#SORRY i'm a feminist but i'm also a kendall girl
reasoncourt · 2 years
good morning sursh <3 what do you think the roys’ favourite films would be? i’ve been turning the question round in my head for a while and i wanted ur input
Dee, I love you, great question. I'm lazy so I'm going to copy paste my roman and kendall answer and then go from there:
Roman tells everyone his favourite movie is fight club or pulp fiction - proper film bro™ movies. Has he watched either? Idk, probably maybe. Fight club has Brad Pitt in it, so definitely at least that one. But Caroline made him watch all the Audrey Hepburn movies with her when he was a kid so he’s secretly a Sabrina or Breakfast at Tiffany’s stan.
Kendall. it’s gotta be something really pretentious like citizen kane (I’m convinced people who list citizen kane as their favourite movie have no personality, I’m sorry. Or they haven’t watched any other movie. It’s like when straight men tell you Ryan Gosling is hot - I’m sorry??????). Or Kendall’s favourite movie has to be a girl power™ film bc he’s a feminist <3. Something like Portrait of a Lady on Fire (I love this movie, don’t get me wrong, but Kendall would absolutely think he destroyed toxic masculinity by naming it his favourite film). Secretly, though, Kendall really likes Adam Sandler movies.
Logan - something vaguely racist that has insufferable fans... It’s gotta be Gran Torino and Logan tells everyone it’s Gran Torino, that’s no secret. 
Shivvy Shiv Shiv. The question isn’t what Shiv’s favourite movie is, the question is what movie does Shiv think Logan thinks should be her favourite movie. Answer - Gran Torino. So, Shiv tells everyone her favourite movie is Gran Torino and her and Logan bond over this. She watches it with him and grinds her teeth. But, secretly, Shiv loves when harry met sally and/or love actually. And Tom knows this because they are also his favourite movies and they watched them together all the time back when they still liked each other <3
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daydreamrry · 3 years
I'm sorry but one of the most prominent reasons that I don't believe in Holivia is because Harry mf Styles has the whole world's girls at his feet and is charming enough to sweep any woman(and man) off their feet(and if we're to believe in Holivia timeline, the person doesn't even have to be single) yet he goes for who? Miss Olivia Jane Cockburn, perhaps the most unlikeable, repulsive and intolerable hag on the planet.
And it's not even that Harry simply has bad choices in partners, that man's dated Taylor Swift who's the epitome of beauty with brains and Kendall who apart from being absolutely stunning to the eye, was very chill and low key (despite being a fucking Jenner who is allowed to be stagey, and not an irrelevant C-list actress) and Harry seemed to love that private aspect of their relationship, so I don't know how he's putting up with the overexposure that stems out from being associated with Holivia.
Camille and Paige were also super cool and while they had their issues, they seem like blessings now in comparison to the nightmare that is Olivia Wilde.
How on earth did one of the most virtually flawless individuals on earth downgrade this bad? Like dude at the tender age of 18, you dated someone who created one of the best pop albums of all time with you as the muse, like that's an achievement, right? But then you grow up, have more experience, are supposed to know better, yet you go and waste it all on shagging this nasty unimportant woman?
Like it's not even that Olivia is just mildly off putting or irritating, she's straight up so extremely problematic that she makes Shane Dawson look like a decent guy, and that's saying something. How did someone like this EVER get involved with a guy like Harry who seems like an overall great person? You want me to believe this bs Jeff? Please do your job better.
Like she's against everything Harry stands for, and she's even worse. Like she's made insensitive, tone deaf and homophobic remarks, she's defended a xenophobe, she's blackfished and made found racist comments hilarious, she neglected her kids, is the ultimate embodiment of a white, privileged performative feminist and is close with Weinstein and the list goes on and on.
If a publicity stunt was so necessary, instead of shoving this witch and her greasy ass down our throats 24/7, the management could've helped a fresh (and genuinely talented) face in the industry grow by being seen with Harry a couple times, even if it was inorganic. The rumours could've been debunked as them being 'just friends' all the while after the film was released and it would drag audiences to the theatres as well, but no, the fucking yacht disaster was needed, huh? How hard is it to come up with a good plan, Jeff? I could devise it, hire me?
This is the only time I would encourage someone to take one for the team, and go to the hellhole that is Twitter and actually search for well liked stars of the generation, because if you're appreciated on the bird app, you're invincible. These unproblematic celebs are the ones that would be great with Harry and wouldn't ruin his name with their embarassing antics.
Don't blame me when the damage is irreparable though, foof.
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
I don’t like Olivia for several reasons, sorry but that’s my truth, however the way that the 1D women are ridiculed for their cosmetic surgery is vile. They don’t look good, I’ll say it, but they’re victims of a society that has conspired to make women believe they should pay for their own mutilation. It saddens me because they’re beautiful girls who have probably in some cases ruined their faces to meet beauty standards that shouldn’t exist and for some reason they are blamed for this? Idk if you’re a “let people do what they want” when it comes to plastic surgery, I’m not a liberal feminist, I think we’re being driven to unnecessary pain and chemicals by the patriarchy but I know that’s not a popular view, but I think we can all agree that making fun of them for unfortunate filler is misogynistic and not cute.
Just sent you an anon in which I prefaced that I don’t like Olivia. I don’t think that was necessary, I just have been accused of being in favour of closets for defending Eleanor, Kendall and Danielle, and of being a woman hater for mentioning that I don’t like Olivia as a person. But obviously you don’t know that so it wasn’t a necessary preface lol
Real talk, it really IS a weird preface, tbh, but there's a lot in this ask that's a bit weird to me, so I'll let it go! Someone gets plastic surgery--male or female (and lots of men do, it's just not judged as harshly, and idk if it's "the patriarchy" when women are often the meanest people about it [that's also a subtext in this ask, talking about mutilation or how they "ruined their faces" or "they don't look good"], but that's a hot take for a different day)--Iit's not my body, and it literally doesn't affect me, so I'm team "you do you." The bit about how it's not cute to make fun of them, tho, I FELT THAT, but also, do they really look THAT bad??? Honestly, this kind of dig IS a dig, it’s not all that much better wrapped up in “concern”
ETA: suus just made a really good point in the DMs that it’s also mighty funny this kind of thing will come up with a girlfriend but never a sister, you know, if we’re gonna go after ladies
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