#SW unironically bagged their ancient with his ungodly rizz
randomspagetti · 9 months
WatcherCao RoleSwap!Au
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OKAY SO- I got really carried away so y'all are getting a lot of art and lore ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. Here's a rehash of the story.
(Second Watcher is called Coffee Roll (CR sometimes for short))
Cacao, after realizing what happened to GCs kingdom, grows fearful of him kingdom and his citizens getting hurt because DE wants his souljam, so he goes missing for a century, hiding out on the DL until anyone who'd remember his face is dead.
He starts picking up jobs helping his kingdom, switching up where he works every two decades so nobody catches on. Around this time he's moved to the citadel as an upkeeper. He's in the lower staff when the witches give him his son. Because he's not flooded with work, and has more free time he's actually a good dad and Choco doesn't look for the cursed sword.
Choco is appointed first watcher and Coffee Roll is appointed king because the previous one croaked. (Being king is now a ranked position like the watchers) Time passes and Cacao is moved up to the higher upkeeper positions, Caramel, Choco, and Affo grow close, and Coffee Roll starts to realize there's more to his Upkeeper than meets the eye.
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Woo big suprise Affo is a jerk who got close to the kings daughter (caramel) to be able to manipulate CR.
Broken Walls Arc
CR is becoming more pressured and stressed out by the amount of work he has. (affo making it worse so he's more temperamental) Cacao keeps trying to get through to him, realizing that affogato's intentions aren't as pure hearted as he presents. This puts strain on their relationship due to affogato painting Cao in a negative light to Coffee Roll.
Affo starts doing his usual shenanigans like turning away people who come to the citadel in need, pushing distrust in CR to the watchers. Caramel starts to notice exactly what her friend is doing, but it's too late for her to convince anyone of the truth. During this time, she finds being around her father intolerable because he refuses to listen. (Putting faith in the wrong person you bozo 😒)
This strengthens Caramel and Cacao's relationship, due to mutual understanding. Wooo to big day comes, the whole thing with COD takes place, and Coffee Roll is on the receiving end of a murder attempt by Affogato and a giant mf licorice monster. Cacao realizing that's something is going on at the wall rushes over and sees what's happening. Caramel helps protect the other watchers there while our boi Cao rushes to CRs aid. (Choco is on his way over, but he has quite a way to go)
Cacao, unarmed takes his souljam that Coffee Roll was wielding and with a glancing blow, knocks the licorice monster over the wall
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At this point everyone is amazed and confused. "HOW TF DID HE DO THAT???!!" well you'll never guess who snitched; his souljam. Coffee Roll has noticed it randomly glowing at weird intervals for months now. ...almost like a compass?
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Let's just leave it at Cacao has a damn lot to explain, Coffee Roll is both shocked, upset, and somewhat smitten, and Affo is going to be eating prison food for a while.
That's all I have so far! This au was really fun, here's some extra art!
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I never got to coloring Caramel because I had one before that one and I hated it so I gave up
(before you ask "oh what about the gingerbrave group?" They found their way to the citadel, albeit a lot slower due to not having Caramel)
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