#Sasuke is terrified when Hinata first uses said technique
narhinafan · 2 years
Hey someone said that (First of all Kishi stated that Hinata possesses Hamura chakra, which is permanent and enhances Hinata's strength and abilities even more when one of Japanese fans say to kishi if hinata have hamura chakura or not.)
Now i saw someone said:
1. Hinata- She is THE MOST OVERRATED CHARACTER IN THE SERIES. Her fans overrate her so much. It’s hilarious and pathetic. Hinata is overrated because she’s nice, is part of NH and because she’s a Hyuga. In truth and in fact she’s an ordinary rookie 9 member but some of her fans think that she is kage leveled. They still compare her to current Sakura. This is the most popular comparison. Hinata’s fans think that she’s better than Neji as well even though she has no feats to prove this. They think that she is super smart, the best at chakra control, taijutsu, being a ninja, everything. She’s actually pretty average for the rookie nine but people put her on the kage tier. They also cling to her being a Hyuga despite Neji and her dad being stronger and still not being as powerful as other characters. They think that being Naruto’s love interest and being a Hyuga automatically puts her on the kage tier or stronger than Sakura when that’s not true. SS is not NH’s rival in power, only Naruto and Sasuke are rivals only. 
Oh and with this last movie crap they think she had hamura’s power. All she did was collect chakra to give to naruto. She did not activate the tenseigan nor did she get any abilities. Had she gotten abilities like Naruto and Sasuke then she would have used them, kept them and shown us something. She would not have just collected chakra to give naruto. This shows that Hamura gave her chakra without abilities. Even then she’s still not overpowered like her fans say. SHE’S NORMAL and it’s annoying how people overrate her for the slightest little feats. 
Hinata is anything but normal in fact that applies to Sakura more then anyone else. What Sakura fans refuse to admit is that Sakura getting the seal and creation rebirth doesn't make her a better fighter, before the war Sakura was still get one shot by Omoi a chunin so no way she is Kage level, he fighting skill wouldn't have improved much before the war nor during it and after she started working at the hospital full time eventually taking it over. Hinata however in the manga is shown landing hits on Pain and even pushing him back when his jutsu wasn't on cooldown a feat no other character has managed. Even Naruto had to use Shadow clones to resist almighty push, Hinata however is the only character that has managed to hit him before he could use it. The difference between Hinata and Sakura is obvious when one pushes back one of the strongest ninja in the series on her own, while the other gets taken out by a new character that isn't even a jonin.
As for Hinata she was put equal to Neji during the war so with the extra years she has over him it is safe to say she is better now, if he was alive it would be another story, but Hinata in Boruto has 10+ years of training over Neji. As for her father Hinata already proved herself better when she easily took out several puppets that were shown to have overwhelmed Hiashi at the start of the move.
Hinata would easily be ranked 3rd or 4th out of the rookie 9, first Hyuga are basically anti ninja the combination of the gentle fist and Byakugan make them OP and that is not even factoring in Lion Fist.
Now I am going to post the Twin Lion Fists jutsu file that properly explains what it does and shows just how terrifying of jutsu it is when paired with the gentle fist.
Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists (Juuho Soushiken)
Taijutsu, Kekkei Genkai, Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary, Close range
User(s): Hyuuga Hinata
Strong will held in the fists!! Its form is double lion heads!!
A secret high-level Gentle Fist technique, taught only to the Main House of the Hyuuga Clan. By changing the shape of chakra released from both hands, [the user] greatly increases reach and destructive power. The arms become entirely like lions which drain the chakra network of those they touch.
Because it will fail at even the slightest mistake in chakra control, it is extremely difficult to learn this ability, which is a feat that requires the Byakugan.
It can be used to increase the power of Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms.
Now as we already know the gentle fist bypasses defences and damages the organs and chakra network directly. This makes it quite deadly and will weaken an opponent with every it. Add that is unlockable and as shown that even a glancing blow can do harm it is difficulty to dodge as well. The gentle fist and Byakugan is so fearsome that it is consider the strongest taijutsu in the village and possibly even the world, the cloud village even went as far as attempting to kidnap Hinata when she was younger to try and get them. Those things alone easily put Hinata over most ninja's that even if she isn't equal or better then Neji as long as she is close to Neji's level there will be few that can deal with her.
Now Lion Fist makes the already OP, not only does it increase the gentle destructive power, but also greatly enchants range as well as drains chakra.
As you can see in the ss, the increase isn't small either the lion fists greatly extend Hinata's reach by not only length, but also width. In a taijutsu fight the only way to perfectly evade the gentle fist was by parrying, but Lion Fist covers Hinata's hands and good length of arm making them impossible to parry. Add that their size the same as Hinata's body in close combat the jutsu is basically the perfect offensive and defence, it would be extremely difficult to land a hit while avoiding them in fact close combat is pretty much impossible against such a jutsu.
Then there is the fact it can be paired with 64 palms which is basically an instant win when hit lands unless the enemy is a jinchuuriki. With Lion Fist on top of 64 palms will take out anyone, even if 64 palms doesn't land properly the extra range and damage Lion Fist provides will ensure the enemy is in no state to keep fight.
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Now as for Hinata's chakra control, the Hyuga have always had a level of chakra control beyond others due their innate ability to release chakra from any chakra point on the body and even doing so from several different points at once. Add that they have the Byakugan that allows them to see their chakra and how it flows through the chakra points and network they can easily perfect their chakra control through training with its aid. The Lion Fist is stated to fail at even the slightest mistake in chakra control being extremely difficult to learn this ability and is a feat that requires the Byakugan. This means the level of chakra control needed for Lion Fist is somthing that can only be obtained with the Byakugan. Hinata mastering a jutsu that even for Hyuga standards is difficult to learn and needs the Byakugan proves that Hinata's chakra control is one of the best in the series.
Neji was hailed as the greatest genius in the history of the Hyuga clan and Hinata during the war is shown fighting back to back with him as equals even saving him at one point when they were fighting Zetsu. Add that Hinata could easily fill in for Neji after he overused used his Byakugan also shows that Hinata has some advantages over Neji. So during the war Hinata is strong enough to be considered Neji's equal, even if she wasn't stronger then him then after he died Hinata would have had more then enough time to surpass him. Also though Neji doesn't have Lion Fist which is a big game changer, if both Hinata and Neji fought even if Hinata was still the less skill of the two Lion Fist would give her the advantage over Neji. Even if Neji used rotation the Lion Fists ability to drain chakra would counter it.
So Hinata isn't overrated in fact she would be considered underrated. At the very least with Neji's passing Hinata is easily the strongest Hyuga. In the novels a rusty Hinata can easily beat a Jonin Hanabi who is the next head of the Hyuga clan. While Hinata already proved herself stronger then her father in the last. The Hyuga clan is known as the strongest clan in the leaf village so Hinata being the strongest Hyuga at the moment goes a long way and would easily put her in the upper echelon in the ninja world.
As for Hamura's chakra Hinata's lion fist got upgraded after she got it with it being remained and the colour changing. The normal Lion Fist is easily A-S rank jutsu and OP as I explained above so an improved version would just be insane.
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holicanth · 4 years
Hanging on to Threads
@shinoweek​  2021 Prompt 1 - Solitude
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Words: 2.7k
Genre: Angst. Horror. Suspense. Crime(?) Implied Shinohina
Warnings: Implied murder. 
Author’s Note: This is part 1 of my Shinoweek 2021 series!! The whole series would be 4-5 parts and possibly have each prompt (chapter) released in chronological order.
" A shinobi must constantly suppress their emotions, follow a strict set of rules that they decide among themselves, and avoid extraneous conflict. "
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
To his classmates, the grand tales of Konoha's history sounds like a distant, outdated fairytale, but Shino likes to think that there are things to learn from everything.
Tobirama Senjuu was renowned for his pragmatic approach to things, whether it be national or international. A model shinobi whose discipline has shaped the lives of generations after, and Shino revered him greatly.
Shino had thought, that if every shinobi were to follow the the Second's ninja way then surely Konoha would be much stable as a country, and considerably stronger against their rivals. If every ninja had kept their emotions on bay, then surely everyone would resolve conflict peacefully and level-headedly.
Even Shino himself takes pride in his ability to control his emotions. He was sure that nothing in the world could ever shake his roots.
That is, until his own brother was taken from him.
(Shino thinks he can picture the scene. A sunset. A lake. The dry voice of a man. And his brother. A serene yet glutted scenario.)
 His father came that day, with a crooked man on his tails.
Something spiked in his heart when Shino heard the man demand for him.
His bugs had sensed that his father was just as perplexed.
"He is your son. He must be exceptionally talented."
Shino could've sworn that the man was plotting something behind his back. There was no way that he would've had any use of him. He was just a young boy, barely ten. Shino had thought of a million reasons why he in particular was selected until--
 "Why don't you take me instead?"
Torune jumped off the tree and stood in front of Shino.
"I'm the son of Shikuro Aburame, after all."
 And soon after, the man had sealed his brother's fate. Torune was to go with him the following morning. Forever. 
And there was nothing that Shino could do to persuade him otherwise.
Torune had sacrificed himself. So that Shino could have relationships with others. So that Shino could have a significant bond with his friends. The relationship between the two could be said as distant, but Shino had considered him as a brother, while Torune had thought of himself as a burden.
The morning comes and goes too fast and Shino was unable to stop him from leaving. He spent the whole night thinking, creating a heartfelt speech that would have swayed his brother, making up excuses so that he won't leave. All of that crushed by the thought that he wouldn't be able to come up with a better solution. Shino knew that negotiating with Danzo was going to end up with himself being taken away. A cold morning and a silent goodbye was the only thing Shino had to bear with.
But even after years has passed, nothing about that day made sense for Shino. He didn’t know why, and ultimately he was banned from speaking of that day even with his own family. He had felt, with great intensity, a feeling that he can't quite describe with anything but he word "unpleasant" Was he angry? scared? anxious that he'll be next? All he knew was that his chest tightened every time he thinks about it, an unnamed sense of wary washing over his five senses.
The thought always haunts his mind—the fact that a human being can be forgotten out of existence. To be killed by proxy, as if their life had no meaning in the first place. 
Therefore Shino tries to honor his brother. He set a list of rules for himself. Followed it thoroughly. He tries to emulate his brother’s strength. And in the process, make comrades on the way, just like his brother requested.
 (The years pace faster than usual. Shino has yet made any meaningful connections outside of his teammates.)
 Yet when he's matured his powers enough to protect lives, he found himself falling out of the map all the while. Flimsy friendships with the bare minimal civilities. No one recognized his potential (nor his face) and there was active attempts of isolation from Konoha itself. 
Shino was alone yet again.
 He's heard the word from his father. That something internal was stirring up inside Konoha, messing the clan hierarchy, opening doors to clan discrimination. He's seen the Uchiha fall bait to it already, what are the odds that his clan wouldn't be next?
(By proxy, Hinata should also be subject to such mistreatment, seeing how The Hyuuga themselves are a noble clan involved in the scuffle. The Konoha elders seem to think otherwise. The Hyuuga are valuable.)
Hostilities or not, Shino knows enough about the Second's manifesto to figure the Uchiha massacre, but this time, all clues fall cold.
There was no talks about the Aburames. What would Konoha do with them, and how they would dispose of them. Outsiders dig up lies from spread rumors, but clansmen know the source of those rumors are none other than those they pay subservience to.
(Shino had thought that his newly found ability should be shared, but his family were in massive disagreement.)
Shino had always been aware of the Aburame's dojutsu. A technique that allows one to link their vision to an insect, granting them the candid ability to spy with the littlest trace of chakra. One so undetectable that the Yamanakas haven't noticed that the pests that ruins their flowers aren't merely parasites.
This dojutsu—The Senrigan—is regarded as superior in range to the Byakugan, which cannot reach intercontinental levels and are visible when activated. You wouldn't notice an Aburame using the Senrigan, what with their dark shades and stoic expression. Even within the clan, the ability is rare. It requires the finest chakra control and level headedness to connect to one bug, and years more to connect to a whole swarm.
The Senrigan requires exceptionally high amounts of concentration and will. A single mistake has Shino bedridden for days with migraine, and it requires Shino to be absolutely still in the process, akin to the Yamanaka's mind transfer jutsu.
Training comes easy to Shino, who has decided that it was his second priority (the first being his brother's promise) to do all his endeavors perfectly. He is diligent, and determined to awaken the Senrigan as soon as possible. Shino is aware that the situation in Konoha is brewing bad news; there is nothing but suspense and disarray in the air
But even after obtaining such power, his problems were still far from finished. 
 Konoha knows Shibi Aburame as a smart individual. Tactical, cold, and precise.
And Konoha’s intention was clear as day. Leaving Shibi from many clan meetings was downright disrespectful. And having the ANBU on lookout near the Aburame compound was just the beginning of Konoha’s hostility. Shibi has seen the Uchiha massacre, and there was no way he will let the same happen to his family
Therefore just like Torune, Shino was isolated to his house immediately after his Chuunin promotion. Cultivating chakra and beetles, preparing for a battle that might not happen. 
(The Aburames were being faced with open discrimination. It was always known that their relationship with Konoha was shaky even before the peace treaty)
And that is where his doubts are all confirmed.
 He tested the Senrigan on his friends. Once. Then twice. Then it becomes a routine as he claims that it was all for "practice"
(Shino was foolishly hopeless, but even a fool should stay optimistic and dumb.
He had hoped that the Senrigan failed him. That he heard wrong. That he had tailed the wrong ninja.)
There was no one that noticed him gone, no one that searched for him. Not even his teammates.
Not even the pretentious Naruto
 It has been two years since the Chuunin exams. Shino has been missing (protected) since then, and no one bats an eye towards it. No one questions it. Even the Hokage seems eager to wipe the Aburames out of Konoha
Shino knows by heart that the Nara and Yamanaka heads have told their heirs to not speak a word about this. The Inuzuka and the Akimichi would be left out of the discussion completely, while the Hyuuga are given the splendid task of periodical supervising, along with the ANBU.
(Of course, he knows that a civil war is on its way to hit them, but to think that Hinata had not asked about him either! His migraine hurts him just a little more.)
 In the next few bedridden days, Shino's thoughts linger to an old friend. One whose face he wouldn't forget, and one who wouldn't forget Shino's name either. 
Uchiha Sasuke.
Perhaps he had felt the same loneliness—to live in a village that sees your family name first before your own person
Shino's mind was spiraling, swirling, filled to the brim with outrageous whispers and his fading sense of clarity. How could he have been forgotten just like that? Like he was never an important comrade. Like he never existed in the first place. But at the same time his voice of reason yells at him to shut up. Stop thinking. There is nothing he could do but wait for a decree from the Hokage, or an official statement from the Konoha elders.
 But then an equally terrifying thought caught his attention.
What if Konoha had seriously intended to wipe off the Aburames?
To eliminate, and sweep the whole incident under the rug.
Would his father--the clan representative—be able to coax their way back? To assert that the Aburames were still useful?
(He scoffs. Begging Konoha to spare mercy on the Aburames would be such a pitiful sight. He can't imagine his father bowing down to them, nor can he foresee a favorable negotiation for his clan's future. Shino knows better than anyone that Konoha doesn't keep records of the Aburame's achievements. It was going to be a methodical, efficient depletion.)
It was all so horrible. The way his friends leave him out of the picture. The way they rejoiced over Naruto's return. The fact that something wrong was happening and his teammates were either in full acknowledgement or were turning a blind eye.
(He sees the way Team 8 functions without him. Kurenai has become more hands-on and active. She doesn't come to class drunk anymore, and actually teaches the other two justsus. Kiba and Hinata both steadily improve under her lead. And somewhere in his heart, he feels a clawing, steep anger whenever Kiba acts differently around Hinata. The three of them act like a perfect happy family. Perfectly ignorant to the missing participant)
Was it sweat that rolled down his face? Fatigue and stress had burned him down, thrown him off balance and hit him with a reality he wishes he could just sleep off. Every morning comes to slap the brutal truth on his face, and the fact that his father had been more and more cornered by the Konoha elders had him irked.
 He holds his breath and recalls the man he loathes. The same one who took his brother.
A daring idea comes to haunt Shino's mind. If Danzo Shimura adores the Aburame's abilities (having appointed many from his family to be his consultants), then perhaps Shino could lobby him into making the situation better for his clan.
But Shino? The boy was barely old enough to wager a significant deal with Danzo.
Unless of course. If he'd exchange his dojutsu for his clan safety.
 (To jump into the lion's den. 
There was a revengeful, spite-filled excitement that came with it.)
 A shinobi must constantly suppress their emotions, follow a strict set of rules that they decide among themselves, and avoid extraneous conflict.
Shino decides this is for the best. He repeats the words endlessly. Sometimes muttering, sometimes coming out only as a sigh. His footsteps are accompanied with his chants, but it stops abrubtly in the middle of the desolate road.
Solemnly he looks upwards. The moon emerged from the clouds as if it were saying goodbye to him. Bathing him in soothing light that calms his nerves. A sight he'd remember.
(And along with that, the moon reflects to him the eyes of a particular girl.
One whose house was just steps away.)
Shino finds himself transfixed. He could stop any moment now, visit a friend, and ask for help from anyone who'd be willing to listen to his problems. Hell, he might even beg Naruto to help him. The brat must've had a shred of empathy left in him. 
A string of hope tugged at his heart, trying to assure him that there must be something else that can be done. If he meets Danzo now what would happen to him? What about Torune?
What about his teammates? His friends?
(He leaves that thought adrift, noticing the howling winds and the clank of a familiar wooden cane.)
 "Aburame. Explain what business you have prowling around late at night."
 Danzo Shimura emerges with his two bodyguards. A Yamanaka and--
 Shino had known that Danzo was en route towards the Hyuuga clan. Shino had expected bodyguards to accompany him. Shino had not, however, suspected that one of his entourages would be his brother himself.
Something speaks for itself in the silence that ensues. Bitterness and resolve had taken over Shino, who had turned to look at them with a gait of arrogance. Torune shook his head in disbelief.
 "I'll have to assume you're out on an assasination if you don't answer." Danzo sneers, thumping his crane to call attention.
"You lowlives have been hiding something from us, haven't you? Especially you," He points towards Shino.
"The Aburame heir, Shino Aburame."
(Shino analyzed the three in front of him. Whatever words he says, everything will determine how he'll get out of this situation. 
Dead or alive)
"Answer him," Torune barks, a choking coil hanging around his throat. "Or you will have to be detained." 
(The Yamanaka boy behind them had gestured to his master to use his jutsu, which was promptly denied.)
He took off his hood and grimaced. There was no headband from which the moonlight can reflect itself on. Fists clenched, he was set on negotiating his terms.
"I have no business with the Hyuuga." He says in a practiced tone, "But I have things I need to discuss with you, Danzo Shimura."
Shino made it clear that he will not address him formally.
"You brat. You think you can get away with disrespecting me? You must have a justifiable reason to speak to me like that."
"Speak, runt," He growls "Or it'll be more than your life you'll lose."
 Torune flinches at the statement, eyes darting to Shino as if warning him to follow whatever he fucking says. To not fucking disobey Danzo.
Instead Shino finds a rush of tranquility—a childish confidence that doesn't hesitate when he touches the rims of his shades. 
 "You have an interest in utilizing the Aburames--my clan." His bugs slowly hover around. "And you've made it obvious that our village wants us gone."
(Shino thinks he ordered his bugs to stay. But apparently they respond to the thrumming of his heart instead of his mind.)
 "You are afraid of us. You want us under fear and control so that you may use our members as fodder." 
His bugs have started buzzing loudly.
 "You want to steal the Aburame's secret technique for your own benefit," Shino throws his glasses "And you want to sacrifice our clan for the sake of this lousy, corrupted village."
Despite the moon hiding in the clouds from him, Shino can still see. Even in the darkness. Even when he has shut his eyes. He knows that Torune is panicking. He knows that Yamanaka ninja was pulling out his tantō. He knows that Danzo was unfazed, even though he has begun tapping his finger rather impatiently.
 "I've come to offer you a deal, Danzo Shimura," Shino speaks defiantly, "In exchange for the Aburame's secret technique you will oath to protect our clan. This oath shall be a blood contract, and my bugs will bear witness to it shall you ever betray your words."
Shino finally opens his eye. Two green orbs pierce the darkness, suspense filling the air around the compound. His bugs have formed a sort of mist around him, buzzing quietly in his honor.
 "I will become your eyes, ears, and guardian until the day you die. That is my offer to you, Danzo Shimura."
(Shino laces his words with deceit. Something he hopes can fool the man into dismissing it as a child's foolish speech.)
A growing laugh bursts from the man. His normally astute image shattered into a cocky countenance. He walks towards Shino, smirk evident in his eyes. 
"You Aburames always have the best deals." He replies, zealously. 
"I'm more than glad to have you cooperate with me. Come." 
 Danzo walks past him, a trail of bugs following his feet.
 The sight unfolding before Torune could be described as his worst nightmare—the green eyes, the bug manipulation, Danzo and Shino's involvement...
But he looked down, and followed his master instead.
 The Senrigan was at full bloom. 
There was no way Shino could go back to his previous life.
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liam-cadmus · 3 years
Sasuke’s eyes steadily widen, breaths leaving out of him as Itachi chokes him, the man seemingly staring at him, eyes dazed and mind cloudy. His hand weakly closes over the wrist, as he screams under the force of Tsukuyomi. 
Itachi didn’t notice his hand getting far more tighter than he anticipated, was unable to see the force of his hand as it restricts Sasuke’s breathing, and the assault of his younger brother’s already fragile mind with the Tsukuyomi. Tears fall down Sasuke’s eyes as he helplessly latches on Itachi’s wrist, wanting to be free, croaking as he tries to talk, even if the hand covering his throat is crushing.
“Ni-i san..” his voice trails off, as the air cuts off from his lungs, eyes rolling back to his head, snapping Itachi to attention, plunging his brother accidentally deeper to the effects of Tsukuyomi. 
Naruto screams for his pseudo brother’s name, as Itachi and Kisame flees, the battered young Uchiha splayed motionless and pale on the floor. 
Tsunade’s shoulders are hunched, after she finished the surgery for Sasuke’s injuries, rage filling her body, on the thought of how Itachi fucking Uchiha thought it was a good idea to let his otōto, as if his previous genjutsu and massacre of the clan isn’t enough. Thankfully, he didn’t manage to fracture the larynx too much that the air is entering to his brother’s chest. 
Sasuke’s vocal cords weakened drastically, making him careful in talking, until he heals enough to full voice use. Not that it’s such a huge change, since he’s already normally quiet because of his selective mutism. 
Leading him to now, where he walks with Konoha 11, knowing that he’s unable to talk for the first week, two weeks at most. Seeing the nosy shinobi and civilians peering at him, he shuffles closer to be hidden behind their senseis, not wanting to be approached without the ability to answer. 
Kakashi’s protective side is fully flaring out, after the Forest of Death. He silently thanks Gai for being there to take Sasuke when he was unable to, and the times his rival suggested the teams to train together. He’s relieved and grateful to his rebellious student for reaching out, happy to know that his student trusts him. 
Not to mention the eleven teens that have been closer was present when Sasuke woke up, solidifying their bond and making Sasuke reluctantly see that they’re there for him. Regardless, he still took time to talk with him privately, explaining how Itachi was wrong for making him to be the one to take revenge.
“I don’t care why Itachi is doing this to you, but you don’t deserve it, never had, never will.” He utters, letting his emotions bleed into his voice. “You’re still so young, Sasuke, you don’t need to be burdened with so much responsibilities.” 
He always have seen the tired expression that his student keeps on hiding behind layers of indifference and mock anger, and the downcast, bottomless black eyes of his. “You can kill him eventually, on your own time. Trust me, trust us. We’ll be with you, we’ll do this together, step by step. No one’s rushing you.” 
Kakashi could feel the floodgates teetering the edge as relief courses his whole being, when he finally sees his student sagging, when said student finally cries after keeping it to himself since the massacre. He thanks the Sage that Sasuke was able to override what Itachi implanted on his mind. 
Kakashi wraps his arms around the trembling teen, as he shallowly breathes out on the inky bluish strands. I’ve saved one of them, I fucking managed to save an Uchiha, and I won’t let him down. He repeats in his head, before he promises, “And I will continue to protect him, and my two other students, even if it costs my life. History will not repeat itself.” 
Sasuke frowns, cursing his stoic and aloof expressions for once, his mask making it difficult to show his emotions, far too used to feigning indifference. Neji takes a glance of him, before tapping Hinata’s shoulders to get her attention. He gives him a hopefully grateful half-smile, as the heiress finally reads his question that was written on the paper. 
Kakashi saw it, knowing that he couldn’t stop the expectations that the elders are giving the sole survivor of the clan, but it didn’t make sense because he’s already doing enough for the village. He’s staying. He’s trying. Why isn’t that seen? Sasuke is physically and emotionally exhausted, and he’s only thirteen or fuck’s sake, and he grew far too early like him.
People often say that Sasuke's cold, arrogant and so full of himself. Konoha 11 beg to differ, after spending time with the other teen, they just noticed he's reclusive, a bit detached and anti-social. He can manage to talk, but he's not too fond of talking to people he doesn't know, especially ones who trigger his anxiety, making him uncomfortable and high strung.
Kakashi could see his student getting restless and trying to act nonchalant while Naruto and Sakura respectively gets busier being apprentices while Sasuke was left alone. Kakashi tries his best to steer Sasuke away from getting dragged to ANBU, while his student raises to chūnin and eventually jōnin . 
Sasuke would occasionally go back to the Uchiha compound, either to visit their huge library filled with scrolls, adding terrifying clan jutsus to his arsenal. While training himself and training with the other members of Konoha 12, Kakashi provides some time to train him, steadily making him advanced in ninjutsu, especially kenjustu. 
Sasuke instead focused his time on making his chakra reserves larger, honing his time to create variations of Lightning Release: Chidori, upgrading the renowned Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation, Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction and their clan’s signature move, Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique to reach higher temperatures. Kakashi mentioned to him that he can reverse summon, after seeing the ninken that followed his sensei around. Sasuke was able to sign a summoning contract with the Hawks. 
He’s extremely proficient in completing missions in various places outside of the village, which has taken the attention of Danzo. Tsunade although takes him as her personal ANBU guard before Danzo manages to take hold of him, which he excelled in, masked as he protects from behind the shadows whenever she goes for diplomatic meetings. He was deemed as Sasuke of the Sharingan, and the Silent Lightning, often seen with a blue-tinted chokutō.
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setaripendragon · 8 years
Familiar Strangers - Six: Genma
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten Bonus scenes: Five-Point-Five - Seven-Point-Five Okay, this is the part I’ve been looking forward to since I started this self-indulgent story of mine. (-whispers- The Life and Times of a Shinobi Den Mother by @blackkatmagic has absolutely nothing to do with how much I adore Genma. Nup, not a thing. -shifty eyes-)
The first sign Genma got that something was wrong was the two sets of shoes sitting innocently in his front hall. He stopped on the threshold, staring at the footwear. Almost all of his friends wore the standard blue shinobi sandals, not kunoichi heels or black shinobi boots. But what sort of intruder just left their shoes in the hall like a guest?
The second sign he got was the sound of unfamiliar voices coming from his living room. They were quiet enough that he had to strain to pick out the words, but they weren’t trying to hide their presence. So Genma did what any good shinobi would do. He shut the front door silently, then leaned back against it to listen in.
“-wrong. The world cannot change this much in the space of one day.” Female, young, probably a teenager, by Genma’s best guess. She would be the owner of the kunoichi heels, most likely, although girls her age didn’t tend to go for them, as they were favoured by village-bound and retired kunoichi. Pride usually stopped the young, up-and-coming, active kunoichi from wearing them. And this one sounded like she had a lot of pride. She sounded controlled and in control, in a way that suggested there was a lot of anger she very carefully wasn’t showing. “Dead clans and people going rogue and a different Hokage don’t just happen overnight. So someone did something to make the world this messed up, and when I find them, they’re going to bleed until they fix it, and then they’re going to burn.”
Well, Genma thought through the alarm bells suddenly making a racket in the back of his mind, this is one very dangerous kunoichi. She had delivered the threat – the promise – with a quiet, cold certainty that usually characterised the torture half of Torture and Interrogations. She had experience in making people hurt, and she was more than willing use those skills if she needed to.
“Seconded.” Male, also teenaged, with a quiet, rich voice with the careful pronunciation that Genma associated with Elders and the more insular and proud Clans. He also sounded darkly amused by his ally’s bloodlust, which wasn’t encouraging.
“Okay-” A third voice, which startled Genma, but he catalogued and assessed it just like he had the others. “-but who did what, and why?” Male, teenaged, boisterous even in his exasperation with his allies. He sounded familiar to Genma, although he couldn’t place him. “More importantly, how do we find them in order to make them fix it?”
A pause, and then the girl spoke again. “We need to assess the events leading up to the attack.” She said, brisk and matter-of-fact, her anger almost inaudible under her professionalism. “What was everyone doing before we woke up in that ruined lab? I was on shift in T&I, working wet to Ino’s dry on an Iwa-nin Kotetsu-san caught.” Genma stiffened slightly. He might not be particularly familiar with Konoha’s up-and-coming teenage ninja, but he at least recognised the name of the Yamanaka princess. He also didn’t think Inoichi would let his sixteen year old daughter take point in a wet-and-dry interrogation. Yamanaka or not, that required keeping a straight face and a mild tone while your partner pulled apart a human body right in front of you. “Anko-senpai was there, too, to spot us.” Well, at least T&I hadn’t let two teenaged girls run an interrogation by themselves, although leaving Mitarashi Anko in charge of them wasn’t what Genma would have done. That was, he admitted to himself, probably why he wasn’t working in T&I.
“Training.” The eerily familiar boy interjected, with an oddly rueful sort of cheer. “Me and Gaara wanted to see if we could use the shared mindscape under battle conditions, so Kaka-nii and Tobi-nii were kicking the crap out of us on… Training Ground Seventeen, I think? The one with all the big rocks.” Genma closed his eyes for a moment, because unknown people dropping the Kazekage’s name so easily was unnerving, but it also put the voice into context. Uzumaki Naruto, which meant that the girl was probably Haruno Sakura and the other boy… Genma didn’t want to think that Uchiha Sasuke was sitting in his living room, but he couldn’t think of anyone else that fit. All of that put together meant that ‘Kaka-nii’ was probably Hatake Kakashi.
Genma knew, though, that Naruto was not that familiar with his jounin-sensei. He wasn’t that familiar with Iruka, who was like an older brother to him. Just like he knew the Kazekage was not in Konoha, and had not been training with any of Konoha’s ninja in the last few days. Just like he was pretty damn sure Yamanaka Ino wasn’t experienced enough to lead interrogations, Sakura didn’t work for T&I, and wasn’t any sort of torture expert.
He was drawn out of his spiralling thoughts by Sasuke’s voice. “I was meeting with Hinata at the White Lotus to discuss the possibility of trying for ANBU.” The missing nin declared simply. Genma allowed his jaw to go slack, because no one was watching. The idea of Uchiha Sasuke in ANBU was mildly terrifying, given what Genma knew of the boy’s anger issues and suicidal streak. The idea that Uchiha Sasuke thought that Hyuuga Hinata had the skills, never mind the temperament, for ANBU work was even more scary.
None of what these three were saying matched up with the world. Which was, Genma acknowledged, exactly what they’d been discussing. “And then there was that strange explosion.” Sakura concluded, with a quick check of “For all of us?” tacked on at the end. There were no verbal answers, but the boys must have given affirmative ones, because Sakura went on without hesitation to say, “And then we were waking up in that wrecked lab.”
“Could your, hm, interviewee have done something?” Sasuke asked.
Sakura made a frustrated yet thoughtful sound. “We had him pretty tightly locked down, but he might have had a seal primed to activate at a certain threshold of pain or bloodloss.” She acknowledged, but even to Genma’s ear she didn’t sound convinced. “We do check people pretty thoroughly – standard procedure since the Kannabi Bridge debacle – but no security is impregnable.”
The fact that Sakura appeared to know about the Kannabi Bridge mission was another thing that didn’t fit. The only reason Genma knew about it in any specific detail was because Gai had fretted about his Eternal Rival for weeks afterwards. And as far as Genma knew, while it had been something of a mess, it had been completed successfully, and hadn’t had anything much to do with seals or sealing techniques.
“That wouldn’t explain the two of us though.” Naruto pointed out. “If it was a seal, it would have to have the anchor at the lab, as a landing point, you know? And someone would have had to smack a target seal on all three of us. Something that would seal us into whatever protections they’d set up against what they were doing, and then the anchor to spit is back out once the conditions were met.” He paused, and out in the hall Genma tried not to get swamped by painful nostalgia. Naruto sounded so much like his mother used to when she debated seals with Minato-sama, and it ached somewhere deep inside. “That could have been done anywhere, any time. As long as we didn’t notice the target seals, it wouldn’t necessarily affect us until the main seal was activated.”
“Employees get checked just as thoroughly as prisoners for seals.” Sakura retorted, sounding frustrated. “Anything that could have just been smacked on me in passing would have been picked up by the scan when I went in to work. No, I don’t think it could have been a seal, which means those bastards probably got their hands on our blood somehow. Hair’s easier to get a hold of, but I think something this big would have needed blood to get a proper lock on us. Like the Edo Tensei.”
Blood jutsu and one of the creepiest forbidden techniques Genma had ever come across. These three might still be kids, but they were legitimately terrifying, he thought wryly. Of course, the Team Seven Genma had heard stories about were terrifying in their own way, but this was on a different level. Those kids might be power-houses, but they were not all that well versed in a shinobi’s real work. These three were discussing most of the darker aspects that made up the bulk of shinobi work like they were discussing the weather.
“But why?” Naruto burst out suddenly. “Why would they target us?”
“Would you like that list alphabetically or chronologically?” Sasuke drawled.
“Very funny, bastard.” Naruto grumbled, but he didn’t refute the implication that this team had pissed off a lot of people. Which only cemented Genma’s conviction that this version of Team Seven was a lot more experienced than the one he was familiar with. “I mean,” Naruto went on to insist, “if they were trying to get at us, why exclude us from whatever they did? Why do something to change the whole damn world and pick on us three to be the ones that didn’t get hit?”
“Us three and whoever did this.” Sakura pointed out. “What better way to disorient and distract than by twisting our home and our families into something wrong? We’re vulnerable right now, with no allies, no back-up, in hostile territory, and with nowhere to retreat to.”
Which was an excellent point, Genma acknowledged to himself, but he was looking at a different angle and wondering if the culprit hadn’t had a slightly different objective in mind. Given everything they’d said, he would bet good money that these three weren’t the targets, they were just collateral damage.
“Deep cover mission protocols, then?” Sasuke asked, tone grim and determined.
Naruto, surprisingly, laughed. “If this is hostile territory, we probably shouldn’t have broken into Genma-sensei’s apartment. Just a thought.” He pointed out, with a nonchalant air of mischief better suited to a cat that had just pushed something fragile and valuable off a table. Genma’s eyebrows shot up, intrigued despite himself, and he pushed away from the front door.
If they were his students, in whatever shape or form, he wasn’t going to leave them in hot water like this without a little bit of help. So he sauntered into the archway between the little front hall and the living room and paused to take in the scene. The three young shinobi noticed him, of course they did, and went stiff. They were all three of them squished onto the couch, with Sasuke in the middle, katana peeking up over his shoulder and wakizashi laid across his lap, dressed from head to toe in black, save for a midnight blue haramaki around his middle, Naruto on the left in his usual eye-searing orange and bandages around his feet – which explained the lack of a third set of shoes, Genma noted – and Sakura on the right, looking at first glance like a harmless civilian in muted earthy shades of red. Genma’s experienced eye picked out the subtle wrongness in the way her dress was hanging, and realised she must have a small armoury’s worth of senbon hidden in her seams.
I must have taught her that, he realised, bemused and proud all at once. None of the three kids moved, watching him warily to see if he was going to attack. Instead, he braced his shoulder against the jamb, folded his arms casually, and clicked the senbon in his mouth against his teeth. “Sensei?” He echoed curiously, keeping his voice light and mild, and projecting not-a-threat as much as he could without it seeming too suspicious.
The three of them all exchanged looks, then nodded carefully, watching him closely for his reaction. “Yeah.” Naruto said. “At least, that’s how it’s supposed to be.”
He sounded so disgruntled that Genma wanted to laugh. Instead, he just shrugged his free shoulder and quirked an eyebrow at them. They’d thrown some good theories around, but they’d been too focused on the idea of the world being twisted around them, because that was what they could see. Yeah, they’re definitely still kids, well-trained or not, Genma thought. They’d grow out of thinking so subjectively in a few years, give or take a decade. “Where you come from.” He agreed, pointedly, waiting to see if they’d catch up with his train of thought.
Slowly, realisation dawned in Sasuke’s dark eyes. “You’re thinking alternate dimensions?”
Genma smiled around his senbon. Good job, other-me, you should be damn proud of these kids, he thought, feeling inexplicably damn proud of these kids himself. “Seems the most reasonable explanation to me. I figure it’d be a lot easier to try and fling someone out of their dimension than try to rearrange an entire reality.”
“Oh.” Sakura breathed, closing her eyes on the revelation and knocking her knuckles against her forehead in frustration. “We weren’t the targets at all, were we? It was these other versions of us. They were the ones all grouped together, in the lab of a highly dangerous and inventive missing nin, with two ANBU, one of whom was there specifically to keep an eye on Kurama.”
Genma hadn’t known that Team Seven was off investigating Orochimaru again, but it made sense, so he nodded. There was one thing, though, that he wanted clarifying. “Kurama?”
“You don’t-? Oh, right, you’re not our sensei here.” Naruto realised, speaking aloud even though he clearly wasn’t talking to any of them. “The kyuubi. His name’s Kurama.”
It took effort not to swallow his senbon. Carefully, Genma plucked it from between his teeth before he could accidentally stab himself in the throat with it. “You’re- you’re on first name terms with the nine-tailed demon fox?” He asked, as calmly as he was able to.
Naruto blinked, then scowled at him with a startling level of resentment. “Yes.” He snarled.
Without looking at him, Sakura reached over and put a hand on Naruto’s knee. She caught Genma’s gaze and held it steadily. “What Naruto means to say is; Kurama is more than just a demon fox, Genma-sensei. He might be a manifestation of chakra, he might not be human, but he is a person. He’s also the first friend Naruto ever really made, has saved Naruto’s life more times than we can count, and is one of the only real connections he has to his mother.”
Because Kushina had been the kyuubi jinchuuriki before him. Right. “That… seems like a very twisted connection.” He pointed out weakly.
Naruto crossed his arms with a harrumph. “Kurama didn’t like her very much, but would you like the person who stuffed you into a box smaller than you are and threw away the key? He respected her though, and that’s important. He’s the only reason I managed to figure out even the basics of Kaasan’s chakra chains.”
All of the words made sense, but Genma was having a hard time wrestling with his emotional response. The kyuubi had killed Minato-sama, and that was a wound Genma was still working on healing. But he wasn’t going to argue with a defensive jinchuuriki about how evil or not the demon inside him was. That was just asking for disaster. “Your entire world is going to give me a headache, isn’t it?” He asked, aiming for humour and only falling a little bit short.
The three kids eyed him, and then he found himself confronted with one tiny smirk, one sly side-ways smile, and one vicious fanged grin. “Itachi-san runs a tea shop.” Sakura told him, sweet as honey. Genma found he couldn’t do much besides stare at her.
Naruto laughed, bright and wicked, slumping into Sasuke who made a show of trying to shrug him off, but never seriously tried to dislodge him. Carefully, Genma turned that piece of information over in his mind, trying to figure out how it made any sense at all. “A tea shop?” He checked, just to make sure he’d heard that right.
“Yes.” Sasuke confirmed, and there was something brittle in his tone. “The White Lotus. It’s very popular.”
That name triggered Genma’s memory, and he traced it back to the earlier conversation. “That’s where you were, before…” He trailed off, oblivious to Sasuke’s nod, because he was picturing that scene, Sasuke at a table with Hinata, being served tea by Itachi, when, all of a sudden… “Oh, hell.”
“What?” Naruto demanded.
Genma grimaced. “If you three ended up here, that means that our Team Seven ended up there.” He pointed out, and waited for them to connect the dots.
Sasuke got there first. His eyes widened and his face drained of all colour. “Other-me is going to try and kill Itachi-niisan. He’s- he’s a civilian now, and he’s not even going to see it coming!” He pressed a hand over his eyes for a moment, then lowered it. Now, instead of panic, there was a hard, steely resolve. “We need to get back. As soon as possible. We’ve already wasted enough time.”
Genma nodded. “I think the fastest way to get you home would be to talk to the Hokage. She ought to know about this, and she’ll know what resources to pull on to get you home quickly.”
“Okay.” Sakura agreed, getting to her feet. “Just remember, Sasuke, that Itachi was an ANBU Captain. I’m sure he’ll be okay, even if he is a little rusty.”
“Yeah!” Naruto agreed, bouncing upright as well. “He’ll be fine. And even if he isn’t, Hinata’s there! And she’s nice, she has to be to like a bastard like you, so she’ll make sure Itachi’s safe, believe it.” He declared brightly.
Sasuke rolled his eyes, but didn’t argue. He looked a little calmer, too. “You guys should go on ahead, I’ll follow where I won’t be seen.” He paused to shoot a wry look at Genma, who raised an amused eyebrow right back. “Since I’m apparently a missing nin in this world.”
“Hey, whoa, no!” Naruto protested. “You shouldn’t be alone right now.”
Sasuke scowled at him. “I’m not fragile, Naruto-!”
“No, but we’re all pretty messed up right now.” Sakura interjected before the two boys could get into a fight. “I think Naruto’s right, we should stick together. And since Naruto can’t be subtle to save his life-” She ignored Naruto’s offended yelp with remarkable dignity. “-I think our best bet is if you throw on a henge. Someone who might be seen with us, someone you think you can impersonate, if we run into someone who knows us.”
Genma had a few suggestions, but he stayed silent, watching to see who Sasuke would pick. Sasuke thought, then smirked, and formed the one-handed version of the henge seal. When the puff of smoke cleared, Genma grinned. “Good choice.” He said to the boy who now looked like an unassuming and much beloved academy teacher.
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