fcparagon · 5 years
I’m done.
I suppose [SPOILER WARNING] can be given, but who cares at this point? And no, I'm not watching Game of Thrones. This is not a rant post per se, because I have nothing left in me other than pure, raw disappointment towards this show. 
David & Dan, do you understand the weight of your responsibility as writers? Do you think you can show whatever the hell you want in the name of artistic integrity? You not only have the responsibility to write content in a way that is coherent and sensible, but you also need to understand the message that you put across when you write. The fans of this show, relate to the characters and the story. They are tools through which people not only try to acquire entertainment and a form of escapism but also draw strength from them. I’ve seen shows going off the rails, but never on such an epic proportion. Just because you’re writers, you think you’re entitled to show whatever you want? Do you not understand that this show is just not yours, it’s the fans as well? In one episode, you’ve destroyed a character who is loved by millions across the globe. You’ve turned a woman, whose aim was to destroy tyrants and save innocents, a hero in every sense, into a woman who has gone mad over grief, and fear. In one episode, you’ve turned every person of color in her army, into a group of savages, and barbarians. Through your misogynistic writing, you’ve basically given the message that women in power are unstable, that they don’t have their reigns on their own emotions and impulses, that they always need a man to keep them grounded, give them sound advice. I’ve heard stories of women who went through abuse take strength from Daenerys’ character, because she too was someone who faced abuse, rape, slavery, betrayal, spent her childhood living in fear from assassins, lost her entire family, and yet tried to get back on her feet and reach a point in her life where she would rule with justice, protecting her people, giving them the sort of life she never had. All Daenerys Targaryen ever wanted was a family, to be happy, to live in a house with a red door and a lemon tree. The tragedy that her character arc turned into is by far one of the most devastating things I’ve ever had to witness. You’ve reduced that woman into nothing but a shell of what she was, doing everything she swore she wouldn’t do, and in a span of a single episode, you’ve destroyed her character, and the dreams of millions of women who looked up to her, all for the sake of shock value. You’ve basically given them the message that as someone who has been abused, you will eventually become an abuser yourself. That’s what you’ve told them. Of course, a “man” is better, because having a dick somehow makes a ruler more sensible. Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys, who suffered from brain aneurysm twice, and almost lost her life, took strength from her character, and it helped her feel empowered, knowing that such a female character exists, who is not only strong but inspires millions of other women. Now I understand why she was broken and took a long drive when she first read the scripts. If you think the fans feel outraged, I can’t even imagine how the actors and the actresses feel about their characters having gone out of the rails. They’re the ones who are truly in tune, and close to their characters, and they can’t even rant out. I’m sorry Emilia, that in this final season, this is what you had to portray. Coming back to it, the way you portray people of color, shows just how little you think about the implications of writing colored people. They’re not allowed to live free. They’re either put in chains, or they’re barbaric. In two episodes, we’ve seen both of these come true. The Unsullied, and the Dothraki, are basically immigrants, and you’ve just shown them invade a city and barbarically killing innocents. Way to go David & Dan. It’s not only Daenerys, but they’ve also managed to destroy every-single-character in this show. Every single plotline, every single prophecy, foreshadowing, character arcs, they’ve just thrown them out the window. How did they write this stuff, and think that the fans would like them? And just think, these are the same writers who now have keys to writing content for Star Wars. Good luck Star Wars fans. You’ve got two writers, who have proven to us that they’re nothing without source materials. Seriously, I’ve read fan fictions that are way better than this train wreck. If they did portray any characters out of the ordinary, they would’ve given solid proof, and foreshadowing for it to make sense. I can’t even imagine what GRRM must be thinking of this show now. I can’t imagine how the cast would answer questions from the fans. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this is how they would choose to end a show that has been on for nearly a decade.
This entire shenanigan is a huge lesson for me as a Literature student. If I’m to write a story one day, I will take lessons from this on how not to write a story, and really focus on writing coherent content, while doing justice to the plots and the characters. Suffice to say, I will not be watching any more of this nonsense, simply because I can’t bring myself to. This reminds me of the time when Mass Effect 3 came out, and the developers tried to justify it by calling it “artistic integrity”, only this time it’s 10x worse. I don’t want to debate about this with anyone. I don’t want anyone telling me, “Oh this makes perfect sense. In order for her to destroy tyrants, she became one herself. Poetic justice. Blah blah blah…” Keep it to yourself. I don’t want to hear any of it.
I hope the fans rate this episode to the absolute bottom score. This is the only way we can tell those jackasses, to pull their head out of their asses if they ever want to work as writers in the future. I hope people rate Season 8 as the worst season in television history because it is.
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