#Sebastian Danzig fan fiction
Unexpected - Sebastian Danzig fan fiction (Spooktober Writing Challenge)
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Violet slid out of the ballroom and out onto the terrace outside, needing a few minutes to herself.
She hadn’t wanted to come to the Kropp family’s ball, but they were some of the most eligible bachelors on the Western Coast, and as an unwed young woman, Violet’s mother insisted that she simply had to attend.
Why one of the Kropp brothers would want to marry her, Violet had no idea. Her family weren’t particularly rich, or very prestigious, at least compared to the families of some of the other women attending the ball. Fittingly, none of the brothers had paid her any attention all night, and by now Violet was tired, and ready to call it quits.
Her head was throbbing from the style her hair had been pulled into, her feet were aching from standing around at the edges of the party, and her ribs hurt from the tightness of her corset. She just wanted to go home, but the party wasn’t due to end for another two hours yet, and her mother would have a fit if Violet was seen to have left early. 
And so here she was: hiding on the terrace, soaking in the slight chill of the night air: a welcome relief after the hot, stuffy ballroom.
Violet knew she’d have to go back in there eventually, but she was determined to take a few seconds for herself before she did so.
“Is the party not to your liking, Miss Aldren?” asked a soft voice from behind her.
Violet turned to see the oldest Kropp brother, Sebastian, leaning against the wall beside the door Violet had just left through.
Despite the reaction Violet knew she should have to Sebastian, the handsome, young, unwed patriarch of the Kropp family, there was something about the man that she found…unsettling.
There was just something…off about him. Violet couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was just something about Sebastian, and his brothers, that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. They made her uncomfortable.
But she knew better than to be rude: “Oh, no, your party is truly lovely. I just needed a few moments’ fresh air.”
Sebastian regarded her for a few seconds, leaving Violet feeling like a specimen under a magnifying glass, before he nodded understandingly: “I often find myself with the same need. Would you mind if I joined you?”
“Of course not.” Violet forced herself to smile.
The truth was she very much did mind that Sebastian wanted to join her for her limited amount of time away from the party, but it would be extremely rude to say that, especially considering he was her host. Violet had no choice but to suck it up and deal with his presence, no matter how tense it made her.
As the moments wore on, though, Violet found the tension slowly leaving her shoulders.
For all there was something strange about Sebastian, he wasn’t as unsettling of a presence as Violet thought he might be. He didn’t try and speak to her at all, and although she could just about see him out of the corner of her eye, he wasn’t trying to get her attention at all. He wasn’t even looking at her at all: he was looking out over the manicured gardens, and Violet felt comfortable largely ignoring him to look up at the stars.
“Are you particularly interested in the stars?” Sebastian suddenly asked, making Violet jump a little from surprise.
“I confess, I’m not particularly knowledgeable.” she admitted: “I just think they’re very beautiful.”
Sebastian smiled: “You remind me of Emerson. He’s an artist - he always finds beauty in everything he looks at.”
Violet didn’t know if that was the same for her, but she smiled in return all the same: “There truly is beauty in everything.”
“I don’t know if I’m quite as adept at finding it.” Sebastian said wryly: “I tend to favour stories. Where you see beauty, I see the tales my parents used to tell me.”
“The stars have stories?”
“Not all of them. But some…” Sebastian looked upwards for a few moments, before stepping closer to Violet and gently - gently enough she could pull away if she wanted to - lifted her hand until she was pointing at a particular collection of stars: “...like those: Piscis Austrinus. In their story, the Greek goddess Aphrodite took the form of a fish to hide from the monster Typhon. She leapt into a river and begged the nymphs for help. Two fish saved her, and she later thanked them by transforming them into that constellation. Not a bad way to be immortalised.”
Violet hummed thoughtfully: “I’m not sure it would be my first choice of how to give thanks, making something immortal.”
“I think it would be lonely.”
Sebastian looked at Violet for a few seconds, before shrugging: “I don’t think it would be too bad. You’d find people worth talking to, eventually. The same as if you’re not immortal.”
Violet turned her face away from the sky to look at Sebastian.
He was still looking upwards, but there was something unreadable on her face that made something in Violet’s heart clench. She couldn’t name the emotion; it wasn’t anything she’d seen before, but it was so lonely that it made her forget her manners, prompting her to reach out and rest her hand on his shoulder.
Sebastian turned to look at her as if he expected her to say something.
“I…thank you for sharing that story with me, Sebastian.”
He smiled faintly: “Thank you for listening. I think my brothers are utterly bored of me by now.”
Violet frowned: “I’m sure that’s not true! And even if it is…I’d happily listen to more of your stories.”
This time, Sebastian’s smile was much brighter: “Thank you, Miss Aldren. I…I would like to talk to you again some time, if that is agreeable to you.”
“I would very much like that.” Violet agreed. And she wasn’t lying, either.
She couldn’t say that she didn’t think there was something strange about Sebastian. But after speaking to him…she didn’t dislike him. And she wasn’t uncomfortable around anymore, either.
Truthfully, she was more uncomfortable when they parted ways and returned separately to the party - if anything, the thought of talking to Sebastian again was the only thing giving her enough energy to get through the rest of the night. It was entirely unexpected…but not unpleasant.
Not unpleasant at all.
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Snow Day Plans - Sebastian Danzig Fan Fiction
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Prompt: Shovelling Snow
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1750 words
Summary: Merry's neighbour Sebastian is really the best neighbour she could ask for...and maybe more.
   The local news kept going on about the chaos the snow had caused, but Merry had stopped listening in favour of sighing at her daughter: “Looks like it’s me and you today, kid.”
   Her daughter Sariah didn’t respond, too happy sitting at the kitchen table, munching away on her waffles. She was a little too young to really understand snow days yet, anyway, having only started pre-school this year. She wouldn’t mind tagging along with Merry as she ran her errands for the day…but Merry certainly wasn’t really looking forward to braving the results of last night’s snowstorm with a four-year-old in tow.
 Sariah was a great kid…but she was still a kid, and there was only so much Merry could ask of her, especially when it was freezing and everyone was acting like a crazy person because of the snow.
 Merry was already dreading it.
 At least most of the errands she nodded to run could actually be put off until the snow melted, but the trip to Walmart was not one of them. And neither was clearing her driveway.
   “Beautiful, but only until you remember what a pain it is, right?”
 Merry turned towards the sound of the voice calling out to her as soon as she got outside, smiling when she saw her neighbour Sebastian standing there with a shovel, half-way through clearing his own driveway: “Tell me about it.”
 “I’d love to, but my useless brothers - ” he yelled the last three words, looking pointedly at his front door, where his two younger brothers were standing with steaming mugs, were watching on calmly: “ - are leaving me to do this all alone, so I don’t think my lungs could take it.”
 “If you have energy to bitch, you have energy to shovel.” Remington replied casually, before turning to smile brightly at Merry: “Hey Merry - do you want some coffee? We just made some.”
 More than used to the brothers’ unique we-love-each-other-but-will-torture-each-other-at-every-opportunity dynamic, Merry just laughed: “I think I’ll leave it for your brother; he’s going to need it.”
 “At least someone around here thinks about my needs…” Sebastian muttered, making Merry laugh as she ducked into her garage for her own shovel.
   The brothers continued to bicker, although the actual words were lost on Merry, muffled by the walls of the garage.
 Even though she’d had some reservations when she’d learned her new neighbour was in rock and roll band that was growing in popularity by the day, who often had his younger brothers: the other members of said band, round, Merry actually really liked Sebastian and his brothers.
 Sebastian was the textbook definition of a good neighbour: pulling her trash bins back from the curb when he was retrieving his own, always stopping for a chat when they passed each other coming in and out of their homes, didn’t pull faces when Sariah was playing (and wailing excitedly) in the backyard. And his brothers were equally sweet. Emerson had bought her flowers after she’d let him borrow some coffee one morning, and Remington was always so happy to crouch down at talk to Sariah, going along with her babbling and responding as if it was a real two-way conversation, even before Sariah had really been able to speak properly.
 Just remembering all the nice interactions she’d had with the brothers - especially Sebastian - was enough to bring a smile to Merry’s face…right before it fell into a frown.
 Even after searching for almost ten minutes, she hadn’t found her shovel. She was absolutely she’d put it back in here after the last time she’d used it…but that didn’t mean it would still be in here, she realised, when she remembered her ex-husband coming round last week to drop Sariah off, and asking to borrow something out of her toolbox. It wouldn’t be unlike him to take the shovel too and not tell her.
 Sighing, she resolved to asking Sebastian if she could borrow his, heading out and hoping she caught him before he was finished clearing his own driveway…only to find that he had finished, but instead of going inside where it was warm, he was now shoveling the snow away from the path between Merry’s front door and her garage.
   “Oh, Sebastian, you don’t have to do that!”
 Sebastian, being the sweetheart that he was, just looked up at Merry to smile: “It’s okay. No sense in two of us getting sweaty and exhausted.”
 “You shouldn’t have to worry about sorting out my driveway if you’re already exhausted…”
 “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like I’m going to be going to the gym for a while, in this weather, so I’m going to have to get my work-outs in somehow.” he chuckled, before gently shooing her towards her door: “Go get in the warm, I’ll sort all this out.”
   Merry wanted to argue…but it was cold. And she knew Sebastian wasn’t likely to give in, no matter how much she argued: it’d be easier on both of them for her to just go inside.
 So she did, but not before giving Sebastian a grateful look. She also started some fresh coffee for when Sebastian was finished - because she refused to let him help her, without at least offering something in return, even if it was just coffee. Sebastian did so much, considering they were just neighbours, and Merry didn’t want to take advantage of his willingness to be kind.
 By the time she’d checked in on Sariah, who was still happily sat at the kitchen counter, colouring in a new page of her colouring book, and checked on the coffee, Sebastian had not just finished the path, but the driveway too, and she had the chance to wave him into the kitchen before he headed back to his own house:
   “I made you some fresh coffee, in case your brothers finished what was at your place.”
 “It’s not unlikely.” he smiled wryly, before the expression turned more genuine when he looked at Sariah: “Hey, Sariah.”
 “Hi Mister Sebastian.”
 Merry rolled her eyes at Sariah’s vague response, but apparently Emerson was just the same when he was drawing, and Sebastian thought her daughter’s focus on her colouring in was adorable - so Merry let her daughter’s slight rudeness go and handed Sebastian a mug of coffee: “Here you go, splash of creamer and no sugar.”
 “Thank you.” Sebastian responded gratefully: “So, I’m guessing the schools are shut today?”
 “They are indeed,” Merry nodded, reaching over to ruffle her daughter’s hair: “So little miss is going to come to Walmart with me, aren’t you sweetie?”
 “Mo-oom.” Sariah complained, batting at Merry’s hand: “I don’t wanna go out. ‘S cold.”
   Sebastian hid his smile behind his coffee mug, while Merry just rolled her eyes again.
 She couldn’t blame her daughter; it was bitterly cold outside, and Walmart was going to a warzone with it being so close to Christmas and the snow from last night, and the more snow that was predicted to come down tonight and tomorrow. If she could leave Sariah at home, she would, but with no-one to watch her she didn’t really have a choice.
   “Sorry, baby, but you’re a little young to be staying home alone yet.” she leant down to kiss Sariah on the top of her head.
 Her daughter grumbled, but went back to her colouring without complaint…but Sebastian looked thoughtful: “I could always get Emerson and Remington to watch her, if you don’t mind?”
 They’d done it before, in an emergency, but snow was hardly enough to make Merry desperate: “I couldn’t ask them to do that, honestly. You’ve already been so helpful today.”
 “You’d actually be doing me a favour. Otherwise they’ll insist on coming to Walmart with me, and it’ll mean at least another hour and a half in there.” Sebastian shuddered dramatically: “They could watch Sariah, and then we could go and do the shopping without my brothers trying to elbow drop each other off of freezers.”
   It actually sounded pretty good.
 Sariah could be safely watched at home, and Merry wouldn’t have to turn into an aisle to see Sebastian holding his head in his hands while Remington pinned Emerson to the floor and gave him a noogie. It had been funny to her, but Sebastian had looked ready to disown them both. Sariah got on with all three of the brothers, but she got on especially well with Emerson…it really was a good idea.
   “Please mum?” Sariah looked up at her: “I really don’t want to go out in the snow.”
 “Okay,” Merry relented: “Only if Emerson and Remington don’t mind.”
   And that was how she ended up in the passenger seat of Sebastian’s car, being waved off by her daughter, Emerson, and Remington.
 The drive was filled with easy conversation, Merry never finding it awkward to spend time with Sebastian. It felt like no time at all before they were in Walmart, pushing their carts around the aisles, still chatting about the all the same things they had in the car.
 It was one of the main reasons Merry liked Sebastian, really liked him; he was just so easy to be around. Merry never felt uncomfortable with him, or like she had to walk on egg shells to keep him happy. By the end of her marriage to Sariah’s father, Merry had been so used to feeling nervous that it had felt like it was going to be her default setting forever…but with Sebastian it was completely different.
 With Sebastian, Merry felt like she could really just let loose, knowing that he would never hold it against her or judge her. He was always willing to drop an arm over her shoulders as he laughed with her, or wrap his fingers around hers whenever Sariah wasn’t around to see her mum getting so close to a man who wasn’t her father. She was still adjusting to not having her father in the house, and no matter what Merry personally wanted, Sariah had to come first, and Sebastian had been very understanding of that...so, for now, Sebastian was just Merry’s neighbour, but in the future…she was eager for so much more.
 And when she felt Sebastian drop a light kiss on the top of her head, she was filled with hope that she was going to get it.
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Scents - Sebastian Danzig fan fiction (Spooktober Writing Challenge)
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The wolf growled and snarled, disorientated from the forced change from being a man to being an animal.
Nothing looked right and nothing sounded right: everything was blurry and too bright and too loud and too muddled, and it made him want to howl at the full moon he couldn’t currently see.
Everything was wrong, everything was strange, and everything was scaring him!
Familiarity. Safety. Caring.
Cloves. Earth. Brown sugar.
The wolf’s fur settled over his shoulders, his skin starting to feel a little less like there were bugs crawling under it.
Concern. Worry. Affection. 
Ginger. Dark chocolate. Nutmeg.
He whined, and shuffled forward on his belly, until he could bury his nose in the hand offered to him. His discomfort vanished instantly: tactileness was comfort, was affection, was love - and the scent that also meant those things slowly changed too.
Relief. Fondness. Warmth.
Petrichor. Orange peel. Stronger cinnamon.
This time the wolf’s whine was one of friendliness - and was replied to with a gentle laugh.
The sound prompted the wolf to sit up and lean into the person making friendly noises to him: wagging his tail so hard that his whole body was shaking as he buried his face into the person’s neck.
Hands buried themself in his fur, stroking over it, fingers combing through it, settling it properly over the wolf’s skin. The wolf whimpered happily, nuzzling into the woman’s neck and shoulder between licking at her jaw and ear - making her laugh even louder, loud enough to vibrate through the side he pressed against her chest.
Ripe pineapple and oranges.
Finally Sebastian could open his eyes and take in the world both as the wolf and the man.
His mate knelt next to him, one arm wrapped around his neck while the other continued to stroke down his back: soothing the last few twinges of the change from man to wolf. It was far easier than was when changing alone, his mate’s scent cutting through the too-bright lights and too-loud noises, bringing him back to the real world without the painful adjustment period that he’d had to go through when he changed form on his own.
He buried his face in her neck once again, this time leaving it there, happy to take a few deep breaths of her natural scent, soaking it in and basking in it.
Moments later, he heard the sound of two more sets of paws approaching, and he straightened to see his brothers waiting for him in the doorway.
Family. Excitement. Impatience.
Woodsmoke. Green apples. Coffee beans.
Sebastian rolled his eyes, but reluctantly pulled himself away from his mate.
He could feel it too: the moon’s call to escape the house and head outside, to run through the trees and roll in the dirt and feel the forest under his paws. Although he would have happily spent a few more moments with his mate, his brothers didn’t have mates, and nights of the full moon were always meant to be spent with the pack.
The fact he was leaving a member of the pack behind didn’t settle right with him, but it was too cold for his human mate to run around in the forest with them - and she didn’t mind waiting at home, as long as he came back safe.
Not that that was a concern, even as he headed out into the forest with his brothers, he knew he’d always come back to her.
Because even as he left her into their home, one scent still clung to his fur.
Honey and freshly baked cakes and a multitude of flowers.
How could he not come back to a scent like that?
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Lit From Within - Sebastian Danzig fan fiction (Spooktober Writing Challenge)
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Sebastian lay back in bed, watching as Freesia slowly started going around her day.
Unlike him, his faerie was a naturally early riser, rising with the sun and wandering about their cottage while Sebastian was still half-asleep in bed, watching her potter about.
It was his favourite way to wake up.
His faery was truly the most beautiful being in the whole world. He’d heard the merchants in town talk about the regal elegance of the women of the city courts, and the mysterious allure of women in far off lands, but he didn’t need to see any of them to know none of them were even half as beautiful as Freesia.
Freesia didn’t even need to try to be beautiful; she lit up the whole cottage like the sun: filling the space with radiance and warmth just by being in it. When she smiled, it felt like she was the only thing Sebastian could see. She was, in his humble opinion, perfection personified: faultless in every single way…
…or almost every single way.
Freesia’s one ‘fault’ was the slightly limp she moved around the room with. It wasn’t all that noticeable - if you didn’t know about it, you might not even see it all…but Sebastian noticed it. He would always notice it, no matter how much he sometimes wished he didn’t. Although he couldn’t bring himself to regret being given the opportunity to meet the love of his life, if he could change anything in his past, it would have been forgetting about the iron traps his father had left lying around the forest.
Meeting Freesia was the best thing that had ever happened to Sebastian…but it also might have been one of the worst days of her life.
The first time Sebastian laid eyes on Freesia, Freesia’s face had been pale and tight with pain - agony, even - but the fact she’d been conscious at all had been astounding to Sebastian, considering the iron bear trap clamped around her calf: spikes buried completely into her pale skin.
Blood had been pouring down her leg, but she hadn’t had a bad word to say while Sebastian had been fumbling to release her from the trap…although that was likely down to the fact she had been seconds from passing out. She’d collapsed the moment the iron had been out of her leg, and Sebastian had carried her back to his cottage to bandage the wound and let her rest safely until she woke up.
After that, she’d just never left.
Sebastian was eternally grateful for that…even if the silvery crescent-shaped scars that wrapped around her lower leg never failed to send a jolt of guilt through him.
Freesia, though, didn’t attribute any blame to him. If anything, if she ever suspected he was thinking about how they’d met, she was the first one to try and snap him out of it.
As if to prove a point, Freesia appeared next to the bed with her hands on her hips, glaring down at him playfully: “You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?”
Instead of answering, Sebastian tumbled her onto the bed and rolled on top of her, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek and murmur against her skin: “Not anymore. Good morning, beautiful”
“Smooth.” Freesia rolled her eyes - but she was laughing as she did it: “Good morning, handsome.”
Sebastian hooked an elbow under Freesia’s knee, pulling it up around his waist and ducking down further to kiss to the top scar on his faerie’s leg, right above her knee, before settling back down.
As much as he enjoyed watching Freesia move around their cottage from bed, he enjoyed having her in bed with him a hell of a lot more. There was nothing more relaxing than laying with his head on her chest, listening to her heart beat and soaking in the warmth of her skin as he dozed in and out of sleep.
Freesia raised her hand to gently rake her nails over his scalp and through his hair, over and over, petting him like a cat, and Sebastian practically melted against her. If he could purr, he probably would be - but instead, he had to settle for making a low, happy noise in the back of his throat: a sound that made Freesia laugh.
Sebastian opened his eyes, ready to tease her for laughing at him, only to forget what he was going to say the moment he looked at her.
He couldn’t help it - Freesia was glowing. Not in a metaphorical sense, but in a literal one: her skin was lit of from within with a soft pink light, so that her skin was glowing with a pale pink aura.
Before he’d even realised what he was doing, Sebastian reached out to trace his fingertips over Freesia’s cheek: “You’re glowing.”
“I’m what?” Freesia asked, raising her hand to look at her skin…and then shrugging: “Oh, so I am.”
“So you are?”
“Well, of course I am.” Freesia giggled: “I’m happy and in love. All Faeries glow when we’re like this.”
“You’re in love?” Sebastian asked softly.
It wasn’t exactly a surprise; Freesia was a demonstrative person, and Sebastian had felt loved by her for a while now…but she’d never said it aloud before.
Hearing it aloud was new. And dizzying in the best kind of way.
Freesia cupped his cheek, face abruptly serious - but still glowing: “Of course I am. Sebastian, you are the most wonderful man I’ve ever come across…I love you.”
“I love you too.” Sebastian whispered, emotion choking him no matter how hard he tried to swallow it down: “So much.”
Freesia smiled, and pulled Sebastian down for a soft kiss that Sebastian melted into.
He’d never been happier.
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The Trees' Christmas 2020 Writing Collection Master List
Christmas Lights on Winter Nights - Chris Motionless Fan Fiction
He’s Right Beside You - Oh Yes He Is - Yungblud Fan Fiction
Snow Day Plans - Sebastian Danzig Fan Fiction
Silver Linings In Winter Clouds - Machine Gun Kelly Fan Fiction
At The Only All-Night Grocery - Chris Motionless Fan Fiction
So Much For A Silent Night - Spencer Charnas Fan Fiction
Well Spent Weeks Bring Happy Sleep - Yungblud Fan Fiction
You’re A Lovely One Mr Grinch - Ryan Sitkowski Fan Fiction
Cookie Dough For Breakfast - Emerson Barrett Fan Fiction
What Do You Call A Bad Popcorn Joke - Machine Gun Kelly Fan Fiction
Group Effort - Motionless In White Fan Fiction
It’s A Wonderful Life - Remington Leith Fan Fiction
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