Dark Forest Residences: Springsoul, Spiritstring, Goldenstar, & Beargrowl
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: nonbinary (he/it)
Sexuality: unspecified, polyamorous
Family: unspecified
Other Relations: unspecified
Clan: LostClan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: ??
Murder Motive: self-defense, helping friends, revenge
Number of Victims: 10
Number of Murders: 10
Murder Method: unspecified
Known Victims: Burnkill, Scrappaw, several unnamed loners
Victim Profile: random loners, cats he fought in the fighting-ring
Cause of Death: burned to death
Cautionary Tale: ??
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: agender (him/her)
Sexuality: unspecified, polyamorous
Family: unspecified
Other Relations: unspecified
Clan: LostClan
Rank: medicine cat
Characteristics: refuses to leave Springsoul to wander alone for all eternity
Murder Motive: defending his Clan
Number of Victims: 2
Number of Murders: 2
Murder Method: accidental neglect
Known Victims: Burnkill, Henry (accidently)
Victim Profile: his leader, his enemy
Cause of Death: burned to death
Cautionary Tale: ??
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Aliases / Nicknames: Goldie
Gender: cassgender (he/they)
Sexuality: unspecified, polyamorous
Family: unspecified
Other Relations: unspecified
Clan: LostClan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: refused to leave Springsoul to wander condemned alone
Murder Motive: revenge, defense, helping friends
Number of Victims: 3
Number of Murders: 3
Murder Method: kicking into fire
Known Victims: Burnkill, Beargrowl, Scrappaw
Victim Profile: abuser of his friends, unknown reasons
Cause of Death: burned to death
Cautionary Tale: ??
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Aliases / Nicknames: Masive Bitch (by me)
Gender: male (he/him, cis)
Sexuality: unspecified
Family: unspecified
Other Relations: unspecified
Clan: LostClan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: verbally and mentally abusive, transphobic
Motive to Harm: transphobia, believed Springsoul was the second coming of Burnkill, anger at Spiritstring for letting Henry die and for being friendly with Springsoul, believed Mangledheart wasn't able to provide for the Clan, anger at Foxsea for being friends with Springsoul
Number of Victims: 6
Number of Murders: 0
Known Victims: Violetsong, Chickenclaw, Foxsea, Springsoul, Spiritstring, Mangledheart
Victim Profile: Springsoul and those close to Springsoul, those who support transgender identities
Cause of Death: kicked into fire, killed by Goldenstar
Cautionary Tale: don't be transphobic or you will be kicked into a fire
Overall Story:
Many moons before they were born, a stray that was new to the neighborhood and who had recently lost his three kits decided to take his grief out on the six new kittens on the street.
He was eventually chased out by Henry, the father of Charlie, one of the kits murdered. After this, StarClan decided to intervein. They sent a message to Henry in a dream and told him that in the future, he would find seven young cats. Henry was to lead the cats to build their own Clan, to help keep the other cats in the city safe. Henry agreed, and it became a waiting game until the cats arrived.
Flash forward about two years, the seven cats are found. Henry was clued into who six of them were by their looks and names, which perfectly mirrored the six dead kits. Henry took charge and helped create a Clan, LostClan, in the city, the first of it's kind. He did his best to lead the cats until his death.
This is where the story becomes relivent to the Dark Forest.
Goldenstar and Springsoul where three moons apart in age, and were considering asking each other to be mates. A wrench was thrown into this plan with the revelation that Goldenstar and Spiritstring had the spirits of dead kits inside their bodies, and as such, things were more complicated.
During this, Beargrowl was having... relationship issues with his littermates, Violetsong and Chickenclaw, as Violetsong had recently come out as transgender, and Beargrowl disapproved of it, saying that StarClan had made her a 'tom' and therefor 'he' would always be one. This lead to a rift growing in the group, as Chickenclaw was brought onto Beargrowl's side by force and the others in the group stayed on Violetsong's side.
These issues reached a stalemate after several years, as the Clan started growing from the small group to what was more 'acceptable' for a traditional Clan. Except that this Clan was in no way traditional.
Spiritstring had disbanded the medicine cat code, and the warrior code itself was being reconstructed. There were several warriors in relationships with those not in the Clan, and forget the traditional ways of denning and training apprentices!
However, StarClan couldn't stop this change. All they could do was wait for the killer from all those moons ago, now known as Burnkill, to be stopped and then they could reset the Clan. They could try again.
However, you can't stop city cats that easily! They survived past what StarClan had attempted to wipe them out with, and many of them were given access to StarClan once they died, though some went willingly to the Dark Forest.
Goldenstar, Spiritstring, Springsoul, and Beargrowl were all killed in the same outbreak of fire. Goldenstar had actually kicked Beargrowl into the fire instead of helping him escape. Nobody would miss him anyways.
Springsoul was condemned to the Dark Forest due to its actions while alive, which threatened many cats. He had even partaken in murder a few times. Springsoul didn't argue, and was just happy that Goldenstar and Spiritstring were allowed into StarClan.
Of course, those two followed him to the Place of No Stars anyways, stubborn as they were. Beargrowl was also sent to the Dark Forest due to his abuse of his Clanmates, and he better pray to the stars that the other LostClan residents don't run into him.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @indigo-flightly-falls Welcome to the blog, and sorry for the long wait!
Indigo: "I should note that while I don't usually partake in shipping in the fnaf fandom, there have to be some couples to have kits. As such please do not think of any ships as involving the humans/souls, as at this point the characters are just ocs who share a resemblance to fnaf characters!."
--Man I REALLY need to find out more about fnaf lore.
--Olden Golden Days poly for the win!
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crunchypuppy06 · 6 months
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My turn at @exocynraku’s challenge!
Meet DogEar! They used to be a loner named Scrap and they lived in a dump where they found their tail accessory: a bug cage that attaches to a tail cuff, DogEar loves bugs and likes to collect them in their bug cage, before letting them go after a day or two.
After awhile they managed to join a clan and they were named to ScrapPaw.
During their apprenticeship, a young dog attack them and one of the dog’s teeth became lodged into their ear and ScrapPaw managed to chase the dog off soon after. Soon after they were attacked they were re-named to DogEar and became a warrior.
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meankittieez · 5 years
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These are my bastards in @beyondtheliving-rp with a bonus Scrappaw at the bottom cause I needed to fill the slot.
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cinnamouth · 6 years
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Two of my RP characters! I’ve recently gotten into roleplaying and I’ve gotta say, it’s way easier and much more fun than I thought it’d be.
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wildheart-warriors · 6 years
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Fennelstripe, Medicine cat of Nightclan
54 Moons, sister of Rustfang and aunt to Scrappaw and Darkpaw.
Fennelstripe is highly dedicated to her clan, and tries her hardest to form personal bonds with each of her clanmates. She is close with her sister and her kits, though her relationship with Ashface is slightly strained.
While Drizzlestar and Rubblefur’s ambitions tend to make her anxious, as she knows cats will be hurt, and even killed, fighting against Caveclan, she too wants to see Nightclan thrive. Her resources are also fairly limited, seeing as few plants grow in the junkyard and city. She does her best to keep her stocks up, raiding twoleg gardens for what herbs she can find.
She is closest with Brickclaw, and is always the first to jump to the she-cats defense when her son, Weaselpaw, is brought into question. The she-cat has never revealed who his father is, and receives some harsh judgement from a few.
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wildheart-warriors · 6 years
I bet it's Scrappaw, Darkpaw, or Rubblefur
Entirely incorrect!
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