ScaleFell: New Laws and New Scars
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Based on an rp in a friend’s server so don’t mind if the prelude doesn’t make sense. 
Scutes: huffed at Rattles before he left, going to the kitchen and leaving the mug on the bench since he didn't want to get in the way. Upon his return to the lounge room, he was taken aback as a bipedal monster practically half-stumbled out of the Scalefell portal. It       resembled monster kid but was taller and had long sharp-looking spikes attachedto bands around its tail, ankles, and wore a black-with-red trim spiked battle helmet on its head. It also had a fairly fresh looking shallow wound on one shoulder that looked like it was made by claws. It looked around wildly, seeming to ignore the others in the room as if looking for someone its eyes widening when it saw Scutes, that seeming to be who it was looking for.
"Kid, what are ya -"
"Sans, you have to hurry! The King has made a new law that all feral-class monsters must be muzzled. It's not just you anymore... a-and they're heading for the barn! A-aura sent me to tell you! Y-you have to hurry!"
Well that explained the claw marks at least if Aura had 'persuaded' Monster Kid to go find Scutes in this other world. Scutes narrowed his eyes and let out a soft snarl, baring all his fangs in rage before storming towards his portal not casting a backwards glance       as he stepped right through. Monster kid looked around at the others briefly with a bit of a perplexed look on his face before following Scutes.
The second his feet touched the snow on the other side of the portal, Scutes took off dropping onto all fours and sprinting as his soul thudded in his ribcage. He vaguely heard Monster Kid calling out from behind him but paid no attention to it. It didn’t matter. Monster Kid didn’t matter. All that mattered now was him. His brother Papyrus and the sole reason Scutes had so far never gone off the deep end into the land of true savagery that he couldn’t come back. The last incident with that stuck up blood Grillby had been particularly severe and Tar hadn’t been too pleased upon learning not only that he’d been shirking from his sentry duties but that he’d lost. Granted, from the brief time she’d been there she’d understood this blood Grillby named Arakta had quite the powerful set of statistics much like herself but of course she would never let on. Scutes was powerful but not nearly powerful enough. Paps however had been far more understanding and had licked at Scutes’ face till the smaller skeleton had admitted he would try not to do anything so rash and get himself killed like that again.
And now… Scutes shook his head, clearing his thoughts and focusing them on the issue at hand. Asgore’s new law. He was used to ‘normal’ monsters staring at him with concern before he’d gotten his muzzle and even still now he could tell they were wary of him. They were still fearful he’d turn savage and turn them all to dust. He understood that, and although it was annoying he had learned to deal with it. After all he had been known to lash out if someone was particularly intent on picking a fight with him but now they were going to muzzle Paps, his beloved brother who had, despite his feral draconic appearance, never lifted a claw to harm a single soul. He’d never once shown intent to harm anyone which was practically unheard of in this world.
Every single monster he knew of had at least some LV to their name, all except Papyrus. But now they were going to try and muzzle the one innocent soul in all of the Underground. He snarled and increased his speed, fueled by images of a scared and cornered Papyrus crying out for his brother with tears in his eye sockets, his ringed eyelights wide with fear and confusion. His own eye sockets went wide,, snapping out of his thoughts and almost tripped when he realised he could hear noises up ahead. Noises that indicated the images in his head may not be only in his mind. He listened carefully and a chill went through his soul when he heard the unmistakable panicked high-pitched scream of a creature wrought with fear and confusion, calling out for help. Begging for his help. For anyone to help... Scutes felt tears stinging the corner of his eye sockets and he quickly began to close the distance, each time hearing the screams growing louder and driving the icy wedges in his soul even further. At last he drew close, seeing a small group of people near the front of his house as a few members of the Royal Guard that were present made sure they didn’t get too close.
No.. not there.. No…  Another scream. This time almost deafening.
Scutes saw the King and Undyne. Stars above.. Even Tar was there too. Tar was neverthere without good reason. Guards were advancing towards the back of Papyrus’ barn, carrying a large muzzle between them, very similar to the one Scutes wore. Scutes stopped close to the edge of the cliff right before the bridge, watching on in horror and disbelief at what was happening. From here he could see the large skeletal dragon monster scrabbling in the straw and looking around as if someone would help. Someone would stop this. What had he done to deserve this? He hadn’t hurt anyone had he? Surely not! So why would anyone want to put a muzzle on him. Muzzles were for dangerous monsters. Monsters that hurt people. Scutes closed his eyes, a single tear rolling down his skull and hearing his brother’s frightened scream once more almost felt like it was tearing his soul in two. He bunched his fists and opened his eye sockets again, rage building. His bro was almost slipping over on his back trying to get away and shutting his eyes in childlike terror as the two guards moved in place ready to slip the muzzle into position, only to pull back as they heard a furious cry from behind them. One half-turned to see a flash of bright green and in an instant one guard was sliced nearly in half, his upper body turning to dust as he dropped his half of the muzzle. The other guard stared in numbed shock at seeing his colleague suddenly become nothing more than a pile of dust in the straw, a choked cry coming from him as he looked down to see those same bright green claws poking through his chest for a second before they were ripped back leaving a gaping hole. Scutes snorted, his eyes burning bright with disgust and rage as he watched the chunk in his claws crumble and fall to the floor to join the rest of the former guard’s remains. He looked over as another guard came running towards him, only to skid onto his backside as a large skull appeared from seemingly out of nowhere and fired a powerful beam of magic. The guard dived to the side, just narrowly avoiding being completely vaporised but was not enough to avoid taking heavy damage.
“Tch… what a stupid waste of time..” Scutes snorted, the skeleton turning his attention to kicking at the dust on the floor. Papyrus whined and gave a sudden cry, drawing his brother’s attention and then catching sight of movement in his peripheral vision. “Pap what is-” He turned to see just as a large white paw came smashing down on his skull. Pain exploded in his head and Scutes saw nothing but white, his skull ringing as he vaguely registered the feeling of being lifted up clear off the ground by his jacket. He could hear distant angry voices and Papyrus whining loudly. More angry voices and he could just barely make out a bit a blurred thing of grey and red. He could feel blood and magic dripping from the ruins of his face, just barely able to keep himself conscious. Of course with his levels he wasn’t about to dust but that hit certainly would have taken off a big chunk of his HP. He felt movement and felt the familiar feel of Tar’s fur against the undamaged side of his face. He could hear more of the angry voices again and vaguely he felt his senses begin their slow return enough to recognise Tar’s voice and what seemed to be Asgore’s as well but couldn’t make out a single word they said. He didn’t care. He couldn’t let anyone muzzle his bro. He wasn’t a savage beast. He was the best damn thing in this whole hellish world. The only thing worth saving.
After a short while, he felt a warmth flowing through the shattered area of his skull around his eye socket and tried to speak but was immediately silenced both by Tar and by the pain that shot through his skull like he’d just been electrocuted. “Shut up you idiot and don’t try to talk. Your brother’s been worried sick and has been pacing and whining since I started healing you.” Scutes’ remaining eyelight glowed brightly but without malice, looking over at his brother and locking eyes glad to see the taller skeleton was as yet still without a muzzle. His attention was drawn back to Tar when he realised she’d finished healing and began to wrap a bandage around his head leaving only an area around his working eye socket free so he could still see. “Now, don’t take this off until I say so.” Scutes went to reply but she growled, “Not unless I say so. Don’t argue.” Scutes sighed and then perked up, feeling something being strapped around his arm just above his wrist-bone on his blinded side. “I’ve also attached a magic-limiting device to ensure you don’t do anything stupid like try to pick a fight with the wrong person. Your magic is currently unstable from the injury so don’t push it.” Tar looked up, hearing a noise and growling when she saw Guardsmen with Asgore again. The rest of the town’s citizens appeared to have left for the night but these ones had come back. Tar growled and narrowed her eyes, “I told you I’d take care of it, Your Highness..” Asgore pointed and four guards moved towards them. Tar frowned and electricity crackled around her clawtips, “Is my word not good enough?” “Aura, I must keep the peace and to avoid monsters turning on each other out of fear more than they already do, ALL feral-class monsters that are not in the Royal Guard must be muzzled.” Scutes jumped up and growled, immediately feeling dizzy “Sit down you idiot” Tar barked, using her electric cables to tug Scutes into a sitting position “You’re still recovering.” She turned her attention to the guards and snapped her fingers as lightning spears shot up from the ground just in front of their feet, forcing them to back up. “With all due respect, Your Majesty, I will not allow you or your men to get near Papyrus. He is not a threat and if people have a problem, they can take it up with me. No one comes back here anyway so honestly I don’t know who would even care if he has a muzzle or not..”             Asgore narrowed his eyes and growled in displeasure at once again being defied but he was no fool. Even he knew not to cross Tar, as those that did regretted it for the brief time they were still living. He knew he would have to wait if he were to try and enforce his law here, not wishing to waste what resources he had in the way of soldiers on a suicide mission. The guards waited for their next instructions and with a reluctant sigh, Asgore signalled and they returned to stand behind off to the side of him. “Very well, Aura. But I will come back later. I will see this through. And you’d best keep your charges from doing such foolhardy things again if you don’t want to see them dusted.” Tar narrowed her eyes and looked back at Scutes for a moment with an unreadable expression on her face before turning back to the king. “Understood.” Asgore nodded and with a nod, he and the guards left to head back to the castle. 
Tar sighed and shook her head, waiting until they were gone before she spoke again “Scutes, you know I admire you for standing up for your brother but honestly...  what have I taught you about keeping an eye on your surroundings?! You’re lucky I was there otherwise he would have bashed your skull to pieces like a vase.” Scutes winced “Come..” He got up obediently and followed her inside the house after petting Papyrus and assuring him he’d be okay. He found Tar searching around and grumbling, not even looking up when he came in “When you get back you’re cleaning up your mess. Your shit is everywhere.” Scutes frowned and before he could try to talk, she found the device she was looking for, tapped on the screen a few times and a beep sounded on Scutes’ wrist and then the tablet which she then shoved  in his hands. “Don’t lose it. It’s synchronised to the device on your wrist which in addition to limiting your magic will also allow you to think what you want to say and it will come up on the tablet screen. Now walk.” She pointed to the door, grabbing something else from a drawer and following him outside. She then began to walk back towards the direction of the Ruins, casually tossing a small device into the barn and setting up a barrier to prevent anyone from getting near Papyrus while she was away. Neither Tar nor Scutes said anything on the walk there until they came up to the portal and Scutes grunted, looking at Tar in confusion. She ignored him and instead scooped him up in her arms and walked through without a seconds hesitation..
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My FanFics & Stories
Original Stories
The Fall of Accolos
Night of Shadows - Part 1 (contains some adult themes)
Night of Shadows - Part 2 (contains some adult themes)
Birth of a Demon 
One Small Choice (Birth of a Demon - Part 1)
Silence’s Call (Birth of a Demon - Part 2)
Fan Fictions, AUs, and Other Literature
Let Me Help You (Marvin x Insomniac!Reader) (Platonic)
Nameless’ Origin
Roleplay-based/adapted Stories
New Laws and New Scars (ScaleFell) 
Misdirection (Scale!Sans vs Undertale Chara)
Crossworlds AU  (A Septic Egos & OC AU)
Broken Toys 
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OC Masterlist
A simple list of all my known characters. Will edit this list as characters are added and developed. 
Characters marked with a * are slated for modification or redesign. Characters marked with  ** will not undergo any design changes but their story / details needs tweaking
Artistic Persona (me)
“Dove” the human
Accolian (Original Species) Characters
Aura Fireheart (Draimian)
Solaris Blackthorn (Hamurian)
Amerinth (Kaldrechian)
Da’rian Blackfin (Draimian)
Zeythil (Hamurian/Draimian)
Ha’drius Corvitel (Hamurian)
La'meira Skysinger (Hamurian)
Xander (Hamurian/Draimian)
Ma'likai (Draimian)
A’rial Fireheart (Draimian)
Solaris Skysinger (Hamurian)
Jurron (made by me however now technically belongs to a good friend of mine) 
Original Species Information
Draimians / Hamurians
Other Original Characters
Rae’l Windfang (Chimera) *
Siera (Dragontaur hybrid)
E'tyana Ar'drassis (Dragontaur) *
Aris Blacktail (dragon)
Fan Characters
Scales the Skeleton (Underscale AU)
Scutes the Skeleton (Scalefell AU)
Seirth the Argonian
Adopted Characters
Feldebrin Briteclaw
Saddaeus (Void Beast)
Zephyr Windspyre **
Arkyn Moonfang (Space dragon)  **
Zuros (twin-headed dragon)
Taris the Zorgoia
Unnamed Dragon  **
Unnamed Dreccan  **
Unnamed Forest Spirit Dragon  **
Diaphanos the anthro shark
Vennthar the dragon  **
Silena the Hamurian (design adopt)
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