queen-of-the-boos ยท 2 years
Figured this was the better blog to ask this on fksnak (you can answer this publicly or privately, whatever floats your boat my Liege /gen /pos)
1. Do you and King Boo have like, a proper "cannon" confession? Who does it first and how?
2. Not sure when I'll do this, but I'm currently writing down an outline for a Lexi x Luigi fic called "A Thunderstorm's Love" that'll go over how the two meet, fall in love, and confess. At some point, Luigi is going to go around to known couples and ask them how their own confessions went so he can try to do his in the best way possible. Would you minded if, for this part, I included you and King?
I'll try to give you the short of it,,,
Tldr at the end cause I'm a Rambler in am so sorry
1. Every time I would visit the mansion I would always go to the well...because a voice always spoke to me from it and I liked them a whole lot....
I didn't know what they looked like, only what they sounded like.
And that they sounded like my old friend I would play with in the surrounding forest
So I would start bringing things for them.
Little gifts. A rose. A candy or two.
I would always lower them down with a note.
The notes would have everything from lines from a book I liked, to words of encouragement, to jokes, to poems...
Basically we talked a lot and I...was not aware he was the king I had been hearing about from everyone at the mansion. I was focused on taking care of everyone who resided there moreso than anything. That included my friend in the courtyard well.
I learned a lot about my mysterious friend through the notes he would send back up to me. Things started to piece together in my head...
And that's when my friends in the mansion started disappearing. One by one. There was a strange man in the house who started turning the lights on.
One night, I went back to the well and called out to my friend.
But there was no response.
That was the first time I willed myself to crawl down there and search for him. I found a secret room down there covered from floor to ceiling in gold...and then I saw the strange man carrying away a portrait.
So I followed him.
And watched as he turned king into a painting.
And to say that I cried...is a horrendous understatement.
There in that moment, everything came together in my mind. King was my friend in the well, and my friend I played with in the forest. He was the ruler everyone was talking about.
And now he was gone.
So...long story short, I waited for the opportunity (a garage sale. Really, Gadd?) and got a hold of the painting King was trapped in. I took it all the way back to that ratty old shack of a lab and reversed the portrification process to release King.
I hid. So he wouldnt see who let him out. I was shy for whatever reason to come face to face with him again after everything.
When he was freed, of course, he looked around to find who had released him.
And it's like.
He knew I was there. Because he started to come towards the thing I was hiding behind.
He stopped just short of where I was
And told me I had nothing to fear and was about to ask me to come out and see him, but we both heard the chatter of that awful scientist coming in, and decided it was safer for both of us to leave very quickly.
We scattered in opposite directions.
(I have SEVERE complicated beef with Gadd, but that's another long story for some other time)
After that... I decided I didn't want to be powerless anymore. I wanted to have strength to protect people I cared about so that they wouldn't be taken from me like my ghost family in the mansion was...
I set out and had my sights on these things called the music keys, which I successfully obtained and held onto for a bit.
Some of their power permanently seeped into my spirit the longer I was able to keep them in my hands.
I DID give them back eventually though. But not easily (another long story)
After I gained my new power, I travelled around searching for the portraits my found family were trapped in, seeing as they had been sold away to who knows where as decorations
It was a looooonnnngggg process, but it led me to a place called evershade valley
I had heard rumors that the portrait of a certain large ghost made up of 15 smaller ones could be found somewhere there. It was the last one I needed to find in order to have saved every spirit that had been in the mansion that awful night.
I still didn't have anywhere for them to go but...
My search led me to a mansion settled in the center of a whoollleee bunch of cascading waterfalls. It was perched rather precariously on a cliff.
When I got to the entrance, I heard. A familiar laugh.
So I followed it, and sure enough, there was my lovely King friend. Over all the course of my journey, I had come to terms that I had feelings for him, and... There he was. I had no idea he was even still around.
And what were the odds that we'd be in the same place like this? Apparently on the same mission too...
I watched him release the very ghost I came to save. 15 happy Boos flew around him in a blissful flurry as they reunited with their King.
No matter how happy I was to see him again, I didn't dare interrupt.
...and then I heard one of the Boos asking King "who the lady at the door" was
And before I could even think to panic and scramble away to hide, that same Boo popped up in front of my face and startled me into tumbling through the doorway.
Right into the moonlight streaming through the windows.
Right into the sight of King.
I certainly didn't expect him to rush to me the way he did, or...look at me like he was.
We were both very silent. You could hear a pin drop in the room.
I. Started to apologize profusely and couldn't look at him. I was hiding my face so he couldntseemeblushing
And then he.
Floated down.
And took my hands.
And helped me back to my feet again.
And of course, I couldn't look away then. I got an eyeful of him. Of his pretty eyes, his sparkling crown, his sharp pointy fangs
...his...blue glowing cheeks?
No that wasn't normal.
He asked me where I had been and I felt my heart pound so hard I thought it might jump out at him from my chest and scream I COULD ASK YOU THE SAME QUESTION I MISSED YOU I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I'VE BEEN SO SAD
But thankfully, it did not.
(He later told me after we started dating that during all that time apart he had been working on getting revenge but also had been searching for me without telling anyone about it,,,)
I couldn't make myself say. Words. At all. I was just speechless.
I became acutely aware of how close we were in that moment and oh my GOD I didn't realize I had leaned closer to get a better look at him so THAT was embarrassing.
So me, being me, clumsily stepped back and curtsied to him and apologized for barging into the reunion with his subjects
And a few of the Boos giggled at me
One came over to fix my glasses the right way on my face.
And King just.
Snickered at me.
And I put my hands on my hips and asked him WHAT he was laughing at.
And then he got this...fond look on his face and told me I didn't need to address him any different because we've always been equals in his eyes...
So we spent a lot of time around that area catching up and I told him about how I managed to find and free all the portrait ghosts and such...and then he asked me where I was staying nowadays.
Since...i sort of made my home in the first mansion (the one from the first game) and it was gone now.
I had been staying wherever I could never really settling for long, but I didn't really know how to tell him that so I stayed silent.
So he took me out on this big balcony at the mansion we were currently in.
We spent the rest of the night out there just...talking. Talking like old friends just like in the forest or at the well. He told me about his efforts to strengthen the kingdom again after all the mansion nonsense, and I told him how I had went out to gain my own power so I could protect others.
And blah blah long chat later... He asked if I wanted to stay with him.
He said I'd never have to go back to my real, terrible home ever again. That he'd rebuild the first mansion and everyone could live there peacefully now that we had both gained the power to keep it that way.
I jokingly said id only be a burden and he flew into a whole essay about why I was the exact opposite of a bother to him
And I could. Feel my face heating up as he went on all the way until. He finished. And told me I wasn't allowed to talk about myself like that by royal decree. That I wasn't weak and annoying like other living beings.
And I.
For whatever reason.
I smiled and just asked him if he wanted to go play in the forest with me again.
We ran off that night and played hide and seek in the trees. We were laughing and having the time of our lives just like little children...
Shortly after that, we went to the first mansion's grounds together.
I almost started crying thinking about how everyone had been taken away before...and that's when King grabbed my hand.
He blushed and looked to the side and said he was just escorting me.
But I saw him smiling.
I watched as he used his powers to rebuild the mansion in like...extreme awe. It was the coolest thing.
Anyway, he built the mansion up again, I brought everyone who used to live there back into it.
And that's where I stayed.
King stayed there with me and admittedly, we were already pretty much dating. Or starting to. It just came so naturally which is so foreign to me.
Then... One night we were dancing in the ballroom. Just goofing off. And he told me he wanted to ask me something.
So...he took me out to the grand balcony that overlooked the courtyard.
I pointed out the well and we laughed and reminisced. He very. Casually told me he kept every note I sent down to him.
And gosh that gave me butterflies.
And then he turned to me
And took both of my hands
And I swear I felt like I was about to combust on the spot
He told me he's been thinking about how nice it would be if we never had to be apart again like we were those few years.
And how. Nice it would be. To have someone ruling at his side.
He told me how much the subjects cared for me and how much they liked me and
He asked me right then and there, boldly, not wavering in his words, not looking away from my eyes.
If I could be his Queen.
And the funniest thing happened. It started POURING rain.
And I started CRYING.
He asked me if I was ok and that he was sorry for asking if it upset me but I just
Nearly knocked him over with a hug and very incoherently blubbered about how I must be dreaming again. And how there's no way he reciprocated my feelings because he was too wonderful and lovely and mystifying and.
After I got a hold of myself I managed to pull back and look up at him with the biggest teary eyed smile on my face and asked him if he really meant it. And if he was sure.
And I swear his whole face was radiating heat like the sun
And he got
The biggest toothy grin on his face
And told me he had been DYING to ask me that all the way back at the well before all this ever happened
And I just
I started laughing? I laughed so hard
And he started to laugh a little with me and asked if his ironic choice if words was really that funny
But I just
Couldn't stop laughing.
I was soaked to the skin and he was worried about me getting sick, but I took his hands and started spinning around with him and dancing
And finally I was able to give him my answer
I told him I'd only ever dreamed hed ask me that. And that I wanted nothing more than to be by his side forever.
And he look over the moon
He PICKED ME UP and spun me around and told me I'd never regret it and that he'd make sure I'd have everything I've ever wanted and more
And we started laughing again so loudly together that a few of our subjects came up to peek in on us
And the rest is history ๐Ÿ’œ
HAHA sorry I lost myself in memories for a while
King and I reunited and he asked me if I wanted to be together up on the balcony on a dark and stormy night. We had a massive celebration after that. And then he gave me a crown and I gained ghostly powers from it and then all the events of the second game took place.
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