#Satchmo isn't bothered in the least by Neal coming into the house even when Peter and El aren't home
firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
Part of the greatness of s3…
… Is stuff like 3x08, where the sheer gravity and betrayal and heartbreak of breaking into the Burkes’ house is so perfectly… Toned down?
It’s the small things. El doesn’t look back to double check the door bc why would she, Mozzie’s a friend. She doesn’t suspect his oddly deadpan reactions for the same reason. They don’t have to worry about the alarum bc they know the codes, the address is a safe zone for the anklet. Them having the picture of the team right there in their room.
For some reason the thing that really gets me is Satchmo. Normally breaking into a house w/ a big dog would be complicated, but Satchmo doesn’t come up at all in discussion—bc he won’t bark, bc it’s Neal. Neal is family, Neal takes Satchmo for walkies and feeds him treats. I dunno, I just get so emotional at the totally trusting and excited way Satchmo follows him around, happily wagging his tail. Like kudos to that pooch, very good acting, conveying so much w/ so little. He barely whines a little like ‘pay attention to me, mom left!’ or ‘what are you doing over there??’
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