#STD Healthcare Delhi
STD Problems Solution in Delhi
Addressing STD problems promptly is crucial for maintaining sexual health and overall well-being. Dr. Vinod Raina’s expertise, personalized care, and modern facilities make him the top choice for effective STD solutions in Delhi. Prioritize your health by scheduling a consultation today.
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aryakumari · 6 months
Top Nutrition & Health Products for Men's Health
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Men's health is an issue that many men overlook in their daily lives. However, it is critical to address men's specific health needs. In this post, we'll look at some of the most important factors influencing men's health and highlight some of the best health and nutrition products that can help men take charge of their health. At Tradebrio, you can shop online for the best health and nutrition products at low prices. You can search the directory of health product companies in Delhi here.
Facts About Men's Health
Men have a tendency to avoid doctors, which leads to avoidable problems. Important information:
Major Risks: Men's health risks include heart disease, cancer, depression, and risky behavior.
Avoiding Check-ups: Men visit doctors less frequently than women, which leads to avoidable hospitalizations and deaths.
Ageing Process: Health risks for men change as they age:
Adolescence: Hormones cause risky behavior and communication difficulties.
20s to 30s: Smoking and alcohol abuse are still risky behaviors.
40s to 50s: The decline of testosterone raises the risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
60s to 70s: Hair loss and prostate problems emerge, necessitating dietary changes.
Men & Illness
Regular checkups can help prevent many common illnesses. Recommendations for viewings:
Colon Cancer: Begin at 50, or earlier if your family has a history of cancer.
Depression: Seek help if you are experiencing prolonged sadness or anxiety.
Diabetes: Screen at 45, or earlier if at risk.
High Blood Pressure: Screenings on a regular basis for those at risk.
High Cholesterol: Men over the age of 35 should have regular screenings.
HIV: Screenings for men under the age of 65.
Lung Cancer: Consider screening if you have a long history of smoking.
Common Diseases and Conditions
The following are the health issues that men face:
Heart Disease: The leading cause of male death, with few symptoms. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and obesity are all risk factors.
Depression: Men have a different experience and may be less likely to seek help.
High Cholesterol: Men over the age of 35 should have regular screenings.
Osteoporosis: Less common, but still a risk as men get older.
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Health Tips for Men
Maintain your health by doing the following:
Physical Exercise
Dietary Guidelines
Weight Control
Limit your alcohol consumption.
No Smoking is permitted.
Stress Reduction
Drive Carefully
Preventing STDs
Stimulation of the Mind
Consult Your Physician
Men's Drugs with Potential Risks
Be aware of the following medications that pose health risks:
Diuretics and Beta Blockers: Although it is used to treat high blood pressure, it may cause erectile dysfunction.
Jalyn: Used to treat enlarged prostates, but has been linked to an increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer.
Norvasc: Treatment for high blood pressure, but may cause breast development in boys.
Prinivil: In rare cases, high blood pressure medication has been linked to erectile dysfunction and liver damage.
Risperdal: Antipsychotics are used to treat a variety of disorders, but they have been linked to gynecomastia in boys.
Finally, men's health necessitates attention and proactive measures. Men can ensure long-term well-being by staying informed, seeking regular healthcare, and making positive lifestyle choices. Remember that your health is a valuable asset that requires attention and care.
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dshseodelhi · 8 months
Taking Charge of Your Sexual Health with DrsafeHands STD Testing Centers in India
In today’s fast-paced world, taking care of our health often takes a back seat. When it comes to sexual health, the topic is even more stigmatized and neglected. However, it is crucial to prioritize our well-being, which includes regular screening for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). DrsafeHands, a leading healthcare provider in India, offers comprehensive and confidential STD testing services, making it easier for individuals to take charge of their sexual health. In this blog, we will explore the importance of STD testing, the services provided by DrsafeHands, and why their testing centers are the go-to choice for many in India.
Why STD Testing is Important: STDs are infections that are spread through sexual contact, and they can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation. The danger lies in the fact that many STDs show no symptoms, leading individuals to unknowingly spread the infections to their partners. Regular STD testing is essential for early detection and timely treatment, preventing the further spread of these infections and potential complications such as infertility, organ damage, and certain types of cancer.
DrsafeHands STD Testing Centers: DrsafeHands understands the sensitive nature of STD testing and aims to provide a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential environment for individuals seeking testing services. Here are some key features of DrsafeHands STD testing centers:
Confidentiality: DrsafeHands ensures complete confidentiality throughout the testing process. From registration to receiving results, patients can trust that their information is handled with the utmost privacy.
Comprehensive Testing: DrsafeHands offers a wide range of STD tests, including but not limited to HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, and HPV. Their comprehensive testing panels cover various infections, allowing individuals to get tested for multiple STDs in one go.
Professional and Experienced Staff: The testing centers are staffed with experienced healthcare professionals who are trained to handle sensitive situations with care and empathy. They provide necessary information, support, and guidance to patients, ensuring a positive experience.
Quick and Accurate Results: DrsafeHands utilizes state-of-the-art testing methods to deliver accurate results promptly. Rapid and precise results enable individuals to make informed decisions about their health and take appropriate actions if needed.
Affordability: DrsafeHands believes that everyone should have access to high-quality healthcare services. Therefore, they offer affordable STD testing packages, making it accessible to a wider population.
Why Choose DrsafeHands: There are several reasons why DrsafeHands STD testing centers stand out among the rest:
Expertise: DrsafeHands is led by a team of experienced healthcare professionals and experts in the field of STD testing and treatment. Their knowledge and dedication ensure top-notch services.
Accessibility: With numerous testing centers across India, DrsafeHands makes it convenient for individuals to find a nearby location for testing. This accessibility encourages more people to get tested and stay informed about their sexual health.
Educational Initiatives: DrsafeHands is not just a testing center; it is also a hub for valuable information about sexual health. They conduct awareness campaigns, distribute informational materials, and provide online resources to educate the public about STDs and safe practices.
Telemedicine Services: In addition to physical testing centers, DrsafeHands offers telemedicine services, allowing individuals to consult healthcare professionals online. This service proves especially beneficial for those who may be hesitant to visit a physical clinic.
Our Centers Are : Visit For More info 
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Delhi : HIV, STI/STD Testing, Treatment, and Counseling in Delhi .
Mumbai : HIV, STD/STI Test, Counseling And Treatment In Mumbai .
Pune : HIV, STI/STD Test, Treatment And Counseling In Pune .
Kolkata : HIV,STI/STD Test, Counseling And Treatment In Kolkata .
Banglore : HIV / STD Testing, Treatment, and Counseling Services in Banglore .
Hyderabad : HIV, STI/STD Test, Counseling, And Treatment In Hyderabad .
Conclusion: Taking charge of your sexual health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. DrsafeHands STD testing centers in India provide a safe, confidential, and supportive environment for individuals to get tested for various sexually transmitted diseases. By offering comprehensive testing, expert guidance, and educational initiatives, DrsafeHands empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health and promotes a healthier, safer society. Don’t wait — prioritize your sexual health today and visit a DrsafeHands STD/STI/HIV testing center near you. Your well-being is worth it.
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Understanding Premature Ejaculation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Premature ejaculation, also known as early discharge, is a common sexual health condition that affects many men. It refers to the inability to control or delay ejaculation, leading to sexual dissatisfaction for both partners. If you are experiencing premature ejaculation, it's important to understand its causes, symptoms, and available treatment options.
Causes of Premature Ejaculation:
The exact causes of premature ejaculation are not fully understood. However, several factors can contribute to this condition, including:
Psychological factors: Anxiety, stress, depression, and performance anxiety can play a role in premature ejaculation. Biological factors: Certain hormonal imbalances, abnormal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, and genetic factors may contribute to the problem.
Relationship issues: Poor communication, unresolved conflicts, or problems within the relationship can affect sexual performance and contribute to premature ejaculation.
Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation:
The primary symptom of premature ejaculation is the inability to control ejaculation, leading to ejaculation occurring sooner than desired. Other associated symptoms may include:
Lack of sexual satisfaction for both partners. Feelings of frustration, embarrassment, or guilt. Avoidance of sexual intimacy due to fear of poor sexual performance.
Treatment Options for Premature Ejaculation:
Fortunately, there are several effective premature ejaculation treatment options available for . These include:
Behavioral techniques: Techniques such as the stop-start method, the squeeze technique, and the pause-squeeze technique can help improve control over ejaculation.
Counseling or therapy: Speaking with a qualified therapist or counselor can help address any underlying psychological issues that may be contributing to premature ejaculation.
Medications: Certain medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be prescribed by a healthcare professional to help delay ejaculation.
Sexual therapy: Working with a sex therapist can provide guidance on techniques, exercises, and strategies to improve ejaculatory control and enhance sexual satisfaction.
It's important to consult with a healthcare professional or a specialist in sexual health to determine the most suitable treatment approach for you. They can assess your specific situation, provide personalized recommendations, and guide you towards overcoming premature ejaculation.
Remember, premature ejaculation is a common condition, and with the right treatment and support, it can be effectively managed. Don't hesitate to seek help and take control of your sexual health and overall well-being. For a consultation, go to the top std clinic in Delhi.
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hivdoctorsindelhi · 1 year
Best PEP Doctor in Delhi
Describe PEP.
PEP Treatment in Delhi, or PEP, is a drug used after you suspect you may have been exposed to HIV. Emergency scenarios may benefit from its use, but you must take it within 72 hours of any potential exposure for it to be beneficial. After then, you must take PEP every day for 28 days.
PEP should not be used as a stand-in for using a condom or engaging in safe sex, or as an alternative to HIV prevention medications like PrEP.
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Use of PEP when
PEP is a quick HIV prevention strategy. Always discuss PrEP and PEP with your healthcare physician. When you believe you may have been exposed to HIV, you should take PEP immediately:
If a condom ruptures during having intercourse.
If your sex is not private.
By sharing the supplies used to inject narcotics, such as syringes or needles.
If a sexual assault occurs.
What side effects can PEP cause?
The most frequent PEP adverse effect is nausea. Not everyone experiences them, and most of the time they are moderate. If you notice any additional negative effects while taking PEP, speak with your provider straight away. It is safe to use PEP as a medication.
Does PEP function effectively?
The earlier PEP is used following HIV exposure, the better. PEP must be taken within the first 72 hours after a potential exposure, as was previously noted, in order to be effective. It is a continuous medication. You must take PEP tablets every day for 28 days. Your doctor will walk you through the procedure and the actions you need to take.  
You must follow up with your doctor and should receive an HIV test after completing the 28-day PEP treatment. PEP is an effective HIV prevention strategy, although it isn't perfect.
Always use safe sexual Practices
PEP is an excellent short-term HIV prevention strategy, but it shouldn't be used as a permanent replacement. PEP won't shield you from STIs, treat them, or stop pregnancies. Safe sexual behavior can reduce the risk of HIV transmission. Always adhere to the following recommendations:
When having sex, use protection, especially if you have many partners.
Take PrEP.
Regularly have your HIV tested.
How to obtain PEP
Contact your healthcare physician right away if you believe you may have been exposed to HIV, or visit an urgent care facility, ER, or sexual health clinic. You can get aid from Dr. Raina's Safe Hands if you require PEP or PrEP.
We can assist in three different ways:
1.      A HIV test
Dr. Raina Safe Hands offers entirely private HIV testing services. Please choose HIV/STD testing from the drop-down menu to register for our HIV testing services.  
2.      You can get PrEP from us.
If you enroll in the Dr. Raina Safe Hands PrEP Program, you will be given a medical physician who will determine whether or not PrEP is right for you and who will provide you a prescription for Truvada as PrEP.
Along with helping you, our PrEP team can:
Enroll in a health plan or register for discounted PrEP cost programmed.
Establish your appointments.
Let you know when your medication is running low.
Here, you can make an appointment to begin taking PrEP. Make sure to choose "Access to PrEP/PEP" as the appointment type.
3.      Join our HIV Clinic today!
Feel free to join the Dr. Raina Safe Hands family if you are aware that you are HIV-positive and either don't have a healthcare provider at the moment or aren't satisfied with the one you do.
Here, you can make an appointment. Make sure to choose "Primary Medical Care" as the appointment type.
You can ask Dr. Raina Safe Hands for a PrEP or PEP appointment.
   Dr. Raina’s Safe Hands Clinic
Dr. Vinod Raina HIV Doctors in Greater Kailash
Contact Us-9136363692 | 9871605858
Address: — Saket E-34, Ekta Apartments near
Malviya Nagar Metro Station Gate No-4 New Delhi-110017
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hlfppt1 · 2 years
How Has HLFPPT made Its Worth as a Family Planning NGO?
A paradigm change has occurred, and family planning has become one of the strategies to reduce maternal and newborn mortalities and morbidities. It is commonly known that states with a high prevalence of contraception have lower rates of mother and newborn mortality. By assisting women in having the desired number of children and preventing unwanted and inappropriate pregnancies, more investments in family planning can thus help lessen the effects of rapid population rise.
Family planning is a wonderful resource for empowering couples as well as a means of population management. It dramatically minimizes the vulnerability of unintended or untimely pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and poor maternal and child health, therefore saving mothers' and babies' valuable lives through the availability of choices and education about contraception.
As the healthcare NGO in Delhi/NCR, HLFPPT has made a variety of contributions to the National Family Planning Programme. On the demand side, the family planning NGOs are persistently working to increase contraception awareness and access among communities, counseling on FP methods, and providing a wider range of options; meanwhile, on the supply side, they are dedicated to building health providers' capacities on FP services, creating a network of specifically designated FP Clinics, etc.
Programmes Held by HLFPPT to Promote Family Planning Awareness
(i) Social Marketing Programme - Pan India
In numerous Indian states, HLFPPT has been implementing social marketing campaigns to make cheap reproductive health products available to all segments of society. As a pioneer in social marketing, it has collaborated with NACO and the National Family Planning Programme for the past 20 years to conduct social marketing of condoms as a tool for family planning, the avoidance of unintended pregnancies, and defense against HIV/AIDS and other STDs.
(ii) Capacity Building of HSPs on IUCD and Pregnancy Testing Card - Multiple States Since 2012, HLFPPT as the healthcare NGO in Delhi/NCR has been carrying out this extensive, multi-state programme with the assistance of the State Health Missions, funding support from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, and coordination with the State Institute of Health & Family Welfare. It seeks to give health service providers skill-based training on IUCD insertions (HSPs).
(iii) Family Planning Public Private Engagement Agency (FPPPEA) - Uttar Pradesh The National Health Mission-UP has started including private sector organisations, nursing homes, etc. in the delivery of family planning services in the state in order to improve the quality and scope of the family planning programme. In order to address this, the FPPPEA is a strategic initiative that intends to encourage private sector participation in the provision of family planning goods and services in accordance with government standards. In order to execute the FPPPEA, the HLFPPT as the best family planning NGO has worked with NHM-UP, focusing on the mapping and capacity building of private providers of FP services, developing standards for quality assurance, etc. The legitimacy of private facilities has improved thanks to accreditations, which have also assisted consumers by standardizing prices and the quality of financial planning services and products.
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horibaindiapvtltd · 3 years
Phlebotomy Technician Institute in Maharashtra
Phlebotomy Technician Course in India at HITI (HORIBA India Technical Institute), Nagpur, Maharashtra is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “Phlebotomy Technician”, in the “Healthcare” Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner.
Phlebotomy just strategies the ejection of blood from the body. You are apparently commonly familiar with blood being taken for clinical testing; one more customary clarification is for blessing. Typically, it's a phlebotomist, a clinical guardian, or an expert that plays out the technique. 
Ordinarily the blood is dispatched off an exploration place for testing. Regardless, a portion of the time the blood is eliminated as a treatment for specific sicknesses. This is called useful phlebotomy. It kills extra red platelets, inquisitively shaped red platelets, or extra iron in the blood. 
Phlebotomy Technician Course in India
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Courtesy: HORIBA India Technical Institute
Phlebotomy is where someone uses a needle to take blood from a vein, in your arm. Moreover, called a blood draw or venipuncture, it's a critical contraption for diagnosing various illnesses.
Eligibility criteria: Std. 12th passed and above (preferably with Science)
 For more information of Phlebotomy Technician Course in India.
Contact Us:
Address 1: HORIBA Head Office: 246, Okhla Industrial Estate, Okhla Phase III, New Delhi, Delhi 110020
Address 2: HITI Nagpur Office: Plot No: B-3 & C-32, MIDC Butibori Phase II, Industrial Area, Nagpur, Maharashtra 441122
Phone No.: 011 4646 5000
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umeacademy · 3 years
Mewar University Distance Learning MBA/BBA Admission 2021 | Fees
Mewar University Distance MBA/BBA Overview
Mewar University is a public university established by the Government of Rajasthan Act. It gained autonomy in the year 2009 and the status of a University in the year 2009 by the Government of Rajasthan. This is the only private and self financed university in Rajasthan having the main centre at Gangrar in Chittorgarh (Rajasthan).
The college is the only college in the state got accreditation by NAAC with A+ grade, approved by AICTE, New Delhi & NBA and approved by UGC New Delhi.
The Department of Management & Commerce was established in the year 2009 in Mewar University.
The college provides full time two year MBA Program .The department currently, has an intake of students studying under various courses like BBA, BBA-MBA(Integrated), BBA-LLB, B.Com(Hons) and MBA (Executive).It has put a standard in the world of management by producing quality leaders who are committed to their work. The college has fine architecture, quality faculty with well-qualified and experienced faculty members with ragging free surrounding; Mewar is set an example in the world of management studies. The institute adopts an open system in training and development of students’ personality, which is essential for managerial positions.
The department has a richly stocked library with updated journal and e-books and a well-equipped computer room. The department is located at the main building. In addition to all this it has a large auditorium and seminar hall with a seating capacity of almost 100 persons. The teaching methods adopted by the teachers is a mixture of classroom sessions, field visits, role plays, simulation games, business games and case studies. The communication and technical laboratory provides a stage for every student to share thoughts, ideas and work for the all round development of the student’s community.
A separate and clean hostel facility for both girls and boys is in the campus which is fully functional with having Wi-Fi facility .All the graduate students have received excellent job placements in reputed business and industrial organizations. As per the placement trend last year the highest package was 22 lakhs per year and in 2015 it was 23.6 lakhs per annum. The top companies are Godrej, Motorola, HDFC, ICIC, Ventura Securities, Kotak Securities, Reliance, The Times of India and Mahindra Finance etc.
Mewar University Distance MBA/BBA Programs and Specializations
S.NoProgrammes OfferedCourse Duration
1Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA or B.B.A.)3 Years
2Bachelors in Computer Application (BCA)3 Years
3Master of Business Administration (MBA)2 Years
4MBA – Healthcare Management2 Years
5MBA – Operation and Production Management2 Years
6MBA – Human Resource Management2 Years
7MBA – Information Technology Management2 Years
8MBA – Marketing Management2 Years
9MBA – Finance Management2 Years
10Master of Computer Applications (MCA)3 Years
11Bachelor of Arts (BA)3 Years
12Master of Arts (M.A.)2 Years
13Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)3 Years
Mewar University Distance MBA/BBA Admission Procedure
The start dates and finish dates of the several batch would be communicated through web site. Students should submit the admission form along with all desired documents as mentioned below :
Mandatory Documents Required for Admission –
Duly filled Admission Form Hard Copy
Self Attested Photocopy of Degree Certificate (for PG/MBA Program)
Self Attested Photocopy of All year/All Semester Mark sheets
Self Attested Photocopy of 10th Std. Mark sheet & Certificate
Self Attested Photocopy of 12th Std. Mark sheet & Certificate
Passport size color Photo-3 copies/or Soft Copy
Photocopy of Govt. Photo ID Proof (e.g. Aadhaar Card, Driving License etc.)
In Case of Name Change, need Name Change document
Fees as per the university policy. Cheque/DD/Online Payment Receipt.
For further details, please visit our proposed website (Admissions- Application Checklist)
Mewar University Distance MBA/PGDM/BBA Fee Structure
S.NoMewar University WILP ProgramDurationRevised Lump Sum Fees (From 1st Jan 2021)
1MBA2 YearsRs. 165,144
2EMBA DCP1 YearRs. 139,568
3B Com3 YearsRs. 65,000
4BA3 YearsRs. 65,000
5BBA3 YearsRs. 182,208
6MCA3 YearsRs. 243,146
7MCA LT2 YearsRs. 179,000
8BCA3 YearsRs. 206,583
9BPP + BA3 Year and 6 MonthsRs. 173,000
10BPP + B Com3 Year and 6 MonthsRs. 173,000
11BPP + BBA3 Year and 6 MonthsRs. 196,400
Mewar University Distance MBA/BBA Review & Ranking
About 50% of the students got placed. The lowest salary of Rs.10,000 per month and the average salary of Rs.10,000 to 30,000 per month are offered. Reliance and Shrishivam, etc., are the top recruiters to the college.
Mawar provides75% Tuition fee exemption to a student (1st topper) Securing more than 90%  in 10+2.
Students securing 85% and above in (10+2) are exempted from paying 25% of their tuition fee. A chair has been instituted in each department. The topper of each department is reimbursed tuition fees for one full year by the respective chair.
General Students whose parents are economically weaker and having income less than 1 lakh per year and having 75% or more marks are eligible for 50% scholarship in tuition fees.
One student from each department, adjudged for excellence in extra-curricular activities like sports, oratory, presentation, cultural activity etc. will be reimbursed 50% of the tuition fee.
Malwara University is  among the top educational Institutes for providing employability for the young aspiring minds
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dshseodelhi · 8 months
Empowering Health: STD Testing by DrSafeHands Across India’s Metros
In the ever-expanding landscape of modern India, sexual health awareness is a cornerstone of well-being. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. DrSafeHands recognizes the importance of accessible and confidential STD testing services across major cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Hyderabad. In this blog, we delve into the significance of STD Profile testing and how DrSafeHands is championing this cause nationwide.
The Urgency of STD Testing
STDs often come silently, without apparent symptoms, making regular testing crucial. Here’s why STD testing is imperative:
Early Detection, Effective Treatment: Early Diagnosis of STDs leads to timely treatment, preventing complications and spreading the infection further.
Prevention Through Awareness: Knowledge about one’s own status promotes safe practices, preventing the transmission of STDs to partners.
Debunking Myths and Stigmas: Regular testing reduces stigmas around STDs. Educating the public dismantles misconceptions and fosters understanding and acceptance.
DrSafeHands: Where Compassion Meets Expertise
Confidentiality Assured: At DrSafeHands, your privacy is our priority. Our STD Panel testing services are conducted in a confidential and sensitive manner, ensuring your peace of mind.
Expert Guidance: Our team comprises experienced healthcare professionals who provide expert guidance and support throughout the testing process, ensuring you are well-informed at every step.
Accessible Services: DrSafeHands offers accessible STD testing services across major Indian cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Hyderabad. Our network of clinics ensures convenience and ease of access for everyone.
City-wise STD Testing: A Nationwide Commitment
Delhi: In the heart of the country, our Delhi clinics provide comprehensive STD testing, coupled with expert counseling.For HIV, STI/STD Test,Treatment , And Counseling In Delhi Visit Drsafehands .
Mumbai: India’s financial capital deserves comprehensive healthcare. DrSafeHands offers convenient STD testing in Mumbai to safeguard the city’s well-being.For Book STD/STI/HIV Test, Counseling And Treatment In Mumbai Search Drsafehands .
Pune: Pune’s vibrant culture is matched by our commitment to promoting sexual health. Our clinics in Pune provide accessible STD testing and support services.Get more info about HIV, STI/STD Test, Treatment And Counseling In Pune Search DrSafeHands .
Bangalore: Known as the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore benefits from DrSafeHands’ state-of-the-art testing facilities, ensuring the city stays healthy and thriving.For Best HIV / STD Testing, Treatment, and Counseling Services in Bangalore Visit our HIV/STD/STI Drsafehands Center .
Kolkata: The cultural capital deserves healthcare excellence. Our Kolkata clinics offer expert STD testing and counseling, supporting the city’s rich heritage.Book STD/STI/HIV Test, Counseling And Treatment In Kolkata Now .
Hyderabad: DrSafeHands’ Hyderabad clinics ensure the city of pearls shines brightly by offering expert STD testing services to its residents.For Booking your HIV, STI/STD Test, Counseling, And Treatment In Hyderabad​ Visit DrSafeHands
Conclusion: Your Health, Our Priority
At DrSafeHands, we believe that every individual has the right to accessible, confidential, and expert-guided STD testing services. By spreading awareness and providing comprehensive testing across major Indian cities, we are dedicated to empowering individuals to take charge of their sexual health. Visit our clinics in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Hyderabad, and let us partner with you in your journey toward a healthier, happier life. Together, we can build a safer and more informed India.
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hivdoctorsindelhi · 1 year
Doctors for Prep Pre Exposure Prophylaxis in Delhi
PREP Treatment in Delhi is a highly effective once-daily medicine for people who don't have HIV but who may be at risk of getting HIV through sex or injection drug use. PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99%, and the risk of getting HIV from injection drug use by at least 74%.
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Who Should Take PrEP?
For those who are HIV-negative and who have engaged in anal or vaginal sex in the last six months, the Centers for recommends PrEP if them also:
Have an HIV-positive sexual partner (especially if the partner has an unknown or detectable viral load)
Have never routinely worn a condom.
 Have received a sexually transmitted disease (STD) diagnosis during the previous six months.
PrEP is also advised for HIV-negative individuals who inject drugs and:
Have an injection partner with HIV.
Share needles, syringes or other equipment to inject drugs.
How safe is PrEP?
PEP is secure. Some people may have minor side effects, such as the fact that condom use is still crucial for protection against other STDs even though PrEP solely protects against HIV. In the case that PrEP is not taken as directed, condom use is crucial to aid in HIV prevention.
PEP is an additional HIV therapy choice in urgent circumstances.
PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is a drug used to stop HIV transmission following a potential exposure. PEP must be started within 72 hours after a potential HIV encounter and should only be administered in dire circumstances.
Exposure is Possible:
When in Sex (for example, if a condom breaks)
By sharing syringes, needles, or other injecting equipment.
If you have experienced sexual assault.
"It's best to start PEP as soon as possible. Every hour counts, according to Menken. "Visit an urgent care facility or emergency room if you are unable to speak with your healthcare provider."
"PEP should begin as soon as possible. According to Menken, every hour matters." If you are unable to communicate with your healthcare professional, go to an emergency hospital or urgent care center.
Since HIV was initially discovered 40 years ago, "prevention and treatment of HIV has greatly evolved," according to Menken. "Despite the fact that there is currently no cure for HIV, those who get good HIV care can live long, healthy lives and safeguard their relationships. And right now, we also know how to stop it."
Dr. Raina’s Safe Hands Clinic
Dr. Vinod Raina HIV Doctors In Lajpat Nagar
Contact Us-9136363692 | 9871605858
Address: — Saket E-34, Ekta Apartments near
Malviya Nagar Metro Station Gate No-4 New Delhi-110017
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shiksha4u · 5 years
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Are you really looking to study Human Medicine (MBBS / BDS) in world's top ranked Universities, that also Tuition free fees, and with low preparation cost, Affordable living cost.
Before you decide to study Medicine in any country, do cross check the facts. In many countries after you finish MBBS, you don't get licence or state registration to practice Medicine.
Germany is known for its healthcare system across the world. They have world's oldest Medical Universities, they are know for their Medical Education.
Only serious Students approach us with 75% and above in 12th Std, NEET eligible and who are open to learn German Language.
Pre Studies Program - German Language / Studienkolkeg. We Provide German Language training in India & Germany, guidelines on University selection & application process for University, Documents Preparation for Visa & and other services.
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thenishasharma-blog · 5 years
How to find excellent gynecologist doctors near me?
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A gynecologist is a medicinal specialist that represents specializes in women's reproductive systems. Separate doctors that work in treating women have existed for a considerable length of time, and these ancient experts are the forefront of the present gynecological specialists and analysts. Gynecologists are regularly at the cutting edge of discussions over women’shealth and healthcare. While a general doctor might have the option to pinpoint and treat minor ladies' medical problems, the expert assessments of gynecologists are totally vital with regards to specific parts of women's health. If you visit during pregnancy then make sure your doctor is nearby you, for searching this type "Gynecologist near me" and you can easily find the solution.
Role of Gynecologist
A gynecologist plays out an assortment of tests and tests concentrated on women's health. Gynecologists are in accountableforaccomplishmentout the standard yearly test on grown-up ladies to assurance their reproductive health. During this test, the professional will physically look at the woman, play out a pap smear, perform STD tests, whole a breast exam, and monitor the woman's use of birth prevention. Gynecologists are moreoveroccasionally certified as obstetricians and will monitor the health of the mother and the baby during pregnancy.
·        Collect, record, and keep up patient data, for example, medical histories, reports, and assessment results
·        Care for and treat women during pre-birth, natal, and postnatal periods.
·        Treat the ailments of female organs.
·        Prescribe or regulate treatment, drug, and other particular medical care to treat or avoid sickness, illness, or damage.
·        Perform cesarean section or other surgeries as expected to save patients' health and convey babies securely.
·        Analyze records, reports, test results, or assessment data to analyze the medical condition of the patient.
·        Explain strategies and talk about test outcomes or recommended medications with patients.
·        Monitor patients' conditions and progress and rethink medicines as necessary.
·        Advise patients and network individuals concerning diet, movement, hygiene, and disease prevention.
·        Conduct research to create or test medications, or strategies to avert or control illness or damage.
 What kind of charactermust a gynecologist have?
A gynecologist treats the overall strength of their female patients, treating issues and illnesses of the female reproductive system, for example, breast and hormonal issues, urinary tract and pelvic problem, and cancer of the cervix. Often than not, a gynecologist is an obstetrician also.
Thinking about the intimate nature of their work, a gynecologist requirements to have perseverance when conversing with their patients. They have to ask leading enquiries in a respectful and empathetic path so as to get the patient to open up and totally talk about what the issue is.
Gynecologist hasanextensive base of learning and can differ their professional focus. Many createstimulating works on, giving brilliant health careto women. A gynecologist may have practical knowledge in the following zones:
·        Acute and chronic medical conditions
·        Adolescent gynecology
·        Behavioral issues
·        Cancer
·        Endocrinology
·        Health maintenance during pregnancy
·        Infertility
·        Operative gynecology
·        Pregnancy and delivery
·        Preventative health
·        Urinary tract disorders
 If you are leaving in Delhi there are so many gynecologist Doctors in Delhi. they can help you to solve all health-related problems. Your gynecologist will manage the absolute most significant medical problems throughout your life, including conception prevention, labor, and menopause. A gynecologist can also screen for cancer, treat infections, and perform the medical procedure for pelvic organ or urinary tract issues.
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Life After Liver Transplant In Delhi
How I Should Maintain My Health After Liver Transplant?
A liver transplant in Delhi is a major surgical procedure. You have to take extra care because of the increased risk of infection as well as organ rejection. Following measures can help maintain your health after liver transplant:
Prevent infections: The primary medications prescribed to you is immunosuppressant that prevents the body from rejecting the transplanted liver. However, it increases your vulnerability to infection. You should avoid contact with the people suffering from contagious disease, take vaccine shots on time, and avoid getting any injury.
Routine check-ups: Routine check-up is an important part of the overall transplantation process. It will allow your healthcare provider to analyze the functioning of the liver and to figure out any post-surgical complications.
Medications: You are prescribed with certain medications such as immunosuppressants and antibiotics. Take your medications at the scheduled time and according to advised dose. In case you missed any dose, inform your healthcare provider.
Things to avoid: You should refrain from taking alcoholic beverages as it will interfere with the normal functioning of the liver. You should also avoid tattooing as it will increase the risk of infection.
What Is The Outcome Of My Liver Transplant?
If you maintain a healthy living and follow the advice of a healthcare provider, the outcomes are excellent. Many people with a liver transplant can survive for almost 30 years post-surgery. If you have received the liver form living donor, you might have a better outcome as compared to people with the deceased donors. Change in lifestyle, taking medications according to schedule and avoiding any chance of infections play a major role in positive outcomes after liver transplant surgery.
Is There A Risk Of Recurrence Of Liver Disease?
In some cases, there is a risk of recurrence of liver disease in the new liver. If you have a liver failure due to hepatitis C then you are at increased risk of its recurrence. Your healthcare provider will provide you detailed information about the possible liver ailments that might recur. You would constantly be under their monitoring and they will advise you to follow certain measures that will reduce the risk of recurrence of liver disease.
How Long I Have To Take Medications?
You are prescribed various medications. There are almost 5-7 medications that you should take strictly as per the schedule. However, as your body is healing and your liver starts functioning with full efficacy, the frequency, dose, and number of medications start reducing. After 3-6 months, there would probably be 1-2 medications. As almost in all cases of liver transplantation in India, you may need immunosuppressants for the rest of your life.
What Would Be The Effect Of My Sexual Life After Liver Transplant?
There is no significant impact on your sexual activity after your liver transplant. You may probably have low desire or libido which will normal a few weeks after the surgery. As you are on immunosuppressants, you are at greater risk of contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Thus, while engaging in sexual activity, you should use protective devices such as condoms. Women, who have undergone a liver transplant, should wait for at least a year post-surgery before getting pregnant. A detailed discussion with your healthcare provider is needed in this regard.
Read more  Blog  on
Things You Need To Know About Liver Transplantation
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arunbeniwal-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Centres in Ranchi | Aveta IVF Centre | Elawoman
Aveta IVF Centre
Aveta IVF Centre is known for housing experienced Gynecologists. Dr. Sonali N Tawde, a very much presumed Gynecologist, practices in Mumbai. Visit this medical health community for Gynecologists suggested by 71 patients.Aveta IVF Centre in Ranchi is a best player in the category Nursing Homes in the Ranchi. This notable establishment acts as a one-stop destination servicing clients both local and from other parts of Ranchi. Through the span of its voyage, this business has established a firm foothold in it's industry.
The conviction that consumer loyalty is as important as their items and administrations, have helped this establishment garner a vast base of clients, which continues to develop constantly. This business utilizes individuals that are dedicated towards their particular jobs and put in a great deal of exertion to achieve the normal vision and larger goals of the company. In the near future, this business aims to expand its line of items and administrations and cater to a larger customer base. In Ranchi, this establishment involves a prominent location in Booti. It is an easy task in commuting to this establishment as there are various methods of transport readily available.
Administrations advertised:
Aveta IVF Centre in Booti has an extensive variety of items and administrations to cater to the varied necessities of their clients. The staff at this establishment are respectful and incite at providing any assistance. They readily answer any inquiries or questions that you may have. Pay for the item or administration with ease by using any of the available methods of payment, such as Cash, Checks, Credit Card, Debit Cards. This establishment is functional from 00:00 - 23:59.
Sunita IVF Centre
Sunita IVF Centre has answer for the richness issues, such as past pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), irregular menstrual cycles, endometriosis, past tubal pregnancy, PCOS - polycystic ovary disorder, and so on. Here Dr. Sunita Jha Provides special care for the child mother.Sunita IVF Centre - Nursing Homes/Clinics/Hospitals of appointment benefit, blastocyst culture benefit and counseling administration in Ranchi, Jharkhand.
Treatment Procedure
After counseling Dr. Sunita Jha examins all the trial of both husband and spouse, and after that appropriate treatment process is started, and while the treatment is started in the supervision of the consultant, the patient have to visit regularly the IVF fixate in Ranchi on the following given date.
Special Care and Facilities for the Patients.
In our middle all the tests for the patients are available and laboratory for IVF treatment processed and Operation Theater is also available. With the accomplished medical team and specialists we are dedicated to gives you the effective treatment.
Egg Donation/Egg Sharing
As a leading IVF and egg donation focus in Ranchi, Jharkhand, we keep all the information about the giver such as abilities and qualification, hobbies and intrests, family history, age, eye shading, hair shading, weight, height and so forth Giver egg has its own importance in the IVF treatment and it is viewed as amazingly safe for conceptive medical technology.
Special Care and Facilities for the Patients.
In our inside all the tests for the patients are available and laboratory for IVF treatment process and Operation Theater is also available. With the accomplished medical team and specialists we are dedicated to gives you the effective treatment.
Intra Uterine Insemination
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a treatment procedure in IVF that contains insertion of male sperms inside a woman's uterus to enable fertilization. Dr. Sunita Jha, the IVF specialist in Jharkhand utilize IUI technique to increase the quantity of to increase the procedure of fertilization inside the uterus.
Special Care and Facilities for the Patients.
Almost all the medical trial of the patients are available in our laboratory for IVF treatment process with Operation Theater. Alongwith the accomplished medical team and specialists we are dedicated to gives you the effective treatment.
A H IVF and Infertility Research Centre Pvt Ltd ranchi
A H IVF and Infertility Research Centre Pvt Ltd ranchi is a Private incorporated on 28 September 2001. It is classified as Non-govt company and is enlisted at Registrar of Companies, Kolkata. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 1,500,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 101,500.
It is inolved in Research and experimental advancement on natural sciences and engineering (NSE). [This class includes systematic creative work in the fields of research and advancement in natural sciences, medical sciences, agriculture and engineering and technology.If you a question in you mind related Best IVF Centres in Ranchi get answers from us at elawoman.com.A H IVF and Infertility Research Centre Pvt Ltd ranchi Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 29 September 2017 and according to records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last documented on 31 March 2017.
Chiefs of A.h. Ivf and Infertility Research Center Private Limited are Jaya Shree Bhattacharya, Aiyesha Fatima Husain, Sultan Syed Azhar Husain.They could convey the primary baby, Louise Joy Brown, using the technique of In-Vitro Fertilization also called IVF (or unnaturally conceived child), by which an egg is prepared outside the body and the developing life transfered back onto the uterus. Louise Joy Brown is today a mother herself, of a healthy young man that she has imagined naturally.
Dr. Jayashree Bhattacharya put in more than two decades in Britain as Senior Consultant Gynæcologist for the Bourn Hall Clinic, and Honorary Lecturer for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynæcology of Cambridge University.Our specialist will help you to solve your problem related IVF in Ranchi at elawoman.com.
She established the first IVF Center in Eastern India at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine in Kolkata, in 1990, and started the main unit of AHIIRC in 1998 in Ranchi, Jharkhand. Today, AHIIRC is available in Ranchi, New Delhi, Kolkata, Siliguri, Patna, Durgapur, Lucknow, Varanasi, Midnapur, and is probably the largest and best practice in India.get more about IVF in Ranchi  can contact us at elawoman.com.
Some richness issues are more easily treated than others. as a woman ages, her chances of getting pregnant go down while her danger of miscarriage goes up. your specialist may suggest that you skirt a portion of the means more youthful couples usually take. Unfortunately, chances of having a baby decrease with each passing year. It's important to understand that regardless of whether you are able to get pregnant, no treatment can guarantee a healthy baby. Then again, many advances in infertility have helped many couples have babies.
Before you start a 'venture', it is important to talk about how far you want to run with the treatments. For example, you may want to attempt medicine however would prefer not to have medical procedure. You may change your mind during your treatment, yet it's great to start with a clear idea of what you want your points of confinement to be.
The cost involved in the treatments for infertility can be costly. Whenever cost is a worry for you, don't hesitate to ask how much the medicines and systems cost. AHIIRC furnishes you with many alternatives from today's most advanced Assisted Reproductive.
Hill View Hospital
Hill View Hospital and Research focus is a quarter century old growing hospital in India, engaged in providing primary as well as tertiary healthcare administrations. It is a hospital that was established and managed by Dr. Vinod Priya with a mission and a passion for providing healthcare for the poor. At Hill View Hospital, the growth has been phenomenal.If you know more about Best IVF Clinic  so you can click here below links.
From a 10-bed single specialty Institute facility focusing on gynecology, neonatology, Orthopedics, laparoscopic medical procedure, General Surgery, Urology has turned into a multi-specialty hospital comprising of 75 beds across the course of events. Our push to furnish quality health care with compassion has rewarded us with the honor of being the best healthcare supplier in Jharkhand.
With the administration situated Healthcare conveyance display, Hill View is geared to give financially savvy and convenient treatment. In spite of the intense rivalry and marketing by numerous commercial corporate organizations, Hill View has carved a niche for itself by garnering the best reputation amongst the local masses. Armed with the best.
Devkamal Hospital and Research Center
Devkamal Hospital and Research Center is a Multispeciality facility in Itki street, Ranchi. The hospital was found by Dr. Anant Sinha (prominent plastic specialist). The group at the center unequivocally has confidence in treating patients with incredible consideration. Administrations given by the center are DNA Fragmentation Test, Cardiology, Devkamal Hospital and Research Center is a perceived name in patient consideration. It was incepted in the year 2008. They are one of the notable Private Hospitals in Hehal. Supported with a dream to offer the best in patient consideration and outfitted with mechanically propelled human services offices, they are one of the up and coming names in the social insurance industry. Situated in , this hospital is effectively open by different methods for vehicle.
A group of well-prepared restorative staff, non-medicinal staff and experienced clinical professionals work nonstop to offer different administrations that incorporate Pathology Lab , Xray , Sonography , Ct Scan , Casualty , Blood Bank , I.c.c.u. , Cafeteria , Chemist , Ambulance Service , Std Facility , Fax Facility , Internet Facility , Health Checkup Scheme , National Insurance , New India Assurance , Icici Lombard , Bajaj Alliance , International Patient Health Plans , Credit Cards Accepted , Debit Cards Accepted.
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Are you really looking to study Human Medicine (MBBS / BDS) in world's top ranked Universities, that also Tuition free fees, and with low preparation cost, Affordable living cost. Before you decide to study Medicine in any country, do cross check the facts. In many countries after you finish MBBS, you don't get licence or state registration to practice Medicine. Germany is known for its healthcare system across the world. They have world's oldest Medical Universities, they are know for their Medical Education. Only serious Students approach us with 75% and above in 12th Std, NEET eligible and who are open to learn German Language. Pre Studies Program - German Language / Studienkolkeg. We Provide German Language training in India & Germany, guidelines on University selection & application process for University, Documents Preparation for Visa & and other services. #studyingermany #studienkolleg #germanlanguage #mbbsingermany #mbbs #bds #humanmedicine #dentistry #topmedicaluniversities #studyineurope #mbbsineurope #prestudiesprogram #germany #india #europeanstudypoint #indianstudents #kolkata #westbengal #bangalore #delhi #pune #mumbai #nagpur #punjab #haryana #neet #neetexam www.europeanstudypoint.com +91-9674006900 +91-9674007900 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5AEUPXA93x/?igshid=1k46ij756qrz2
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