#Aburame meta
notsorryiml8 · 3 months
He only had them for 6-7 months??
Looking at a timeline and watching the Land of Waves and Chuunin exams again (how far we've made it so far with the niece and nephew) and just realized how short of a timeframe Part I really is, that in Part I, Kakashi only had Team 7 for 6-7 months before it all went downhill/Sasuke left!!! I don't know why that blows my mind. SIX -SEVEN MONTHS! By the end of Part I to Shippuden and time spent with sensei/mentors, it's like:
Iruka/The Academy : 5 yrs
Kakashi : 6-7 months (months,people, months)
Jiraiya/Tsunade/Orochimaru : 2 - 2.5 years
When looking at it like this, I really think people/fans expected WAY too much out of Kakashi. He started with the traumatized-youth-of-the-year team and had only MONTHS to work with them and from the ground up. Subtract the time he was gone on missions, in the hospital and/or comatose (looking at you Itachi) and that gets knocked down to maybe 4-5 months. He spent less time with them than any other sensei and did a remarkable job for what he was given. I think all of this to say, give the man some grace. That was wild.
When all was said and done, what he did for this little rag-tag team of traumatized feral orphans + Sakura was more than amazing. SIX MONTHS, people, six months. Well, maybe seven, but still...let that sink in. I think people fail to acknowledge this when they call him a "bad sensei-" can't believe people are still doing that years later(!). Let any of the other jonin sensei do what he did in six months and with the team he was given - any of y'all try working with traumatized prepubescents and see how long it takes for them to work together?? I do every.single.day. They're all about survival and living in that trauma mind. Trust? What's that? Teamwork? Nope, gotta look out for me. Then you go and put them on a team with Captain Trauma, himself. Smart move Lord 3rd, smart move. Yeah, yeah, yeah I get it, only other Sharingan, control 9-tails, son of your sensei, blah blah blah. Poor Sakura, btw. Poor little thing didn't know what she had gotten herself into.
I dunno, I just don't think people ever see it from this perspective - that he literally only had them for months. Guy's team - already had a year together. Asuma's team - InoShikaCho were predestined wombmates. Kurenai's team - they were well-adjusted (Shino's the most laid-back person you'd ever find; just give Kiba a puppy; and who can ever get mad at Hinata, well, other than her family).
Traversing other corners of the interwebs and didn't realize just how much Kakashi hate dislike scorn "non-like" there is out there even now. It's wild. All this to say, just showing Kakashi-sensei some love. ❤️ and respect.
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chaosnojutsu · 1 year
Who *Should* Have Died From The Konoha ~12 Instead Of The One Who Did
we’re assuming they die under the same circumstances as the other guy
each one listed would have a complete storyline and their death would further the immediate plot as well as the overall narrative
i’m not “just picking characters i don’t like”
i do not condone killing characters for the sake of shock value but am considering shock as a legitimate tool in generating impact of a character’s death
miss me with “[redacted]’s death was a tragic result of the shinobi system” because no it was not. if that were true you could sub out [redacted] for any other child soldier and get the exact same impact. we know exactly why they were chosen and it’s got an (insufficient) explanation irl and in-universe.
#3. Sai
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Motivation: Friendship
First of all, imagine the shock value from killing one of THE Team Kakashi members.
Cool. Now imagine Naruto’s shock at Sai sacrificing himself for him.
Sai overanalyzes normal human interaction to the point of not understanding it. He reads books about how to befriend people. He still doesn’t understand it all the time but friendship is coming more naturally to him these days. What he does understand is that Naruto is the only chance of winning this war, and he’s down, and the enemy is aiming for him, and Hinata is trying to stop them but she’s on the ground, the spears are in the air and so is Sai, and Naruto is his friend.
He doesn’t need to think about it much deeper than that.
Now imagine Sasuke “What Does ‘Friend’ Mean To You” Uchiha witnessing this, witnessing Naruto’s reaction, and the further effects this may have on his character. After all, Sai was his replacement. If Naruto feels this strongly about losing someone who was decidedly not him but his friend and teammate nevertheless then… maybe.
#2. Rock Lee
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Motivation: Youth
Regardless of *how* this one plays out, no one wants to watch the determined, precious, comedic relief die; no one who’s watched this far into the show wants Rock Lee specifically to die. Huge impact already. But we can make it super duper sad because he deserves a memorable death. I see it going one of two ways.
One: Hinata doesn’t even have the time to try to shield Naruto because Rock Lee is faster. Ten-Tails barely launches the attack and Lee’s already taken/attempted to counter the hit. Perhaps this is his eight gates moment. Similar to Sai, Rock Lee would cite the power of friendship in his dramatic death speech, but he also was just… doing his duty. Truly, if you’re in the “Neji was just another tragic child soldier” camp, Rock Lee is the prime example of what I mean when I say you could sub in any child soldier, which I know sounds paradoxical but stay with me. Rock Lee’s entire personality is training harder than anyone else to benefit a system that will ultimately result in his death. If you want to make a point about child soldiers and needless lives lost, Rock Lee is the one to kill.
Two: Rock Lee doesn’t shield Hinata. He shields Neji. But not necessarily on purpose. The scene plays out exactly as written up to the moment Neji activates his byakugan, and the next frame isn’t him falling to the ground, it’s Rock Lee. The usually-somewhat-reserved Neji is devastated, probably in tears, demanding to know why he would do something like this. Rock Lee coughs up a bit of blood. “I was faster than you.” Smile. “I finally beat you…” Serene eyes fall shut. “…rival.”
And now imagine Naruto’s reaction to losing Bushy Brow. Imagine him watching Gai be brought to his knees by a blow that didn’t physically touch him. Imagine Madara incorrectly perceiving that. The implications. The foreshadowing.
#1. Shino
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Motivation: Legacy
I’m gonna be real, the writers were never gonna kill off Rock Lee like that, which is the biggest reason Shino has taken the crown as Most Worthy Of A Tragic Death in my book.
This dude has a connection to both Naruto and Hinata (making him equally as good a sacrifice as Neji if that’s the canon criteria). However, unlike most other (male) characters, Shino isn’t shown to have a particularly close friendship with Naruto. The one recurring joke around Shino is that he’s so irrelevant even Naruto can’t remember his name.
But he is good friends with Hinata. And he knows she’ll spend the rest of her life miserable if Naruto dies, and that if she dies right now she will never have gotten her life’s greatest wish.
So Shino goes out in a blaze of glory, and we’ll probably insert something about how Naruto has somehow secretly inspired him all along— or maybe something cynical about how he always wanted to be included by Naruto but never was unless Kiba or Hinata were around, so he’s sacrificed himself to maintain the livelihood of everyone else while not “losing” that friendship himself— and we of course get the touching moment with Hinata (oh just imagine the drama if Shino lay dying and told Hinata “Why did I protect you? It’s simple. The reason is… for the same reason you protected him.” and we find out that the huge secret crush of the show was not Hinata toward anyone, but Shino toward Hinata, never confessing because he knew it would be futile).
Good luck forgetting his name now, Naruto. Now no one will ever forget about Shino Aburame.
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primnroses · 2 years
― An insight about sensor-types: Karin, the best sensor in the world
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information.
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information present in the novels and the databooks of Naruto.
This informative post will explain sensor-types in the world of Naruto and highlight Karin (Uzumaki)’s sensory abilities throughout the series providing evidence as to why she is considered the best among sensor-types. This meta will also mention Naruto Uzumaki and tracker-type sensors, and their abilities will be compared.
This meta will be crossposted in AO3.
I give my permission to use or share this thread with informative purposes as long as you credit me.
I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in the canon according to official sources and they also generate unnecessary debate.
Please, take this into consideration.
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Although it has never been properly described in the manga or the databooks, a sensor-type or sensory-type (感知タイプ, Kanchi-taipu) is a classification used for shinobi that have the ability to feel and locate an enemy, or even notice fluctuations in their chakra using their senses.
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The first time this classification is brought up is in chapter 355. Kakashi uses the word “sensor-type” (感知タイプ, Kanchi-taipu) to describe Hinata Hyūga.
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In order to feel and locate an enemy, or even notice fluctuations in their chakra using their senses, sensor-type shinobi manipulate their chakra to feel and locate other chakra coming from other people, and they do this by kneading chakra internally. They also direct their chakra to a single part of their body to enhance their sensory abilities, like the nose or the eyes.
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The most common kind of sensor-types are those that can sense the chakra given off by a ninja and it is a superior skill among them. These types of sensors are unofficially known as “chakra sensor-type” because they can feel chakra just by kneading their own internally, without putting much effort into it.
Many of these chakra sensor-type ninja also use the hand seal of the ram and close their eyes to concentrate. This is not always the case and it seems like a means of concentration when a sensor needs to sharpen their senses to accurately mark the location of their target.
Shinobi like Tobirama Senju, the second Tsuchikage, the Yamanaka Clan, Moegi Kazamatsuri or Karin are examples of this type. The majority of the known sensor-types come from a clan and the techniques they use are normally hijutsu (secret techniques) passed down from generation to generation among members of a clan.
Chakra sensor-types can also feel the nature of the chakra they are tracking, if it has changed or if it is good or evil.
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There are exceptional sensors that have unique abilities surpassing those of average sensor-types. Some can tell the background of a ninja just by feeling characteristics in their chakra, like Tobirama Senju guessing Karin’s family; some others can also locate a individuals among large groups of Edo-tensei and White Zetsu, like Ao; or even tell from which village they are from, like the Second Tsuchikage.
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There are also a sub-type of special sensors that use their own chakra externally or a medium to locate objects that do not emanate chakra. The official name for these kinds of sensors and their sensing techniques is “contact-type sensing technique” (接触タイプ, Sesshoku taipu). These techniques locate objects or targets rather than chakra signatures, and the object or target gives themselves away when they touch the jutsu cast by the shinobi, alerting them.
Examples include Gaara, Kidōmaru and Sakura Haruno.
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In this meta I explain contact-type sensing techniques and its types.
According to the third databook, written by Masashi Kishimoto, sensor-types are useful to track or pursue targets, and they are divided into smaller groups based on the medium used for the sensing. According to Kiba, search missions usually include him or a member of the Inuzuka Clan.
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Every shinobi classified as sensor-type uses special techniques to enhance their sensory radius, even those that only need to knead chakra to perceive people. These jutsus are called “sensing techniques” and they are different depending on the clan or the person.
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For example, the Inuzuka Clan use ninken or their heightened nose to track the scent; the Hyūga Clan use their eyes (Byakugan) to directly see the chakra flow; the Yamanaka Clan use their Mind Body Switch Technique to share their senses with animals or other people to take advantage of their skills; and the Aburame Clan use beetles to locate chakra.
These are all examples of hijutsu passed down within a clan, except the Byakugan, which is hereditary (Kekkei Genkai).
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As explained before, contact-type sensors use their own medium that is always connected to their unique skills. Gaara uses his Concealed Sand Picture Cat using sand; Kidōmaru uses his Spider Web Area with spiderwebs and Sakura Haruno uses her own chakra by manipulating it over a surface (her technique does not have a name but it is popularly known as Area Scanning Technique), as well as Katsuyu being a summon that can sense chakra and relay to the summoner.
Please read this meta to know more about their techniques.
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So far, one of the most outstanding sensing techniques is the one given by Sage Mode. The ability of sensing using natural energy allows Naruto Uzumaki to sense people battling the War from Genbu Island, located in Kumogakure; although the War was happening not far from where he was standing due to being in the same area. 
After gaining control of Kurama, he is able to detect negative emotions as well.
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Being a sensor-type is a very beneficial and useful skill in battle. Depending on the level or the technique applied to sense, it allows the user to locate an incoming enemy, anticipate jutsu or identify genjutsu. Not every sensor-type is able to do all of those things, it requires skill or even the use of powerful sensing techniques to achieve them.
One of the best examples of sensory skills used in battle is when Neji Hyūga could anticipate an attack by viewing the concentration of chakra in Kidōmaru’s mouth.
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The disanvantage of chakra sensor-types is that their skills become nullified when the enemy they track masks and erases their chakra signature completely.
When Kawaki escaped Konohagakure, he erased his chakra to be undetected by the Barrier Team even with their automated system. If the enemy hides their chakra, the ability of a sensor is rendered useless.
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The same way, when a sensor masks their chakra, they are unable to use their sensing techniques or any techniques at all due to these requiring chakra that they are hiding on purpose.
When Karin was looking for Danzō, she erased her chakra to not be found by other sensors, but as soon as she started looking again, she was immediately found by a skilled sensor in his group.
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For ninja trackers that rely on other techniques such as eyesight or hounds, the only weaknesses are barrier techniques that block vision or rain. 
There is no known weakness for trackers from the Aburame Clan in that aspect.
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Despite the series introducing a handful of ninjas able to detect chakra from the start and describing their unique abilities in manga and databooks, it also confirms that any shinobi has the ability to sense fluctuations in chakra without being a sensor-type, especially for foul or powerful signatures.
For most ninja, sensing is a basic ability with different levels of perception. As long as there is some kind of training or special conditions that facilitate the perception, like large chakra or dark signatures such as Tailed Beasts, sensing is within anybody’s reach. Of course, those that are considered sensor-types possess a high-skill among the rest of shinobi and therefore are considered as such.
For example, almost every ninja close to Naruto’s circle has been able to detect his aura when he summons Kurama’s chakra due to being very powerful and dark. Sakura Haruno and Kakashi were able to feel Kurama without being chakra sensor-types.
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Orochimaru, Suigetsu and Jūgo were able to sense Naruto’s Nine Tail’s chakra from Konohagakure despite the battle happening in the north of the five nations.
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Other examples include Sasuke’s dark chakra when he was consumed by hatred. Sakura could sense the chakra given off by Sasuke’s Susanoo.
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The chakra given off by Kaguya Ōtsutsuki was so great that Team 7 were immobile too. As long as the aura is powerful or great, it can be easily sensed.
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Therefore, being a sensor grants the ability to locate or pursue people, notice fluctuations in chakra and its nature or anticipate an attack. Some sensors have more skills than others and some sensors can perform more than one special ability.
Karin is the only shinobi that can execute all of the cited abilities and more, all the while being classified as a sensor and also being able to use a secret technique to maximize her potential.
These outstanding skills made her an invaluable asset for Team Hebi/Taka, and Sasuke Uchiha deemed her as somebody that possessed a unique ability that nobody else had. The ability in question is her outstanding sensing, which he intended to use to look for Itachi Uchiha.
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The first time Karin appeared in the manga, she displayed the ability to predict the arrival of Sasuke and Suigetsu, despite being several kilometers away, based on their chakra signatures. She did it by tracking their chakra from her hideout, located inside a small island far off the coast of the Land of Waves, from which Sasuke and Suigetsu were walking.
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Karin is introduced as a sensor with abilities that surpass the average, noted by the manga and by Sasuke himself. We know about her skills even before even seeing her face. That debut sets the standards high for Karin, and makes the reader wonder what makes her so different from other sensors and what else she can do.
About her overall abilities, Karin is able to find a person among a large crowd like most sensors. For example, when she was asked to find Jūgo inside one of Orochimaru’s hideouts, she was able to tell that he was not among the individuals before her.
However, what makes this ability superior in comparison to other sensors is that all the inmates present in the scene had the Curse Seal of Orochimaru and that made them have a similar chakra signature as Jūgo. She was looking for his chakra among a crowd that shared the chakra of the Curse Seal, which required more concentration.
This also confirms that she memorizes the chakra signature of the people she has met throughout her life.
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Karin’s sensing range covers several kilometers not only in locating an individual, but also in identifying the state of the person she is tracking. This is an ability that not every sensor displays, especially not naturally.
During Sasuke’s fight against Deidara, she was able to tell that Sasuke had vanished from the battlefield from a very far off distance.
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In the events of the Fourth Shinobi World War, she was able to sense that Sasuke was in a critical condition despite being on opposite sides of the battlefield and separated by a long distance.
Karin, who was most likely tracking Sasuke’s chakra, alerted Orochimaru and the rest of the danger and, on their way, also recognized another mysterious chakra (modified Kabuto) that was next to Sasuke at the same time. Nobody else noted this except for Karin.
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This feat is outstanding considering Ino and Kiba sensed that something was wrong with Naruto only when he was approaching them, not from a distance. Similarly, Hinata did not even activate her Byakugan to check on him until Kiba told her to check what was wrong.
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Of course, just like non-sensors such as Sakura Haruno, Karin was able to feel the change of nature in Sasuke when he was consumed by hatred. She was the first person that detected this, which she did from her hiding place in the Land of Iron.
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Moreover, she also can tell when a person has low chakra reserves, a perception unique to dōjutsu but that Karin can do as well.
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The same way other sensors anticipate an attack by sensing the disturbances in the chakra, Karin can anticipate the approach of individuals and, in addition to that, she can tell how much chakra they possess.
She was familiar with the amount of chakra from a tailed beast and could easily tell that the Raikage could reach the same levels during his battle against Sasuke.
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In battle, her role is to track the enemy’s chakra, this way she can guess when they are about to launch an attack. That is the general role of a sensor-type in battle, regardless of their levels, they must relay where an enemy is located if it is possible to sense them.
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During an infiltration, Karin can tell when the enemy is on the move, which is perfect to change positions or elaborate a strategy.
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The skill to sense movements or anticipate an attack allowed Karin to guess that Danzō was tricking Sasuke during their battle. She explained that, after waving certain hand seals for a jutsu, Danzō’s chakra shifted to perform some other technique (Izanagi).
That means that Karin can follow the concentration of chakra before a jutsu, the hand seal process and the launch of the jutsu; and if it does not match, she can easily tell.
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Karin’s ability to sense chakra alone seems to be a feat that she does without actively kneading chakra, and, unlike other sensors, it seems to be innate and a totally natural process for her. This, however, is a skill that remains unknown but it is very likely to be the case.
When Team Hebi are resting after Sasuke’s battle against Deidara, Karin is buying perfume for seduction purposes, and, while she seems distracted by the excitement of the moment, she is perfectly able to sense Team 7 and Team 8 from a very far distance without seemingly kneading chakra. Besides, her sensing scope covers several kilometers in base to just get the first contact with their chakra.
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In fact, it is after she senses the enemy that she takes her time to concentrate. This is something impossible for an average sensor-type, who would need to knead chakra to feel an approaching enemy, especially from that distance. For Karin, it is an innate skill to be able to sense an enemy while going on with her daily life unconcerned over any threat.
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That sensory ability is one of her best ninja moments in the series.
Nonetheless, apart from being an innate sensor, Karin also has her own sensing technique that puts her above any average sensor-type known.
The Mind’s Eye of Kagura is a hidden technique that only Karin can use thanks to her superior sensing abilities. It grants her the ability to discern pecularities in a person’s chakra, its type and movements; it also allows her to expand her range to several dozen kilometers and beyond of her normal scope.
What this technique does is amplify Karin’s innate sensing skills to a greater level.
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In Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise, by Shin Towada, it is further confirmed that Karin can also sense the nature of chakra and its changes. That was something completely superior to Sasuke, a descendant of the Sharingan lineage and one of the Three Great Dōjutsu. 
This passage confirms that Karin’s sensing skills surpass dōjutsu.
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By using this technique and concentrating her senses, Karin can discern between animals and humans, as well as the number of shinobi approaching and the method they are using to track her.
This skill alone is the most outstanding sensing ability that any sensor has displayed in the manga. Especially when it comes from such a vast distance.
When Team 7 and Team 8 were looking for Itachi Uchiha, Karin was able to locate them and concentrate on their characteristics. She sensed a large group with a source of enormous chakra among them (Naruto), and she also identified the ninken.
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The search team from Konohagakure was so far away that Karin gave her team time to prepare, escape and create a distraction for the pursuers. Being an adept sensor-type, Karin is familiar with each village’s sensing methods. She knew that Konohagakure uses dogs for tracking the scent, so she used Sasuke’s shirt as a diversion.
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The ability to discern between different natures of chakra not only allows her to tell species apart, she can also tell when a person is a Shadow Clone or is using a Shadow Clone based on how many copies of the same chakra she is feeling. This is something only eye techniques have achieved, as well as Naruto Uzumaki.
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One of her most unique skills is the ability to know when somebody is lying just by sensing the disruption of chakra. Karin mentions that the chakra of a person changes depending on the emotions they display. This way, she could monitor White Zetsu and tell if it was lying or not.
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This also allows her to identify when a person is under genjutsu, or even identify if she is under genjutsu based on the fluctuations in the chakra of those around her. Thanks to her ability to follow chakra, she can detect an illusion if she feels that she is trapped in one, but it is unknown if she can get out of it due to that skill requiring chakra control and not tracking abilities.
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One other thing she managed to achieve, which is something that no other sensor around Naruto’s circle has ever been able to pinpoint, is that Karin can feel “negative emotions” or rather, dark chakra, on a level similar to a jinchūriki. According to Kisame Hoshigaki, a jinchūriki in control of the Nine Tails is able to feel negative emotions, a feat that no known sensor-type is able to do.
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However, Karin was able to accurately feel Naruto’s own chakra, bright and warm, as well as feeling Kurama’s dark and full of hatred chakra deep inside him.
She is the first person able to identify Naruto’s own chakra and Kurama’s separately. Before, people could only feel Kurama’s hatred when it manifested around Naruto, but Karin can feel both, a feat that nobody has ever displayed.
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For being a ninja introduced as a sensor with promising skills in her field, Karin has demonstrated to be as good as was expected from her. Not only does she possess the general skills of any average sensor-type, but she can also perform on a higher level. She takes advantage of her potential with a technique and adds her own unique touch with abilities that nobody else has been able to reproduce.
Karin’s feats in sensory ninjutsu surpass the abilities of any average sensor displayed in the manga. This is to say that Karin has the most outstanding sensing abilities as an innate sensor, which she compliments with a sensing technique that maximizes her scope.
The only other sensor that can rival her is Naruto Uzumaki and his Sage Mode. It is remarkable that the only person that could rival Karin is somebody from her own clan but that barely shares similarities with her other than kinship.
The Uzumaki Clan is acclaimed for their fūinjutsu (sealing techniques), and shared one characteristic: their red hair. Other abilities typical of the Uzumaki Clan is their strong life force, allowing them to cling to life.
Sensing is not a famous skill shared by their members. It is known that the jinchūriki in control of Kurama can sense negative emotions, but the only one that has displayed this ability is Naruto Uzumaki. Nonetheless, Obito Uchiha confirmed that Mito, just like Naruto, could sense any approaching danger thanks to Kurama. However, this is thanks to Kurama and not an innate ability of the Uzumaki Clan. 
The only Uzumaki hailed as a sensor-type is still Karin. 
Sensing is a natural process for Karin, but not for Naruto. Karin was born with sensory abilities, while Naruto relies on sensing techniques to be able to sense.
Still, the outstanding sensing abilities granted by Sage Mode rival and surpass many skilled sensors. In fact, senjutsu sensing is more accurate than any other feat displayed by any sensor in the series. 
However, Karin’s skill to sense any chakra signature, without seemingly kneading chakra, and the skill to locate the approach of an enemy at any given situation put her above the abilities of the nature sensing abilities of a ninja with access to Sage Mode. Because Sage Mode requires time to complete, if it is not activated at the moment of danger, it is rendered useless. On the other hand, Karin does not need time or activate any technique to get her first glimpse of chakra. Within seconds, she can concentrate fast enough to discern the number of people she is tracking, as well as their characteristics and the amount of chakra they possess.
It is obvious that Naruto’s sensing skills with senjutsu cover a massive range of distance too and that makes him one of the best users of sensing techniques in the series. As soon as he learnt senjutsu, he could sense every single chakra in Konohagakure. After Kurama allowed him to use Sage Mode in tune with KCM, Naruto could automatically use senjutsu without wasting time to gather energy, thus overcoming its weakness.
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Up until that moment, Naruto could only surpass Karin in range, but with the current events, Naruto needs to gather the energy to have access to this technique once again, this due to not possessing Kurama anymore, and it also has a limit. After his powers were reduced significantly in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Naruto needs time to concentrate to activate Sage Mode, which is a waste of time compared to before.
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There is never a specified number about Karin’s sensing range, but the manga and the databook confirm that her range covers “several dozens kilometers”. Her sharp sensory skills are also said to be superior to dōjutsu. That includes the Byakugan (with a confirmed range of at least 20km) and the Sharingan (able to see the amount of chakra in a person). It is also highlighted that her senses cover thousands of miles too.
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Nonetheless, the databook is not necessary to confirm Karin’s outstanding sensing range; that vast margin was shown when she sensed the approaching Konohagakure ninja and its specific characteristics, and had time to prepare an escape and create a diversion.
That feat alone is impressive, to be able to have as much time to even prepare the next move at the gates of that small village and scatter around the area to spread Sasuke’s scent. Moreover, she could track Sasuke’s chakra after the fight against Deidara from a village separated from the battlefield by a mountain range. 
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The databook offers the numbers that the manga reflects.
One thing similar between them is that Naruto has demonstrated to feel people’s chakra signatures across great distances by using senjutsu, but his abilities became unbeatable when he obtained Six Paths Senjutsu and he could even sense the invisible Limbo clones from Madara in Six Paths Mode. 
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Without Kurama or Six Paths power, Naruto confirms that he can maintain his Sage transformation for more than 5 minutes, and his range covers at least 40 kilometers. 
He was the only person that could locate Boruto’s chakra after he had escaped Konohagakure to follow Kawaki, something that the Barrier Team with their trackers and their automated sensing system could not do.
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Karin has demonstrated the same abilities as Naruto, considering that their range is similar, but her overall skills are superior to any other sensor. The ability to distinguish that many details about a signature is something that only she has demonstrated to do, and it fits the “unique abilities that nobody else has” that Sasuke Uchiha and the databook talk about.
Currently, Naruto does not possess Kurama any longer so he needs to activate Sage Mode himself, and he can no longer sense negative emotions either. Karin retains all her abilities, maybe even better after many years. 
Based on range and qualities, the one who has better sensory skills is Karin. 
Not only has she demonstrated to feel and memorize chakra signatures and track them from a very wide distance (dozen kilometers), but she also has feats at locating a single individual among others with a similar aura, identifying the species (whether it is an animal or a person) and their feelings (detecting lies), calculating the amount of chakra they have and if said chakra is low (unique to dōjutsu) and, lastly, being able to sense chakra hidden inside another chakra. 
It is fair to name Karin the best sensor-type, just based on her skills without activating any technique. Activating her technique, she still takes first place.
Furthermore, the only sensor that can rival her is somebody from the same clan as her, but that does not share the same skill as her. Karin is an Uzumaki with a special talent for sensing, while Naruto has a special chakra to be a tailed-beast host and he owes his sensory skills to Sage Mode. 
That does not mean that Naruto is not a good sensor. Naruto remains the best sensor-type in Konohagakure, achieving superior feats than sensors in charge of sensing and their modern machines. 
If we put sensor-types in the same category as trackers (which, in fact, is the correct way), there are other clans that surpass Karin and Naruto in terms of locating a target that do not involve chakra or the overall abilities of normal chakra sensor-types. 
However, these types of sensors are not able to perceive certain characteristics about a target the same way skilled individuals such as Karin or Naruto do. Therefore, their skills are brilliant for tracking but not for analyzing a situation or searching for more intrinsic details.
A sensor-type specialized in tracking is the most useful sensor when the target’s chakra has been erased.
The Inuzuka is one of the best tracker shinobi clans shown in Naruto. All the times Kiba has been assigned to a tracking mission, he has taken the lead when it came to find a person. 
Kiba’s sense of smell is confirmed to be better than a ninken. 
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When Team 7 and Team 8 were in charge of searching for Itachi Uchiha, they arrived at the same place where Sasuke had fought with Deidara. Kiba, along with Kakashi, recognized Sasuke’s scent, which had become fainter due to using a teleportation jutsu to escape the clay. 
However, concentrating enough, Kiba could locate Sasuke’s scent in the small village where he was staying to heal from the wounds caused by the battle. He was able to find Sasuke before starting to move in his direction and before Karin could sense them approaching. 
It means that Kiba tracked Sasuke’s scent from several kilometers, more than Karin or Naruto’s sensing scope.
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To make this feat even more outstanding, Kiba mentioned that he needed to concentrate because Sasuke’s scent was very faint.
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To be able to track such a weak scent from such a vast distance makes Kiba the best tracker in Naruto, which is a sensor-type that only uses his senses to track targets but shows no signs of perceiving other details and are divided by range and medium.
However, Kiba is regarded as a background character with no relevance in the story as we know it today, especially in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. This position reduces his chances of shining in his field and he is not considered an asset for Konohagakure despite all his abilities and the new skills he has probably acquired by now. 
Kiba Inuzuka is probably the only person in Konohagakure (alongside members of his clan), that can anticipate the arrival of an enemy, increasing the village’s chances to prepare for an incoming attack rather than wait until the Barrier Team announces that somebody has already crossed the gates. His ability to perceive the scent of a foreigner from a far-off distance will grant the village minutes to execute a plan. However, because of his background character disposition, the village relies on a system that needs shaping and is lacking.
Another clan that shares similar qualities as the Inuzuka is the Aburame Clan, another family specialized in tracking from Konohagakure. Their ability to disperse beetles and communicate with each other through chakra makes them incredible assets for tracking missions. 
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Moreover, they can leave an insect on any target they want to follow in order to track them from any distance. 
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These ranges prove to be superior to Naruto’s in tracking, but in specificity, they fail to provide any details about a person’s status or feelings. 
Therefore, Naruto Uzumaki remains the best sensor-type in Konohagakure, with Kiba Inuzuka a close ally and equal to him in terms of locating a target, with the added ability that if the target erases their trace of chakra, he is the perfect sensor for the job.
1. Based on raw skill, hiden technique, experience, range and ability to perceive details; Karin remains the best sensor-type in Naruto.
2. Based on Sage Mode, Naruto Uzumaki equaled and even surpassed Karin in his prime. He now holds the title of the best sensor-type of Konohagakure without Kurama.
3. Based on their special skills, Kiba Inuzuka is a hiden advantage for Konohagakure in terms of tracking. He comes second to Naruto and the most reliable sensor for monitoring without chakra. 
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kyriolex · 1 year
Little known Fun Fact about Team 8.
If we're actually counting the Anime then Hinata, Shino, and Kiba are the only Team from the Konoha 11 where all 3 members come from Single Parent Families (from the start of the series)
Hinata and Shino both have Fathers who are present but their Mothers are strangely absent
Kiba's Mother is present but his Father is absent (Kiba's Mom allegedly chased him away)
We've seen that Ino, Chouji, and Shikamaru's Mothers in the Anime are all still alive
Sure Ino and Shikamaru's Dad's died but that only happens MUCH later into the story
Naruto and Sasuke are Orphans (tho at least we got to actually SEE their parents) while Sakura's parents are still alive and kicking it as far as we know
We saw that Neji's Father died but similarly to Hinata his Mother is strangely never brought up
We have no idea what the status is on Lee and Tenten's parents
Okay, but it is seriously such a crime that we know so little about everyone's parents. Hinata's whole goal in life is to be "kind like her mother, strong like her father," but we never actually see her mother beyond that one photograph??? You would think the heroine's mother would show up in a flashback, or at least have a name.
At least her existence is acknowledged. Nobody even knows for sure whether Shino's mother exists or if he formed out of Shibi through asexual osmosis.
We don't even know whether Tenten and Lee have any parents or family at all. Everybody assumes Tenten's an orphan because of her single name. But Rock Lee has a last name, and later in Boruto it appears there is a Lee clan??? So Lee might be an orphan, but he at least has some extended family.
We don't need much. Even a basic family tree would suffice.
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huskymaine · 2 years
Spoils of War (Naruto Fluff Fic)
Little fic that I had in mind after seeing this scene. 
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I was like, wondering if Kakashi truly will bring the kids to Ichiraku shop when Teuchi knows his face? The answer is yes, because Sukea is our beloved troll Kakashi-sensei who loves the kids so much.
Categories : Gen, little pairing hints if you squints, overused of words with -ly
Word count : 1,211
Ao3 link
“Aaahh damnit we failed!”
After the full 5 minutes of Naruto and his classmates staring at the place where Kakashi’s clone dispersed, their heads drop heavily. Those kids’ collective crestfallen faces look so pitiful that even the most cold-blooded person will feel pity for them.
Well, Sukea is certainly not cold-blooded.
“Haah, that was very unfortunate indeed, so how about we lift our spirits in Ichiraku right now?”
Sakura lifts her downcast head, “Eh, do you still wanna treat us? Even though you didn’t get your scoop?”
“He better will still treat us, chasing Kakashi-sensei around makes me so hungry, shannaro!” Inner Sakura secretly hollers.
“Maa, that’s fine. Besides I promise to treat you guys if you help me, don’t I?  Failing aside, all of your efforts are very useful for my data gathering.” says the journalist while he tucks his camera back in his bag.
Hearing Sukea’s words, any trance of disappointment vanishes from their faces, and the kids brightly grin at each other. Even Shikamaru and Sasuke let out pleased smiles. 
“Teuchi-occan! We came!”
Teuchi turns away toward the familiar cheerful voice. Naruto is a (secretly his favorite) regular customer of his shop, and the boy’s happy face while he devours his ramen is his daily prize as ramen chef. Today, unusually he comes with many kids his age and a quite handsome man.
“Welcome! Ooh you bring many friends now, Naruto!”
Naruto slams the table hard.
“Occan, bring me my usual Tonkotsu Ramen extra pork!”
“Me too, but with beef!”, the boy with Inuzuka crest on his still plump cheeks butts in.
“I-I’d like the same ramen as Naruto-kun..” a small girl, possibly from Hyuuga clan, appears behind the Inuzuka boy and shyly seats next to Naruto. Seeing the petite girl, Teuchi worries that she can’t finish her food, because Naruto’s ramen portion is quite big and heavy.
(Later, he finds out that his concern is futile).
“I order vegetable ramen with melon as dessert. Because, those are healthy meals, thus also my favorite.” Is that glasses boy from Aburame clan? That’s a surprise, because to Teuchi’s knowledge Aburame people prefer to eat alone.
A laid-back boy that looks like from Nara clan slouches on his seat “Guess I’ll have Shoyu Ramen with extra nori.”
Sasuke, Naruto’s Uchiha teammate takes a seat next to Naruto’s other side and hums, “Tomato Ramen.”
“I also want Tomato Ramen!” the blonde girl says bubbly while she moves to the seat next to Sasuke. 
Sakura, Naruto’s other teammate, pushes the girl away, “Don’t copy Sasuke-kun’s order Ino-pig!”
“Tomato Ramen is my favorite too, Forehead!”
“I want 20 portions of gyoza!! Sukea-san will pay for it!” A boy that is clearly from Akimichi clan yells eagerly. Ah, then the blond girl is from Yamanaka. She indeed quite resembles Inoichi-san.
“Ahahaha, goodbye my savings..” The only adult that came with the kids rubs his back dejectedly. Knowing how massive Naruto and his friends’ usual appetite, Teuchi almost feels sorry for the man.
Wait, his face seems familiar...
"Eh, you are...”
The man waves his hand, “Hello! Please to meet you. I am Sukea, a traveling journalist.”
“He wants to write a scoop about Kakashi-sensei’s face, so we help him to unmask Kakashi-sensei in exchange for food.” the pink-haired girl explains. 
Oh, so they still try to see Kakashi-san’s constantly masked face. As someone who serves ramen to the Jounin ever since the boy and his former team got dragged to his shop by a jolly red-headed kunoichi, Teuchi can’t relate to their frustration at all. 
“But we failed though.” Sasuke grunts. The boy feigns nonchalance, but the old ramen chef can see his frustrated pout. 
“Uhh it was so close, so frustrating!” wails the Yamanaka girl. 
Even the Akimichi boy who is usually always happy inside any place to eat laments sadly, “Even with Shikamaru’s strategy...”
The Shikamaru boy in question argues “Ugh, can’t help it, our opponent is Konoha’s top jonin. At least my strategy is better than Naruto’s.”
Hearing his peer’s accusation, Naruto fiercely retorts, “Hey, what’s wrong with my ‘Peek on Kakashi-sensei’s face while he kisses me’ plan?!!”
“N-naruto-kun, that’s...” stutters the Hyuuga girl, who blushes harder than usual. Seeing her embarrassed face, Naruto apparently realizes what he just said, and panics.
“Waah Hinata, I-I don’t mean it like that! It’s not like I wanna kiss a man, a boy, a male, tha- that’s just a strategy in a pinch... Teme Sasuke, what’s with that side eyes, If you want to say something, say it clearly!!”
“Hmph.” the Uchiha boy turned his face away from his loud teammate.
“It’s obvious that plan will not work. Because, Kakashi-sensei is not a sexual harasser.” The Aburame boy interjects calmly. The said Jounin’s kunoichi student grumbles flippantly.
“Says about a man who read adult books in public. But I am confident that my medical manipulation can fool him, though...”
Depressed aura suddenly envelops the kids. Well, luckily they are in the great Ichiraku shop, his delicious ramens will surely fix their moods.
“But with our combined forces, we are so close to dismantling him, so we are quite amazing, don’t you think?!” the boy from Inuzuka interjects excitedly, effectively pulling his friends out of their distressed state.
Hearing his friend’s confident declaration, Naruto beams.
“Yosha, one day we will surely rip off Kakashi-sensei’s mask and see his baffled face!”
Sukea, who is content to see the kids’ banter ever since they entered his shop, chuckles affectionately, pulls his camera out of his bag.
“That’s the spirit! Someday, I am sure that you guys will become stronger in the future and even surpass that Hatake Kakashi! When that time comes, I’ll happily make praising articles for all of you.”
Thanks to those words, delighted sparks come back in the kids’ eyes.
“My article will be the longest!”
“No, mine is!”
“Then I must diet for my article photo!”
“No amount of diet can magically make you pretty, Forehead.”
“Same as you Ino-pig!!”
“Praising articles exclusive for me! Haha that’s not bad!”
“Article will be nice. Because, it will uplift our clan’s reputation.”
“Clan’s reputation..”
Leaving the kids to bicker with themselves, Sukea takes a few more pictures, then averts his fond eyes to the ramen counter. 
“Then I’ll have Miso Ramen please.”
Suddenly, Teuchi knows why the man’s face is familiar to him. Pictures of an arrogant boy flash in his mind, then turns into a gloomy teenager, then again drastically turns into an easygoing young man. People that accompany him to the ramen shop change over time, some disappear for various reasons and others appear for various reasons, but his order is always the same. No matter how he grows up, the silver-haired boy in his memory will always enjoy the taste of Ichiraku original miso diluted in hot soup, with his always hidden little mole bobbing happily.
As if he hears Teuchi’s inner mind, Sukea stares straight into his eyes, forcefully stopping the ramen chef’s thought process. Away from the kids’ sight, the mysterious journalist brings his finger in front of his mouth, although the said gesture does nothing to cover the beauty mark on the side of his lips. 
The mysterious journalist winks mischievously. 
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kankuroplease · 3 months
As I revisit the Warring States period of the Naruto series, something comes to mind: wouldn’t the feud between the Uchiha and the Senju be a disaster for the Land of Fire as a whole? Warring States means being at war with other states, other nations. Surely enemies from other nations would take full advantage of the bloody feud between the strongest clans to claim territory or something. It definitely doesn’t help that the Uchiha and Senju do a devastatingly good job weakening each other, thus making it easier for enemy nations to invade. The Fire Daimyo would ultimately put a stop to the feud if it meant prosperity for his land.
This is a bit meta-y which I don’t like to do, but it’s aligns with some historical things we can look at (which, hey, world history is something I study when bored)… so I might delete this later lol
It’s one of the things that imo if you look at the sengoku period as a reference, it makes a lot of sense as to why in a fictional warring era, seemingly nothing was being done to stop it. Lots of wheels were turning and it’s reached a boiling point where it’s too late to stop what was happening.
The nations in Naruto are fighting/spilling blood, which means things are happening faster than the ink on official decrees could probably dry. Those at the top, rarely care about the people at the bottom (like it’s unfolding irl with the wars, hunger, human rights violations, and environment. They elite do not care).
Meaning the nations willingly created their own problems the warring caused.
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Now as for the Senju and Uchiha feud; from what we know, they already had bad blood because of what happened between Indra and Asura. However, arguably, it was outside groups that made it much worse by hiring them to fight against one another.
The nations needed them to weaken the other nations, but didn’t seem to have the ability to devastate them like they did to the Uzumaki/land of whirlpools.
I can almost guarantee there were other battles involving different clans that we didn’t get to see or hear about because they are not the focal point of the story. Like what were the Hyuga clan, Nara clan, Yamanaka clan, Chinoike clan(to be fair, we know a little bit), Kaguya clan, Aburame clan, and Juugo’s clan doing during this time period? These are all clans that have some very powerful kekkei genkai and were no doubt caught up in the warring too.
It’s ultimately, I just assume the Daimyo was powerless to do anything or was personally benefiting from the warring.
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navigatorsghost · 9 months
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[Idle Naruto meta thoughts, under a cut for graphic discussion of decaying bodies.]
Thankfully, my life is not one where I encounter rotting corpses very often, and even more thankfully the only ones I have encountered have been animals and not humans (which by all accounts are far worse). But every time I do, and catch a whiff of that particular smell, I can't help but think: Hidan had such a valid grievance with Kakuzu over the whole Chiriku thing.
In case you've never experienced it, corpse-smell even in small amounts is, for want of a better description, sticky. Almost sweet, intensely organic, cloying - and viscerally discomfiting, because your instincts know exactly what that smell means and want you to get away from it before you get sick. It's similar to but worse than just plain old rotting meat, because you're getting the decay of everything else that was in the body, not just the muscle tissue. And the organic compounds that actually make the smell are so pervasive they can seep out of or into pretty much anywhere, and moreover, so persistent that they're almost impossible to scrub out of anything even slightly absorbent once they've worked their way into it.
So that days-old corpse, which seems to be pretty well embarked on the decay process judging by its unhealthy colour and general battered appearance, and the man who's had its oozing juices soaking into his coat for the last however-many miles of walking in the summer heat, have got to be generating the most unbelievable area-effect of pure olfactory horror. Every scavenger animal and bird for miles around has to be going "whoa, did lunch just walk by?" - not to mention that there should be enough flies tagging along with them to make an Aburame blink. And if Kakuzu pulls this type of stunt regularly, he'll have that smell so ingrained into his clothes, hair and skin that he's going to reek like a walking corpse himself all the time.
(My working theory here is that Kakuzu's sinuses are so full of Earth Grudge Fear that he genuinely hasn't been able to smell a thing in decades, which means he can be this gross with personal if not social impunity. Hidan, meanwhile, who has perfect physical regeneration, only wishes his sense of smell would finally stop working for good and fucking save him from this.)
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holicanth · 4 years
Hanging on to Threads
@shinoweek​  2021 Prompt 1 - Solitude
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Words: 2.7k
Genre: Angst. Horror. Suspense. Crime(?) Implied Shinohina
Warnings: Implied murder. 
Author’s Note: This is part 1 of my Shinoweek 2021 series!! The whole series would be 4-5 parts and possibly have each prompt (chapter) released in chronological order.
" A shinobi must constantly suppress their emotions, follow a strict set of rules that they decide among themselves, and avoid extraneous conflict. "
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
To his classmates, the grand tales of Konoha's history sounds like a distant, outdated fairytale, but Shino likes to think that there are things to learn from everything.
Tobirama Senjuu was renowned for his pragmatic approach to things, whether it be national or international. A model shinobi whose discipline has shaped the lives of generations after, and Shino revered him greatly.
Shino had thought, that if every shinobi were to follow the the Second's ninja way then surely Konoha would be much stable as a country, and considerably stronger against their rivals. If every ninja had kept their emotions on bay, then surely everyone would resolve conflict peacefully and level-headedly.
Even Shino himself takes pride in his ability to control his emotions. He was sure that nothing in the world could ever shake his roots.
That is, until his own brother was taken from him.
(Shino thinks he can picture the scene. A sunset. A lake. The dry voice of a man. And his brother. A serene yet glutted scenario.)
 His father came that day, with a crooked man on his tails.
Something spiked in his heart when Shino heard the man demand for him.
His bugs had sensed that his father was just as perplexed.
"He is your son. He must be exceptionally talented."
Shino could've sworn that the man was plotting something behind his back. There was no way that he would've had any use of him. He was just a young boy, barely ten. Shino had thought of a million reasons why he in particular was selected until--
 "Why don't you take me instead?"
Torune jumped off the tree and stood in front of Shino.
"I'm the son of Shikuro Aburame, after all."
 And soon after, the man had sealed his brother's fate. Torune was to go with him the following morning. Forever. 
And there was nothing that Shino could do to persuade him otherwise.
Torune had sacrificed himself. So that Shino could have relationships with others. So that Shino could have a significant bond with his friends. The relationship between the two could be said as distant, but Shino had considered him as a brother, while Torune had thought of himself as a burden.
The morning comes and goes too fast and Shino was unable to stop him from leaving. He spent the whole night thinking, creating a heartfelt speech that would have swayed his brother, making up excuses so that he won't leave. All of that crushed by the thought that he wouldn't be able to come up with a better solution. Shino knew that negotiating with Danzo was going to end up with himself being taken away. A cold morning and a silent goodbye was the only thing Shino had to bear with.
But even after years has passed, nothing about that day made sense for Shino. He didn’t know why, and ultimately he was banned from speaking of that day even with his own family. He had felt, with great intensity, a feeling that he can't quite describe with anything but he word "unpleasant" Was he angry? scared? anxious that he'll be next? All he knew was that his chest tightened every time he thinks about it, an unnamed sense of wary washing over his five senses.
The thought always haunts his mind—the fact that a human being can be forgotten out of existence. To be killed by proxy, as if their life had no meaning in the first place. 
Therefore Shino tries to honor his brother. He set a list of rules for himself. Followed it thoroughly. He tries to emulate his brother’s strength. And in the process, make comrades on the way, just like his brother requested.
 (The years pace faster than usual. Shino has yet made any meaningful connections outside of his teammates.)
 Yet when he's matured his powers enough to protect lives, he found himself falling out of the map all the while. Flimsy friendships with the bare minimal civilities. No one recognized his potential (nor his face) and there was active attempts of isolation from Konoha itself. 
Shino was alone yet again.
 He's heard the word from his father. That something internal was stirring up inside Konoha, messing the clan hierarchy, opening doors to clan discrimination. He's seen the Uchiha fall bait to it already, what are the odds that his clan wouldn't be next?
(By proxy, Hinata should also be subject to such mistreatment, seeing how The Hyuuga themselves are a noble clan involved in the scuffle. The Konoha elders seem to think otherwise. The Hyuuga are valuable.)
Hostilities or not, Shino knows enough about the Second's manifesto to figure the Uchiha massacre, but this time, all clues fall cold.
There was no talks about the Aburames. What would Konoha do with them, and how they would dispose of them. Outsiders dig up lies from spread rumors, but clansmen know the source of those rumors are none other than those they pay subservience to.
(Shino had thought that his newly found ability should be shared, but his family were in massive disagreement.)
Shino had always been aware of the Aburame's dojutsu. A technique that allows one to link their vision to an insect, granting them the candid ability to spy with the littlest trace of chakra. One so undetectable that the Yamanakas haven't noticed that the pests that ruins their flowers aren't merely parasites.
This dojutsu—The Senrigan—is regarded as superior in range to the Byakugan, which cannot reach intercontinental levels and are visible when activated. You wouldn't notice an Aburame using the Senrigan, what with their dark shades and stoic expression. Even within the clan, the ability is rare. It requires the finest chakra control and level headedness to connect to one bug, and years more to connect to a whole swarm.
The Senrigan requires exceptionally high amounts of concentration and will. A single mistake has Shino bedridden for days with migraine, and it requires Shino to be absolutely still in the process, akin to the Yamanaka's mind transfer jutsu.
Training comes easy to Shino, who has decided that it was his second priority (the first being his brother's promise) to do all his endeavors perfectly. He is diligent, and determined to awaken the Senrigan as soon as possible. Shino is aware that the situation in Konoha is brewing bad news; there is nothing but suspense and disarray in the air
But even after obtaining such power, his problems were still far from finished. 
 Konoha knows Shibi Aburame as a smart individual. Tactical, cold, and precise.
And Konoha’s intention was clear as day. Leaving Shibi from many clan meetings was downright disrespectful. And having the ANBU on lookout near the Aburame compound was just the beginning of Konoha’s hostility. Shibi has seen the Uchiha massacre, and there was no way he will let the same happen to his family
Therefore just like Torune, Shino was isolated to his house immediately after his Chuunin promotion. Cultivating chakra and beetles, preparing for a battle that might not happen. 
(The Aburames were being faced with open discrimination. It was always known that their relationship with Konoha was shaky even before the peace treaty)
And that is where his doubts are all confirmed.
 He tested the Senrigan on his friends. Once. Then twice. Then it becomes a routine as he claims that it was all for "practice"
(Shino was foolishly hopeless, but even a fool should stay optimistic and dumb.
He had hoped that the Senrigan failed him. That he heard wrong. That he had tailed the wrong ninja.)
There was no one that noticed him gone, no one that searched for him. Not even his teammates.
Not even the pretentious Naruto
 It has been two years since the Chuunin exams. Shino has been missing (protected) since then, and no one bats an eye towards it. No one questions it. Even the Hokage seems eager to wipe the Aburames out of Konoha
Shino knows by heart that the Nara and Yamanaka heads have told their heirs to not speak a word about this. The Inuzuka and the Akimichi would be left out of the discussion completely, while the Hyuuga are given the splendid task of periodical supervising, along with the ANBU.
(Of course, he knows that a civil war is on its way to hit them, but to think that Hinata had not asked about him either! His migraine hurts him just a little more.)
 In the next few bedridden days, Shino's thoughts linger to an old friend. One whose face he wouldn't forget, and one who wouldn't forget Shino's name either. 
Uchiha Sasuke.
Perhaps he had felt the same loneliness—to live in a village that sees your family name first before your own person
Shino's mind was spiraling, swirling, filled to the brim with outrageous whispers and his fading sense of clarity. How could he have been forgotten just like that? Like he was never an important comrade. Like he never existed in the first place. But at the same time his voice of reason yells at him to shut up. Stop thinking. There is nothing he could do but wait for a decree from the Hokage, or an official statement from the Konoha elders.
 But then an equally terrifying thought caught his attention.
What if Konoha had seriously intended to wipe off the Aburames?
To eliminate, and sweep the whole incident under the rug.
Would his father--the clan representative—be able to coax their way back? To assert that the Aburames were still useful?
(He scoffs. Begging Konoha to spare mercy on the Aburames would be such a pitiful sight. He can't imagine his father bowing down to them, nor can he foresee a favorable negotiation for his clan's future. Shino knows better than anyone that Konoha doesn't keep records of the Aburame's achievements. It was going to be a methodical, efficient depletion.)
It was all so horrible. The way his friends leave him out of the picture. The way they rejoiced over Naruto's return. The fact that something wrong was happening and his teammates were either in full acknowledgement or were turning a blind eye.
(He sees the way Team 8 functions without him. Kurenai has become more hands-on and active. She doesn't come to class drunk anymore, and actually teaches the other two justsus. Kiba and Hinata both steadily improve under her lead. And somewhere in his heart, he feels a clawing, steep anger whenever Kiba acts differently around Hinata. The three of them act like a perfect happy family. Perfectly ignorant to the missing participant)
Was it sweat that rolled down his face? Fatigue and stress had burned him down, thrown him off balance and hit him with a reality he wishes he could just sleep off. Every morning comes to slap the brutal truth on his face, and the fact that his father had been more and more cornered by the Konoha elders had him irked.
 He holds his breath and recalls the man he loathes. The same one who took his brother.
A daring idea comes to haunt Shino's mind. If Danzo Shimura adores the Aburame's abilities (having appointed many from his family to be his consultants), then perhaps Shino could lobby him into making the situation better for his clan.
But Shino? The boy was barely old enough to wager a significant deal with Danzo.
Unless of course. If he'd exchange his dojutsu for his clan safety.
 (To jump into the lion's den. 
There was a revengeful, spite-filled excitement that came with it.)
 A shinobi must constantly suppress their emotions, follow a strict set of rules that they decide among themselves, and avoid extraneous conflict.
Shino decides this is for the best. He repeats the words endlessly. Sometimes muttering, sometimes coming out only as a sigh. His footsteps are accompanied with his chants, but it stops abrubtly in the middle of the desolate road.
Solemnly he looks upwards. The moon emerged from the clouds as if it were saying goodbye to him. Bathing him in soothing light that calms his nerves. A sight he'd remember.
(And along with that, the moon reflects to him the eyes of a particular girl.
One whose house was just steps away.)
Shino finds himself transfixed. He could stop any moment now, visit a friend, and ask for help from anyone who'd be willing to listen to his problems. Hell, he might even beg Naruto to help him. The brat must've had a shred of empathy left in him. 
A string of hope tugged at his heart, trying to assure him that there must be something else that can be done. If he meets Danzo now what would happen to him? What about Torune?
What about his teammates? His friends?
(He leaves that thought adrift, noticing the howling winds and the clank of a familiar wooden cane.)
 "Aburame. Explain what business you have prowling around late at night."
 Danzo Shimura emerges with his two bodyguards. A Yamanaka and--
 Shino had known that Danzo was en route towards the Hyuuga clan. Shino had expected bodyguards to accompany him. Shino had not, however, suspected that one of his entourages would be his brother himself.
Something speaks for itself in the silence that ensues. Bitterness and resolve had taken over Shino, who had turned to look at them with a gait of arrogance. Torune shook his head in disbelief.
 "I'll have to assume you're out on an assasination if you don't answer." Danzo sneers, thumping his crane to call attention.
"You lowlives have been hiding something from us, haven't you? Especially you," He points towards Shino.
"The Aburame heir, Shino Aburame."
(Shino analyzed the three in front of him. Whatever words he says, everything will determine how he'll get out of this situation. 
Dead or alive)
"Answer him," Torune barks, a choking coil hanging around his throat. "Or you will have to be detained." 
(The Yamanaka boy behind them had gestured to his master to use his jutsu, which was promptly denied.)
He took off his hood and grimaced. There was no headband from which the moonlight can reflect itself on. Fists clenched, he was set on negotiating his terms.
"I have no business with the Hyuuga." He says in a practiced tone, "But I have things I need to discuss with you, Danzo Shimura."
Shino made it clear that he will not address him formally.
"You brat. You think you can get away with disrespecting me? You must have a justifiable reason to speak to me like that."
"Speak, runt," He growls "Or it'll be more than your life you'll lose."
 Torune flinches at the statement, eyes darting to Shino as if warning him to follow whatever he fucking says. To not fucking disobey Danzo.
Instead Shino finds a rush of tranquility—a childish confidence that doesn't hesitate when he touches the rims of his shades. 
 "You have an interest in utilizing the Aburames--my clan." His bugs slowly hover around. "And you've made it obvious that our village wants us gone."
(Shino thinks he ordered his bugs to stay. But apparently they respond to the thrumming of his heart instead of his mind.)
 "You are afraid of us. You want us under fear and control so that you may use our members as fodder." 
His bugs have started buzzing loudly.
 "You want to steal the Aburame's secret technique for your own benefit," Shino throws his glasses "And you want to sacrifice our clan for the sake of this lousy, corrupted village."
Despite the moon hiding in the clouds from him, Shino can still see. Even in the darkness. Even when he has shut his eyes. He knows that Torune is panicking. He knows that Yamanaka ninja was pulling out his tantō. He knows that Danzo was unfazed, even though he has begun tapping his finger rather impatiently.
 "I've come to offer you a deal, Danzo Shimura," Shino speaks defiantly, "In exchange for the Aburame's secret technique you will oath to protect our clan. This oath shall be a blood contract, and my bugs will bear witness to it shall you ever betray your words."
Shino finally opens his eye. Two green orbs pierce the darkness, suspense filling the air around the compound. His bugs have formed a sort of mist around him, buzzing quietly in his honor.
 "I will become your eyes, ears, and guardian until the day you die. That is my offer to you, Danzo Shimura."
(Shino laces his words with deceit. Something he hopes can fool the man into dismissing it as a child's foolish speech.)
A growing laugh bursts from the man. His normally astute image shattered into a cocky countenance. He walks towards Shino, smirk evident in his eyes. 
"You Aburames always have the best deals." He replies, zealously. 
"I'm more than glad to have you cooperate with me. Come." 
 Danzo walks past him, a trail of bugs following his feet.
 The sight unfolding before Torune could be described as his worst nightmare—the green eyes, the bug manipulation, Danzo and Shino's involvement...
But he looked down, and followed his master instead.
 The Senrigan was at full bloom. 
There was no way Shino could go back to his previous life.
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hellbubu · 3 years
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I mean, he is taking care of the curse mark. Just not any injuries Sasuke may have.
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Look at him being a bitch. Love him.
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I'd have hoped out right then and there. Shino's abilities are cool but I don't like bugs.
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The anime added a gim stealing bread and some guys beating him up. Also, I like Oro in that outfit (more in the manga than in the anime). This just shows Orochimaru's manipulative skills. They also show that guy fighting two toyers and thinking of Oro.
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"¿Un peón? No. Es una pieza mucho más valiosa." That's what he says in the Spanish dub. He says Sasuke is more than a pawn.
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Shino's fucking cool.
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Look at him protecting Sasuke. Also, Kakashi does say somethings (those who abandon their friends are worse than scum) and do others (wanting to just kill Sasuke and imprisoning him and making him work for the leaf).
It must be awkward to look after the kid whose brother was an ANBU captain and killed the whole clan. More than one of them must be wondering if Sasuke too will just loose it and just...
I reached image limit.
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Aburame clan is very non descript and quiet by nature but like... What if their attempts at courting are learned mostly from bugs? Not on purpose but giving women gifts does prove fruitful. And taking her out dancing is always better when you know how to.
Am I saying that the Aburame clan has a secret dance academy for their members to learn the finer points of every style available to them? Well......
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Non-UT! chars - there’s a /bunch/, no kidding - uhh part 1? just the N! AUs we got take up a lot of space...
DEMON SLAYER: mostly SLSTF/LSTF combined ‘whoops a large group of strange people fell into this world‘, with three main variations: ‘replace-Pillars’, ‘join-pillars’, ‘demons/Upper Moons’.  Includes the likes of the “Centipede Pillar”/”Insect Breathing” (an alternate version), “Trap Pillar”/Mist Breathing, “Lotus/Hate Pillar”/”Lotus/Hate Breathing”, “?? Pillar”/“Waterfall Breathing”... Characters: Yasude Denji (LSTF!Alphys “Nori” - Centipede Pillar), Oda Adachi (LSTF!Undyne “Oda” - creator and only user of the WATERFALL Breathing Style), Aoi Akane (LSTF!Sans “Slugger” - HATE/Lotus Hashira), Daisuke Agawa (LSTF!Papyrus “Spike” - Trap Pillar), Shinogu Kikori/"Shōri" (SLSTF!Sans “Knout” - Solitude Pillar/Breathing?)
Naruto: huu boy. P13!Naruto-verse: (name still needed for the story, P13! is a reference to a completely different something else): A story with these major change-ups: Naruto is a year above the Rookie 9/aka Lee’s generation (and consequently doesn’t know/hasn’t really interacted with the rest of Konoha 13). Naruto is not the jinchuurinki-container for the Kyuubi/Kurama - his parents are still restricted information though, but at least he’s seen more of Kakashi and Jiraiya than canon!naruto, even if it’s distant and strained (kakashi is in no way able to step into being more than the emotionally-clearly-not-okay occasional visitor into P13!Naruto’s life). Naruto leaves Konoha (but doesn’t join another village - in actuality, he straight-up leaves through another dimension, but as literally no one knows Naruto is labelled as a missing-nin). Sasuke is the jinchuurinki of the Nine-Tails/Kurama - this changes some things but the Uchiha massacre still happens. Sai is an Uchiha (who lives with his adoptive civilian parents - Sai is not part of the Clan compound and the traditions, but he is of Uchiha blood) and never joined Root. Sakura is much less/not even a fangirl for Sasuke. Team 7 is Kiba, Sakura, and Sasuke - Team 8 is Hinata, Shino, and Sai. Sasuke is friendlier and more open and has actual friends - Shikamaru, Sai, Shino, and eventually the rest of Team 7 as well. Story is focused on Sasuke instead of Naruto. Characters: Naruto (pre-Departure), Sasuke (currently pre-Chunnin Exams), Sai Sumitobu (same age as Sasuke) 
Papillion Arbor: story focused on Shinrai Aburame, who is an older Aburame cousin who gradually recovered meta-knowledge memories but fully considers himself to be Shinrai, Aburame in clan and spirit. Probably set a few years earlier than Naruto-era; we’ll have to see because this one’s plot is completely unformed right now. Characters: Shinrai (chunnin-times? 26-going-on-14 years old) (title needed): Asaha Fukushima, an orphaned civilian-born boy who takes care of/adopts another younger civilian boy while trying to keep everything he cares about safe - “titled” the “second coming of the Copy-ninja” because of how quickly he picks up skills - unreally fast learner. Nearly-sensor -like extrasensory touch - a little like Inosuke’s? - plus having some Nara blood from his grandfather - water element. Naruto still in Academy era. Characters: Asaha Fukushima (chunnin-time, currently Kakashi’s apprentice and not immediately tied to a plot arc - 27-going-on-14 years old), Hachi Asahi (Asaha’s ward/adoptive younger brother, Academy-age 11 years old)
(title needed, probably a name that somehow references “spring”): A story focusing on Monshō Kandō, the adopted-but-also-blood child of Rock Lee - set in the “blank period”/after The Last. Slice-of-life theoretical-fic, mostly about friends and friendship. Monshō Kandō, in addition to the other half of their name (Monshō Kandō has a very long name on legal documents), they also are known by Kawasemi, King Catcher, and Utsukushī (literally: beautiful), the name that Lee gave them before he discovered the actual name they were born with. Characters: Kawasemi, who is currently in Suna (Kawasemi is a Title like Shikabane-hime is a Title for Silver Queen’s Shikako Nara - used frequently but not actually their name) - technically should be called Utsukushī Lee. Chunnin-time - 18-going-on-16 years old.
TEAM APOTHEOSIS: Asaha, Kawasemi, and Myōjōsen (the main character Aburame from another story - the main thing to know about her is that she’s pretty feral and has centipedes integrated in her body in ways the Aburame have never seen before and speaks like an Inuzuka) find themselves in the Dead Wastes (yes this is really where Silver Queen’s DoS!Stones of Gelel arc culminates - keeping the location but not actually involving the Stones of Gelel), and decide to ‘might as well’ do whatever while they’re here - Gaara suddenly gets three baffling but affectionate missing-nin-guardian-friends? Characters: Baki (what am I thinking, how can I write him?? Maybe later), Gaara (not refined enough for this yet, but maybe in the future), Kawasemi (jonin-rank) 20 years old, Asaha (jonin-rank) 20 years old,  Myōjōsen (jonin-rank) 21 years old.
(title?): Asaha is reborn (again) this time as Shikimizu Nara, older cousin to Shikamaru, and this time his story revolves around being the bestest friend to/for Shino, original plot outside of the Rookies, and becoming Kakashi’s apprentice - Shikamizu gains the battle name of the “Shallow Balance” - they use ninja-wire to string their environment to run on the taut threads. Characters: Shikamizu Nara (currently Academy-days - 24-going-on-11 years old)
The Amber Firefly - Shino suddenly finds himself in the Senju-Uchiha War and is taken in as an obvious Aburame by the Aburame Clan of the era as a Prophet - that’s all the premise i’ve got for the moment but this un’s a real idea. Shino’s slightly different from canon, but we’ll get to that later. Characters: Shino (神託/Shintaku-sama/Prophet) - The Last when he was actually back where he was supposed to be - 18-going-on-14 years old.
Sunea to Kensei no Sanshō̄o (Snares and Feints of the Salamander): story follows Gekkeiju Hikōkai (English: Hikōkai Gekkeiju) once they meet Naruto while on ANBU jinchuurinki-watching duty - haven’t written a plot yet but it probably focuses on being ANBU/jounin and interactions like that. Characters: Hikōkai (currently ANBU Sanshō̄o - what this means is after they have been taken off Naruto-watching duty in which they were ANBU Kōjaku) - 25-going-on-23 years old
Yorumungando Kōtei no Gekkō Sunea (Snares of the Great Jormungandr's  Moonbeam): Remixed Snares and Feints! -  Hikōkai is now Itachi, but with a twist - Fugaku and Mikoto are moved generations up so they’re in the Minato-Jounin Era.  Hikōkai renames himself/themself as just Kōkai, or Tsukiakari.  Kōkai now adapts and considers himself male, and also is struggling to act as Itachi-like as possible while being scrutinized from all sides. Kōkai‘s best friends are Shisui and Ensui Nara. Luckily tensions haven’t risen so high that Kōkai needs to immediately worry about the Massacre, but that’s still probably in the cards with how the tensions were slowly rising. Characters: Tsukiakari/Kōkai Uchiha (genin-times, ??-sensei need to develop later) - 25-going-on-24-going-on-11 years old (yeah...)
Adiantum Raddianum (the scientific name for the maidenhair fern): First take on the is-Sasuke/Uchiha-after-the-massacre trend: Makano “Mako” Uchiha is a non-native-speaking former recreational wilderness survivor who upon waking up in class as Makano, starts living life like in a dazed dream - Makano doesn’t understand the native language and doesn’t care enough to devote themselves to learning more than a little; Mako ends up learning four phrases/words by the time they meet their genin team. “See" (ウォッチ/U~otchi, used for many things in half negative, sarcastic, and faintly approving manner), "tonbo" (dragonfly, for virtually anything Maka approves of. People haven't quite figured out what this means yet, because Dragonfly is patently unhelpful when describing food or generally anything in particular), Kekkōdesu (no thanks. a pretty helpful thing to learn even when it also gets mistaken for things and causes misunderstandings), and hai, which is one of the earliest and easiest things that Mako learned while listening to people talk. Makano is placed onto Team 3, under Gekkō Hayate. Story mostly focuses on Team 3′s missions and some betweens - Makano is older than Sasuke and also doesn’t bother trying to mingle with the Rookies beyond being around Shino and Shikamaru. Characters: Makano (genin-days) - 22-going-on-9 years old
(title needed): second attempt at is-Sasuke/other Uchiha massacre survivor: Mitorori Uchiha. Mitorori... doesn’t believe that this is real. As in, directly inspired by Julyflame’s Come From the Holy Fire, Mitorori believes this is a dream - in turn, he uses this “dreamspace” to release stress from his work/life - Mitorori is even more aggressive and irreverent than in his real life. Cue aggressive Uchiha punkish boy shoving himself into matters that don’t concern him. Characters: Mitorori (Academy days - 10 years old)
Hanabira Sasuke: Third attempt at is-Sasuke/other Uchiha massacre survivor: “Shikichi” (Threshhold) Sasuke Uchiha started off waking up in Iruka’s classroom as Sasuke. Story currently only has plot for Academy days - Shikamaru and eventually the rest of the Rookies start to pick up that Sasuke’s... acting off, they nonverbally start accommodating and bonding around him - Sasuke Protection Squad! Shikichi calls himself that internally because it’s one of the first words he learned to read in Japanese - of course he’s sort of aware that he can’t actually start calling himself that because he has a “real” name - but eventually this’ll probably get discovered by Shikamaru and he’ll go by both. Characters: Shikamaru (Academy - 7 years old), “Sasuke” (Academy - 20-going-on-7 years old)
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primnroses · 2 years
— Sakura Haruno as a sensor-type: an in-depth about her abilities and her unique sensing technique
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information.
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information from the official databooks of Naruto.
This informative post will analyze the concept of sensor-type, how it was introduced in the series and that are the requisites to become a ninja of this classification; I will also shortly explain Sakura’s abilities as a sensor and her own sensing technique. I will use information present in the novels because it includes character development within canon compliance.
This meta will be crossposted in AO3.
I give my permission to use or share this thread with informative purposes as long as you credit me.
I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in the canon according to official sources and they also generate unnecessary debate.
Please, take this into consideration.
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Although it has never been properly described in the manga or the databooks, a sensor-type or sensory-type (感知タイプ, Kanchi-taipu) is a classification used for shinobi that have the ability to feel and locate an enemy or even notice fluctuations in their chakra using their senses. 
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The series introduces a handful of ninjas able to detect chakra from the start. It shows that any shinobi has the ability to sense fluctuations in chakra without being a natural sensor-type, especially for foul or powerful signatures.
For example, almost every ninja close to Naruto’s circle has been able to detect his aura when he summons Kurama’s chakra due to being very powerful and dark.
These basic abilities also apply to Sakura as genin, chūnin and jōnin; despite not coming from any clan.
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According to the third databook, written by Masashi Kishimoto, sensor-types are useful to track or pursue targets, and they are divided into groups based on the medium used for the sensing. Some of them include smell, like the Inuzuka Clan; eyesight, like the Hyūga Clan; or even using animals or other people, like the Yamanaka Clan with their Mind Body Switch Technique and the beetles of the Aburame Clan. 
There are also other shinobi that use special techniques or that create their own.
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This way, the term sensor-type or sensory-type ninja is introduced in chapter 355 by Kakashi Hatake and used to describe Hinata Hyūga. She falls in the subcategory of sensors that use their eyesight as a medium to see an enemy or see their chakra, like it is mentioned in the databook. The Byakugan is able to see the enemy in the distance and also see their chakra.
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The most common kind of sensor-types are those that can sense the chakra given off by a ninja and it is a superior skill among them. Shinobi from the Yamanaka clan, Tobirama Senju, the second Tsuchikage or Karin are examples of this type. Karin, in particular, is currently the most exceptional innate sensor-type in the world.
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Being a sensor-type is a very beneficial and useful skill in battle as it allows the user to locate an incoming enemy, anticipate jutsu or identify genjutsu; however, it varies depending on the skill of the user or the medium they use to track signatures. Not every sensor-type is able to do all the things listed above, it requires skill or even the use of powerful sensing techniques to achieve them. 
Karin is an example of a sensor-type that can anticipate an enemy by perceiving their chakra or even identify genjutsu by analyzing her own or her comrades’ chakra. Likewise, Neji Hyūga can anticipate an attack by viewing the concentration of chakra of his enemies. 
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Those shinobi that are not naturally sensor-types can use sensing techniques with mediums adapted to their abilities. For example, Naruto Uzumaki is not a natural sensor-type, but Sage Mode grants sensing skills, which are later enhanced with Six Paths chakra and allowing him to sense even invisible enemies withing a very wide range. Kurama also allows him to detect negative emotions.
Naruto is not actually an innate sensor-type, but it is his training in Sage Mode and another being, Kurama, what give him sensing skills.
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The same way, sensor-types can boost their abilities using sensing techniques too, the best example being Karin. 
The Mind's Eye of Kagura is a powerful sensing hiden technique that allows Karin to track signatures located several kilometers in the distance, as well as very specific characteristics like the number of beings, their race, their pace or if they are lying. According to Sasuke, she is the only person in the world with this ability, which makes Karin the best among sensor-types.
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The manga proves that sensing is a basic ability within any shinobi’s reach, as long as there is some kind of training or special conditions that facilitate the perception, like large chakra or dark signatures such as Tailed Beasts. Those that can innately sense chakra possess a high-skill among sensor-types, and they’re normally shinobi of clans.
Coming from a civilian background, of course Sakura is not a natural sensor-type. But, has she ever displayed sensory skills? Actually, she has. As aforementioned, it is possible for ninjas to feel large or foul chakra signatures without necessarily being adept at sensing. With the training of a kunoichi, Sakura has displayed those basic sensing skills throughout the manga.
The earliest record of Sakura being able to detect chakra signatures is when she felt Zabuza’s dark chakra and his intention to kill Team 7 during the Land of Waves mission. Zabuza’s sinister aura was so intense that even Tazuna could perceive it, and he is not even a ninja.
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While this was not pointed out the first time during Naruto’s fight against Neji in the Chūnin Exams, Sakura can feel the immense chakra of a tailed beast, like it is common. This was later shown when Team 7 found Orochimaru and Naruto manifested the power again.
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There is evidence of sensory skills being refined with experience. This happens to be Sakura’s case. After her training with Tsunade and as she grew older, Sakura could sense Sasuke’s change after he fell victim to the Curse of Hatred, just as Karin had noted, as well as the chakra of his Amaterasu.
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The last example of Sakura displaying sensing skills is when Madara’s body was being consumed by Kaguya. Another example of great amounts of chakra powerful enough to be perceived by non-sensors.
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Of course, being able to sense strong or foul chakra signatures will not make Sakura a natural sensor-type and it is not the same level of technique as an innate sensor. Being able to detect chakra is a superior skill, but it can be refined with training. 
However, using sensory techniques does make a ninja a sensor-type, it is what happens to Naruto with Sage Mode. There are also other ninja that use jutsu for the purpose of sensing. 
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Sakura actually has two techniques that are applied to sensing, one that she created and one granted by her summon. 
One of the three summons from the “Three Big Unexplored Sage Regions”, Katsuyu, is one of the most powerful summons in the series. Not only does she possess healing properties, but also sensory skills enhanced with her ability to multiply and her connection with the Byakugō no In.
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Although Sakura never used Katsuyu’s sensing skills, the moment she could invoke the Strength of a Hundred seal she gained a sensing technique through the slug. Because Katsuyu is linked to the seal and uses its chakra, the master will be in contact with everybody that the slug touches. When Katsuyu touches a person, she is automatically connected to their chakra, and the slug is symbiotically connected with the Strength of a Hundred seal. 
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Sakura was automatically connected with the Alliance as soon as Katsuyu’s fragments reached every member. 
However, after the Ten Tails used its arms to drain the chakra of members of the Alliance, she could not know about their condition because the beast had also drained the Katsuyu fragments, thus breaking the connection. 
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With her first sensing technique secured, Sakura actually refined her skills even more as an adult, when she reached jōnin rank. According to Sakura Hiden, she can try to feel people by concentrating, just like she did when she was looking for Sasuke around the area at the end of the novel. It is important to note that neither Ino, a chakra sensor-type, or Hinata with her Byakugan, could sense Sasuke presence.
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The most impressive thing is that not only does she have basic sensory skills, but she has actually created her own sensing technique, that applies only to her, using chakra as a medium. This is a unique feat among sensor-types and it is what would solidify her new classification.
Sakura’s new jutsu debuted in Sasuke Retsuden. It is described as a technique that only Sakura, a complete master of chakra control, can use by channeling her chakra onto the walls to feel things by contact, such as a complete structure, rooms or hidden objects.
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Sakura’s jutsu is classified as a contact-type (接触タイプ, Sesshoku taipu) sensing technique. These are special sensing techniques to detect objects or people by contact, that is, when a body touches the range of the jutsu. This is confirmed by the second Tsuchikage, Mū.
Contact-type are considered unique among sensing techniques. 
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Sakura’s jutsu is not the only contact-type sensing technique used in the series. There are three characters that use a similar method as Sakura, except using a different medium than her: Gaara and Kidōmaru. 
Tobirama Senju and Minato Namikaze also use a method that includes touching the ground to perceive enemies within an area, much similar to Sakura’s jutsu.
— Concealed Sand Picture Cat is a contact-type sensing technique used by Gaara that perceives objects by touch perception, just like Sakura’s own jutsu. He uses his sand as a medium, which is infused with this chakra, and is able to sense the second Tsuchikage in his undetectable form.
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— Spider Web Area works the same way as Sakura and Gaara’s sensing technique. Kidōmaru uses spiderwebs thinner than hair that are infused with his chakra. He is able to sense an enemy when they touch the sensitive spiderwebs.
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— Tobirama and Minato use a “technique” that is the closest approach to Sakura’s. By touching the ground with their fingers, they could detect enemies in the surrounding area. 
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However, it is unknown if they use chakra as a medium, since it is described that scattering chakra for that purpose is a feat unique to Sakura due to her incomparable control of chakra. It is also to be noted that both Kage, especially Tobirama, are adept chakra sensor-types. In Minato’s case, he had already sensed his enemy before he proceeded to use this “technique” to countt he number of them.
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The difference between Gaara, Kidōmaru, Minato, Tobirama and Sakura is that she is the only shinobi that uses a contact-type sensory jutsu that can detect inanimate objects. These include hidden traps and mapping structures such as buildings. This is a feat that only her, and one shinobi clan, can use, and it makes her a unique sensor.
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Among sensor-types, Sakura’s technique is very similar to the abilities of a Byakugan, a dōjutsu of sensory shinobi from the Hyūga Clan that can also see through some obstacles and detect objects. The Hyūga use a Kekkei Genkai and Sakura uses a created jutsu based on chakra control.
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Still, Sakura has only ever been shown sensing objects or traps but never people. However, it is highly likely that she would be able to sense people using the same method. If Sakura can perceive objects that do not emit chakra, she should be able to detect people that give off an aura.
With basic sensory skills and two sensing techniques that allow her to map structures and feel chakra with Katsuyu, Sakura is the only sensor-type alive, that is not from the Hyūga Clan, that has a unique sensory technique only applicable to her. This is a feat among sensors.
This way, Sakura would fit into three shinobi classifications: medic-ninja, being the best in Konoha; genjutsu-type, the only confirmed in the series; and sensor-type given her techniques. 
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Note: When the manga panels of Sasuke Retsden and the official English translation come out, this post will be edited with visuals. 
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kyriolex · 2 years
I'm sorry if this might come off as crude but I really wondering about this for a long time...
Do you have any headcanons on how Aubrame Reproduction might work?
Like we know Aubrame carry Insects inside them and all around them and it obviously passes onto their offspring...
But it also makes me wonder... What would happen if a Non-Aburame married into the Clan?
While a Female Aubrame and a Male Non-Aburame probably wouldn't have too many problems copulating, how would the other way around work? 🤔
But if a Male Aubrame (Let's just take Shino for example)...Uh.. Does the "Deed" would the Insects transfer over to the Woman's Womb? Or would insects just mysteriously form inside? 🤔
Would the Woman become basically a living "Hive" while she carries her Baby?
Again, I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable with this Ask. 😅 I'm not asking this to sound crude or nasty or anything. Just genuine curiosity on a scientific level lol
But you can still ignore this ask if this kind of discussion ain't up your alley lol
I appreciate the respect for boundaries Anon. I normally keep things PG-13 on this blog, but I think I can answer this scientifically without getting too graphic.
We know from canon material that Aburame get their hives at birth. The infants are offered up to several species of bugs, at least one of which forms a pact.
So from this, I think we can rest assured that there aren’t bugs chilling out inside the mother’s womb. The hive can’t make a pact unless it is inside you, and bugs aren’t going to set up shop inside a fetus halfway through construction. This is probably a good thing, since pregnancy is hard enough without a semi-conscious fetus performing jutsu inside your torso.
I get the feeling that an Aburame’s hive is its own contained biological system, like your blood vessels or lymph nodes. The hive is present all throughout the body, but it’s typically not going to be involved in sex any more than your stomach acid would be. (I say “typically” because you know at least some clan members are going to get kinky. It’s statistically inevitable that someone is going to get their freak on behind closed doors.)
But like you said, there is clearly some inheritance going on. After all, Torune is the only member that can use rinkaichu, solely because his dad was also a rinkaichu host.
My theory is that the Aburames have some gene that makes their bodies receptive to bugs. Almost everyone can host kikaichu, but other species seem to be pickier about who they’ll bond with. Like blood type, you inherit a certain level of compatibility from your parents.
Some people, like Shino, are compatible with almost any species, while others like Torune are highly specialized to bond with one niche species.
We also know that Shino added species to his system as he got older. Given that fact, it’s clear the bonding ceremony in infancy isn’t the end all be all. An Aburame who never got a hive as a kid could conceivably get one later in life, albeit with a lot of catch-up training. But like learning a new language, it’s probably a lot harder for an adult brain to learn InsectSpeak than a child. And they would probably never be as in tune with the hive as someone connected from birth.
I don’t know whether it would be possible for someone with zero Aburame genes to host their own hive. I don’t think many people would be willing to try. Even if someone loves bugs, it’s probably a huge health risk for them to introduce a parasitic animal to their system, so I can’t see the Aburame just handing out hives to partners as a romantic gesture.
I could see the bugs in the hive getting attached to a host’s spouse though, maybe buzzing over to say hello or defending them in an emergency. I don’t think the hives are “adoptable” though.
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desi-pluto · 7 years
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