#SOmewhere out there is a tiny punk who would probably love these nice combat boots but I do not know them personally
ough I'm going through my stuff to cut down rn and I HATE that I have such a weird size because I would love to pass some of this stuff down to somebody but I simply do not know anyone who wears my same sizes
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nomnivore1 · 6 years
35, 41, 59, 79, 85, 88, 96, 121, 144, 180, 189, 195, 219, 224 wow lol that’s a lot
34- Are you nice to everyone?
the answer is yes, mostly. Because some people are assholes. 
41- Share 2 habits:
sleeping way too fucking much and biting my nails. it’s a weird mix of being anxious and being exhausted. 
59- Five weird things that you like:
1. i’ve been weirdly into tonic water lately, it’s replaced seltzer as my go-to drink. seltzer was to replace soda cause i drank way too much of that. 
2. i fucking love nudibranchs. the little tiny sea slugs with the lungs-out look. so groovy. so squishy. 
3. Red Dwarf and Blackadder. two old-ish BBC comedy shows that are incredibly underappreciated. 
4. planes. I really fucking like planes. especially engines. and spacecraft. that’s why i’m an aerospace major. as i write this im raving to someone about the B1 Lancer, a variable wingsweep supersonic bomber. 
5. i guess my music taste is a little weird. its a mix of indie rock, punk, and ska, and my friends can only tolerate parts of it. 
79- What’s your favourite scent? And on the opposite sex?
i wear old spice and nautica. if i’’m being honest i get it from my dad, thats what he used to wear when i was little and it reminds me of working on our old boat with him. 
on the opposite sex, i definitely prefer natural scents, like vanilla and stuff, over manufactured perfumes, but the particular scents i like tend to be more subject to who they remind me of and what the person i’m with wears. 
85- Favorite place to shop at?
i don’t do a ton of shopping, but there’s a sporting goods shop in my hometown called Bill Jackson’s that had an annual diving gear sale, and a really reliable diving center. there’s a place i go to shot when im on the gulf coast called Shooter’s World, and while it kind of caters to the tacticool kind of shooter, it also has a decent selection of sporting guns and handguns, plus the people there put any political rhetoric out the window, i’ve never heard any weird 2nd-amendment-rights bullshit while i’m there. the range officers are really reliable too, its a place i feel safe and comfortable shooting at. 
88- Are you more like your mom or your dad?
probably my dad, but i take after both of them. my temper comes from my dad. he’s the kind of person that has a short temper and no time for bullshit, but has spent his life learning to handle that. i’ve never seen him raise a hand against someone, ive never seen him become unjustifiably angry or violent. im hot-blooded as he is and i’m working to be as level-headed as he is. i get my politics from him. he’s pragmatic and reasonable, but not emotionally disconnected. 
i get my smartassery from my mom, and my moral compass is a weird amalgam of my mom’s family’s compassion and my dad’s reasoning. they’re both good people, even if they watch weird anime. my mom also spends a lot of time outside working on her plants, and ive done a good bit of yard work with her, but they both raised me to be an outside kid.
96- Where would you like to live?
anywhere with ocean. i like the Caribbean, it’s familiar waters are something i understand, but the planet is heating up and it’s getting less and less pleasant to live in Florida. as long as there’s a coastline, where i can sail and dive, somewhere with living, breathing ocean, i’ll settle down. 
121- What is the first thing you noticed in someone?
it’s never the same. i usually look for intelligence and compassion. also, self-sufficiency and independence. strong women good. 
144- What turns you on?
huge fan of intense intimacy. making out is extra groovy. fingers in hair, neck kissing, intense making out. as far as stuff like BDSM goes, i’m into it, but its subjective to my partner. if the girl i’m with isn’t into it, there’s no point in it. definitely a butt person, and i definitely like noise. silent sex is only fun if you need to be silent.  
Had to come back to add this: eating pussy is very good and men who don't do it are both cowards and missing out.
180- Share a song that takes you to a certain memory in the past:
The Wheel by The Grateful Dead. specifically, the recording from their performance at the Knickerbocker arena in Albany. also, Ruby Soho by Rancid. my dad used to have a mix CD that he made that he would play on long car rides, and i used to fall asleep to that Grateful Dead song. 
189- What’s something you can see yourself going to jail for?
hospitalizing someone. i’m generally careful about things that would put me in jail, because that poses a risk to my security clearance in the future, which i need to work in most of the aerospace industry. but i’m six feet tall and i wear big black combat boots and if anyone lays a finger on someone i care about i’ll kick their teeth out. there was this guy bothering a girl i’m friends with and my brother and i were preparing to show up to his dorm as a brute squad and tell him to step down. she talked to him first and he handled it better than we expected. i still wanted to throw him into the mosh pit at the Authority Zero show,  but axel talked me out of that.
195- You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy?
gun. i’m good at guns, they’re pretty effective. i think, uh, something like “when you get to hell tell them who sent you” but i’m not usually one for drama like that. 
219- Which movie character do you most identify with and why?
I really like Kale Tucker from Titan A.E., he’s a bum on a ship in space, i grew up as a bum on a sailboat. we both like heavy metal and space babes. he’s also voiced by Matt Damon, which is why matt damon seems so natural in sci-fi movies to me. 
224- Something that you’re proud of:
i work really well under pressure. i tend to be an anxious mess until something actually goes wrong and i need to react and then i switch modes. i think its from diving, where all you have is the stuff you brought down with you (including air) and you have to keep completely cool if something goes wrong. i have lots of first aid and emergency response training/experience as an eagle scout, and being ready to respond if something bad happens is a skill im happy to have. 
if you haven’t gone and followed this absolute babe yet go do it. 
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