#Seb you can't keep being tiny and adorable
beechicory · 8 months
Help, Seb-related childhood adorableness.
From this article from 2013.
Especially this quote from Norbert, Seb's dad:
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Seb always being tiny 😭. Seb worried he was too small to compete against the other kids 😭. Norbert telling him to brake later than them 😭.
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musette22 · 2 years
Writing that fic and thinking about skinny, tattooed Seb has been giving me all these THOUGHTS Minnie, and I thought you wouldn’t mind if I shared.
I mean, he got just so so tiny? And those tattoos? And I can just imagine him and Chris being apart for a little while because of Seb filming in different places before that and when they reunite and Chris really sees for himself how small he’s gotten, it gets him a little hot. Just grabbing Seb and realizing how when he puts his hands around his middle, his fingertips are almost touching. How easy it is to hold Seb up against a wall, throw him around a little. He always goes a little more feral when he’s not seen Seb for a while, but now?
And then those tattoos… he can’t help but want to kiss every single one of them, making Seb giggle a little and tell him off because they’ll need to reapply them sooner than normal if Chris keeps it up, but secretly, he loves it. How Chris basically worships his body like that.
And when he asks Chris about whether he likes him better this way, Chris just looks at him fondly, lovingly, and starts to kiss him, along his chest, his neck, his jaw, tells him that it’s not really about his size. That he thought Seb was gorgeous when he was lean and strong when they were doing TWS, or huge and buff when they were doing CW, or the way he looks now, and everything in between. How he just loves that Sebastian can switch up his look like this, look so different one month compared to the next, that it feels a little like a thrill every time he sees him. And that in the end, all his favorite parts stay the same. He emphasizes that last one with a kiss right on his temple, the next on his heart, and goes back to worshiping that body like he thinks it deserves.
(Sorry this is super long it got away from me 😂)
Mayaaaay, GOD. THIS THIS THIS. It's like you reached right into my mind and pulled out all my thoughts about tiny Seb and his P&T body and how Chris would feel about it 😩 It's pretty much exactly what I wrote in my chapter of last year's Evanstan Round Robin, in fact!!!
That's without the tattoos though, but I absolutely adore the thought of Chris lavishing attention on all Seb's (temporary) tattoos and being a little obsessed with them <3 Also, the 'in the end, all his favorite parts stay the same' bit???? STOP I CAN'T TAKE IT, that's so wonderful 😭😭 I love everything about this ask, I'm gonna be thinking about it all night thank you, ily 💞
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