Hi! Can I ask some headcanons with Sanji, Zoro, Franky and Robin where they meet a female reader who is a singer, she and Brook are good friends and have had perform together (on the time skip), and later on they find out she actually sings metal or some heavy rock? How would they react? :3
Brook hadn't shut up about you for literal days.
An advertisement for your upcoming concert was plastered all over the World Economy newspapers, your fans littered the streets with fan posters and clad in your merch.
The News coo of the day flew by the Sunny early that morning, the Strawhats after their breakfast off to do their own activities for the day while they traveled for the next island. 
Out on next Brook had been sharing a cup of tea with Robin, him quietly humming Binks sake to himself as he tapped his foot and both skeletal hands cupped his tea.
The News coo flew hovered over him, landing in his afro.
"Why hello, News coo-san." He greeted the bird. 
The News coo chirped in response demanding for its payment.
Out of his pocket the musician pulled out a few berries and dropped it in the small bag around the bird's torso.
The News coo chirped once more in acceptance of the payment before it pulled out a newspaper and plopped it in the skeleton's lap.
Robin next to him smiled at the scene.
In a matter of moments as the bird took back off, Brook picked up the newspaper with interest.
Let's see what was going on in the world.
His eyes (except he has none, Yo ho ho ho!) scanned the headlines.
Nothing really caught his interest.
Until he saw your ad. 
The skeleton absolutely squealed in excitement! So loud in fact it drew the interest of the rest of the crew.
They all gathered around the skeleton concerned, asking him what was the matter.
And so Brook then excitedly told them about you! 
In the two years the Strawhats had separated, you were just an upcoming phenomenon. 
And with Brook also starting out it made sense for the two of you to collab, and you did, many times
He really got into the sound of your voice, how it made the messages of your songs more defined.
Sure, Brook could be a creep sometimes but you liked his skeleton jokes! He was a joy to be around. 
From the sound of your ad, your concert wouldn't be for another two weeks, a perfect amount of time for a visit. So he began to write you a quick letter.
With luck and skill you managed to come onto the Sunny unfollowed. 
It'd look really bad if a celebrity like you were conversing with not just wanted pirates, but ones that had declared war on the World Government itself. 
But fuck the government, right?
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This is Sanji. 
You know what the first interactions going to be like. 
But after all the nosebleeding and swooning over you, did Sanji take a good look at you.
You looked nothing like you did in your ad.
In the ad your face was heavily covered with makeup and your hair was pushed back to the extreme to show off your sharp features. The clothing you wore was heavily leather clad and chains covered your every joint, your expression alone could kill anyone on sight. 
This was definitely not the woman standing before him.
A wide grin spread wide on your face as you conversed with your old skeleton friend. You clothing was lose yet comfortable and your hair carelessly flowed down your shoulders. 
How could a woman look like two completely separate people? 
No, but you still looked hot either way. 
Sanji finally got his answer when Chopper was the one to pipe up and ask what type of music you sang.
Heavy metal. 
Like the type of music with shredding guitars and screamed vocals? 
Something about that awakened something in him he never knew about.
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So what? You're a singer, that's not really a big deal. 
Sure, Brook's music makes him feel relaxed enough to tap his foot while he's looking to take a nap but that doesn't mean anything.
You know what IS a big deal? Swords.
Swords are a big deal. 
What was that? You have an album called The Call of the Righteous Blade?
Okay maybe he's willing to hear you out. 
Late into the evening you arrived Luffy excitedly asked for you to play a song with Brook.
For old times sake you two decided to go for it. 
Brook provided the instrumental with his guitar while you sang a hard melody that popped in your mind. 
Zoro found himself caught on every word, the sound of your voice mystified him. 
Okay, maybe it was a medium sized deal. 
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Sweet, you're a musician?!
He considered himself a patron of the arts as well as being a SUPER cyborg.
From what Brook showed him of your old albums covers he came to the conclusion that heavy metal was your thing.
Franky respected that. 
As well the apocalyptic theme they seemed to heavily themed robots as well as cyborg imagery.
It brought a little tear to his eye. 
The moment you stepped on ship he and Brook were the direct first ones to immediately greet you.
With one look at him your lips gaped like a goldfish before the absolute nerd burst out of you. 
You gasped in awe at his robotic arms. 
Don't get me started how you reacted when you saw his hair change function with his nose.
Honey, the sight of it alone almost made you cream your pants with the full force of NERD.
The whole time you stayed on board a constant smile was on your face as you studied Franky's tech. 
You jokingly suggested about writing a song about his possibly ridiculous struggle of daily life as a cyborg, thinking it would get a giggle out of him.
He only stared back, his face 10000x serious. 
It took you and the Strawhats, who had never seen him this serious before, back.
"It better be called the Ultra SUUUPER life of Cyborg Franky. That's not a suggestion, that's a demand."
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Robin is a woman of many arts.
Her archaeology, her gathered knowledge of history,  her passion to read, her love to draw.
Her enjoyment of music was also one of them.
She was the one to see first handily Brook’s reaction to seeing your ad, so she could tell right off the bat that you and the skeleton were old friends even before Brook explained that to the rest of the crew.
But something else caught her interest when she asked Brook about your songs.
A lot of them seemed to hold interesting hidden meanings to them.
Messages that a ‘higher power’ was holding the ‘truth’ of the voided days from the lower rest of the ‘followers’? Messages that the ‘absuructed past’ was orchestrated with foul intentions of grandeur?
Not only did it seem that you somehow knew that the void century was purposefully covered up by the World Government, but you  seemed to get away with passing along the messages to your audience somehow with them not realising it.
Something made her heart swell by the thoughts of rebellion against the bastards who Buster Called down her island.
When you were asked to perform with Brook by Luffy did she find herself entranced even more than the rest of her crew at your voice.
The thought that your same voice demanding for truth from the World's oppressors really did make her hang onto your every sung word.
Long after you left to go back to traveling to your first concert venues did she find herself humming your song time to time.
Every time, your messages loud and clear in her head.
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