#Saera and Kawereen does commissions
izzym-art · 7 years
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A commission piece for @inan-bellanaris of her Lavellan and Solas! Thank you for commissioning me and @kawereen for this! It was fun drawing this, and colouring it as well! :) Lineart by me, colouring by @kawereen
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izzym-art · 7 years
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Slots available (0/7):
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Sample Work:
Black & White Lineart; 
Torso - 25$
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Black & White Lineart; 
Fullbody - 30$
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Greyscale Lineart; 
Torso - 40$
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Greyscale Lineart; 
Fullbody - 45$
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Coloured Lineart; 
Torso - 55$
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Coloured Lineart; 
Fullbody - 60$
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The slots will be filled by first come, first serve basis. Email me at [email protected]. Please DO NOT personally message me here as I need to keep track on which commissioner is first and which is later. 
However, I will evaluate the details presented for me to draw. Should I am satisfied and agreed to draw the client’s commission, I will fill the slot. Should I disfavor the commission, I have the right to reject it and move on to the next client, that is if the need ever comes. If it does, please understand.
Commissions will generally take months, especially if your turn is very much later. If you are impatient or you can’t wait or think commissions will be done in just hours, it’s not. So if you are any of the above, please think twice before placing a commission.
All payments will be done through Paypal and I only accept USD.
Before sending me an email, collect all the references you plan on using. Generally, I’ll ask for front view, ¾ view, side view & back view of your characters/OCs, head shot and full-bodied are preferred. If you want a specific fashion/clothing/hairstyle for your character(s), have them ready as well.
Specify if you want me to have full control of the art. If not, please provide reference and details as much as you can.
Please understand that I have the right to refuse a commission that I am not comfortable to do, even if I didn’t state it in the terms below.
If you missed this slot, no worries. I plan to take or open up commissions fairly often (subjected to change.) You can patiently wait for the next one. 
What I do best:
SOLAVELLAN (eff yesss)
I will gladly accept drawing your OC’s as well! Just provide me enough reference as stated above.
I can draw NSFW art, but nothing explicit. Read below for clarifications!
What I will NOT draw:
Smut and/or explicit sexual content. [No nipples, no butts, no dicks and no vaginas.] 
Anything that depicts an alteration or amendment of a character’s canon sexual orientation.
Anything that depicts racism, abuse, pedophilia, rape.
Mechas, robots.
Sci-Fi (my biggest detestation, to be honest. Pardon me for that.)
Zombies. Just.. No.
As for colouring:
Please provide the reference for the colouring you wanted onto the characters or art.
Please specify if you want @kawereen to have full control on the colouring, or some parts of the art.
Colouring will take at least 2 days, more if the art has more than 1 characters, and if there are any corrections. If you decided to commission a Coloured Lineart, I expect you to be patient and wait for @kawereen to finish her work. :)
Payment Method, Refund Policy & Delivery Method will be presented and discussed privately through email.
If you are interested in commissioning me, please send me an email to [email protected] stating your Tumblr URL, so I can update and organize. Once I have, we will start discuss about the commission!
I hope that is clear. If there are any information I might have overlook, don’t hesitate to send me an ask or DM.
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izzym-art · 7 years
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Hey guys!  (T▽T)
Let’s get right to business. Staring right in front of me is a ‘First Warning Letter’ from my government regarding my student loan. I had roughly around 250-300USD overdue payment that I haven’t settled as of last year, and they’ve given me 30 days (due 9th February 2017) to settle that much amount before I get banned (I dunno from what) or whatnot.
Now, I’ve been paying for my student loans quite diligently, mind you. Only, there are times when I couldn’t spare the money to pay for it, but to use it for emergencies/other important matters regarding my health (as some of you might know, I get sick quite easily), my parents, as well as my cats, eventhough now there’s only 5 left from 8 as of New Years. And that is a kick to my wallet as well.
It’s quite hard for me to collect that sum of money in 30 days (impossible, even) when I am currently unemployed. I have a tutoring job at a local university, but that is only once a week, and now they’re on semester break til March so my only source of income as of now is by commissions. My parents are no longer working, and they don’t receive pensions every month from the government, due to not being government servants. Therefore, I really don’t want to trouble them with this. They have enough on their plate and I’m not gonna add this burden on them to tip them over.
So! Sniffles and tears be damned, I’m opening up an Emergency Commission featuring my best bud @kawereen. The offers will be like the previous batch/slot, and the prices will be put under the cut. I will close the commission once I’ve achieved my goal of 300USD.
I have set up a Ko-Fi page (link here) if you want to donate, which I thank you from the bottom of my heart, but I’d love it if you spend your money for a drawing. Maybe a sketch of your OC? Hit me up!
HEADS UP THO: I am still currently working on the remaining 6 people from my last commission. I know, it’s still a lot, but most of them I have started sketching and I’m gonna put my personal project to the back burner and go full turbo for the next couple of weeks to work solely on my commissions. .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.
Anywho! The offers and prices will be as followed:
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Excuse the mistake for the Torso Greyscale Lineart price. The correct price is stated below.
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This commission will feature my darling friend @kawereen! She’s great at colouring, and I thought for this batch we could collaborate and take on commissions together, while also helping each other go through this plummeting economy of a country. Please check out her blog to see her art yourself! That being said, below are the details for this batch.
Current slots (6/?):
    As I stated above, I will close the commission once I’ve achieved my goal of 300USD. So for now, I’ll open as many slots as I can.
The slots will be filled by first come, first serve basis. Email me at [email protected]. DO NOT personally message me here as I need to keep track on which commissioner is first and which is later. However, I will evaluate the details presented for me to draw. Should I am satisfied and agreed to draw the client’s commission, I will fill the slot. Should I disfavor the commission, I have the right to reject it and move on to the next client, that is if the need ever comes. If it does, please understand.
Take note:
Before sending me an email, collect all the references you plan on using. Generally, I’ll ask for front view, ¾ view, side view & back view of your characters/OCs. If you want a specific fashion/clothing/hairstyle for your character(s), have them ready as well.
Please understand that I have the right to refuse a commission that I am not comfortable to do.
I will take priority in accepting commissions from my followers, especially long-timers. I ask that you understand. They followed me, supported me and appreciated me from the very moment I created this blog up till now.
That being said, if you missed this slot, no worries. I plan to take or open up commissions fairly often (subjected to change.) You can patiently wait for the next one. The slot amount might increase, in time.
Specify if you want me to have full control of the art. If not, please provide reference and details as much as you can.
As time goes by and as I improve, I will change the price. These prices accommodate a starter up with mediocre skills such as I.
I am not able to draw background and/or architecture, as of now. My skills are limited and I am still learning. In the future, maybe.
What I do best:
SOLAVELLAN (eff yesss)
Fantasy themed art.
Asian (Japanese and/or Korean mainly, but will consider for other) culture.
Anything from these fandoms that I invested my entire life in is accepted:
Lord of the Rings
Dragon Age Inquisition (I will only do Inquisition.)
I will gladly accept drawing your OC’s as well! Just provide me enough reference as stated above.
What I will NOT draw:
Smut/explicit. NO nipples, NO vaginas, NO dicks, NO butts. (No buts! see what I did there OTL) I like to imagine them, but not drawing them. I mean, I’ve drawn NSFW stuffs before, but I never distinctly draw the parts mentioned.
Mechas, robots.
Sci-Fi (my biggest detestation, to be honest. Pardon me for that.)
Zombies. Just.. No.
As for colouring:
Only two, three-toned colouring are offered. Painting style, such as this, might be available in the future.
Colouring will take at least 2 days, more if the art has more than 1 characters, and if there are any corrections. If you decided to commission a Coloured Lineart, I expect you to be patient and wait for @kawereen to finish her work. :)
Payment Method, Refund Policy & Delivery Method will be presented and discussed privately through email.
If you are interested in commissioning me, please send me an email to [email protected] stating your Tumblr URL, so I can check whether you are a follower or not. Once I have confirmed, we will start discuss about the commission!
I hope that is clear. If there are any information I might have overlook, don’t hesitate to send me an ask or DM.
P/S: Thank you my friends and followers for boosting this post! You guys are lovely T___T
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izzym-art · 7 years
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In less than 48 hours!! I cannot thank my friends and my followers enough for this!! The likes, the reblogs, the support and most importantly the comfort and love pouring from left and right! I will go to the bank tomorrow to start settling the overdue amount, and I can even spare a bit for my kitten’s vaccination!! ;-----; 
Thank you, thank you so much! I will work hard on the commissions I received! I’ll be a bit busy and it might take some time to finish it, so I ask for my commissioners for their kindness and patience. Your piece will come, do not doubt that!  (☆▽☆)
I can proudly say:
Saera’s Emergency Commission is CLOSED! (。T ▽ T。)  
Thank you @tsyele @destinyapostasy @louminx @raynnromantica @warsonghold @djfatchip @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @jirelle @lafaiette @smuttine @trustmevhenan @theblackdomino @littleblue-eyedbird @faerunner @mayonaka-no-tenshi AND LOTS MORE FOR BOOSTING AND MORAL SUPPORT! You guys are a gem! <333333333
Here are the complete list of the commissioners!
Again, I ask for your kindness and patience to complete all these commissions. It will take a while, but me and @kawereen will pour our all for every single piece! 
Thank you again guys! You are all such wonderful people!
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izzym-art · 7 years
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Part 2 of me & @kawereen‘s second batch (including the Emergency Commission) commission pieces!
[Part 1 | Part 2]
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