with it 100% and have fallen in love with everyone on da muselist tbh 😳 -ME WILL SMITH POSING @ PSICHOPOP DOT TUNGLR DOT COM- 100/10 AMAZING WRITER, AMAZING FREN AND I CANNOT RECOMMEND ENOUGH 💖💖💞
and speaking of cannot recommend enough!! here's some blogs i'm heart eyes @ .... 😳🥺💖 FULL DISCLOSURE- i am an out of date binch, i barely know anything abt anything anymore but gahdamn do i love these portrayals!! these r also ppl who i've talked to / interacted at least a widdle bit so ik they r very sweet and easy + fun to talk to <333
ocs that r hella neat!! i am always so damn impressed by them and the amount of thought put to their character + lore 🫶 @knightglow @xfestiviity @unmeinoniwa @zorkaya @phantasmaw @dis--parity @laplacemail @slayersaided @opalscales @necroethes @bellusnymphine @jardinae @lexpape @terestris @aceparagon @holyrisen
solo muse blogs!! i literally dgaf abt most canon charas outside of hakuno but THEY HAVE MADE ME GAF 🥺 this goes for multis too ofc, but ya i rlly luv them!!!! @brawlqueen @lureri @guthalo @poweys @shackld @glasgcw @tanjodos @spangcoles @igniferous @wolvensden @traevaler @luminousglimmer-a @madamhatter
multimuse blogs!!! i am da most indecisive binch but i fr want 2 have hakuno interact with literally everyone on all these muselists tbh 🤧 even if idk anything abt them (tho this is thestandard quo 4 lynn actually), i already Know the mun's writing is just so good that i would love em all the same @stalwartembers @resolutepath @hearttorn @nefezh @minarcana @vitriolec @unmyeoung @doomxdriven @equiilux @autumnstide @knightinsourarmor @2citiez @ofstarsandskies @altaier @heartsealed @wishfell
there's a special fate section here bc that is hakuno's source material after all tho honestly i aCTUALLY DON'T CARE ABT FATE AT ALLLL outside of hakuno ofc <3 but hakuno shall continue to exist in fate bc of my fate mutuals 💖 also i 100% trust their portrayals more than canon FDJSGFJ @tenkoseiensei @darabeatha @caemthe @corrchoigilt @noircisaint @fakcr
AND UHHHHHH anyone i write with is bound 2 be good!!! my promo tag also got a lotta pretty promos from pretty ppl ✨️✨️ idk how to end this properly but if u see this on ur dash then consider this me lovemailing all of my mutuals bc WTF HOW DID U FOLLOW MY CIRCUS OF A BLOG 😭😭❤️💞 TYSM 🥹🫶
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karamazovanon · 4 months
about to post a really cursed poll but yall have to promise not to unfollow me
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plasticsandwich · 6 months
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ba-beat you next time
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round--face · 9 months
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“Yay I’m glad that we’re teamed up for the weekly mission!”
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