#Sassan must've felt at home voicing that part ww
[Translation] VAZZROCK Play of Color Vol. 1 - Drama Track 1
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Here’s the translation for the first Play of Color drama track~! More are up on queue so stay tuned~!
Thank you to @wingusasa (on Twitter) for sharing them with me! 
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
More under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 1: [タラシとゲーマーと甘党と] “A playboy, a gamer, and a sweet tooth”
  (Mamiya and Nao walking)
NAO: (humming “Gekisou DIVE”) Heh-heh~
MAMIYA: Hah~ You’re in a good mood, Naosuke~!
NAO: Ehehe~ You can tell?
MAMIYA: Yeah, of course. You look like you’re about to start skipping, too.
NAO: Please listen to this, Takaaki-san! I actually got praised by the director after today’s VazzRaji!
NAO: He said that I’m getting used to a talk show’s tempo~!
MAMIYA: Ah, it’s true~ You did answer energetically during the question segments.
NAO: Right, right~!?
MAMIYA: Yeah, definitely. Compared to how nervous you were before when in front of a mic, it’s a good development!
NAO: P-please let my good work today overwrite my previous mistakes.
MAMIYA: (laughs) Of course! You did well today, huh~ Na-o-su-ke~
NAO: (laughs)
(they continue walking)
NAO: Even though I “monopolized” Takaaki-san today, it’s still a lotta fun, huh?
MAMIYA: Huh? Me?
NAO: Yep, yep! Takaaki-san does a lot of solo work, right?
NAO: We don’t have a lot of chance to talk a lot with just the two of us, right?
NAO: That’s why this recording session is like a gorgeous, bonus time for me!
MAMIYA: Bonus time, huh~? You say such happy things, oh young one.
MAMIYA: I’m happy to have “monopolized” you today, too~
NAO: …! U-uwah…!
MAMIYA: Eh? What sort of reaction is that?
NAO: It’s a reaction to a playboy…
MAMIYA: What do you mean by that?! I feel like you’re viewing me in a really prejudiced or misunderstood way.
NAO: Eh? It’s not a misunderstanding.
NAO: “Top 8 Guy I Wanna Sleep With!” is just what I remembered…
MAMIYA: Uwah… That’s such a nostalgic topic, hey~!
MAMIYA: (laughs) That’s from when I was in my old unit, right? That thing where every other one of our members was ranked, too.
NAO: Yes! QUELL’s Shu-san was there, too. His rank was… Um…
MAMIYA: Wasn’t it 7?
NAO: Ah, yes, I think it was around that number!
MAMIYA: There was a really narrow margin with the points and I remember being frustrated about losing.
NAO: The battle between the 7th and 8th “guy I wanna sleep with” was definitely a battle of the gods!
MAMIYA: Gods of what now?
NAO: The Gods of Popularity!
NAO: Ah~ I wonder if I imitate Takaaki-san, I’ll be a god of popularity, too.
MAMIYA: You don’t have to copy me, y’know? You have your own good points just being you.
NAO: My good points?
NAO: Like what? Like what, for example?! Please say something that seems popular, Master!
MAMIYA: Popu--…?!
MAMIYA: L-like… yo-you’re so full of energy… or something?
NAO: You sound so fake! I don’t think that’s gonna make me popular.
MAMIYA: Nah, nah. Being energetic is important, ‘kay? It’ll lighten up the atmosphere!
MAMIYA: I mean, even though we started all out today and I was worried that you’d get tired halfway, you managed to pull through, didn’t you?
MAMIYA: And you got praised for it, right? I’m sure the other fans would think it’s great, too! See~ It works, doesn’t it?
NAO: (sparkles) Ehhehe~ You think so~
MAMIYA: (patting Nao’s back) Yeah, yeah! I do, I definitely do!
MAMIYA: But in all seriousness, I could feel your youth properly.
NAO: Youth, you say… Takaaki-san’s not that old, you know?
MAMIYA: No, no, Naosuke-kun. If it’s between 18 and 20 then yeah, I’d say so. But, the energy difference between an 18 year old and a 25 year old is quite much, don’t you think?
NAO: Is that how it goes?
MAMIYA: That’s how it is.
NAO: But, but! I think that Takaaki-san has an “adult coolness” so I wanna hurry and be 25 years old, too.
MAMIYA: Oh~! Naosuke, you keep saying things that make me happy, huh~ It really is a “bonus time” huh~ (laughs)
NAO: It’s not just because it’s bonus time, you know? I really think that you’re cool!
NAO: You always watching over us and ready to back us up anytime. You make things super exciting! You’re a man among men!
NAO: Takaaki-san is my goal!
MAMIYA: Woah… I’m at a loss… Being praised so highly like that makes me afraid of making mistakes…
NAO: (sigh) I wonder if I’ll be as brilliant as you when I become 25…
MAMIYA: Hm… Going by my experience… I don’t think it’s something that’ll just happen all of a sudden.
MAMIYA: Getting older is like climbing stairs but actual growth is like trekking a hill. That’s my opinion.
NAO: Stairs and a hill…
MAMIYA: Yep! Just like I said, one day you’re gonna start to be self-aware, see?
MAMIYA: But, I don’t think that you’ll just experience growth all of a sudden. Well, to put it simply, it’s kinda like finding your way to enlightenment.
NAO: Heh… Um…
NAO: Oh! You mean, it’s kinda like the saying, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step?”
MAMIYA: Exactly~! Just like that!
MAMIYA: But, be careful, Naosuke~ Once you pass 20, time just seems to fly by soooooooo fast!
MAMIYA: You put one foot forward and before you notice, you’ve already gotten older~
NAO: Eh? Even now there are times when I just woke up but then before I notice, I’m back asleep again.
MAMIYA: Well, I get that, too. One day for a teenager seems short. But, you see? When you turn 20, even a year seems so short.
MAMIYA: When you just celebrated your birthday, before you know it, you’re already celebrating your next birthday. Oh, so scary~
NAO: Is that for real…?
MAMIYA: For reals~ And—huh?
NAO: Hm? Ah, that’s--!
  AYUMU: (sighs) I’m in bliss… (he takes a bite of something)
AYUMU: This superb bittersweet flavor, the dango’s elasticity… How truly wonderful.
AYUMU: I want everyone to re-think their feelings about mitarashi dango, too.
AYUMU: “A mitarashi dango is a skewered dumpling with sugar and soy sauce.”
AYUMU: “It is sometimes called a soy sauce dumpling or a grilled dumpling.”
AYUMU: “It can be referred to as simply “mitarashi” but in formal phrasing, it is called “oomita”.”
AYUMU: “There are also a lot of different kinds that varies from region to region.”
AYUMU: By Wikipedia… (1)
AYUMU: Ah…! No, th-this is…!
NAO: So mitarashi dango’s formal term is “omita”, huh? This is my first time hearing that!
AYUMU: Th-this is, um…
MAMIYA: This is my first time hearing about that, too~!
MAMIYA: “Omita” kinda sounds cute, doesn’t it?
NAO: Right?!
AYUMU: A-ah…
NAO: Ayumu-san really loves Japanese sweets, huh~?
AYUMU: … I won’t deny that…
MAMIYA: (chuckles) You don’t have to make such a sorrowful face!
MAMIYA: By the way Ayumu, I love Japanese sweets, too.
AYUMU: Eh? R-really?
MAMIYA: Yeah! We’re the same, huh~
NAO: Here! Here! I love sweet things, too~! I’m the same, too~!
AYUMU: I-is that so? Naosuke, too?
MAMIYA: I don’t think there’s anything for a guy to be embarrassed about liking sweets, y’know?
MAMIYA: I love drinking but I don’t shy away about saying I love sweets, too.
MAMIYA: Western sweets has a taste that makes you excited and Japanese sweets have a taste that calms you down.
MAMIYA: Both are healing, aren’t they?
AYUMU: I-I agree! That’s what I think, too!
MAMIYA: Sometimes I even buy myself some rakugan and I indulge myself with a piece or two.
AYUMU: Oh, what a surprise…! To think that the day I could talk about Japanese sweets with Takaaki-san would come…!
NAO: E-eh…? Rakugan?
MAMIYA: (laughs) Oh yeah. Naosuke doesn’t know rakugan, huh.
MAMIYA: Rakugan is uh… Explaining it’s kinda difficult…
AYUMU: Naosuke! “Rakugan is made from a starchy flour made from rice husks. It’s mixed with starch syrup and sugar. You put it into a mold and let it harden.”
AYUMU: “You can even use different flavors like red bean paste or chestnuts mixed in to it while it’s hardening in the mold.”
AYUMU: By Wikipedia. (sparkles) (2)
NAO: Heh~? Ayumu-san’s so amazing!
MAMIYA: Ayumu’s been saying a lot of Japanese sweets facts, huh~
MAMIYA: Naosuke, I’ll buy you some as a gift next time.
MAMIYA: Food facts are good and all but actually eating it would be best.
NAO: Yay!
AYUMU: Takaaki-san, if it’s rakugan, I’d recommend the Toki-ya shop in Ginza.
MAMIYA: Oh~! This is my first time hearing that store’s name. Do you check it often?
AYUMU: Ah, no… Not that much… I’d like to say that I just knew but…
NAO: “Like to say?”
AYUMU: I do frequent it…
MAMIYA: He admitted it~! (laughs)
MAMIYA: That’s okay. I said a while ago that there’s nothing to be embarrassed about liking sweets.
AYUMU: You’re right.
NAO: Ayumu-san, are you on your way home from work?
NAO: Takaaki-san and I were on our way home after recording VazzRaji!
AYUMU: VazzRaji… Ah, that’s right! This week’s hosts were VAZZY. I did it last week.
  AYUMU: Still… this is a rather unusual pairing.
NAO: (laughs) We think so, too.
AYUMU: How would a radio broadcast go with you two as hosts…?
NAO: H-how, you say…? Uh… VazzRaji’s concept is one where we can freely talk about anything so I don’t think we did anything special.
NAO: We did the usual daily talk, the “let us hear your troubles” segment, and read messages—Ah! We did a live game broadcast during our choose-your-own topic segment!
AYUMU: A game broadcast…?
NAO: Oh, you’re not aware? It’s exactly what it sounds like.
NAO: You play a game live and you say your thoughts and impressions. That’s how it usually goes!
AYUMU: Is that… fun? A game is something that the listeners should see as you play, right?
MAMIYA: That’s what you would think, right? I didn’t know about it so I thought so too at first.
MAMIYA: But it gets really exciting!
AYUMU: Heh~ Is that so?
MAMIYA: Yeah! Speaking while playing the game is actually kinda difficult!
MAMIYA: We unconsciously said a lot of reckless and weird stuff and that’s what makes it funny!
MAMIYA: I was so-so with it but Naosuke was good as expected!
NAO: Eh-he~! I don’t mind if you praise me more!
MAMIYA: Yes, yes~ (chuckles)
AYUMU: I see… By the way, what kind of game did you play?
MAMIYA: About that~ I’m not the kind who plays games a lot but Naosuke’s a straight-up gamer, right?
MAMIYA: He suggested something that doesn’t require any technique.
NAO: We played an otome game!
AYUMU: Otome… game?
NAO: In simple terms, it’s uh… A kind of strategy game where you play as a heroine who can be in a relationship with all kinds of hot guys!
NAO: There’s a lot of worlds, settings, and stories but this time we didn’t have a lot of time so we went with a school-centered one.
AYUMU: School-centered…?
NAO: The setting was a famous school somewhere, wasn’t it?
AYUMU: So it’s something like a school drama?
MAMIYA: Yep~! Ma~n, I’ve never wooed a guy before so that was definitely a fresh experience~
AYUMU: If it’s Takaaki-san, I feel like you could woo anyone easily.
NAO: I feel you~! He’s definitely the kind who can woo any life forms.
AYUMU: All kinds of life forms is his strike zone… Takaaki-san, as expected from you!
MAMIYA: No, no, no! Your opinion of me is definitely weird.
MAMIYA: If I really did have that kind of personality (in the game), I’d be expelled from school in no time.
AYUMU: Eh? I understand getting rejected but, you can get expelled too?
AYUMU: What an unbelievable survival game…
NAO: Plus, it had an unbelievable ending, too!
NAO: When I went on a date with the character I was romancing, the shopkeeper of the ramen shop took a liking to us and…
NAO: He brought out a secret ingredient and we were suddenly transported to China! After that, it’s the end.
AYUMU: That’s an ending I didn’t expect at all… Whatever happened to the school setting?
NAO: Exactly!
AYUMU: Now, I’m getting curious.
MAMIYA: (laughs) That game is in the staff’s storage so the next time you do a broadcast, why not try playing it?
AYUMU: Yes, I’m thinking of trying it.
NAO: So, Ayumu-san was…?
AYUMU: Oh, that’s right. I was on my way home from work, too.
AYUMU: I went to the agency this morning to go over the filming schedule and was just on my way home.
AYUMU: The meeting advanced faster than I thought so I stopped by somewhere on the way home.
NAO: I see! So that’s why you bought dango and was in a moment of bliss a while ago, huh~?
AYUMU: That’s correct. Sitting on a sunlit bench in a quiet park, I could relax—Hm?
(crows cawing)
AYUMU: It suddenly got noisy…
MAMIYA: Hm? What is it? Is it over there?
NAO: Did… I feel like I just heard a cat’s cry, too…
AYUMU: But I hear a crow’s cawing, too.
NAO: Hmmm?? Ah! That thing where the crows are surrounding! Isn’t that a cat?!
(Nao runs over)
NAO: Stop right there!
MAMIYA: Hey, Naosuke!
NAO: You crows, please stop!
AYUMU: Hey, Naosuke! (Ayumu and Mamiya run after him)
AYUMU: Be careful!
MAMIYA: Don’t get pecked, okay?!
  NAO: (warding off crows) Go over there! These guys are not food!
(crows going wild)
NAO: Ah! My hair’s not food either! AHH!!
MAMIYA: Ahh~ Are you alright, Naosuke?
AYUMU: You birds are strong and capable. That’s why you shouldn’t pick on someone weaker than you.
NAO: Ayumu-san! Is this the time to be scolding the crows?!
 (all three begin talking over each other)
MAMIYA: Ah, come on already. I told you not to go, Naosuke! Come over here right now! (he tries dragging him away)
(crows keep cawing)
AYUMU: If I don’t tell them, my message won’t come across properly.
NAO: Ah, let me go! Geez! It should be fine, right?!
MAMIYA: I told you, it’s dangerous!
Translator’s Notes:
(1) This article translation is actually a direct translation from the Japanese Wikipedia page for “mitarashi dango” because what Ayumu said is actually verbatim from the Wikipedia page lolol. (Wiki page here)
(2) The same goes for this article on “rakugan”. It is, in fact, quoted by Ayumu word-for-word in the drama track as well XD (Wiki page here)
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