#Season19 ICFBTS BoomerHatfield DasherHatfield NouveauAesthetic BeastWarriors GrandChampionship TheColony ProteusWheel CHIKARA
chikararesults · 6 years
S19 Results - “It Came from Beneath the Sink!” (9.22.18)
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1) The Regime (Juan Francisco de Coronado/Rick Roland/Sloan Caprice) defeated Hyper Beast Warriors (Oleg the Usurper/Proletariat Boar of Moldova/Hype Rockwell) when Juan made Boar submit to a cross armbreaker at 14:30.
2) Cajun Crawdad dispatched Jawbreaker Josue at 1:35 following the Clawesome Bomb.
3) The Proteus Wheel (Volgar/Callux the Castigator) beat The Colony (Fire Ant/Thief Ant) at 9:43.
4) Mick Moretti pinned Rory Gulak at 6:25.
5) Jeremy Leary/Lucas Calhoun/Blanche Babish is victorious over BLANK/Nouveau Aesthetic when Calhoun pinned BLANK at 15:14.
6) The Whisper pinned Boomer Hatfield at 5:38 following the 450 Splash.
7) Mike Quackenbush/Green Ant/Solo Darling/Officer Warren Barksdale defeated Hallowicked/Merlok/Frantik/Sonny Defarge when Barksdale pinned Frantik at 20:09.
8) Grand Championship: Dasher Hatfield (Interim Champion) used an abdominal stretch to make challenger Travis Huckabee submit at 19:33.
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