#Sanji chases Zoro out of their haven
ulysses000 · 1 year
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Day 13 ~ Haven, Sweet Haven
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they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together they sleep together
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dantakeyoman · 1 year
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 | 𝐫. 𝐳𝐨𝐫𝐨
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♡ 𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐚 𝐳𝐨𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
♡ * "𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒂𝒔𝒔, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕? 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏. 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏, 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅, 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒕. …𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒊𝒕." *
♡ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰𝐰 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.
♡ * 𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒚 - 𝒑𝒐𝒗: 𝒖𝒓 𝒛𝒐𝒓𝒐'𝒔 𝒈𝒇 *
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A lot had happened in the crew's travels through the desert.
You ran into monstrous lizards, horrible sandstorms, thieving birds, sudden sinkholes, fake rebel armies, a desolate town, said goodbye to Ace, and everything else in between.
But now, you all had finally made it to your true destination: Rainbase.
The current safe haven to the rebel army, Crocodile, and all of Baroque Works.
Luffy and Usopp had run off to go find some water, and Chopper went to the bathroom, so the rest of the crew was sitting in the shade, waiting for the three to return.
"I heard this place was a casino town," you smirked, looking up at Zoro.
"Maybe we could hit up the slot machines before the final battle."
You had taken a nice shady spot next to Zoro, laying your head in his lap as you two conversed t pass the time.
And after a couple minutes of red cheeks and sweating from the man, which you blamed on the heat, he finally started responding in things other than rushed, one word replies.
Zoro smiled, tossing the stick he had been fiddling with in a nearby bush. "Eh, knowing Luffy and Usopp, they're bound to screw something up. I'd start getting ready to run."
You snickered, nodding your head, "Yeah, you're probably right. But we might as well relish this moment of peace while we got it, y'know?"
Suddenly, Zoro paused, and his eyes flickered with a question.
"How's it feel? ...Knowing that you're gonna be the first of the crew to reach your goal?" He asked, closing his eyes and tucking his hands behind his head.
"It feels....accomplishing. After all this time, I'll finally feel complete," you smiled, sticking out your tongue. 
"It's almost too good to be true."
Zoro almost let his own smile crack through, before he turned serious again, clearing his throat.
"After you do complete your dream, are you...leaving the crew?" He asked, looking at everything but you.
You smirked, the man's nervous state fueling your confidence, "Why you ask, swordsman? Don't want me to go?"
The poor man blushed profusely. "I was just wondering! You always gotta make everything weird..."
You hummed, calming shutting your eyes and shifting in his lap, getting comfortable.
"Whatever you say, Zoro."
"Run away! Protect the water!" The familiar voice of you captain shouted, him and Usopp running towards the crew lugging barrels of water, a large group of marines not too far behind.
"Looks like the marines are chasing them," Sanji sighed.
"Why are they leading them this way?!" Nami shouted.
"Y'know, just once I'd like to have two minutes of peace," you groaned, standing up and stretching your wings.
"Wouldn't we all," Zoro agreed, standing up as well.
"But Tony hasn't made his way back yet," Vivi chimed.
"Chopper can handle himself. We gotta get moving," you assured, pushing off the ground and flying away, the crew in tow.
The crew had split up once you reached Crocodile's casino, Raindinners, but now Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Usopp, and you had reconvened on the casino floor, now being chased by Captain Smoker.
 'I knew I recognized him from that other town! I just have the worst luck.'
"Hey, Smoker Captain Smoker! Never thought I'd see you again!" You smirked, turning around in mid-air to face him.
"You didn't tell me you were part of the Strawhats!" His eyebrows furrowed.
"You never asked," you shrugged.
"You know this guy?" Zoro asked, cocking a brow.
"I met him back at Loguetown. We talked for a bit," you answered truthfully. "Why ask?"
The swordsman shook his head, "No reason."
"Please step this way! The VIP lounge welcomes you," a man in a suit cheesed, throwing up some flower petals and motioning towards this very ornate door.
"Did he say VIP lounge?" Usopp asked.
"Hold on, do you think this could be a trap?" Nami chimed.
"Don't places like these usually have free drinks for their guests?" Zoro smirked.
"Idiot," you scoffed, smacking him upside the head.
"Not like we have a choice! Run for it!" Luffy shouted, sprinting through the doors. 
"What's a Vip, anyways?!"
As the five of you ran down the hall, you began to approach a sign that said VIPs left and Pirates right.
"Which way do we go?" Nami asked, frantically.
"VIPs! Go VIPs!" You quickly answered.
"Nuh uh! We're pirates! We go right!" Luffy shouted again, turning right.
Everyone turned the corner, only to see it was a dead end, and you landed.
"See. I told you s-." Just like that, the ground dropped from beneath your feet.
"CRAP!" "(Y/N)!" Zoro quickly grabbed you, pulling you into him to shield your fall.
You held on tightly to him, flinching at the painful thud that echoed in the room as the two of you landed.
"Crap! Zoro! Are you alright?!" You frantically asked, wiggling out of his grip and sitting on your knees to face him. 
"Relax. I'm fine. I've been through worse," he assured, sitting up with a groan.
You could feel the eyes of a certain gray haired individual practically burning into you, but you decided to ignore it for the time being.
You felt this sudden wave of relief and gratitude wash over you, and despite the current situation, nothing mattered more than making sure he was okay and thanking him for his gesture.
It was something you've never felt before.
"Thank you," you smiled, looking into his eyes sincerely.
He blushed, quickly turning his gaze away from you. 
"Let's focus," he quickly replied, standing up.
You shook yourself out of it, turning your attention to the matter at hand. "Right," you nodded.
"What a foolproof trick," Usopp sighed.
"Never woulda guessed this," Luffy agreed.
"(y/n) tried to tell you idiots!" Nami exclaimed, smacking them both upside the head.
"Crap!" You groaned, slumping against the bars as you held your fist painfully.
"The hell? I'm using Godlike Strength right now. The door should've been blown off it's hinges."
A sudden wave of vertigo washed over you, making the world muddle and your strength sap away.
"I don't feel so good," Luffy grumbled, sticking his tongue out as he too slumped against the bars.
"Luffy! Watch out!" Zoro randomly warned.
Suddenly, the woosh of a staff cut through the air and knocked Luffy upside the head, the tip of it pinning him when he was on the ground.
"AHHHH! WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!" Usopp squealed.
Zoro got ready to draw his swords, but in a blink, you had already drew your mace and held its spikes up to Smoker's throat, a dangerous look in your eye.
"Bleugh! Why do I feel so weak all of a sudden? It's like when I fall into the sea," Luffy whined.
"The tip of my staff is made from a substance known as sea prism stone, a rare mineral. Not much is known about it but it supposedly gives off mystical energy at the same wavelength as the sea," Smoker curtly explained, his eyes intensely trained on you.
"So it effects those two the same as if they fell in the ocean?" Zoro asked, glaringly.
"Cells at navy headquarters are built with the same substance to keep criminals with devil fruit powers from escaping," Smoker confirmed.
"I may not have my powers at the moment, but that does not permit you to attack my captain. And seeing as you don't have your powers either, there's nothing stopping my spikes from finding a home in your throat. So choose your next actions carefully," you warned in a frigid tone, your demeanor glacial compared to who he met in Loguetown.
"Never took you for a pirate," he scoffed.
"Never took you as someone to kick a man while he's down," you scoffed right back.
"There's no point in fighting in a situation like this! Quit it!" Nami stated.
"She's right. Give it up," a gravelly voice smirked from across the room, everyone's attention turning to its source.
The chair at the desk swivels around to reveal man with greasy, slicked back hair and a very punch-able face.
"Crocodile," Smoker spat.
"Navy Captain Smoker. A pleasure to finally meet you. You seem to be every bit of dog the rumors say," Crocodile sneered.
"So this is a warlord?" Zoro stated, quizzically.
Crocodile began to monologue about how stupid the navy is to trust him as a warlord, and how he had the entirety of Alabasta under his thumb, hell, he even started to eat.
That is, until Vivi came bursting in, setting off her ultimate peacock slasher attack and seemingly decapitating the war mongerer.
Key word being seemingly.
In no time, the warlord had her in his grasp, having turned his neck into sand before she could cut it.
"Since you're a cititzen of this country, you must surely know that I hold the power of the Sand-Sand fruit," he smirked, grabbing her face.
"Want to become a mummy?"
"Vivi!" You exclaimed, taking your mace away from Smoker's neck and bashing it against the bars, not making a single dent.
"Hey! You better leave her along or I'm gonna kick your ass!" Luffy shouted, throwing up his arms in anguish. 
Just then, Miss All-Sunday came up out of nowhere, a pocket watch in hand.
"It's exactly noon. Time for Operation Utopia to begin," she smiled, setting off Crocodile's malicious laughter.
"What's a Operation Utopia?" Luffy asked, scratching his head.
"It means that it's time for me to wipe Alabasta off the map as if it never was," he turned to Vivi with an evil smirk, "Miss Wednesday."
The situation had gone from zero to one hundred pretty quickly.
Crocodile gave Vivi a choice of going to Alubarna to stop the war, or staying back to save the Strawhats plus Smoker, and naturally she picked the latter.
Though of course it wouldn't be Crocodile without making Vivi's life impossibly difficult, so he began to flood the room with water, fed the only key to the cage to a banan-o-dile, and released the banan-o-dile to eat Vivi.
She was doing her best trying to dodge the attacks of the monsters, but time was of the essence and the rushing water was now up to waist level, making you, Luffy, and Smoker pretty much useless.
"I hate everything wet," you slurred, limp in Zoro's arms, "The sea can kiss my ass."
"I'd say trading the ability to tolerate water over a couple a powers is a pretty shitty deal on your end," he sighed.
"Shut up....mosshead," you groaned.
Just then, Sanji broke through the ceiling, beating up the creatures and using an oddly discovered Mr. 3 to make a new key and free everyone.
Too bad his ceiling busting caused a gigantic wave of water to flood the room, sweeping everyone out of the casino.
Suddenly, a certain swordsman had placed you onto land, begrudingly plopping a certain navy captain on land as well.
"Devil fruits...are a pain...in my ass," he panted, trying to catch his breath.
You groaned, still in a soaked haze as you coughed up some water, violently.
"Hey, hey, you alright?" Zoro's complaining turned concerned, him scooping you upright so you could breath.
"Peachy," you grumbled, abruptly sitting up, only to be met with the lips of the swordsman.
In your haze, you hadn't realized how close you two really were.
After a moment of shock, you two quickly jumped off each other.
"SORRY!" You two loudly apologized, both beet red and embarrassed as the entire crew snickered in the background. 
"RORONOA!" Smoker shouted, launching an attack at the swordsman.
Zoro recovered from the...incident...quickly, blocking the captain's attack with ease.
"Why did you save me?"
"All I did was follow my captain's orders, so I wouldn't read too much into it if I were you. It's one of his crazy whims, pay it no mind," the swordsman answered, glaringly, turning to Luffy, who had Usopp cranking his arm like a water spout to help resuscitate him.
"And you wouldn't have any cripes with me carrying out my duties and arresting you, right," Smoker added.
"See, this is what you get for helping a marine," Sanji groaned.
You stood up from your spot on the floor, holding the navy captain's gaze as you walked up to him.
You stopped right before him, still keeping eye contact as you rested a hand on his chest.
"Now that we've saved your life...can you in clear conscious arrest us...." you looked up at him with doe eyes, "Smoker Captain Smoker?"
His breath hitched and he scoffed, removing your hand from him, though you could already tell his heartbeat accelerated.
"Just get out of here," he grumbled, turning away from you.
He had to. If he continued to look in your stupid (e/c) eyes, he would've done something very regrettable. 
"Thanks a ton, Smokey," you smiled, flashing him a quick wink.
The gray haired man scoffed, a small tinge of blush coming to his cheeks as he looked away from you once more.
"Devil woman," he grumbled.
"I love my (y/n) when she's flirty!" Sanji fawned, his eyes quite literally hearts.
Zoro crossed his arms, internally eye rolling at the scene in front of him.
"Alright, guys, let's head to Alubarna!" You cheered.
"YEAHHHHH!!" Luffy shouted, now away and running off already.
"Wait, Luffy! I have to show you the way!" Vivi exclaimed, running off to catch up with him.
"Don't leave us behind!" Nami and Usopp followed, Sanji twirling behind them.
You and Zoro started to run as well, you opting for the more aerial option.
"What was all that back there?" Zoro curtly asked, trying his best not to come off...off.
"That, my dear swordsman," you cheesed, sticking out your tongue and winking, "is the power of womanly charm."
Zoro went wide for a moment, before scoffing, "You're evil."
"I just know how to play the game, Zo~" You smirked, flying closer to him and caressing his cheek.
The poor man blushed at the new nickname and frantically shooed you away from him, grumbling.
"Let's just get to this damn capital already!" He hushed you.
You smiled widely, turning your attention ahead of you.
"Whatever you say," you snickered, "......Zo~"
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eirist · 4 years
A Taste of Summer II
One-shot #: 3
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T (Teasing still)
Note: A super, duper late entry for ZoNami Week 2020 @zonamievents. Day 3: Water Gun Battle. I hope you don’t mind if I still tag you in these works even if it’s waaaay past the deadline.
I wanted to finish all the prompts in time but work has been hectic lately. I already have the draft for the 4th one and the plot for the 5th. All I’m missing is enough time to actually write it.
Summary: Then a sudden realization hit her as they stared at each other in their temporarily safe haven.  
Nami squealed as she ducked back down the table-turned-makeshift shield, wincing when another splash of water hit it; exploding into tiny, hundred droplets all around them.  
Her shoulder banged lightly against her companion.
"Oi watch it." Zoro complained when she collided against him.
“Shut up!” Nami hissed at him. “This is all your fault!”
Zoro stared at her disbelievingly. “Me?” He growled at the orange-haired navigator. “How this is my fault? Aren’t you the one who grabbed a water gun first so you can splash Luffy on the face?”
She spun her body towards him abruptly. “I have to get back at him somehow! And what did you do huh?!”
“I got us something to prevent them from hitting us, witch!” He pointed at the table, lying sideways on the deck where they are currently crammed together.
“This is a stupid game.”
“Then why did you even grabbed a water gun in the first place?”
Nami glared at him. And Zoro glared back at her as well.
She aimed said water gun at his face and squeezed the trigger.
“Pwaah! Damn it Nami!”
She grinned evilly. “Quiet now Zoro,” she shushed him and tried to peek from behind their cover. Usopp and Luffy where on the other side of the deck waiting with water guns loaded, hiding behind another toppled table just like them…. much to Sanji’s chagrin.
They were supposed to have a nice lunch on the deck. Sanji was bringing the tables out when Luffy water-gunned him as well, straight in the face… just right after the idiot targeted Zoro and Nami.
There was a lot swearing and vicious threats then table throwing from the cook as the other Mugiwaras started to gather in the lawn deck.
And just like that it turned into chaos almost immediately. Especially when Franky—with a big smile and all—deposited a bunch of water guns on the lawn deck… right after Usopp’s big announcement.
Almost immediately everyone grabbed one. Actually, Nami grabbed two; blasting water on Luffy’s face in retaliation before throwing the other gun at Zoro while shouting ‘take cover’.
And for the life of him, Zoro didn’t even know why in the world did he followed her order.
He found himself catching the water gun and making a fast grab for the overturned table to use it for cover.
That’s how they ended up compressed together behind it with water guns in hand, on the other side of the deck and peeking to see if the enemy team is in range.
A splash of water hit their improvised refuge making Nami squeak in surprise. The sudden jolt of her body made her bump into Zoro again.
“Watch it!” It was his turn to hiss at her as he nudged her back, miscalculating his strength and sending the map maker out of their safe haven.
“Zoro!” Nami screeched as she tumbled slightly forward…
… just right in the line of Usopp and Luffy’s water gun range.     
“Target’s out!” Usopp’s voice rang across the deck, aiming the water gun on her. “Shoot!”
Nami’s eyes widened. Oh crap!
She yelped when she was suddenly tugged—no, more like lifted—back into safety before any of the water can hit her.
“Phew. That was close,” Zoro muttered over the top of her head.
Nami elbowed him sharply on the ribs. “This time it really is your fault!”
“Hey! Ouch!”
The arm wrapped around her waist loosened and she immediately realized that she was practically resting against Zoro and was situated on the space between his legs.
Nami felt the air sizzled a bit.
She sharply twisted her body so she was facing him and ignored the way her heart leapt a lit-tle when he did not removed his arm.
Instead of being irritated what she did, Zoro was grinning wickedly. “Thanks, we needed bait.”
“Managed to hit Usopp, our idiot captain,” he bragged. “And Brook.”
“Why you…!” Nami took the opportunity of being close to him to water gun him on the face again.
“Shit! Nami stopped doing that!” Zoro barked, reaching out to wipe his face with his free hand.
The one that was still wrapped around her.
In doing so, she was literally pressed closer to him.
Damn it! Why does it feel sooo good?!
And it is not helping that they are both wet… and he’s top naked.
“Temee… you’re supposed to be aiming at our opponents,” the swordsman groused as he continued rubbing his face. Hell… some of the water entered his nose.
That seemed to snap her out of her momentary trance.
Nami tilted her head to look at him. “Serves you right,” she meant for it to come out snootily; not in a whispered, almost intimate way like she was going to affectionately nip him on jaw.
Why was it so close?!
Why was he so close?! Damn it all!
The sizzle in the air earlier was now sending delicious shivers on her skin as she felt her body slowly heating up.
She pulled away from him before she cannot stop herself and do something she wanted to do to him all along.
And in front of all their nakama too.
Sanji was shouting from somewhere in the deck. “Why are you targeting Nami-swan? Don’t make me kick your asses to kingdom to come you hear m—warck!”
“Aww! Nice hit Usopp!” Luffy cheered.
“Damn you shitty sniper!”
“Oi! Diable jambe’s not allowed!” Usopp screeched as the sound of Luffy’s laughter and a table breaking in half filled the air.
Nami crawled on all fours towards the side of the table to check what was happening. “Idiots,” she muttered, when she saw the racket on the deck.
Chopper ran past their improvised shield, screaming for Luffy—who was running after him—to stop spraying him. Sanji was threatening to skin Usopp alive with his kitchen knives if he ever tries to shoot her again.
Brook was chasing their captain, while Robin was calmly sitting on a deck chair, strategically situated on the terrace in front of their bedroom with a book.
Nami frowned. The archaeologist had refrained from joining the fray… but she saw her grabbed one of the water guns earlier. Why wasn’t she…?
Oh fuck! She has that small, secret smile on lips. Robin was just waiting for the right time to use her powers to add her own share to the current madness.
If she was right… then they are all damn going to get really wet.
She wiggled a little to slink back to their hiding spot.
There was a choking sound from behind her and her brows furrowed as she sharply swiveled her head towards Zoro.
He was peering on the other side of the table.
The hell was that? She went back to sneak a quick look at the deck again, checking to see if there was an opportunity to bombard those idiots with water.
This time, it was Luffy and Brook who was running away from Chopper, who was now in his heavy point and holding two water guns, spraying the two devil fruit users. On the other side Usopp was still running away from Sanji while blasting him with water hoping to make him stop.
Good. They are not paying any attention to them.
“Zoro now!” She uttered, nudging him with her foot. He responded an affirmative by slapping it lightly, irritably. “They are all defenseless!”
“I know!”
They simultaneously shoot out of the table, aiming at their friends and water gunning them mercilessly.
Shouts of protests filled the air as they hit every single one of them.
“Nami-swaaan! Idiot marimo!”
“Ack! Zoro and Nami are hitting me!”
“Down, down.” Zoro urged her as Luffy ballooned up after swallowing most of the water aimed at him.
Nami obeyed, ducking back into the table just as Luffy expelled it towards them, much to the trepidation of everyone.
This time the shouts that rang out across the deck were mostly out of disgust.
“That is just gross Luffy!” Nami screamed as the water from their captain’s mouth splattered along their shelter. She turned to Zoro, who also crouched beside her. “Remind me to punch him later once this is over!”
Luffy was laughing so hard at his antic as Chopper gushed in amazement at his captain’s ‘amazing’ ability.
“Aho!” Sanji roared as he kicked the rubber man’s head. Luffy just continued laughing as his head ricocheted at the impact.
Usopp’s mouth was hanging open as he stared at the table where Zoro and Nami were hiding.
Damn, it was a good thing he wasn’t on the other end. That was really kinda nasty.
Suddenly an arm sprouted just on the side of Usopp’s body and the water gun was promptly slapped away from his grasp.
The others followed his exclamation as one by one the water guns was smacked away from them.
In the span of a few seconds, the water guns were all in the clutches of disembodied hands growing on the white railing where their archaeologist was currently reading.
“Robin!” Luffy shouted.
“Uh-oh…” Usopp intoned. They were now gun-less and defenseless.
Robin peered from the top of her book, sliding her sunglasses up before giving them a smile.
The water guns simultaneously fired, drenching all the Mugiwaras on the deck, all except Zoro and Nami, who are still safe in their hiding place.
“Robiiiiin!” Chopper cried running all over the lawn deck to escape the water.
“Not fair!” Usopp hollered. “Are you even in the game? You have no partner!”
“Robin-chwaa—glurrrg!” Sanji swallowed a mouthful of water as it hit him directly in the face.
“Run minna run!!!” Luffy’s shouted, laughing enthusiastically as he darted back and forth the deck.
Nami and Zoro carefully peered from their respective spots.
“Robin,” the swordsman muttered, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he retreated back into their sanctuary.
“I knew it! I thought she wasn’t in the game!” Nami cried out as she drew back as well to look at the green-haired man. “Who is she teamed up with?”
Nami’s eyes widened. “Franky isn’t anywhere in the deck. Do you think…?”
Zoro shrugged.
“Oooh those two probably have something up their sleeves!” Nami dropped on all fours to peek again at the side of the table. “Sneaky Robin.”
Zoro glanced sideways at her and promptly blushed.
That is a very fine and nicely shaped ass.
He instantly glanced away and closed his eye.
Why in the world did she have to bend over like that, right beside him, while wearing only a skimpy bikini bottom?
Wasn’t seeing her in the lake top naked enough?
Now even his eye is drinking in the sight of down below.
He stole a glimpse at her again; just in time to see her butt wiggling as she tried to adjust her position.
Zoro fought back a groan.
She’s making this hard. Really. Hard.
He already managed to control the unrelenting urge to kiss her. But he honestly didn’t know until when.
Not when Nami seems to be aware that he wanted to and was giving him every opportunity to do it.
Why is her cute butt still wiggling? It makes him want to touch it…
…rip off that tiny piece of cloth covering it and just get down and dirty with her.
Drat. It already escalated into another level. Maybe he should point the water gun towards himself and spray his face.
Nami suddenly shrieked, backing up against him when water exploded just right above their table. “Robin is in for the kill.”
Zoro snorted. “Expected nothing less from her.”
Their shoulders bumped into each other as they settled back on their hiding place, listening to the sounds of their friends getting water massacred by the raven-haired historian.
“Let’s stay quiet so as not to attraction her attention.”
Zoro rolled his eyes at her logic. Robin already knew that they are behind the table and is probably taking her time before swooping in for the kill.
“You are wearing my shirt.” Zoro suddenly said.
“What?!” Nami’s head whipped towards him in surprise.
“I said you’re wearing my shirt.” He repeated. He noticed it earlier when she walked out of the room she shared with Robin and nearly tripped on his workout equipment. He marveled at how it was turning him on, seeing her wearing something that belongs to him.
“I didn’t know it was yours.” Nami huffed. “It was in our clothes pile.”
“What? You’ve got a problem with me wearing it?”
He didn’t answer and just regarded her in a way that made her raise an eyebrow.
And made her skin prickle all over again as the urge to taste his lips resurfaced.
She gazed back at him, studying his face and his expression, trying to guess what is going on inside his mind and what his next move will be.
Then a sudden realization hit her as they stared at each other in their temporarily safe haven.  
She pointed the water gun at him again and pulled the trigger.
“Damn it Nami!” Zoro snarled as he snapped out of his daze and instantly retaliated.
The water hit her face and she ended up sputtering as she wiped it off with her hand.
“How’d you like that?” Zoro asked. He had a totally nasty grin on his face. “Not fun right?”
“Oh. You want to play huh?” Nami glowered at him. She pointed the toy gun on his face and squeezed the trigger…
…and it promptly dropped from her hold when one of Robin’s hands appeared suddenly from the table to smack it away.
“Hey!” She heard Zoro protested as well when Robin did the same to him.
As if on cue, the table covering them was pushed down as well, leaving them open for Robin’s water gun attack.
“Oh no!” Nami gasped.
Zoro was automatically on his feet, scooping Nami on the waist and tucking her under his arm before making a dash for the other side of the deck.
Robin was relentless; shooting them with water continuously. It wasn’t helping as well that Usopp and Brook was able to get the cleaning hose working and aimed it at everyone on the deck soaking them to the bone… skull joke.
Nami squealing and giggling as Zoro tried to evade the attacks while carrying her at the same time. It was stupid yet fun and exciting. Amidst everything she can hear every Straw Hat laughing and cackling, with Luffy being the loudest.
Zoro hoisted her up a bit, still dodging the water shooting at them. He had a wide grin on his face, meaning he was enjoying this as well. Sanji was screaming from somewhere at him to drop her down and not to handle her like he was just hauling a sack of potatoes.
“Left Zoro left!” Nami shouted and laughed when he turned towards the complete opposite direction that she was yelling. Water hit one of her legs.
Zoro skidded into a halt when he saw Franky suddenly appeared out on the deck… with an almost triumphant grin on his face.
“Aaaw…” the shipwright shouted. “Time to unveil this supeeeer weapon!”
“Uh-oh…” Usopp whispered.
“Franky water cannon!” He announced dramatically as the cannons on his shoulder emerged.
Everyone stilled at that. Water guns are one thing.
Water cannons are another.
“Oh my gosh!!!” Usopp shouted. “It’s awesome!
“Yet I don’t wanna get hit!!!” Chopper wailed.
“Run for cover! Run for your lives!”
“Sugoiiiiii!!!” Luffy yelled, pumping his fists into the air, eyes turning into stars from being too impressed.
“Yohohoho! I guess it is safe to say that Robin-san and Franky-san will win this game.” Brook stated calmly, accepting defeat as he watched his younger friends scamper everywhere to avoid getting hit.
“First up,” Franky lifted his sunglasses, winking at the swordsman and the navigator who were standing near him. “Zoro, Nami.”
Nami perked up at that. “Zoro! Get away! Get away!”
“I know woman quit yelling!”
Robin continued blasting them with the water guns she grabbed from everyone earlier.
“Where are you taking Nami-san aho kenshin?!” Sanji exploded as he watched the idiot marimo sprint back to the other end of the deck with Nami still tucked under his arm.
“Kyaaaaah!!!” Usopp and Chopper cried out as they jumped out of the way.
Zoro hopped on the railing.
Nami’s eyes widened when she realized what he was planning.
“Zoro don’t you dare!”
The wicked, shark-like grin on his face made Nami’s heart leap to her throat.
“Heads up Nami.”
And with that he made a jump towards the ocean with her still tucked on his arm.
“Nooo!” She screamed as they plunge down towards the cool, blue water. “I will kill you Zoroooo!”
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