#Sacramento Backup Recovery
leverageitc · 9 months
Sacramento Backup Recovery Services: Empowering Data Protection and Business Continuity with IT Consulting
In the modern digital landscape, businesses depend on web applications and solutions such as Microsoft 365 for their daily activities. Yet, a prevalent misconception lingers among many enterprises – the assumption that their Sacramento backup recovery is adequately safeguarded by these platforms. Regrettably, this assumption doesn't align with reality. Even Microsoft itself advocates for the use of third-party backup solutions to ensure data security and continuity.
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kimmie113080 · 4 years
Refusing To Yield Chapter 30
This is based on real life. Just names have been changed to protect the person identity. There is mention of all types abuse. If trig, please don’t read it. Reader get into a relationship with Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi but all BTS is in this series. There are other people mentioned in this series.
Okay we will talk inside Ann. Everyone let’s go inside. The two girls need to get out of the wheelchairs. Bryan you are correct because the girls have been sitting to long. Captain Cook and Chief Zack will please make sure these two are gone before the concert is over. I do not want my niece to get upset again because she must see them again.  Yes, we will make sure they are gone for you. Ann what is the matter? Having to listen to those recordings is making my brain battle again. Okay Ann let’s get you back to the dressing room and make you has comfortable has we can. Please just no one leave my side right now. Ann none of us will leave your side I promise. 
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Papa m do you think it will be the last time seeing my grandparents on mom side? Ann honey I do not know for sure. I will always stand next to you when its come’s to your mother side. Ann yes, Uncle Bill I also stand next to you when it comes to my side of the family. Thank you, both for standing next to me. I feel like I am going to throw up. Fred let’s get Ann into the bathroom. Okay Bryan we can do that. Mike, Bill, little w and Tim come with us. Jason the concert should be over now can you go meet the guys. 
Let the guys know where Ann is at? Yes, Mike I can do that. I started throwing up again from the stress leaving my body. The guys come running in the bathroom. Princess are you feeling better. Yes and no I answered. Mike do you know why your princess get sick. Her grandparents on her mother side showed up. Asking her to drop anything and to get her aunt out of jail also. Ann told them she is not dropping anything.
They told her to do as they said. Ann say I have two recording for you both to listen to. Ann play the recording from the day we found out she was my daughter and the recording from last night. Had did Ann run into them. Fred saw Ann started shaking around the time the power went out last night. He asked Ann if she wanted to go outside and get some air. Ann said yes then Fred if anyone else wanted to get air. We all went outside to had Bill and Jason meet us at the back door. Ann saw movement by the vehicles tap Fred and little w arm pointed. They saw the movement too.
Fred and little w tap Captain Cook and Chief Zack arm pointed to the vehicles. They both started moving towards the vehicles. Fred moved in front of Ann and Chris moved in front of Lisa. Carl and Mark moved the girls back towards the door just in cases we needed to get them inside quick. Little w called for more security. John and Tom came running to help. Ann asked Carl if she could say something. She said I someone is out there show yourselves now. After they heard the recordings. They said they knew nothing about what happened to her when she was younger.
Ann told them she doesn’t believe they knew nothing what was happening to her. Ann told them she doesn’t want them in her life. They said you really do not mean that. She said yes, I do. Ann continue say the only people who have never hurt me are all on this tour with me. I will never ask you two for nothing because I have everything I even wanted right here. They asked what she meant by that. She explained I have a dad willing to protected me. 26 guys who treat like a sister. A step uncle who protects me.
Two guys who adopted me as their niece and will protect me. A female who wants to be my sister. 2 guys who love me unconditionally. 5 more guys willing to show me love also. That is why I will never ask you for anything. Papa m might be my only real family here, but someone told me sometimes water is thicker than blood. This family I built around me is all I need. Will you respect my wishes and stay out of my life? They said Ann if that is what you want, we will respect your wishes. Okay all of you have the run down what happened while you all were on stage.
Ann honey are okay now, so we all can go back to the hotel. Yes, please because I want to lay down. Okay Namjoon why do not you carry Ann and I will tell everyone we are leaving now. Okay Mike I can do that. Uncle Bill meets Chief Zack at the back door telling him that we are ready to leave. Captain Brown there are people asking for Ann. What do you mean there are people asking for Ann? After the concert let out. A group of people came around back asking for Ann the manager of the group. Okay I will send the acting manager out to see what is going on.
Greg can you please go outside to see why there is a group of people from the concert asking for Ann. Yes, Bill I can do that. Ann honey we need to wait a couple of minutes before we can leave. Uncle Bill what is going on? A group from the concert. Came around back asking for you. I sent Greg out to see what they wanted. Ann yes, Greg it is stay for you to see them. Greg what is going on. They want to show Ann support and asking her something.
Fred, little w, Big W and Jason around Namjoon and Ann please. We are on it. Uncle Mark let’s get Lisa in your arms. That is a great idea. Tom and Big R do you mind help Chris and I around Uncle Mark and Lisa. No, we do not mind. Everyone else around the group. Greg is walking out start and telling them to please give some room. Ann, we want to let you know that we support you with everything. Thank you, so much and I heard you all have a question for me.
We heard about the back surgery. We all would like to sound you get well wishes and other encouragement doing your recovery? Yes, that will be okay but after I have the surgery. The press agent will make a statement for the army on how it went. Where anyone who would like to send get well wishes or anything else that they like. Ann, we like you better than the older manager. Can I ask why you like me better? You care about the group has a whole not just Jin and Yoongi sense you are dating them. Plus, you are willing to show other people love no matter what you or they are facing. I will always have the groups best interest at heart and show people the kindest you all have shown me.
None of you are mad at me for making someone their backup manager. No that is one of the parts we like about you. You know there might be a time your body might not be able to do an event. Instead of canceling it someone else can cover for you. That is right why I asked one of my friends who I went to school. We graduated together to be the backup manager. I do not trust a lot of people to have the groups best interest at heart. Everyone who is around the group does have the groups best interest at heart. Ann thank you for talking to us and hope you feel better soon. You all your welcome so much.
Okay guys spill the beans? We do not know what you are talking about. Okay if you all want to play hard ball. Well so can I. Greg yes, Ann when we get back to the hotel. I would like to see the film from tonight’s concert. Ann yes, Greg that will not be a problem to show you. Greg you are going to sell us out that. Yep I am going to sell you guys out. If Greg wasn’t willing to so me the films.
You all forget that I can get answer through other ways. John yes, Ann don’t you need to pack up your place before we leave San Diego? You are right Ann. Tomorrow is the last concert in San Diego. Mike yes, John can I ask a favor from you. John what is favor. Can I leave Lisa with while Chris and I go pack up your place? I do not mind Lisa stay with us while you pack place up. Thank you, so much. Uncle Mark do you want to help or stay with Lisa?
Uncle Mark is talking now. I will come help you this way it all gets done before the concert tomorrow night. John yes, a couple of us can come help to tomorrow. That would be great. Lisa I will grab more clothes for to finish the tour out. John are you sure you can not use me tomorrow. No, Lisa because we are just going to be packing the clothes. I am going to talk to the landlord about leaving the furniture for the next people. Okay John I just feel bad again because I cannot help you and Chris packing stuff up. Lisa yes Ann we can find something for us to do while they are packing up.
Lisa what would you like to do? Can we go back to the park that we went to today? Lisa yes, we can do that. Chris can we get the blankets for the girls before you guys leave in the morning. Yes, I will get the blankets for you guys now. Papa m ordered room service once we got back to the hotel. We watched the film from the concert tonight. Jin and Yoongi talked to Army tell them about my upcoming surgery. Ann and Lisa who Ann can relate to are not coming out tonight do their medical problems are bothering them. I can hear army staying we support Ann and Lisa.
Why did you guys announce that tonight? Ann, we have been announcing but your surgery at everything concert on this tour. Tonight, is the first time any of your fans wanted to see you. Our food arrives right after we all get ready for the camp in. We have a busy day tomorrow, so we decided to sleep after we ate. The last concert in San Diego went off with no problems. We made it through Los Angeles, San Jose, San Francisco with no problems. Chris and Uncle Mark left us the first concert in San Francisco because they were driving the car back home. They called every night to tell where they are at. They have 3 hours left until they are home.
We are in Sacramento for our last three concerts of the tour. John and Tim have been staying in the dressing room with us. John always lay with Lisa for her to be comfortable. I am a little nervous tonight. Ann yes, Fred are you okay. Just a little nervous that is all. Ann honey why are your nervous tonight? I am nervous because everything has been okay but nervous something might happen tonight here. Ann yes, Bryan that is a healthy fear to have. It is Bryan.
Yes, it is because of the record we have on this tour. I just want to get these three concerts and get home with no trouble. Ann we all want that for you also. Uncle Carl when do you have to leave? Ann, I don’t have to be at work until the day after we return home. The judge who is covering for me understand why I came on tour with all of you. We have worked side by side for many years. That is good Uncle Carl you have a co-worker who understands your thinking. Yes, it is good Ann. I need to go to the bathroom.
Okay Ann let’s get you to the bathroom. Lisa do you need to go also. Yes, I do need to go also. Tim can you get Lisa in her chair for me. Yes, I can do that for you John. Papa m helps me, and John helps Lisa. We get back to the dressing room and Greg is waiting for us. Greg is anything okay? Ann the army is calling for you and Lisa. Why are they calling for us?
Jin and Yoongi was talking about you and Lisa. When they started saying we want to see Ann and Lisa? Okay get us to the stage. John and Tim go stand in front of the stage. Call for Big R and Big J to stand with you two. Kookie and Tae are already waiting to take the both of you out on stage. Tae are you going to hold Lisa? Yes, I am because Yoongi is going to be holding you. Why didn’t anyone tell us Jin and Yoongi were going to be talking tonight. Ann, they have been asking army for their support for you two.
Since the second concert in San Diego thus is the first-time army is asking for guys to come on stage. Okay let’s get out on the stage. Kookie is pushing me and Tae is pushing Lisa. Yoongi comes out get me out of the chair. Tae gets Lisa out of her chair. We hear army say we support both Ann and Lisa. Since the two girls are out here. We are going to sing Love Yourself and Make it Alright. They sang then everyone came to give us both hugs before we went backstage. Ann that was kind of weird.
I know that was Lisa. Believe me that was the first-time army has ever requested me out on stage. The rest of the concerts nothing happened. We get back to the hotel and do your normal thing. We made it through the last two concerts with no problems. We arrive at the Sacramento airport to catch our flight home. Once we get through security John was working as air marshal. He asked Jason and Tom to lay with Lisa during the flight since he could not sit with us. They aloud John to help get Lisa comfortable on the plane before he had to sit on the plane. Halfway through the flight Bryan and Fred reposition Lisa and me.
Yoongi switched with little w. Jason switched with Tom. Chris and Uncle Mark meet us at our gate. Everyone came over to our home for dinner and a fire. Uncle Carl could only stay for dinner since he as works the next day. Everyone comes over every night just so we can have dinner together as a big family. Today I must go for my pre-op stuff before my surgery. Jin, Yoongi and Bryan go with me. Bryan asked for me to have a private room while I am in the hospital. They asked why I needed a private room?
Bryan told them since I am the manager of BTS. Plus, dating Jin and Yoongi they want to stay in the hospital with Ann. Yes, we can make that request happen. They give me a bunch of papers to read before the surgery. They told me they will call the night before with what time I must be at the hospital for the surgery. They have been no unwanted visits to show up. Bryan decide not to call his friend to do home therapy for me. He learns the therapist was one Steve’s friends from school. Ann remember how I told you that I have a friend who does home therapy. Yes, I do Bryan when I am, I going to meet them.
Ann they will not be doing your therapy. You know them, but they will not be coming anywhere near you. Bryan how do I know them. Ann they are from your past. I will show you the text messages between us. Sam it is Bryan Parker. Bryan can I do for you. Are you still doing home therapy? Yes, I am. Can I call you later because I am getting ready to visit a friend in jail?
Who is your friend in jail? I do not think you know him, but this name is Steve Brown. I have heard of Ann Brown any relation. How do you know Ann Brown? My brother went to school with her. She is a b and the reason why he is in jail. Okay well I am a private nurse now. I will talk to my client to see if they still need a home therapist and I will let you know. Sam my client found a home therapist, so you are not need. Okay Bryan just let me know if they change their mind.
I do not think they will, but they do I will call you. Ann do not worry because he will never get anywhere near you. Bryan thank you, for protecting me from Sam. Ann is he one of Steve friends who abuse you in the past? Bryan I cannot yes, or no. Steve had a lot of friends who abused me. I do not remember all their names. That is okay Ann. Bryan who are we going to get to my aqua therapy now. Ann were you going some where before you couldn’t use your legs? Yes, I was going some where before I couldn’t use my legs. We will just use them okay.
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robertbturnerfl · 2 years
GroupOne IT Launches IT Support Services for Sacramento Businesses
Folsom, United States – March 1, 2022 — GroupOne Consulting, Inc. publicly announced the launch of their new IT support services for businesses in the Sacramento area. With over 20 years of experience providing exceptional service and support to businesses of all sizes, the company is uniquely positioned to help companies in the Sacramento area optimize their technology infrastructure and improve their business operations.
The company offers an array of services, including cloud computing, network design, installation, and maintenance. GroupOne Consulting, Inc. is well known for providing technical support for hardware and software problems, virus removal, email migration to the cloud, productivity tools installation/integration, data recovery & backup services. Their highly-skilled team of engineers is experienced in best practices when it comes to network design and security, allowing them to provide robust solutions that can give businesses in Sacramento a competitive edge. Their IT support service for businesses is tailored to suit their specific needs while still maintaining the highest levels of security and efficiency. They are proud to offer guaranteed network uptime, highly trained professionals, and 24/7 customer support.
“We are a different kind of IT company. Our philosophy has always been about solving our clients’ problems by thinking outside the box. Rather than just us selling a product, we take into consideration the needs of our clients and then provide them with solutions. We are excited to help businesses in Sacramento take advantage of technology without having to worry about their IT infrastructure.”, said Turino Faud, a co-founder of GroupOne Consulting, Inc. GroupOne Consulting, Inc. is a Managed Services IT provider that offers both professional and managed services to help companies overcome their everyday IT challenges. The company creates tailored, strategic technology plans that are critical to realizing its clients’ ambitions. They work with clients to ensure that their goals are met and that their outcomes are recognized. Every area of their client-focused activity is motivated by a never-ending pursuit of their operational excellence.
They are the only Managed Services firm that engages at a strategic level with their clients. They wade in and roll up their collective sleeves to understand and help define their client with unique business opportunities and needs. Their team of IT Support Sacramento experts works alongside to ensure their technology aligns with their client’s goals, rather than becoming an obstacle or distraction.
For more information about their managed services, visit their website at https://www.grouponeit.com or reach out to Chris Wiegman at 9168178877 to discuss the needs and how the company can deliver the best solutions for issues. GroupOne Consulting, Inc. can be visited at 13405 Folsom Blvd. Suite 511, Folsom, CA.
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Company Name:Group One Consulting, Inc.Contact Person:Chris WiegmanPhone:9168178877Address:13405 Folsom Blvd. Suite 511City:FolsomState:CACountry:United StatesWebsite:https://www.grouponeit.com
source https://presssynergy.com/newsroom/groupone-it-launches-it-support-services-for-sacramento-businesses/ from Press Synergy https://presssynergy1.blogspot.com/2022/03/groupone-it-launches-it-support.html
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Are you searching online for an IT support firm in Sacramento because you’re dealing with ongoing IT problems and don’t know who you can trust to fix them fast? Networking solutions is amongst one of the leading Sacramento IT Companies providing managed services packages and professional IT support services ranging from network security to backup/disaster recovery.
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Golang Developer
This is an exciting long term ongoing opportunity to join the Platform engineering team focused on backup, recovery data protection of one of the world’s leading technology companies. In this role, you will be the lead developer for an archive tool to allow users to perform ad-hoc backups in GoLang, for a AWS S3 like cloud environment. The application will copy, sync, and restore files to the object store, and trigger messages to notify users of the status of various backups. This will be a remote engagement during the COVID-19 crisis, but the hiring manager would prefer the consultant onsite after the crisis is over in either Elk Grove (Sacramento), CA or Austin, TX BackgroundExperience requirements 5-10+ years of applicable industry experience, including 2+ years of professional GoLang software development experience Proven experience developing RESTful API’s Proficient with Linux MacOSX Storage related knowledge andor storage related software development experience is a big plus. Solid understanding of concurrency Previous experience with and desire to perform unit testing Git and Gerrit is a plus
from California Jobs https://ift.tt/2D12R90 via IFTTT
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leverageitc · 2 years
CloudScale - Cloud Services Reno, CA | Leverage ITC
Cloud computing is the future of business. Cloud hosting services today offer advantages such as linked networks, synced private and public data, increased remote work capabilities, innovative business solutions, and unlimited data, all at a lesser cost than traditional servers. Leverage IT consulting to provide the best cloud services In Reno.
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nbafunnymeme · 6 years
Should Kevin Love's injury change the Cavs' trade deadline plans?
How will Kevin Love‘s broken hand affect how the Cleveland Cavaliers approach the trade deadline?
Love suffered a non-displaced fracture of the fifth metacarpal on his left hand during Tuesday’s game against the Detroit Pistons, and the timing could not have been much worse for the Cavaliers. Not only was Cleveland coach Tyronn Lue trying out a return to starting Love and Tristan Thompson together in the frontcourt, a change made last Friday, the injury comes just nine days before next Thursday’s trade deadline.
The Cavaliers figured to be one of the most active teams leading up to the deadline, but Love’s absence for several weeks could complicate those efforts to upgrade the roster. How might the Cleveland front office react?
Love trade off the table
The most obvious impact of Love’s injury is that any trade involving him is now unrealistic before the deadline. Any team acquiring Love would surely want him to help this season, so acquiring an injured player is probably a non-starter.
A Love trade was probably a long shot anyway. The Pistons, who looked like the most logical suitor for Love, instead dealt Monday for another All-Star power forward in Blake Griffin of the LA Clippers. Still, moving Love had to at least be a consideration for the Cavaliers if the right deal came along. We can probably scratch that possibility.
Love’s absence means more smallball
While Love and Thompson starting together is hardly new — Lue went to the lineup not long after taking over as head coach midway through the 2015-16 season, and that was the combination as Cleveland won the championship that season — the duo hadn’t seen much action in 2017-18 until Lue made a lineup change last Friday. Early results were positive, with the Cavaliers bouncing back from losing six of the last seven games to win the first two with the bigger frontcourt.
The NBA trade deadline is Feb. 8. Stay up to date on the latest news, rumors and rumblings from our team of reporters.
Who’s going No. 1, and how far has OU star Trae Young climbed? What prospect can the Cavs — or a potential trade partner — land with the Brooklyn pick? We project both rounds.
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Now, Lue will have little choice but to go small with Thompson in the middle instead of Love. That’s a better defensive combination, but not as potent offensively, and it brings many of the same issues in terms of defensive rebounding Cleveland has had any time Love and Thompson play alone.
Perhaps more importantly, losing Love makes Channing Frye the only experienced center on the roster besides Thompson. Frye, who’s in the final season of his contract, was apparently headed to the Sacramento Kings when the two teams discussed a trade sending George Hill to the Cavaliers. Will Cleveland feel comfortable dealing Frye now? If not, the only other expiring contract for more than the veteran’s minimum the Cavaliers have to offer teams in trade belongs to starting point guard Isaiah Thomas.
It’s possible that Cleveland could still deal Frye. Rookie Ante Zizic is an option at center, albeit a little-used one to date. (Zizic has played just 41 minutes all season.) A two-for-one deal like the Hill proposal would also give the Cavaliers a roster spot with which to sign a backup center. Andrew Bogut, who signed with Cleveland after last year’s trade deadline only to fracture his left tibia during his debut for the team, is among the available options.
The value of having Frye as a backup center is now one extra variable the Cavaliers will have to weigh before the deadline.
Urgency to solidify playoff seeding?
The other big question Cleveland front office must answer is whether losing the team’s second All-Star increases the need to upgrade elsewhere so as to ensure the three-time defending Eastern Conference champions enter this year’s postseason in reasonable position.
Despite recent struggles, the Cavaliers still sit third in the Eastern Conference. But their plus-0.5 point differential ranks a paltry sixth in the East. And Cleveland is just two games ahead of the Washington Wizards — winners on Tuesday without point guard John Wall, who will also miss an extended period after knee surgery — for home-court advantage in the first round of the playoffs. As little emphasis as the Cavaliers have put on seeding after going 8-1 in the two Eastern Conference finals in which they did not have home-court advantage, going on the road for all four playoff series would be a difficult task.
LeBron James‘ possible free agency this summer, and the potential close to Cleveland’s championship window, probably already offered sufficient reason for the Cavaliers to be aggressive in the trade market. If not, the need to win games with Love on the sidelines adds some more.
One possible benefit to Love’s absence
If Cleveland is looking for a silver lining to losing Love, it may help Thomas acclimate to a new team amidst his recovery from hip surgery. Playing without Love’s 18.2 points per game, the Cavaliers have even more need for Thomas’ ability to create shots.
Thus far, those shots haven’t gone in very often, creating tension that Thomas addressed with the media last week. Thomas’ return had certainly cut into Love’s opportunities as a scorer. His usage rate had dropped from 27.0 percent of Cleveland’s plays with Thomas sidelined to 20.4 percent — barely more than the average play — in the month of January, per NBA Advanced Stats. Now, the Cavaliers’ starting lineup will feature three role players around James and Thomas, meaning more free rein for him offensively.
In the short term, relying more on Thomas could exacerbate Cleveland’s slump. Down the road, getting Thomas back to the All-Star level at which he played last season for the Boston Celtics is one of the most important things the Cavaliers can do the rest of the regular season. So as bad as the timing for Love’s absence might look now, if he returns to team up with a productive Thomas, it’s possible things could work out for Cleveland.
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Are you searching online for an IT support firm in Sacramento because you’re dealing with ongoing IT problems and don’t know who you can trust to fix them fast? Networking solutions is amongst one of the leading Sacramento IT Companies providing managed services packages and professional IT support services ranging from network security to backup/disaster recovery. 
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nationwide-onsite · 7 years
Sacramento California Superior Onsite Computer PC Repair Services
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Sacramento California’s Highest Quality On-Site Computer System Troubleshooting and Repair Techs.
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Nationwide Onsite provides superior on site computer system repair solutions in and throughout the whole city of Sacramento California. Our skilled, tech industry licensed on-site computer system repair technicians travel right to your Sacramento site to supply quick, budget friendly install, configuration, diagnostic troubleshooting and system repair services on an extremely wide array of different computer brands. Whether you want Windows OS error diagnostics performed on your desktop or laptop computer workstation, Virus Elimination, or complex hardware diagnosis and repair services for Motherboards, RAM Modules, CPU’s, or HD’s, our excellent on-site computer system PC specialists have all of your computer problems  covered. Call us today and discover why we are California’s top-rated on-site computer PC repair service company – (859) 780-3020.
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Since 2008, Nationwide Onsite have provided high quality on site computer PC repairs, networking and tech support services throughout Sacramento and the whole state of California. Our professional, mobile, industry accredited on site computer repair and networking specialists have successfully completed thousands of service calls throughout the region, and we are ready to take care of your technology issues immediately. From computer system PC issues, hardware, and software application errors to complete network structured cabling and technology equipment setup services, we have your on-site needs handled, quickly and professionally. Whether you require expert on-site service for your regional company, branch office, or simply need on call white label IT on-site smart hands support in Sacramento, our Nationwide Onsite services have the quick and budget friendly service for you and your technology needs. Give us a call today and let our onsite techs fix your computer system and tech problems, you’ll be pleased that you did – (859) 780-3020. 
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The post Sacramento California Superior Onsite Computer PC Repair Services appeared first on Nationwide Onsite.
from Nationwide Onsite http://www.nationwideonsite.com/sacramento-california-superior-onsite-computer-pc-repair-services/
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junker-town · 7 years
The NBA waiver wire is heating up. Here are the players that could help playoff teams.
Here are the players available to playoff teams on the buyout market.
NBA players who are waived this week will be joining playoff teams in the hunt for veterans to round out their rosters. As long as the player is waived by his current team on or before March 1, they are eligible for another team’s playoff roster.
This year’s buyout market is top heavy, and what are likely the two top candidates have already committed to the reigning champs. Here’s a list of where each player is headed and who could still be bought out or waived before the Wednesday deadline.
Players who have committed
Matt Barnes (Warriors): Kevin Durant suffered a sprained MCL and will be out at least a month. Barnes is no Durant, but he’s an edgy, tough defender who can shoot the three-pointer. He’ll be a stop gap until Golden State gets its leading scorer, rebounder and shot-blocker back in the rotation.
Brandon Jennings (Wizards): Jennings came off the bench behind Derrick Rose in New York and posted modest averages of 8.6 points and 4.9 assists per game. He reportedly wanted more minutes, and New York couldn’t find a deal for him before the trade deadline. Once he clears waivers, Jennings will join a Wizards team in need of an established backup at the point guard behind John Wall. It should be a good fit.
Norris Cole (Thunder): Cole last played for the New Orleans Pelicans in the 2015-16 season before going unsigned during free agency over the summer. A two-time champion with the Miami Heat (2012-13), he will provide some much-needed backup to Russell Westbrook and the Thunder, who dealt Cameron Payne to the Bulls in a trade deadline deal.
Deron Williams (Cavaliers): The Cavs were patient as it waited for veterans to hit the open market, and their method rewarded them. Williams was waived by Dallas after the emergence of Yogi Ferrell, who excelled on a 10-day contract and is now being given a chance to start at point guard for the Mavericks. Between him, Seth Curry, and a couple veteran guards, Dallas had no more need for Williams and waived him so he could join the Cavaliers. Williams will instantly fill in as a playmaker off the bench, and he’s an underrated scorer at this point of his career as well.
Andrew Bogut (Cavaliers): It was reported that the other Mavericks castoff — technically dealt to Philadelphia in the Nerlens Noel trade and then bought out — will be headed to Cleveland as well. If we get our third straight Cavaliers vs. Warriors Finals, then Bogut switching sides is an interesting wrinkle.
Jose Calderon (Warriors): Though it looks like the Cavaliers have won this arm’s race, Golden State will improve by adding Calderon to the mix, who was previously with the Lakers. It’s not an official signing yet, but Calderon is reportedly favored to end up there. He’s a career 41 percent three-point shooter, although the 35-year-old is only hitting 35 percent this season.
Briante Weber (Hornets): To make room for Calderon, the Warriors waived the promising Weber. He quickly caught on with Charlotte on a 10-day contract.
Jarrett Jack (Pelicans): Needing additional backcourt help, New Orleans signed Jack to a 10-day contract. The 33-year-old veteran was signed by the Hawks over the summer, but was let go because his recovery from a torn ACL went slowly. He’s healthy now, so New Orleans is giving him a look.
Players who are available
Terrence Jones: After trading for DeMarcus Cousins, New Orleans has been desperately trying to find players who can help fill out the rest of their roster effectively. To do that, they had to waive Jones, who is a talented big man but would see very limited minutes on the Pelicans’ new roster. It’s likely someone will bring him in, however.
Brandon Jennings: The Knicks waived Jennings in favor of Chasson Randle, a younger point guard prospect. Jennings is shooting 38 percent from the field, but he has shot poorly his whole career. He did average 8.6 points and 4.9 assists, so that could be worth it for a team who wants a little veteran depth at guard the rest of the year.
Mike Scott: Another player who briefly ended up with the Suns before being waived, Scott may be out of the league this year. However, if anyone wants to take a chance on the 28-year-old power forward who shot 29 percent from the field this season, he’s available.
Matt Barnes: After Cousins was dealt from Sacramento, the Kings no longer needed Barnes, who had partly been brought to the team since he got along with Cousins well. He’s on the open market now, but he also hasn’t shot better than 33 percent his last two seasons.
Mario Chalmers: The former NBA champion with Miami is still recovering from a torn Achilles suffered while a member of the Grizzlies last March.
Jordan Farmer: Another former Grizzlies player that’s available for anyone who wants a point guard.
Nate Robinson: Still waiting, still dribbling underneath dudes.
Players who could be available
Jared Sullinger: Phoenix waived Sullinger after getting him back as part of the P.J. Tucker deal. Obviously, the five-year veteran was just a fill-in for that deal, and there’s a good chance he’ll end up somewhere else. Sullinger proved he could score the basketball in Boston, but his career 27 percent three-point shooting might limit his usefulness for contending teams.
Rajon Rondo: The Bulls point guard hasn’t been bought out yet, but especially after Chicago traded for Cameron Payne at the trade deadline, it might be best for both parties. The team has four other young point guards — Payne, Michael Carter-Williams, Isaiah Canaan and Jerian Grant — that all make more sense than Rondo at this point, and it’s possible he’ll be a disgruntled veteran if he’s benched. That said, there’s a good chance nobody will want Rondo on the open market. Not one of his appearances on his last three teams has ended well.
Darren Collison, Ty Lawson or Arron Afflalo: It’s hard to predict anything that Sacramento will do, so who knows if they’ll end up buying out any of their expiring free agents. (Afflalo is signed next year, but it’s non-guaranteed money.) While the Kings are only a game out of the No. 8 seed, they hopefully have realized they desperately need to tank the rest of the year so they can retain their draft pick, which is only top-10 protected this season. Dropping a few veterans who aren’t going to return next year anyway makes too much sense. Knowing the Kings, don’t count on it.
Derrick Rose: It seems hard to believe that the Knicks would eat the (pro-rated) $21 million cost on Rose’s contract, but Frank Isola of the New York Daily News reports that many in the NBA believe Phil Jackson would consider it.
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