#Sanji is a ho for Heathers
chokefriends · 5 years
Hall Pass
ZoSan modern AU fragment with cute boyfriend banter and light bondage. It's just 3+ kinds of trash, porny, giddy and fluffy, I cant stand myself 
Explicit, no warnings.
Read below or on AO3, I’m Ossicle!
Sanji blew through Zoro's front door swinging his keys on one finger, wearing a bloody oxford and a slightly frantic look.
“Mossman, I need a lemon zester and one hell of a hall pass.”
Zoro paused mid-crunch, hanging by the knees in the kitchen doorway, and took out one blaring ear bud. “...Whose ass??”
“Idiot. Move.”
Zoro crunched up so Sanji could get by underneath him. He checked his watch. Weird… the workaholic never left his shop before eight if he could help it. Sanji ran this artisanal butcher shop / charcuterie / whatever, the hipster kind with twelve different ground meat mixtures on ‘tap’ and all these tatted-up, lumberjack-looking shop boys manfully wrangling sausage links in the shopfront. Hence the blood-spattered shirt—chronic nosebleeds.
Zoro twisted around to watch the blond ransack his kitchen drawers, apparently for some ass-related thing.
“Turkey baster somewhere in there, if that's—”
Sanji stopped and shot him a look. “What? No. I'm looking for a lemon zester. And a hall pass… which, let me just say, I VERY fucking deserve after this hell week…”
Zoro plugged the earbud back in and resumed his upside down workout routine. Sanji was just getting himself into one of his rambling Sanji States. Probably just work-related; probably not requiring Zoro's input… He crunched and counted until, a few reps later, a blue eye was suddenly glaring in front of his face.
Sanji tugged an ear bud out of Zoro’s head.
“Lemon zester.”
Zoro dangled, and thought carefully. “The vibrating thing?”
“NO, you houseplant. The thing that's like a cheese grater but with little bitty teeth.”
“...and whose ass is this for?”
Sanji threw the earbud down and went back to tearing apart the kitchen.
Zoro swung down from the door-mounted bar and left him to it. He took a quick shower, and settled in the sectional couch with his sweatpants on and a pile of physio grading next to him. This class he was TAing for was fuckin brutal, tests every week and three exams, all graded by a small team of grad students who were rumored to be robots but were actually masochists. Just constant work; Zoro loved it.
Sanji finally found what he was after and slid over the top of the couch to join the stoic gradbot. He held his prize and looked at Zoro, eyebrows raised expectantly. This usually meant that he thought Zoro was being too stoic and should say something.
“...Bitty cheese grater,” Zoro commented.
“It’s a lemon zester.”
“For what.”
“Getting laid,” Sanji stated matter-of-factly.
Well. It wasn't the weirdest come-on the erratic gourmand had ever tried.
“Okay.” Zoro pulled the pert ass into his lap and went for it.
“Heyhey, hold it, hooold it, that’s not what I came here to… or actually… yeah, hm…” Sanji trailed off as strong hands grabbed at him greedily. His belt buckle clunked to the floor.
“Heh. Lemon zester…” Zoro shook his head. “You don’t have to stash all your weird kitchen stuff here just for an excuse to come over anymore. You know that right, Cook?”
“I know! Just… habit…”
“Mhm.” Zoro focused on the deepening arch of the back in front of him. He pulled the shirttails free and let his hands wander up underneath.
Sanji cleared his throat and tried to focus. “I was tryna ask for a thing, though. Uh…”
“Yeah? Something in particular?”
“Oh yeah, hall pass.”
Zoro paused for a second in case Sanji felt like making this easy and just saying what the hell that was. But the guy was either being coy or was getting distracted by the hand in his pants.
“That a position?” Zoro prompted.
“Hm? No, it's… do you seriously not know what a hall pass is?” Sanji looked over his shoulder.
“Well, sorry if I don't know all the gay lingo like some scene queens—”
He could just feel the force of Sanji's eyeroll. “It's not even! It's such a straight boy thing, you've definitely heard it, bro-y scene like yours. Like ‘bruuuh, Vegas bruh, got a hall pass from the ol ball and chain,’ ugh.”
Zoro frowned. “Great. So am I the bro or the ball and chain.”
Sanji clambered around to face him instead. “Oh my god don't be ugh about it. I'm just observing how your muscle nerd crowd is a whole thing. Don't get off-topic.”
“Well you're the one calling people bros, so—”
“Well you're the one going to grad school for gym, so.”
Sanji crossed his arms. He was doing his pout thing, as though Zoro was the one being difficult. And he was still all disheveled and covered in blood… A familiar tic went through Zoro's eye at the exact same time as that other tic went through his dick.
“Other way. Face the other fuckin way.” Zoro turned the blond away from him and got back to work on his pants.
“Nope, you're dealing with this FACE.” Sanji stubbornly resisted.
They ended up on the floor really quickly, as usual, Sanji trying to mush his face against Zoro’s, and the latter trying to pin him facedown. It did kinda seriously irritate Zoro that his superior crunch power didn’t seem to count for anything against the noodle-boned butcher. The guy knew it, too, and liked to aggravate his sparring partner with non-standard moves.
“If I give you a forehead-hickey, I win,” the clinging blond declared.
“C’mere, sexy forehead.”
It fuckin paid off once Zoro did get him under control, though. The satisfaction was nigh euphoric. This time Zoro got the butcher’s hands behind his back and a knee in his spine, and Sanji gave up his squirming with a laugh. He hmmed against the rug and allowed his hands to be secured with the ever-ready bandana. He was hard and eager when Zoro turned him back over and settled heavily overtop of him, smothering him with a deep kiss.
“It’s been a second,” Sanji breathed when Zoro let up.
“Yeah. I’ll go slow.”
“Mm. Kay but how about not slow.”
Zoro went ahead and ignored that request. He liked to draw out the lead-in once he’d gotten to this point, to get back at the guy for all his ridiculous shit, but also because Sanji just got more and more fuckable the more desperate and disheveled he got.
Sanji blew his long curtain of blond hair out of his eyes and glared down at the too-slow proceedings between his knees. “Put the fucking dick in your mouth, fucking put. The fucking dick. In your fucking… ah!… fuck, ah…”
That was the third finger, and Zoro let himself grin a little. He watched the long limbs tense and un-tense as he eased his hand in and out. He gave the needy dick another swift, brief massage with his tongue, and stifled a laugh when Sanji kicked him.
“You want me to fucking beg??”
“Yeah, I’m a fan of that,” Zoro nodded his encouragement.
“That’s not begging…”
“DICK,” Sanji insisted.
Zoro laughed and came up to kiss the irate butcher. “...Dick??”
With his slight smile widening into a full-on grin, Zoro got up so he was straddling Sanji’s shoulders. The blue eye widened, “Not THAT di—hhhhnnnck”
“Hm what?”
Sanji gave a deeply sarcastic roll of his eyes. He couldn’t say much else, though.
Zoro eased in deeper, feeling himself gradually hardening in the wet mouth with its quick tongue.
“C’mon, get me hard.” He pulled back a little so Sanji could swallow and adjust his head, then pushed in deep enough to nudge the back of his throat. “C’mon. You want me to fuck your throat? Suck.”
A cocky eyebrow challenged him to do just that, and Zoro obliged. He watched the smooth lips strain around his cock and the blue eyes start to water. Zoro fit a hand around the back of his neck and angled it way up, so he could hold him still and fuck down into his face. Sanji started making those urgent sounds he was after, and he felt himself edging already… fuck.
“Mm! Mmmm!!… ah!” Sanji’s eyes were screwed shut and his mouth wide open, gasping air, as Zoro pulled out of his mouth and hurried to get a condom on and lube himself up.
“Face or floor?”
“Face, cuz deal with it,” Sanji determined, stubborn streak still fully intact despite his flustered flush.
“Fair.” Zoro left him on his back.
He parted the well-toned thighs and braced a hand on each one, pressing Sanji's legs so wide apart they were touching the floor. God, this body was just made to be fucked, it was so smooth and yielding. Zoro’s dick found the tight hole, and it opened up around him just as smoothly.
“Fuck,” he groaned, steadying himself, “I can’t believe how flexible you are. I could do anything to you…”
Sanji made a little scoffing noise between heavy breaths. “Think you could you shut up and fuck me, though?”
Zoro leaned into him suddenly and heavily, without answering. That got a harsh intake of breath, but it wasn’t yet the desperate gasping he was going for. He canted his hips and dragged out frustratingly slow. He really wanted to let go and just… fucking pound the hell out of the trim, pliable body. Just as much as Sanji wanted him to do it. But he was the disciplined one, here, and also, holding out on the other was a pleasure in itself.
He slid into that perfect heat over and over, deliberate and deep, until the blond’s voice got that wild edge to it. He was as vocal when he was being fucked as the rest of the time, and it got to Zoro just as much. In a good way—Zoro usually prided himself on being all quietly composed during sex, but Sanji had this way of completely letting himself go, and taking the other with him.
“Zoro, Z-zoro ah! Ahh!”
“Shit… ah, fuck, Cook…” Zoro gathered up both legs and hooked them over his shoulder, so he could fold Sanji almost in half and sink straight down into him. Their faces were close together, they were breathing each other’s air, hardly even hearing what was being gasped out between breaths. Sanji was saying something like “Want you, want you, want you,” and Zoro was probably just saying “Cook” and “fuck,” but even he wasn’t sure.
“I’m gonna come,” Zoro gasped out finally.
“Fuckin cmon then, ah…”
It felt like he could just come and come like this. Everything was so tight and hot, Sanji was kissing him and he was getting lightheaded. Zoro waited until his ears stopped ringing and his blood pressure went down a little. He opened his eyes to Sanji’s flushed face, still glassy-eyed with need. He loosened the bandana and shuffled down to put that dick in his mouth, as requested.
“Yes… fuck…” Sanji twisted out of the ties and crossed his arms under his head, shuffling until he was comfortable.
They’d been fucking for a few months now, more and more regularly, and Zoro pretty much knew how to get him off any time. It was better to make him wait a little, though. Winding the guy up so tight like this, he'd go over the edge like a ton of bricks. Zoro swallowed him down smoothly and then pulled back off until he was massaging the head with his tongue, sucking hard. He jammed two fingers into his ass at the same time, hard and even, like Sanji wanted when he was close. And he was so, so close right now… He’d hooked both legs over Zoro’s shoulders and was hanging on, tensed and swearing.
He came and was wordless for a full minute while Zoro worked every last drop out of him with the same steady insistence.
“...Unnh… hh…”
Zoro grinned to himself a little as he caught it all in his mouth. Catching Sanji’s eye, he licked stray drops from his fingers and swallowed it all with deliberate relish.
“Fuck… that’s hot,” Sanji commented, letting out a spent laugh and flexing the feeling back into his toes.
“Mm…” Zoro sighed and sat up to consider his own state. His dick was half-hard again, come leaking down inside the condom. He watched Sanji lying back and trying to recover his head, still all hazy and addled with pleasure. So fucking fuckable.
He pulled the blond over by the arm and nipped his ear.
“Can I do it hard?”
“I dunno. Can you?” Sanji needled him. “Ow.”
Zoro gave a soothing suck at the chomped ear. “I dunno, can I?”
“Haha… mmm. Floor?”
“Yeah…” Zoro moved on to sucking at his neck urgently, massaging what was now a fully hard erection.
Sanji laughed at him. He turned over facing the floor and braced on his forearms while Zoro fit a new condom on. “I should make you beg instead. Shitty dog, practically humping my leg.”
He quieted for a moment as Zoro pushed him flat and ground into him in one insistent push.
Sanji steadied himself and chuckled, “Ahh… haha. Here, boy. Now sit—mff!”
Lying atop of him like this, Zoro had his hands free, so he clamped one over Sanji’s mouth.
“Shhh… stay. Good boy.”
Sanji huffed an outraged sigh through his nose at the order. But by the way he moaned into Zoro's hand and arched his back into Zoro's driving thrusts, he was probably gonna come again soon.
“Why do you always wanna cuddle on the floor?” Sanji teased him, afterward. “There’s pillows right up there. I got them for a reason.”
“Just stay still a second,” Zoro mumbled from somewhere between Sanji's shoulder blades, thick arms wrapped around the narrow waist.
“I wanna smoke.” Sanji was already fidgeting and trying to get up.
Zoro tightened his arms so he was stuck.
“Why the floor, is all I'm saying,” Sanji objected.
“Well you're the one who likes to fuck on the floor, so.”
“Well you're the one who flips furniture when they get too into it, so.”
Zoro grinned to himself. “Yeah… You make yourself hell to wrangle, to be fair.” He shifted up a little so he could hook his chin over Sanji's shoulder.
Sanji laughed. “You like it.”
“Mm. I like fucking you into the ground, yeah.”
“Ah...” Sanji shifted and exhaled sharply at the lips on his neck. “You angling for another round? That why we're still down here in the fuck zone?”
“Nah, just comfortable.” Zoro let up his hold a little, so Sanji could turn in his arms and settle in facing him. “Hey, so what's this ass thing you want?”
“Hall. Pass.” Sanji sighed, and then swallowed. He was suddenly tense in Zoro's arms. “Uh. So first of all, the lemon zester. I need it to lend to this… individual? So I have an excuse to go over and say heyy? Cuz earlier he was kinda like, heyyyy, lookin for a lemon zester. And this is NOT how I normally do things, okay. I'm pretty much the king of cling. But this guy is Christian Slater-level exceptional, and it'll be just once because honestly I'm getting a Christian-Slater-in-Heathers vibe more than anything and that is a sometimes-food…”
Zoro listened for a while, then counted to ten once he'd gotten lost, and tried to get back into the conversation. “...what?”
Sanji frowned. “What part is unclear.”
“The… hall pass.”
“Jesus Christ,” Sanji muttered to the ceiling.
“No, literally just use words that go together.”
“I have been! I've been so patient and thorough!”
Zoro reached for his sweatpants, lying on Sanji's other side. “I'll just fucking Google it. Gimme my phone.”
“N-no wait. Uh!” Sanji extended a long leg and kicked the pants across the room.
“...This is getting weird,” Zoro growled, getting up. “Did you not eat all day again? You know it's real ironic how often you forget to feed yourself.”
“I did forget but that's not the issue here!”
“Let go of my leg.”
Zoro sighed at the weirdo hugging his ankle. “Okay. What's a hall pass.”
“It's when you ask your otherwise committed, exclusive partner for a one-time go-ahead to bang someone else because Christian Slater wants to get in your pants and it's a fucking sin to pass that up!”
Zoro sat down heavily on the couch. Sanji slowly came to sit next to him, legs folded and hands in lap.
“One-time,” Sanji insisted. “Christian Slater.”
“...actual Christian Slater?”
“Oh, uh, no, I just mean he's really hot and kinda weird.”
Zoro rubbed his head, his mind grappling with several, very urgent aspects of this matter. There was one part that really stuck out, though.
“So you'd say we're… exclusive? And stuff?” Zoro wondered, a little wild-eyed.
Sanji frowned. “Aren't we? Wait, are you—”
“Nono, I'm not seeing anyone else. I just mean like, we're… in a committed thing? You'd say?”
“Oh. Yeah,” Sanji confirmed, just realizing that he'd maybe skipped several steps in this whole talk. “Yeah, like, dating.”
“Oh, okay.”
Sanji was getting flustered again. “I mean, I guess I don't know if you wanna be… that way. We don't have to. It's so status quo, right? Ugh, haha, very not radical haha…”
“Nono, it's good. That's good.”
Zoro wasn't sure what else to say, and Sanji was looking at him expectantly, so he gave him a little peck.
Sanji seemed to accept this. “Okay good. Good talk. Um. So… all of it is good?”
“All of what.”
“Can I… the hall pass?”
Zoro frowned and thought. “Oh that. I don't know. I need to think some more.”
Sanji shuffled a little and Zoro realized he was stealing a look at the clock. “How much more.”
“Well more than a few fucking minutes!”
“You're planning to go right now??”
“I was… Um.” Blue eyes wandered around the room. “Or not. If that's weird.”
“You’re weird. You're always so weird.” Zoro grumbled, trapping him in another bear hug and toppling them both to the couch. Sanji huffed but Zoro held on, an unfamiliar feeling making him stubborn.
Sanji waited til the count of ten, then went about disentangling himself from the other, anxious for a smoke.
“Let go of my leg,” Sanji complained.
“Are you getting clingy?”
He laughed. “Monosyllabic Marimo.”
Zoro wasn't budging on the time-to-think issue, so Sanji had to message whoever it was to postpone the lemon zester handoff. He'd already delegated things at the shop, so he actually had a rare evening free. He made snacks, and Zoro dragged the duvet over to the couch.
“So Christian Slater is a psychopath,” Zoro offered his thoughts on the nonsense movie they were watching, “But also, the Heathers seem like a high school Resident Evil situation. I'd purge with fire too.”
“Um, Christian Slater is a misunderstood super sweetheart with a minor murder problem,” Sanji objected. “And the Heathers are fabulous beyond reproach.”
“Her scrunchie matches her lipstick,” Zoro complained.
“That’s how you know she's a powerbitch.”
“I could tell from the shoulder pads.”
They watched Christian Slater shoot some more frat boys.
“Okay, not terrible,” Zoro approved by the end. “But I'm not convinced that Christian Slater should be allowed to fuck anyone, let alone MY otherwise exclusive, committed… thing.”
“You can say boyfriend,” Sanji offered.
“... 'Boyfriend,’” Zoro tried the word out, and immediately felt that stubbornness spike again. “Hmph.”
“Well this actual guy’s not a psycho killer, okay? He just… likes to give the impression that he is?”
“You're not selling this super well,” Zoro informed him.
Sanji considered the matter. “Well, what if you met the guy and saw that he was okay? You might already know him, actually, we have friends in common.”
“I doubt that,” Zoro grouched. “Who is it then.”
“Okay so you know your stupid orc-looking friend with the hair?”
Zoro spat out his cucumber water. “KIDD is Christian Slater??”
“Oh my god NO. It's his boy-thing, not him. As if I'd let that get its dick in me, plllease. He literally clanks when he walks.”
“He’d just be getting his dick in you by proxy,” Zoro put on his own pout face. “And I didn't know he had a boy-thing.”
“Yeah, apparently Christian Slater is into orc ass…”
Something occurred to Zoro. “This guy's a top?”
Sanji thought. “I guess…? He made it pretty clear how he'd like to do me in particular, so I assume—”
“Whoooaa, what if Kidd's a bottom,” Zoro interrupted.
“Hah. I doubt it. He’s always talking like he's the one getting his dick in everyone and everything… Christian Slater’s probably vers.”
“Nope, Kidd's a pillow-biter, it's settled,” Zoro settled back smugly. “And I can leg-press more than him.”
He got a pillow thrown at his smug green head by an exasperated boyfriend. “Yeah, yeah, you're supreme dick, dumbass. Biggest, sweatiest package around. Fucking typical top...”
“Damn right,” Zoro caught the next pillow. “Well I'm feeling rosier about this whole hall pass thing.”
Sanji paused with a cushion in hand and raised a flawless eyebrow. “Really? I literally just had to talk up your little guy?”
“Yeah, heh. Just make sure Christian Slater knows how monster this meat be.” Zoro patted his junk.
“I’ll bring it to his attention,” Sanji shook his head. But then he laughed and put his head on Zoro's lap. “Boyfriend,” he murmured.
“Boyfriend,” Zoro affirmed.
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