#Sarah Jasper's fiancee
aboyandhisstarship · 4 years
The Delta AU  (tinder AU reboot)
Thanks to @forestwater87 for not only the name Greenwood but also a suggestion as to what Gwen’s new job should be. 
final order of business this fic poses a very serious (not really) question that i want to know your answers to so discuss 
also this bad boy is un proof read because i got a digital date tonight...also i’m lazy 
That’s right a reboot, so enjoy.
David advanced covering the roofs Night vision googles over his eyes as he said into his radio “Sand Man to Dog Patch we are passing Salmon,” The rest of the team moving in a wedge formation towards the destroyed town.
Millers voice returned “roger  Sand Man.”
David crouched raising a fist in a stop motion as he heard a handful of voices walking in the street he whispered “Cool Breeze?”
Jasper shook his head “no weapons….”
Nurf whispered “uhhh they told us that were only dudes holding AK’s out here.”
David shook his head saying “Sand Man to Dog Patch?”
Miller returned “I heard Sand Man…Intel is saying you are Oscar mike.”
Tabii growled “we are painting a target for a bombing raid.”
David asked “Dog Patch…how sure is intel?”
Miller paused “they are saying 60%.”
David watched Kids enter the street kicking a soccer ball, one of the kids kicked the ball wide and it Hit Nurf square in the chest the kids ran up and then saw the 4 soldiers crouching on the ground.
The kids backed away scared as David lowered his weapon nodding for his team to do the same he pushed the ball back to the kids before saying “Sand Man Dog patch…Intel is wrong…we are aborting.”
David tried to smile at the kids who grabbed the Ball before running away.
The lights on the village lit up but by then the team was already gone.
North Carolina:
David stepped off the plane as Miller met him saying “Sir…you got to get those Intel guys straight.”
Miller sighed “they are not on the ground.”
David countered “maybe they should be…Sir…all I ask is that my team know that they are hostiles on the ground…before we are sent in.”
Miller sighed “I will pass on your request up the chain Sargent major, until then your team is off rotation until another Mission comes up.”
David gestured “yes sir, Jasper!”
Jasper smiled “cars running Davie.”
 The next night:
David was dressed in plaid as Jasper dragged out of the car saying “Davie, we both know you need to get out more…you work too much.”
David pointed out halfheartedly “we work the same amount?”
Jasper countered “but I have Sarah waiting for me…who do you have David?”
David sighed “Look Jasper….”
Jasper crossed his arms before saying “that’s what I thought…come on Davie let’s make you some friends.”
The bar much to David’s annoyance was busy and Jasper was waved over by Sarah Jasper's fiancee, David awkwardly stood around before bidding an escape towards the bar ordering a coke, he sat down drinking his coke scrawling through his phone, Tabii was with her girlfriend and Nurf was visiting his mother. So sadly he was stuck with Jasper and by extension all of Sarah’s doctor friends.
David took another sip as a voice asked “you get dragged here to?”
He turned to his right to see a girl about his age, wearing a sundress. She smiled “my names Gwen.”
David smiled “David.”
Gwen looked him up and down before nodding “outdoors type dragged here by a friend who thinks you need to get out more?”
David chuckled “is it that obvious?”
Gwen was about to answer when Sarah walked over “GWEN! I see you met the other recluse!”
David and Gwen said in unison “recluse!?”
Sarah rolled her eyes “Gwen this is one of Jaspers co-workers David, David Gwen was my roommate back in school.”
Gwen sighed “there goes my entire mystic.”
Sarah countered “David here has an enough for both of you!” before walking away enjoying her beer.
David took a sip of his coke asking “another doctor?”
Gwen mumbled “I’m an editor at a newspaper.”
David asked “what?”
Gwen said it again a little louder “I am an editor at a newspaper.”
David lit up “No kidding that is awesome!”
Gwen blinked “thank you.”
David took another sip saying “sounds like interesting work?”
Gwen nodded “it can be…”
She was interrupted as the TV said “breaking news at this hour, Country pop singer Cindy McGuire, has been kidnapped during her tour of South America…”
The bar tender turned off the TV as David’s phone pinged he glanced up to see Jasper pinged as well, he turned around to see Gwen was phone also went off. David opted not to question it saying “pleasure meeting you, but work calls.”
Gwen sighed “same…but I would like to talk to you again.”
David smiled before he threw some cash on the bar before holding his phone to his ear saying “go for Greenwood.”
Jasper following him out, Sarah appeared next to Gwen groaning “they just got back…but duty calls.”
Gwen glanced up from her own emails “what…oh yea…a real shame.”
Sarah smiled “so what did you think of David?”
Gwen frowned “Listen I have to go work.” Dodging the question
Sarah smiled “oh she is hooked.”
 Fort Bragg:
Nurf sat down groaning “man I had to leave my mom…again.”
Tabii groaned “And I lost date night…yet again.”
Jasper sipped some water saying “if it makes you feel any better David was making moves on a girl.”
The entire squad sat forward as David blushed “Wha…me and Gwen…no way, I mean I barely know her and…”
Tabii interrupted “Damn…he is already smitten.”
Miller burst in saying “sorry to pull you all away, but we have a developing situation, this is Cindy McGuire.”
Nurf smiled “my mom loves her stuff!”
Tabii blinked “wasn’t she in the news recently?”
Miller nodded “she was caught on video, doing a rather…caustic rant…and as such is on a tour of schools she helped build in South America.”
Jasper flinched saying “yea I remember watching the news with Sarah when the news broke, it was not pleasant.”
David reminded “we don’t have to like her, we just need to do the job.”
Miller nodded “speaking of, her publisher had the genius idea of publishing her route in advance…she got herself nabbed by a couple of wannabe El Chapo types.”
Tabii groaned “oh boy…”
David sighed “so untrained goons with Ak’s…what are their demands?”
Miller visibly scoffed “500 million dollars, and weapons…enough weapons to arm an air craft carrier.”
Japer took a sip of water “these guys need to manage their expectations.”
Miller chuckled dryly adding “since these guys have demanded weapons a rescue operation has been green lit, this job is going to be in the public eye…so make it clean.”
Gwen entered as her boss said “Gwendolyn about time you got here.”
Gwen sighed “sorry sir.”
Her boss rolled his eyes saying “Cindy McGuire got nabbed from her tour in South America, a friend of a friend in the FBI said the investigation just changed hands…and there is red tape involved! You know what that means! NEWS! So I want to know what is happening Gwen! Get on it!”
Gwen nodded “on it sir,” As she started to dive deep.
David sat in his black camo the lights in the plane were dimmed as he napped only for jasper to loudly clear his throat “David.”
David replied without opening his eyes “Yea Jasp?”
Jasper took a sip of water before asking “sooooooo Gwen.”
David turned over and went back to sleep ignoring Jasper as Tabii grinned “I ship it.”
Nurf said “we have not even met her yet.”
Tabii exclaimed “who cares, anyone who can make the boss look like that is good in my books!”
Nurf shook his head as one of the flight engineers said “1 hour to jump get ready!”
David landed with a thump his night vision googles over his face as he said “dog patch we have passed RWBY.”
Miller responded “roger that Sand Man.”
The team started to advance toward the abandoned gas station where McGuire was being held as Tabii asked “RWBY? Isn’t that the name of like an anime or something?”
Nurf pointed out “it’s American so is it technically an anime?”
Everyone looked at him and he shrugged “what, just because I’m a meat head doesn’t mean I don’t dabble.”
Jasper sighed “I’m just mad they gave us cartons for this operation, come on not the coolest option.”
David dead panned “the last one was sea food.”
Jasper groaned “I know but at least it was at least somewhat cooler.”
Nurf sighed “are you going to brush past that this one is cartoons and the first one is RWBY?”
Tabii sighed “I thought you were not sure RWBY was an Anime?”
Nurf groaned “yea but…but cartoon doesn’t feel right.”
Tabii lunched into a counter point as David tuned them out. 
At this point this debate had been going on for about three hours when David signaled stop saying “Cool Breeze Dirt Diver give me an enemy count.”
Nurf and Jasper said “Wilco.”
David said “Dogpatch, we have passed…Danny Phantom over.”
David heard chuckling in Dog patch as he said “say again Sand man?”
David rolled his eyes “Dog Patch we have passed Danny Phantom.”
Miller could not keep  the amusement out of his voice having heard the previous conversation as it recorded over there com’s “roger Sandman you have passed Danny Phantom.”
Nurf smiled “now that’s a cartoon.”
David reminded “everything we say is being recorded for the record.”
Nurf paused before adding “Danny Phantoms dad is my spirit animal.”
David sighed “report on enemy Dirt Diver.”
Jasper responded “I got 4 tangos, all packing AK’s all facing east, having a smoke.”
David asked “any inside?”
Nurf this time said “negative.”
David flicked off his gun safety saying “Dog patch Sand Man…permission to engage.”
Miller answered “sand man your team has the Green Light.”
David responded already moving towards the building saying “roger.”
The goons were enjoying their smoke as David said “On my count…3,2,1.”
With that four gun suppressed shots rang out and the goons fell to the ground with holes in their skulls.
The team stacked up on the door as David nodded and they kicked the door open meeting the screaming face of Cindy McGuire.
David said “clear, Red cap.”
Tabii moved over to the tied down girl saying “Ma’am we are American’s we are here to rescue you.”
Tabii looked her over for wounds as she demanded in a high pitched voice, the type of thing you would expect from a rich snobby girl in a high school movie as she demanded “who are you people.”
David ignored her saying “dog patch we have passed courage the cowardly dog.”
Cindy called to David the clear leader saying “I said who are you! You have no right to treat me this way! I demand to speak to my agent!”
David and Jasper shoot each other a “is she for real?” glance before saying “like Red cap said we are American’s.”
McGuire furled her lips “the fuck kind of name is RED CAP!?”
Nurf pulled out his knife as she said “Woah sorry I asked sheesh!”
Nurf sighed “just relax I’m cutting you free.”
McGuire now free from her chair asked “so if she is Red Cap...” dragging on the word as if had personally run over her dog before finishing “what are the rest of you?”
David sighed “my name is Sand man that is Cool Breeze and Dirt Diver.”
McGuire looked Nurf up and down “oh you are a Dirt Diver that’s for sure.”
Nurf looked suitably offended as David said “ma’am we can’t stay here, sun comes up in 4 hours and we still have 8 kilometers to cross, to get to the chopper.”
McGuire laughed “oh that’s a short drive…wait…are you asking me to walk!? This is an outrage! Your treating me worse than my kidnappers!”
She snapped her fingers “I want to talk to this….what did you call it Dog patch…god another awful name.”
David groaned “ma’am we are in a hostile environment as such I am the highest authority you can speak to, if you wish to launch a formal complaint that is your right but will have to wait until after we are out of an active combat zone.”
McGuire groaned “I’m holding you to that…Sand Man.” She spat out the name.
McGuire started the walk as David said “Dog patch, we are passing Cyber chase.”
 3 hours later:
McGuire sat on a rock whining “ my feet hurt, is that helicopter coming or not! My lawyers will have a field day with this!”
David who was next to the girl groaned “chopper will be here in 20 mikes.”
McGuire demanded “I don’t speak baby killer!”
Tabii snapped “minutes!...the chopper will be here in 20 minutes.”
McGuire groaned “it better be, I can’t believe this happened I was supposed to get away without any consequence’s, because I’m hot popular and rich!”
The team looked at each other  yet again silently asking “is this girl for real?”
 Blackstone air force base:
McGuire was taken off the plane with a trauma blanket around her as she wailed “they were so horrible to me!” to the waiting camera’s
Gwen saw her reporters trying to get an interview with the star who clearly put on more make up before coming out to the camera’s but Gwen was more interested in soldiers in the back ground quietly slipping away chatting among themselves, including a tuft of red hear she could swear she could recognize.
 2 days later:
David plucked down on his apartment couch, the debrief for that last operation was a night mare, as true to her Diva ways, McGuire was suing the US government for her “rough treatment” everyone who had seen the transcript had determined that she in fact did not have a case, but the Army not in a mood for a long trial so they redacted anything classified and planned to release the transcript  to a news station.
David lay back already thinking of the memes that will spawn “should RWBY have been on the cartoon list?”
 News office:
Gwen re read the transcript chuckling at the teams moving in attics and groaning every time the letters HVT appeared on the transcript. She had found a picture of David on Sarah’s phone and had determined it was likely they were the same person. Gwen chuckled “I guess Sarah’s was not kidding when she mentioned mystic.”
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Reasons I Love Sarah
I’ve already talked about DHaF, Belinda, Ikuisuus, Juma, Chippy, DHaFN, Ruby, Soul Surgery, Jason Zephyr, The Forest, Amelia R., Cadence, Vampire Idol rewrite, Elizabeth, Nane, Humanity’s Demon, Demonic,  Samuel, Katherine A, Clarissa, Humanity’s Demon 2.0, Satan, Lucifer, Azrael, Fredrich, Lilith, Apollyon, Aamon, Master,  Raguel, Michaelveli, Catrina, Zadkiel, Kenneth, Franklin, The Magic  Jeweler, Chip, The Origin of the Magick Shoppe, Ariel, The Fall of the  Sirens, Glorie, Maloi, Glimmer Like the Stars, Mrs. McRoy, The  Curse of the Bloody Lady, Mary, Nyr Death Experiences, Betrüger, Wahr, Vergil, Maxine, Voyage of the Wisp, Nash, Mikah, Roger, Francis, Lindora, Winnifred, Origins of the Hybrid Species, Victoria, Maxie, Amelia, Kyle, Brian, Dana, Marcus, Kate, Tomoka, Jasmine, Aria/Elise, Marcy, Jasper, Jackie, Jesse (Baashe), Calas (Caleb), Elspeth, Magnus and Alisyn.
Here are some reasons why I love Sarah:
she’s a badass lady
she looks sweet and innocent but totally isn’t
her backstory with Maxie is fuuuucked
she was Maxie’s first out of two fiancees
she is the only character that my friend Val and I write together, that we also created together
If you have anything else to add, feel free.
Here is a picrew I made of my girl:
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