cordelia-street · 5 months
whatever you do, don't think too much about sejanus plinth
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theamazingellie · 5 months
♡ I can tell that we are gonna be friends - Sejanus Plinth ♡
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request - “Sejanus overhears coryo talking about him in a classroom to Clemensia and he says Sejanus is not his friend, to which Sejanus hears coryo say this and is absolutely devastated. He has lost his only friend, and so he walks away and goes home and locks himself in his room and sobs for the friend he has lost“
summary - basically that but after Sejanus freaks out about losing a friend the reader tries to be there for him. DON’T WORRY THOUGH ANON!! I don’t think this is a fix-it fic. Honestly I think the reader makes it worse.
warning - Sejanus crying for the majority of this fic, heavy angst, hurt/comfort pairing - Sejanus x GN!reader (platonically?) a/n - wrote this at 1am, went over it 5 times, and i STILL cannot tell if it’s shit. Woe as me.
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“He seems upset, Coriolanus. Shouldn’t you follow him? He is your best friend after all.”
“Clemmie,” snow practically seethed, “He is not my best friend or, as it seems everyone in this school assumes, even my friend. More of an acquaintance, if anything.
Well there he had it. An already bad day for Sejanus turned into one of the worst he’s ever experienced. 
An outburst in class about the hunger games had led him to storming out of the room, not before he overheard Coriolanus Snows unfortunate reaction to the situation
More of an acquaintance, if anything.
Sejanus hadn’t slowed down while leaving the classroom until a little while later when it finally sank in; the meaning of coryo’s words. Sejanus was lonely in district two, seen as privileged by all his neighbors, and utterly friendless. Nothing changed when he went to the capital until Coriolanus Snow. 
He had shown him kindness, not partaking in any bullying, and had charmed him into thinking Sejanus finally had a best friend. However, with the latest comments, it appeared not only was Sejanus just as foolish as everyone thought, he was also rendered totally alone.
Finally, he stopped walking. Feeling totally overwhelmed, the loss of a good friend and the stress of the Hunger Games, it all became too much.
Tears welled in his eyes as he tried, and failed, to turn the thoughts off. He pushed himself to keep walking in order to reach the safety of his bedroom. Unfortunately, the tears didn’t stop. They did quite the opposite.
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“He won’t see anyone,” Mrs, Plinth frowned in the doorway.
“I just want to make sure everything’s alright. After class today and…” you trailed off, rather hesitant to recount Sejanus’s outburst to his mother. 
Mrs Plinth put her hand over her heart and sighed deeply, “What a sweet thing you are. Come inside, then, I made blueberry pie.”
She opened her door wider and led you to the plinths kitchen where, as promised, a beautifully baked blueberry pie was waiting. While you ate, Mrs. Plinth explained how he hadn’t told her anything about what was wrong before storming up to his room.
“Just muttered something about school and…” she tried to jog her memory, “Oh, and something about that Snow boy! I sure hope they didn’t get in a fight. Sejanus was so happy to finally make a friend.”
Mrs. Plinth frowned as she looked at her pie. You assumed he hadn’t eaten anything since be came home either. 
“I’m going to try to bring him some food. Who could say no to pie?” you assured her with a smile.
As it turned out, Sejanus could very well say no to pie.  You stood there as his mother knocked on his door and told him she made him food. Even in his state, he still managed to call out a shaky ‘no thank you, ma!’
It was only when Mrs. Plinth mentioned a classmate was here to see him he actually seemed to care.
“Tell Coriolanus I don’t want to see him now.” his voice cracked when he spoke, as if he had been crying for hours.
“Actually, it’s y/n,” you said cautiously, as if approaching a wild dog that could go rabid any moment. “I wanted to check on you… see how you were doing.”
You spoke convincingly and apparently with enough conviction because finally, a lock clicked and Sejanus appeared at his door. 
At this point his mother decided to leave and you were glad for it, hoping for more alone time with Sejanus. You weren’t close friends, but you got along well. You especially didn’t understand why no one talked to him. You knew that if you saw him during school hours more, you would make a point to converse.
Still, despite not being close, you were especially worried about the Plinth boy today. You weren’t sure if he had heard what Snow said about him as he left, but from the tired look of his face, and the comment to his ma, you had a sneaking suspicion that he did.
“Hey,” you cooed, softly rubbing his arm in a comforting manor. He leaned into the touch and opened the door slightly more, allowing you to step in. Without another word he went to sit down by his bed as you closed the door behind you.
“Sejanus, you look terrible! You stormed out so quickly this morning. What’s been bothering you?” you sat down next to him and his mouth flicked down into a frown. A tear slid down his cheek and he turned away.
If anything confirmed your idea that he was upset about more than just the Hunger Games, it was that. 
“Snow.” you said matter-of-factly, but looked to him for confirmation. He nodded slowly and you continued. 
“He doesn’t deserves you, Sejanus. He’s snooty and arrogant and he-“
“He was my only friend,” the Plinth boy pathetically choked back a sob. “It’s easy to ignore things like that when you have no one else who tolerates you.” 
More tears ran down his cheek and he drew his knees up to his chin as if to hide his crying. 
“I don’t fit in anywhere. I was too capital for the districts and too district for the capital,” his voice was muffled from behind his legs. 
“Even if people actually liked me I don’t-“ Sejanus sniffed, seeming more irritated, “I don’t understand why I can’t just live comfortably. My whole life was changed when I moved to the capital. Even now, I finally got used to having a best friend and, well, I’m tired of having things yanked away from me.”
His anger shrank away in seconds and he put his head back down on his knees. 
“I have nobody.”
You took a moment to consider this before brushing curls back from out of his hair and letting your palm rest of his cheek. You wiped away a tear that was falling.
“I’m somebody.”
To your dismay, the comment only made him sob harder, this time more pathetic than ever. You pull him into a hug before he can hide his face, and cradle his head as you softly run your nails through his curls.
He burrows his head into the crook of your neck, still crying, but feeling less alone. You gently rub his back as you speak,
“I can’t bring you back to district two, and I can’t make Snow like you,” your start solemnly, “but what I can do is make you feel a little less alone.”
You pull back from the hug and kiss his forehead as he shuts his eyes tightly. You let your thumb caress his cheek before scooting back to let him rest his head on your shoulder.
“Sorry for bothering you with all of this,” Sejanus said glumly.
“You couldn’t bother me if you tried, Sej,” you smile and take his hand. He nuzzles his head further into your neck.
“So…” you say, feeling suddenly awkward and the intimate start to your friendship. “What’s your favorite color?”
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feel free to leave requests <3 (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)
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plinthpilled · 5 months
Check Up
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sejanus plinth x fem! reader
cw: slight angst, sfw, best friends to lovers, not proofread
all the members of the academy that were apart of the mentor program were all sitting together in the quite large room, anxiously awaiting the start of the games. what no one expected to happen was to see the male district 2 tribute bloodied and beaten, hanging by his arms from the rubble caused by the bombing. you gasp, knowing the effect this will have on sejanus, your closest friend. it's true, youve been craving to be more than just friends but you knew that was not the time to think about that. the next thing you knew, a desk was being thrown across the room. you knew the culprit before you even looked. "youre monsters! all of you!" you hear sejanus scream before storming out of the room.
you so desperately wanted to go after him but you knew it would only lead you into deep trouble with Gaul. you came up with a plan to go visit him once you were all dismissed for the day. until then, you'd have to focus on keeping your tribute alive.
it was several painstaking hours before the mentors were all dismissed. you sprung out of your chair and ran out of the building, on a mission. you called a car to come collect you and bring you to the plinth's estate. the car ride over only heightened your anxiety, worried about sejanus and how he was holding up. you knew better than anyone else about his past with district 2. you could only imagine how absolutely heart broken he was.
after a car ride that felt like it took decades, you arrive at the house. you knock on the door, begging for an answer. there's the sound of shuffling in the home and soon after, you see Ma Plinth standing in front of you. "oh hello dear! I wasn't expecting you!" she says with the kind and familiar voice you have grown to love. "I'm sorry for not informing you I was coming. I just wanted to check up on sejanus and make sure that he's doing okay after what happened in the arena today." Ma smiles at you. "youre such a sweet girl. he should be in his room. let me know if you need anything, honey." she steps out of your way and gestures to come in. "thank you, Ma. I appreciate it." you smile back at her and head to sejanus's room.
you stop in front of his door and take a deep breath before knocking. a soft "come in" can be heard from inside. you step inside his room and close the door again. "hey sej..." you say and he jolts at your voice then looks up at you with surprise. "what- what are you doing here?" he asks in a genuinely curious tone. you can tell from his puffy, red eyes that he's been crying. you sit on the edge of the bed next to him. and put your hand over his. "after what happened today, I just wanted to check on you and see how you were feeling. I know how hard seeing Marcus like that hit you. I'm so, so sorry sejanus." you respond. he instantly starts tearing up and looks away. "come here sej. I'm here for you okay? Ill be your shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen. I will always be that for you." he turns back to face you and breaks down in your arms. sejanus clings to you and engulfs you into a bear hug. you know he's sobbing by the way he's shaking and the wetness in the crook of your neck. you return the hug and rub up and down his back. "shhhh, it's okay. I got you. I'm not going anywhere." you whisper to him. the two of you stay in this position for a while until his tears start faltering. he eventually lifts his head out of your shoulder and looks at you with his glossy brown eyes. "thank you." he whispers, his voice cracking slightly. "of course sejanus. you have no need to thank me." you give a small, sad smile. "why did you come? did Dr. Gaul send you?" he asks. you can't help but be surprised. "she wouldn't send me to check on you. she'd only ask another student to talk to another if there was a problem that would look bad on her. im here because I care about you sej. I genuinely wanted to make sure you were okay. I care about you more than you could ever know." you play with his dark curls and wipe the few tears that spill from his eyes. "youre too nice to me." once again, the look of surprise appears on your face. "because you deserve that kindness." you take his hands in yours. he simply shook his head in response. the way he was looking at you in that moment awoke something inside of you. you figured it was now or never to confess and it seemed like the right moment, anyways.
"sejanus plinth, I love you. you are the kindest man I have ever met. it pains me to see you hurting like this. I would do everything for you. no one sent me here; I came by my own free will. because I adore you. I would travel across panem and back on foot for you." you look down at his bed sheets when he removes his hands from yours. you were sure you had fucked up in the worst way possible and just made everything worse for him; ruined an amazing friendship for your own emotions. he then put his hand under your chin and made you look up at him. before you knew what happened, his lips were softly pressed against yours, interlocking. you of course leaned into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. the interaction was shorter than you had hoped, but then again, no amount of time would ever be enough when it came to kissing sejanus; you would always want more and you were sure of that. you stared into his beautiful, brown doe eyes and sighed. "Ive been wanting to do that for years now." he chuckled. you playfully hit his arm. "and you never told me?" you gasped dramatically. he laughed once again at your usual antics and humor. he gave you another swift peck, his lips fitting perfectly against yours, soft and plush. he laid down then grabbed you by the hips, forcing you to lie next to him. you figured this was a great opportunity to cuddle so you put your head on his chest, an arm around his abdomen and entangled your legs together.
"are you feeling better sej?" you asked. he snorted at the question. "of course I do, the most stunning girl in all of panem just said she loved me! oh also... does this mean that you're my girlfriend?" you blush at both the question and how he just called you the prettiest girl in the country. "only if you'll be my boyfriend." you smile into his chest. he hugs you closer, taking that as a yes. you both stay there for hours, holding each other, talking about anything and everything, kissing a few (a lot) more times until you fall asleep in sejanus's arms; the two of you more content than you've been in a long while.
an: this is my first blurb so pls give criticism and lmk if you liked it!!
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