#SUOER WEIRD to have one kneeling your ribs when you can’t see it
cupcakemolotov · 6 years
You reblogged a myth and legend post about taking care. Do you have anything you believe in, or any stories about things you couldn't explain that happened to you, to add?
I grew up in pretty much bum fuck nowhere, so I’d be surprised with myself if I didn’t have a healthy suspicion of things in the dark. Where I live now, my flat occasionally has ghosts visiting (thankfully they just pass through, were really close to crossroads and have apparently an excellent hallway for moving through). But I have a very firm no ghost policy unless it’s the Ghost Cats, they can stay. Which is probably a good thing because I keep bumping into them (like my vacation to London…) But other than the one ghost we had to deal with for far longer than I enjoyed, it’s actually my twin who has come the closest to running into something.
We lived in the middle of the country, and she and her BFF where driving to Texas to visit her friend’s family. The particular stretch of road they were driving was flat, and I don’t know how familiar you are with Texas, but some parts are just open. Flat and open and a straight fucking line forever or until you hit the next city. They knew exactly how long it would take them to get from point C to point D, because they were driving at night. They’d been driving for the entirety of the evening, and at 10pm there isn’t much traffic (see: possibly any) on the roads.
Now, when you think of highways, you think of four lane road monstrosities. But you also have to remember in rural areas two lane roads are also considered major road ways. It just depends. Sure, Dallas is a nightmare and so is I-35, but Texas is a big fucking state.
They leave a perfectly respectful town and they stopped for gas and snacks before they have to head out into the giant blank space between this town and a major city in Texas. They get a few miles outside of said town and they see it.
There is a house on the side of the road. I was told it was fucking impossible to miss because it was lit up like the sun. There were what could have been multiple spotlights directed solely onto the house, illuminating it to the point of it been near daylight. It was so well lit there were no shadows, just light everywhere. It was a beacon. An invitation. And it was so, so wrong.
The twin being a reasonable person, tells the driver to floor it. And the BFF, being the person that she is goes, yup. So there they are, cruising down this road and they just keep driving. And driving. And driving. They realize something is shit is still wrong because they should have already reached this giant city according to their timelime but they can’t even see city lights yet. They check the map on their phones multiple times to make sure they didn’t actually divert somewhere else on accident even though it is a straight line to where they are going and there are no other roads. Nope. Right on track. A to B. A single road going in a single direction.
At this point they both agree that under no circumstances will they stop until they hit a town.
They finally hit the next town, and then the next, and they arrive at their destination two hours later than they should have. Driving the road they were at that time of night, it was physically impossible to have lost two hours. They call it the Bermuda Triangle of Texas now and they don’t take that route to visit family anymore.
Fun fact: they did take the same route back home a few days later. They are suspicious people (bless them for not getting eaten) so they time it. The trip back is two hours shorter than the trip going and there is no house with the sun to be found anywhere. They know exactly what it looks like and roughly where it should be but during the day it just didn’t exist.
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