#Security Gate door welding
marcus-ranton · 4 months
Familia Flores Welding and Fabrication is dedicated to providing top-quality welding services. As trusted welders in Panorama City CA, we specialize in metal door welding contracts, custom welding services, and security gate door welding. Our team of skilled professionals possesses the expertise and experience to handle a wide range of welding projects with precision and efficiency. When you choose us among welding companies near you, you can expect superior craftsmanship and reliable service that exceeds your expectations. From small-scale custom welding to large security gate door welding projects, we are committed to delivering exceptional results. Trust Familia Flores Welding and Fabrication for all your Fence Installation in Panorama City CA.
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chrissycogan · 4 months
Introducing Familia Flores Welding and Fabrication, your premier destination for top-notch Metal fabrication services in Panorama City CA. Specializing in stainless steel welding, aluminum door welding, and custom gate welding, our experienced team ensures precision and durability in every project. As a trusted commercial door welding service, we prioritize quality craftsmanship and customer satisfaction. With our mobile welding capabilities, we bring our expertise directly to your location for added convenience. Whether you require general welding services, fence installation, or gate repair and installation, Familia Flores Welding and Fabrication is committed to exceeding your expectations. Trust us to deliver reliable solutions tailored to your needs, ensuring long-lasting results for your residential or commercial property. Experience excellence in metal fabrication – contact us today for all your welding and fabrication needs.
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abhisaini · 2 years
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(via 19 Spectacular Main Gate Design Ideas for 2022: Everything You Need to Know About Main Gates!)
There is more to an entry gate than meets the eye. The gate is both functional and aesthetic and can be used to protect your home and add curb appeal. A gate can be seen in front of any house. The first thought people might have is, “What a beautiful entranceway! But is it necessary?” An entrance gate is essential for protecting your property from intruders.
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cannibalcaprine · 16 days
The “Red Death” had long devastated the country. No pestilence had been ever so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avator and its seal — the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleedings at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim, were the pest-ban which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow-men. And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease were the incidents of half an hour.
But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless, and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys. This was an extensive and magnificent structure, the creation of the prince’s own eccentric yet august taste. A strong and lofty wall girdled it in. This wall had gates of iron. The courtiers, having entered, brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts. They resolved to leave means neither of ingress or egress to the sudden impulses of despair from without or of frenzy from within. The abbey was amply provisioned. With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion. The external world could take care of itself. In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think. The prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure. There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballêt-dancers, there were musicians, there were cards, there was Beauty, there was wine. All these and security were within. Without was the “Red Death.”
It was towards the close of the fifth or sixth month of his seclusion, and while the pestilence raged most furiously abroad, that the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friends at a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence. It was a voluptuous scene that masquerade.
But first let me tell of the rooms in which it was held. There were seven — an imperial suite. In many palaces, however, such suites form a long and straight vista, while the folding doors slide back nearly to the walls on either hand, so that the view of the whole extent is scarcely impeded. Here the case was very different; as might have been expected from the duke’s love of the bizarre. The apartments were so irregularly disposed that the vision embraced but little more than one at a time. There was a sharp turn at every twenty or thirty yards, and at each turn a novel effect. To the right and left, in the middle of each wall, a tall and narrow Gothic window looked out upon a closed corridor which pursued the windings of the suite. These windows were of stained glass whose color varied in accordance with the prevailing hue of the decorations of the chamber into which it opened. That at the eastern extremity was hung, for example, in blue — and vividly blue were its windows. The second chamber was purple in its ornaments and tapestries, and here the panes were purple. The third was green throughout, and so were the casements. The fourth was furnished and litten with orange — the fifth with white — the sixth with violet. The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue. But, in this chamber only, the color of the windows failed to correspond with the decorations. The panes here were scarlet — a deep blood color. Now in no one of the seven apartments was there any lamp or candelabrum, amid the profusion of golden ornaments that lay scattered to and fro or depended from the roof. There was no light of any kind emanating from lamp or candle within the suite of chambers. But in the corridors that followed the suite, there stood, opposite to each window, a heavy tripod, bearing a brazier of fire that projected its rays through the tinted glass and so glaringly illumined the room. And thus were produced a multitude of gaudy and fantastic appearances. But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all.
It was in this apartment, also, that there stood against the western wall, a gigantic clock of ebony. Its pendulum swung to and fro with a dull, heavy, monotonous clang; and when its minute-hand made the circuit of the face, and the hour was to be stricken, there came forth from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which was clear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical, but of so peculiar a note and emphasis that, at each lapse of an hour, the musicians in the orchestra were constrained to pause, momently, in their performance, to harken to the sound; and thus the waltzers perforce ceased their evolutions; and there was a brief disconcert of the whole gay company; and, while the chimes of the clock yet rang, it was observed that the giddiest grew pale, and that the more aged and sedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confused reverie or meditation. But when the echoes had fully ceased, a light laughter at once pervaded the assembly; the musicians looked at each other and smiled as if at their own nervousness and folly, and made whispering vows, each to the other, that the next chiming of the clock should produce in them no similar emotion; and then, after the lapse of sixty minutes, (which embrace three thousand and six hundred seconds of the Time that flies,) there came yet another chiming of the clock, and then were the same disconcert and tremulousness and meditation as before.
But, in spite of these things, it was a gay and magnificent revel. The tastes of the duke were peculiar. He had a fine eye for colors and effects. He disregarded the decora of mere fashion. His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre. There are some who would have thought him mad. His followers felt that he was not. It was necessary to hear and see and touch him to be sure that he was not.
He had directed, in great part, the moveable embellishments of the seven chambers, upon occasion of this great fête, and it was his own guiding taste which had given character to the costumes of the masqueraders. Be sure they were grotesque. There were much glare and glitter and piquancy and phantasm — much of what has been since seen in “Hernani.” There were arabesque figures with unsuited limbs and appointments. There were delirious fancies such as the madman fashions. There was much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust. To and fro in the seven chambers there stalked, in fact, a multitude of dreams. And these, the dreams — writhed in and about, taking hue from the rooms, and causing the wild music of the orchestra to seem as the echo of their steps. And, anon, there strikes the ebony clock which stands in the hall of the velvet. And then, momently, all is still, and all is silent save the voice of the clock. The dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand. But the echoes of the chime die away — they have endured but an instant — and a light, half-subdued laughter floats after them as they depart. And now again the music swells, and the dreams live, and writhe to and fro more merrily than ever, taking hue from the many-tinted windows through which stream the rays from the tripods. But to the chamber which lies most westwardly of the seven there are now none of the maskers who venture; for the night is waning away; and there flows a ruddier light through the blood-colored panes; and the blackness of the sable drapery appals; and to him whose foot falls upon the sable carpet, there comes from the near clock of ebony a muffled peal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their ears who indulge in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments.
But these other apartments were densely crowded, and in them beat feverishly the heart of life. And the revel went whirlingly on, until at length was sounded the twelfth hour upon the clock. And then the music ceased, as I have told; and the evolutions of the waltzers were quieted; and there was an uneasy cessation of all things as before. But now there were twelve strokes to be sounded by the bell of the clock; and thus it happened, perhaps, that more of thought crept, with more of time, into the meditations of the thoughtful among those who revelled. And thus, again, it happened, perhaps, that before the last echoes of the last chime had utterly sunk into silence, there were many individuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware of the presence of a masked figure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before. And the rumor of this new presence having spread itself whisperingly around, there arose at length from the whole company a buzz, or murmur, expressive at first of disapprobation and surprise — then, finally, of terror, of horror, and of disgust.
In an assembly of phantasms such as I have painted, it may well be supposed that no ordinary appearance could have excited such sensation. In truth the masquerade license of the night was nearly unlimited; but the figure in question had out-Heroded Herod, and gone beyond the bounds of even the prince’s indefinite decorum. There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion. Even with the utterly lost, to whom life and death are equally jests, there are matters of which no jest can be properly made. The whole company, indeed, seemed now deeply to feel that in the costume and bearing of the stranger neither wit nor propriety existed. The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have had difficulty in detecting the cheat. And yet all this might have been endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around. But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood — and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror.
When the eyes of the Prince Prospero fell upon this spectral image (which with a slow and solemn movement, as if more fully to sustain its rôle, stalked to and fro among the waltzers) he was seen to be convulsed, in the first moment, with a strong shudder either of terror or distaste; but, in the next, his brow reddened with rage.
“Who dares?” he demanded hoarsely of the group that stood around him, “who dares thus to make mockery of our woes? Uncase the varlet that we may know whom we have to hang to-morrow at sunrise from the battlements. Will no one stir at my bidding? — stop him and strip him, I say, of those reddened vestures of sacrilege!”
It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood the Prince Prospero as he uttered these words. They rang throughout the seven rooms loudly and clearly — for the prince was a bold and robust man, and the music had become hushed at the waving of his hand.
It was in the blue room where stood the prince, with a group of pale courtiers by his side. At first, as he spoke, there was a slight rushing movement of this group in the direction of the intruder, who at the moment was also near at hand, and now, with deliberate and stately step, made closer approach to the speaker. But from a certain nameless awe with which the mad assumptions of the mummer had inspired the whole party, there were found none who put forth hand to seize him; so that, unimpeded, he passed within a yard of the prince’s person; and, while the vast assembly, as if with one impulse, shrank from the centres of the rooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with the same solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from the first, through the blue chamber to the purple — through the purple to the green — through the green to the orange, — through this again to the white — and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movement had been made to arrest him. It was then, however, that the Prince Prospero, maddening with rage and the shame of his own momentary cowardice, rushed hurriedly through the six chambers — while none followed him on account of a deadly terror that had seized upon all. He bore aloft a drawn dagger, and had approached, in rapid impetuosity, to within three or four feet of the retreating figure, when the latter, having attained the extremity of the velvet apartment, turned suddenly round and confronted his pursuer. There was a sharp cry — and the dagger dropped gleaming upon the sable carpet, upon which instantly afterwards, fell prostrate in death the Prince Prospero. Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revellers at once threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave-cerements and corpse-like mask which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted by any tangible form.
And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped the revellers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall. And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay. And the flames of the tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.
Edgar Allan Poe
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obitohno · 2 years
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fushiguro toji x reader
synopsis ⤸
you know that loving toji is forbidden, but you just can’t help yourself.
themes ⤸
fem! reader, 18+, student-teacher relationship, age gap, angst, forbidden relationship, unrequited love, love confessions, make up sex, creampies, spooning, cowgirl, missionary, reader is twenty-three, toji is in his early forties, professor fushiguro
word count ⤸
7.1k (semi-edited)
a/n ⤸
i have to confess that i’m not the biggest fan of jjk, but i like the characters, n atm, i have major toji brain rot, it’s literally taking over my mind. i think that the forbidden love suits him, so this is the result of me not being able to stop thinking about ‘professor fushiguro’, hhh. this is my first jjk au, so i hope that you enjoy it :)
reblogs are appreciated ~
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it’s long past nightfall, and morally, you know that you’re not supposed to be sneaking around the university campus in the middle of the night, but alas, here you are, skirt riding up the length of your thighs as you hoist yourself up and over the iron-welded gate that is supposed to keep you locked out of the building that you’re currently aiming for. you land on the other side of the gate with a soft grunt, hands breaking your fall onto the tarmac, barely avoiding scraping your knees in the process. rushing your way over to the side door of the age-old building of the staff quarters is harder work as you have to duck behind the bike shed, and weave under a particularly leafy shrub-like tree, to avoid alerting the security camera that glares red from the upper wall.
once you reach the door, you make quick work of picking the lock with a hairpin, the corners of your mouth tugging into a small smile when you hear the tell-tale click that announces your success. the door swings shut behind you, and once you stand inside the main hallway, the thrill of potentially being caught makes your pulse race so harshly that you actually feel your neck throb with each beat. you swallow down the anxiety that belatedly rears it’s ugly head, and you quietly make the short journey to your destination. 
professor fushiguro’s quarters are, luckily for you, the only ones that are located on the ground floor. it not only makes your mission easier to achieve, but it also lessens the unlikely chance of other members of staff loitering nearby when their quarters are on the upper floors. the only downside is that the kitchens and lounging areas are also located on the ground floor, but you’ve made this trek countless of times, and so far, you’re yet to encounter anyone other than the very man that you’re here to visit. 
all too soon, your fist is raising to gently tap the wooden frame that you’re well accustomed to, once, twice, thrice, before your hand limply falls to your side. although quiet, the sound of your knock masks any noise that may come from inside, and you fail to hear the soft laughter coming from somewhere behind the door. when there’s no immediate answer, you frown, and your hand raises to repeat the action, only to freeze when the door is suddenly yanked open to reveal a familiar shot of dark hair and a pair of forest coloured eyes that stare down at you, rounded with bewilderment. 
he blocks the doorway, obnoxiously tall frame towering above you, and his expression is anything but welcoming. ‘what are you doin’ here?’ he hisses down at you, dark brows pinching together. 
‘uh, it’s wednesday?’ you remind him, taken aback by his odd behaviour. ‘we always—’
‘you didn’t get my text?’ he interrupts you, glancing over his shoulder. at this exact second, you hear something, or rather, someone, moving around in the apartment behind him, and your eyes widen upon realising that he’s not alone. his head whips back toward you, and he whispers furiously, ‘you can’t be here.’ he then tries to pull the door shut behind him, but it’s too late. 
‘toji? darling?’ 
it’s a woman’s voice, you recognise, stomach twisting with nausea when you catch the brief look of embarrassment that passes over toji’s features. understanding the situation, you back away from the doorway—away from him—and you thickly swallow the lump that has formed at the back of your throat. 
he has the audacity to whisper your name, but when his hand reaches for you, you flinch out of reach. ‘it’s not what it looks—’ 
you don’t stick around to listen to the rest of his lie. 
you’re already halfway down the hall when you hear him mumbling behind you, ‘—s’just a student askin’ ‘bout test papers.’ 
‘this late?’ the woman’s voice questions. 
‘she’s… dedicated,’ comes toji’s delayed reply, and you listen to his lady friend laughing as if the prospect of a student dedicated to their studies is somehow particularly amusing to her. her soft titter is cut short by the door slamming shut behind them. 
it isn’t until you’ve made your way out of the building and jumped back over the gate that it hits you properly. 
jujutsu academy is home to a student body of exactly fifteen thousand, two hundred and fifty-seven students, with majority of those students living in halls because the location is quite literally the middle of bloody nowhere as itadori yuuji had described it on the very first day that you’d met him. he’d helped you when you’d gotten lost in the library, and at first, you’d assumed that he was a fellow student, only to be taken by surprise when he’d revealed that he’s actually a member of the coaching staff in the sports department. it had turned out that the two of you are actually around the same age—give or take a few months here and there—and the two of you had bonded quickly. you told him that you were majoring in english literature, and that’s when he revealed, with a scowl plastered between his brows, that the head tutor of the english department is actually his best friend’s dad. yuuji’s depiction of professor fushiguro didn’t paint the man in a very good light, so when you attended your very first lecture, you’d been nervous about meeting the ugly old man with a constant stick up his ass. 
only, professor fushiguro was neither old or ugly, and he definitely didn’t walk around like he had a stick up his ass. in fact, you had been pleasantly surprised when you’d met a very fairly attractive man who had barely breached his forties, and the moment he’d smirked down at you, you instantly knew that you would be in for a world of trouble. 
because campus is a good three hour’s drive from the rest of civilisation, most of the staff also reside here during term time. and among them, there are one or two members that stay behind during the holidays when everyone has gone back home. and professor fushiguro is one of them, you’d discovered after quite literally bumping into him after exiting the library after a study session during the easter break. he’d seemed surprised to realise that you’d also chosen to stay on campus instead of returning home, and it had been evident that he was curious as to why, but he’d allowed you your privacy, as you had him. 
after that, he’d offered extra study lessons, but after just a few months, you realised that fuck, you liked him. at first, you’d passed it off as a simple crush on a man whom you clearly respected as your senior. but, that admiration had quickly burned into something more, and soon, he was all you thought about. one night, after consuming alcohol stolen from the kitchens in your classmate’s dorm, you had most definitely been drunk when you had eventually stumbled your way back to your own dorm. 
it is for this reason that when you’d passed by professor fushiguro in the hallway, you’d been filled with a false sense of confidence and had boldly pushed him against the wall and crushed your mouth to his. 
this confidence had faltered when he’d stood frozen for a few seconds too long. but when you’d moved your lips away from his, he’d chased after you, and had proceeded to kiss you until your knees were weak. 
that was two years ago. 
despite having recently celebrated your twenty-third birthday, you know that whilst he maintains the position of your tutor, your bond with toji isn’t one that can be shared in pubic, and so, the comfort of his quarters has become a private space that the two of you have made your haven, together, hidden from the eyes of everyone around you. and at some point during the last two years, your admiration for him has morphed into a love that is forbidden by both society and of the subject of your affections, himself. when you’d first started sleeping together, he’d made it perfectly clear that that was as far as things would ever go. you had both agreed to go exclusive, but there would be no relationship, and there would certainly be no feelings involved. you’ve clearly broken that promise, but as long as he never found out, then you thought that you’d be okay with any semblance of affection that he showed you. 
however, you’d failed to think of the possibility that he’d eventually find someone. someone that he doesn’t have to hide his relationship with—someone he genuinely loved. 
maybe it’s because you know that he is it for you, but the notion of him wanting someone else just hadn’t occurred to you. although he’d never voiced anything aloud, you had thought that you’d meant something to him. 
the realisation that you’ve been wrong this entire time makes you feel sick. you’re unable to stop the first tear that slides down the curve of your cheek, and it is quickly followed by many others. you choke on a sob that threatens to escape out of your mouth, and instead, you gnaw your teeth into your bottom lip and quicken your pace as the bottoms of your shoes scuff the ground with each footstep. the journey back to your dorm is a blur, mainly because of the tears that won’t stop pissing down your face, but you somehow manage to lock the door shut behind you, kick off your shoes and make your way to your bedroom, collapsing to the bed just as the first gut-wrenching wail heaves out from the pit of your stomach. you’re unsure of how much time passes as you lay there crying, but at some point, you must fall asleep because when your eyes open next, your throat is sore and there are dry track-marks that have crusted to the surface of your cheeks. a squint toward your bedside table shows that the digital clock now reads 03:51 and you exhale a long breath from your nostrils. 
your fingers blindly reach for your mobile phone and a quick glance at the screen shows that he had, in fact, messaged you, warning you that he had plans tonight. 
enraged—at him or yourself, you haven’t decided yet—you scoff, and without reading the new message that he sent just an hour or so ago, your thumb and index finger press to power off the device. it lands with a clunky thud when you drop it onto the bedside table. you roll over, eyelids closing, and with this, you attempt to sleep. 
three days later, and you’re yet to leave your dorm. you spend majority of these three days laying horizontal apart from when you have to use the bathroom. you’ve barely slept, you’ve not eaten either, and you’ve also missed several lectures, so you know that it’s only a matter of time before someone (yuuji) comes looking for you. it’s only with the guilt of potentially worrying the pinkette that you are convinced to finally venture from your dorm on the fourth day. 
you have an english lecture in less than an hour, but you figure that you should have enough time to find something to fill your empty stomach for the first time in ninety-six hours. you’re just about to enter the campus cafe when a loud, boisterous voice bellows your name and you turn just in time to see yuuji making a beeline for you just before his arms curl tight around your shoulders, squeezing. he collides with you so suddenly that it makes you dizzy, and aided by the fact that you’ve not eaten for days, you suffer a sickening bout of visual static. to your embarrassment—and yuuji’s horror—you sway, and your fingers clutch at his hoodie in an attempt to keep yourself upright. 
‘oh my god,’ yuuji exclaims, spluttering an apology as he guides you to sit on a nearby wall. he crouches before you, his hands enveloping yours, blurting several questions, one after the other, ‘where have you been? why didn’t you call me back? i’ve been calling you for days. are you sick? you look sick. can i do anything to—?’ 
‘food,’ you blurt, eyes squeezed shut in an attempt to ease the ache that’s settling deep into your temples. ‘please.’
‘i’ll be straight back,’ he promises, and with a little hesitation, he leaves your side. blowing a puff of air from between your lips, you don’t have to wait long for yuuji to return to your side. he sits next to you, shoving a cinnamon bun and a bottle of coke under your nose. ‘you need sugar,’ he explains when you raise an eyebrow at his choice. he (im)patiently waits for you to devour the cinnamon bun and half of the bottle of coke before he says, ‘no offence, but you look…’ he grimaces, evidently unsure of how to finish his sentence without offending you. 
you don’t have to look into a mirror to know that bags have formed under your eyes, your hair disheveled because you didn’t bother combing it before you left out this morning, and your clothes are crumpled because you’d picked out the first outfit you’d found in the pile dumped on the floor by the foot of your bed. 
you know that you look like shit.
‘sorry,’ you mumble. ‘i’ve not been sleeping well.’ 
or, at all. 
yuuji is frowning, ‘has something—?’ 
you’re not ready for this conversation. mostly because you honestly don’t know how to explain that you’ve been having an affair with your professor for the past two years, nor admit out loud that you’re in love with said professor, or accept that you’ve spent the last three days wallowing in your own misery because said professor sees you as nothing more than a body to warm his bed. 
your frown deepens, ‘i really don’t want to talk about it… please. i-i’ll be fine, i’m just… i’m tired.’ 
he relents, but you can see that he wishes to argue otherwise. the fact that he doesn’t fills you with gratitude that you show by leaning to bump the side of your head against his shoulder. he leans into your weight, sighing. the minutes tick by, and eventually, you decide it’s time to make your way over to your morning lecture, despite how much you wish to go back to your dorm and sleep. yuuji offers to accompany you to the lecture hall, and with each step, your stomach anxiously twists with nerves. luckily, when you arrive, there are already people inside, and so you wave your goodbyes to your pink haired friend and quietly enter the hall. 
heart in your mouth, you pointedly refuse to look toward the desk at the front of the hall, where, from the corner of your eye, you see him sitting there, busying himself with fiddling with the projector. with his back to the room, he doesn’t seem to notice you, and instead of taking your normal seat at the front, you hide yourself at the back of the hall, sinking low in your seat in a bid to make yourself look smaller. 
it seems to work, the task made easier when the hall starts to fill with more people as the clock ticks closer to nine am. through heavily lidded eyes, you’re mindlessly following the scribble of your biro dragging across your notebook, so immersed in your drawing that you flinch when a calloused hand slaps this morning’s lecture notes onto your desk. your pen stills, and as quickly as the hand appeared, it leaves again, already moving on to hand out the rest of the sheets to his other students. only when he’s finished his task and starting the lecture, do you dare to look up from the note that is scrawled in the corner of your handout. 
he looks as rough as you feel. 
there’s a faint shadow tracing the sharp edges of his jaw from where a stubble is beginning to grow, the strands of his hair even messier than usual, and his skin is pale when illuminated by the beam of the projector. he doesn’t seem to have slept much either, the skin under his eyes appearing darker than usual. you stare, your chest heavy with the hope that maybe he’s just as affected by your separation as you have been. but that hope is quickly smothered by the ugly feeling of doubt, and your eyes reluctantly drag from his face, dropping back to the familiar haphazard scrawl of his handwriting. 
see me after class. 
you do not see him after class. 
as soon as the bell tolls, you can’t hightail it out of there fast enough, merging with the crowd of your fellow classmates as you rush out of the room. but, because of your increasingly bad luck, you end up loitering at the back of the group as the lack of energy has you slowing your pace in an effort to not overexert yourself. they easily overtake you, some of them glancing at your unkempt state, and you’re left to wander down the hall by yourself. 
only, you don’t make it very far. 
just as you’re about to turn the corner, a warm, large hand wraps around your wrist and yanks. startled, your shriek is muffled by another hand slapping over your mouth, and then you’re dragged backwards, through an open door that leads to what looks like a storage cupboard. the door is kicked shut, and then you’re spun around, your back pressed against it by the hand on your shoulder. 
toji towers above you, arms caging you in with no room to escape. you have no choice but to peer up at that beautiful face of his, the corners of your mouth pulling downward when your eyes meet his. 
‘i called,’ he says, tone dry. 
you force what you hope to be a neutral expression, shrugging one shoulder. 
he doesn’t speak in favour of staring down at you, his jaw clenching. 
it hurts to look at him, you decide, and you tear your eyes from his face to glance at the unnecessary pile of brooms that are stacked in one corner of the very small room. he’s standing so close that you can feel his breath fanning across the side of your face, the sensation one that you’re familiar with. the corners of your eyes sting, and after a few moments of tense silence, your hand blindly searches for the door handle behind you. 
‘well, if that’s all—’
you pull on the handle, and the door inches open by a few centimetres, before his palm slaps down onto the wood, slamming it shut again. the noise makes you jump, eyes wide as your head turns to meet his glare. 
‘’s’that it, then?’ he hisses down at you, neck bending to lean closer. ‘you just gonna keep runnin’ from me?’ 
‘i’ve got class,’ you deadpan, head thumping back against the door. as if to prove your point, the next bell tolls, signalling the start of the next hour.  
‘don’t give a shit,’ he spits, eyes narrowed down at you. 
‘well i do,’ you retort, yanking on the handle so harshly that he has no choice but to step back when you elbow him out of your way. his hand grabs at your bicep, but the back of your hand slaps him away, irritation making your cheeks burn. ‘don’t touch me.’ 
he retracts his hand, but he’s staring down at you, hard. then, his façade crumbles, and you baulk when his expression falls, fingers shaking as he drags them through his messy hair. 
‘look,’ he says, voice thick with exhaustion as he looks down at you with as equally tired eyes. ‘just… come over? today?’ 
‘it’s not wednesday,’ you remind him. 
he frowns down at you, ‘i know.’ 
‘it’s monday,’ you reiterate, looking at him pointedly. 
‘i know,’ he stresses, uncharacteristically exasperated. ‘i’ll be free after six.’ 
he looks weary—an expression that you’re not accustomed to seeing on him—and you can already feel your body begin to deflate with defeat. your lips part, but your answer is cut off by the second warning bell. 
‘i have to go,’ you sigh, tiredly. you tug the door open and after checking that the coast is clear, you step out into the hall, glancing at him from over your shoulder. he simply stands there, watching, dark brows pinching to the middle of his forehead. 
that is the last you see of him before the door swings shut behind you. 
after changing your mind several times throughout the day, it is well past six pm when you arrive outside toji’s quarters. 
outside, the sun is beginning to set, casting an orange glow across the carpeted floor through the window in the hallway. you haven’t knocked on the door yet, despite having arrived some minutes ago, your eyelids heavy as you stare at the grain in the wood. 
you don’t know what you’re doing here. 
there’s a niggle of hope that can’t help but grow with each second that passes as you loiter by the door. you try to quash it down, because, really, what are the chances of this conversation going in the direction that you want it to? you have higher chances of him having called you over to formally end things for good. 
that thought makes your heart hurt. 
but, before you can hesitate any longer, there’s the clicking of the door unlocking before it swings open. 
as usual, he towers over you. 
there’s a tense moment where the both of you simply stare at one another, but the moment breaks when he shifts to the side, creating enough room for you to slip past him. inside, you’re greeted by the familiarity of his apartment, the heating turned up to the exact temperature that you like. you kick your shoes off and place them next to the shoe rack, stepping further inside as you listen to him lock the door behind you. he steps past you, leading the way toward the lounge, and you follow, only to loiter by the doorway, watching him drop his weight onto the settee. 
you’ve never seen him look so haggard before, and worry gnaws at you when a pair of forest green eyes blink to meet yours. 
‘you gonna stand there all night?’ he asks, already beckoning you over with a tap of his fingers on the seat next to him. you reluctantly make your way over, sitting with your back pressed to the opposite arm of the settee so that you can face him. 
he frowns at you, repeating, ‘so?’
‘what’d you ask me over for?’ 
his eyes flash with something you can’t decipher, and then he’s running a hand through his hair again, tugging the ends between his fingers. ‘look, i meant what i said the other night; it wasn’t what it looked like.’ when you don’t offer a response, he continues, ‘she’s a family friend, i’ve not seen her for a long time—for years.’ at this revelation, you start to feel a tad silly for your reaction, but there’s also a part of you that nags that he’s not telling you the whole truth. and as if he can read your thoughts, he adds, ‘we had… a thing… when we were young—very young—but that shit is long over. we’re friends, nothin’ more.’ 
you chew at the inside of your cheek as you mull his words over. eventually, you settle on scoffing, nose curling as you reply, ‘dunno what you’re telling me for. what you do is none of my business.’ 
at this, his spine straightens, and the look in his eyes hardens, ‘what’s that s’posed to mean?’ 
a large of you is hopeful that what he’s told you is the truth, but another part of you is still bitter about the situation. ‘it means that i don’t know why you told me to come over just to talk about this shit—’
‘’cause you’re pissed at me?’ he interrupts, looking more and more perplexed by your words. ‘i’ve been tryna call you for days, but you don’t pick up. you wouldn’t even look at me in class, ‘n’ then you tried to fuckin’ hide like i wouldn’t notice.’ he looks more upset than you’d anticipated. ‘i didn’t want to send you off like that, but—’
‘but what?’ it’s you who interrupts him this time, anger boiling at your blood. ‘but it’s okay because i’m just some dirty little secret of yours?’
‘is that what you’re pissed at?’ 
he looks even more weary than he had five minutes ago. 
‘look, it’s not easy for me either, alright? you think i want to keep sneakin’ ’round like some fuckin’ teenager? ‘m too old to be stressin’ over this shit. i don’t want—’
‘this shit?’ you snap, his words cutting deeper than you thought they would. ‘is that all i am? just some shit?’ 
‘what? you know that’s not what i meant—’ 
you scoff. ‘of course you didn’t.’ 
he snaps back at you, ‘will you just fuckin’ let me explain?’ 
‘really, it’s fine,’ despite your words, you feel the tell-tale prickle of tears burning the corners of your eyes. ‘it was just sex, anyway, right?’ 
he recoils, flinching as if you’ve just slapped him. 
it’s not a question. the word is said so quietly that you barely hear it, tone so flat that you think that you’ve actually offended him. 
‘is that…?’ he clears his throat, nostrils flaring as he inhales a deep breath. ‘is that what this is to you? just sex?’ 
he has the gall to look pained, and you almost fall for it. 
you stand from the settee, his eyes following your every movement. ‘that was what you told me, remember? those words literally came out of your mouth.’ 
he mimics you, standing up to his full height, eyes glowering down at you. ‘that was two years ago! of course it was just sex—i barely fuckin’ knew you!’ 
‘well, it’s not like anything’s changed!’ you raise your voice back at him, eyes wet. ‘it’s always me crawling to you. it’s always me sneaking around. it’s always me who is never enough!’ your voice breaks around a sob, your head lowering as you furiously wipe at your tears. 
‘don’t—’ he starts, voice suddenly hoarse. ‘don’t cry.’ he reaches for you, and despite yourself, you collapse against his chest, your cries muffled into the fabric of his shirt. his scent envelopes you, and the heat of him makes your head spin, and yet, you cling to him when his fingers bury into the tresses of your hair. his lips are at your temple when he murmurs, ‘everythin’s changed.’ 
you stiffen, but he holds tight when you try to pull yourself free. 
‘’s’been a long time since i was with someone. last time was when my boy was born, ‘n’ he’s ‘bout your age now.’ you hear him inhale sharply, nose pressed to your hair. his voice muffled, he continues, ‘then i saw you, an’ i thought you were real fuckin’ pretty. was pissed as hell when i found out you were one of my students.’ his arms tighten around you, ‘then, when you fuckin’ jumped me in the hallway, i thought my old ass was dreamin’.’ 
‘not old,’ you mumble into his chest, which, in response, vibrates with a low chuckle that echoes down your ear. 
‘older,’ he corrects, mirth lacing his tone. he then exhales, ‘it was just sex. ‘cause it was the only way i could think to keep you interested.’ you remain quiet, teeth biting into your bottom lip. ‘but d’ya really think i’d be lettin’ us risk everythin’ for this long if that’s all i really wanted? if you weren’t worth every second of it?’
you don’t know how to answer that. 
he sighs, his breath fanning across the top of your head. for a long moment, you remain enveloped in his arms, and then, in the tiniest voice you’ve ever heard him muster, he admits, ‘really fuckin’ love you, idiot.’ 
your heart is jackhammering away in the depth of your chest, and for a second, you dread that you’ve misheard him. but then you feel the thump, thump, thump of his own heart racing underneath your ear, and he’s yet to let you free from his embrace. your arms, previously pressed to his chest, move to slowly curl around his waist, holding him just as tightly as he’s got you. 
‘love you too.’ 
the words are whispered into the collar of his shirt, but he clearly hears you because his fingers are now guiding your chin to angle your face toward his. his nose bumps along yours, lips pressing to the corner of your mouth. you chase him, moulding your lips together, his tongue making quick work of caressing its way into your mouth. he groans, and then his kisses are fever-like, and he’s tasting every inch of your mouth as if he hasn’t done so a hundred times before. 
you’re kissing him just as eagerly, your hands snaking under his shirt just to feel his skin. he guides you backwards, edging you to the direction of the bedroom, and you allow him to do so with your tongue curling up the length of his. he pants into your mouth, hands leaving your body to fumble with the door handle. he kicks the door open, then shut again after you enter the room, and he pushes at your shoulders until you’re lying on the plush mattress of his bed. you peer up at him, watching as he crawls over you, his hair tickling your forehead when he leans to claim your mouth once again. 
in between kisses, you both slowly work your way through removing each other’s clothes and when naked, he finally presses in on top of you, pinning you beneath him. there’s a clear size difference between the two of you, and you like just how much bigger he is, your fingers tracing over the curves of his biceps as he shifts above you. the length of his cock drags between your folds, the blunt tip catching on your clit at just the right angle, and you whimper for him. he responds with a low rumble that makes his chest vibrate against where it is pressed to yours, his teeth gently scraping along where he’s mouthing at your pulse. your fingers tangle between the strands of his hair, and you welcome his hot breath fluttering across the surface of your neck, eyes closing and lips parting around the shape of another moan. 
he moves, hips bumping into yours, and your breath catches as his cock drags with a delicious friction that coaxes his name from between your lips. he repeats the action at the same time his teeth nip at your collarbone, tongue darting out to soothe the sharp pain that erupts, leaving a mark on your skin. you encourage the grinding by curling your legs up and around his waist, your ankles locking tight. the action pushes him closer, and your clit throbs along with your pulse each time it is abused by his bulbous tip which has swollen to a size that is more than impressive. initially, the width of him had been more than daunting, and it had taken a little getting used to the feeling of it stretching you wide, but by now, you’ve taken him more times than you can count, and your hole has learned to flutter at the promise of being filled soon. 
and fill you, he does. 
you’re not at all prepared for when he angles his hips and aims a tad lower, but he’s soon drilling into you, your cunt quickly moulding into the shape of him. your walls burn with the stretch, but each thrust punches a choked moan from the back of your throat, causing your fingertips to make their home in the sharp lines of his shoulders. you feel his nose nudging its way up to the shell of your ear, a smile curving the shape of his mouth when he moans, ‘feel so fuckin’ good f’me, pretty girl.’ 
the praise encourages the clenching of your walls, vice-like grip greedily forcing his cock further inside with each forward cant of his hips. he grunts with effort, pelvis snapping backward and forwards so quickly that you can hear the continuous creaking of the bed-frame as he has his way for you. his fingers buried in the tresses of your hair, he angles his mouth to yours once more, his tongue merging with yours in a messy battle that makes your clit throb, throb, throb for him.
‘fuckin’—fuck,’ he groans loudly, before he’s jerking his cock away from the safe cavern of your heat, a weak moan of protest escaping you before it dies on the tip of your tongue when his hands grab at you and easily lift you from the mattress. ‘’gainst the wall, pretty,’ he orders, guiding you until your palms are pressed flat to the wall, his stomach warm on your back as he traps you against the head of the bed.
once more, his cock is enveloped by your heat, and he quickly sets a pace that makes you dizzy with need. nuzzling into the curve of your neck, he sucks a fresh mark, and subconsciously, your walls flutter around him again. sweat is quickly forming on the surface of your skin, but it doesn’t stop you from snaking a hand between your legs, fingers quickly circling your forgotten clit. 
‘hng, fuck, baby, that’s it,’ he groans, pelvis clapping against yours. ‘touch yourself f’me—yes, just like that.’ he sucks in a hiss, the noise morphing into a growl, his balls slapping tight onto your folds as he roughly pistons into you. your gooey walls welcome the assault, your slick suctioning him back inside each time his length retreats from your pussy. 
‘h-a—ah!’ you cry out, toes curling when your first orgasm hits you so suddenly that even he chokes out a surprised chuckle, lips pressed to the back of your neck. you can’t help the slacking of your jaw as his name is loudly expelled from your mouth, your fingers reaching up to pull at his hair. the throbbing of your walls has him gripping your hips so tight that you’re certain to wake with bruises tomorrow, but he continues to fuck you through it, prolonging the tingling that pounds at your clit. arousal drips, creaming a white foam around the base of his cock, and soon, the wet sound of your connection can be heard loud and clear, which, in turn, encourages his cock to twitch inside you. it takes a short while for you to recover, and through every second of it, his girth continues to stretch you in the best possible way. 
‘t-toji,’ you gasp, his lips pressed to your temple. a particularly harsh thrust almost has you toppling over and you desperately cling to the headboard in order to steady your balance. ‘toji, i—’
‘love you.’ 
he beats you to it, the words gruffly echoed down the canal of your ear and settling deep in the centre of your chest, where it spreads warmth across the entirety of your body. you can’t help it—a tear slips from the corner of your eye, and he’s quick to kiss it away. 
‘should’ve—hng, shit, baby—should’ve… should’ve told you b’fore.’ 
yes, he should have, but you don’t voice this opinion aloud, as you’re now distracted by the fact that he’s now manhandling you into another position. 
his back pressed to the headboard, you’re now straddling his lap, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix when you accidentally slide down a little too far. you jerk up again, and he moans quietly, neck stretching slightly as the back of his head rests on the headboard. through heavily lidded eyes, he watches you bend and bow above him, the greens of his eyes now glittering emeralds at you. outside, the setting sun dances a golden glow across his face and down his neck and it warms the emeralds until they are molten. his full lips are parted, low groans of encouragement panted through them as he allows you to take what you need from him. there are minuscule lines that are gently etched into the corners of his eyes, probably caused by lack of sleep. your thumbs reach out to stroke over the curves of his cheeks, and your lips form a soft smile when he presses his face into the palms of your hands. your hips stilling in favour of focusing on your index finger that is currently tracing his bottom lip, his eyelids dropping further when he kisses the pad of your finger. you know that he’d only scrunch his nose in disagreement if you’d ever voice it aloud, but like this, he looks beautiful. you grin at him, leaning to brush your nose against his, your lips ghosting over the scar on the corner of his mouth. it’s rare for you to show your appreciation for the old wound, but it makes his breath hitch every time that you do, and you wait to hear the sound before your lips press to his. 
slowly, you roll your hips, and he responds by moaning into the cavern of your mouth. 
It isn’t long before your thighs begin to shake with exertion, and his hands clutch to your ass, helping you along as he guides you to slide your pussy up the length of his girth, before dropping you back down with a wet squelch that makes your ears burn. your slick coats him, pooling into the tangle of pubic hair that is nestled between his legs. your clit rubs at the texture of it, and with each roll of your pelvis, it brings you closer and closer to your second orgasm. 
all too soon, your thighs are shaking, and your nails scratch into the skin of his abdominal muscles, which tense beneath you. he huffs a laugh at you, but before you reach your peak, he pulls you from him, gravity dropping the heavy weight of his cock to thump onto his abdomen as you cry out from the loss. he shushes you with a short kiss, before shifting the two of you into the spooning position. 
for the second time tonight, his chest is pressed flush to your back, and his arms wrap tight around you, his long frame tucking in behind you, and his fingers stretch to tangle with yours. this time, he fucks into you slowly, and with his head lowered to yours, he kisses the back of your neck. the silence is tender, and he’s twitching more often now, and you suspect that he’s just as ready to fill you with his cum as you are to receive it. and just a few more thrusts drive you both to the completion that you seek. 
his whole body coils tight before it shudders, a long, drawn out sigh of your name whispered into your hair. the familiar gush of his seed claims your inner walls as his own, and your weak mewl of his own name as you come undone has him thrusting one last time before he stills. 
it takes a long time for your body to settle afterwards, your skin clammy and your eyelids drooping so low that you feel as if you’re going to fall asleep. 
fingers are brushed through your hair, a kiss warming the back of your ear, and then all of a sudden, a stream of thick, white liquid oozes all over your thigh as his cock unplugs itself from its home inside your cunt. 
you are already dozing when his weight shifts from the bed, only to return to press a damp flannel between your legs. the rough material catches on your stimulated clit, and you protest weakly, despite the fact that your eyes refuse to open. this routine isn’t one that you’re a stranger to, and so when he kisses the crook of your knee, you laugh tiredly, but lack the energy to tell him that it tickles. your brain is foggy, just teetering on the edge of sleep, when you mumble your affections very quietly. the three words still somehow reach his ears, even though your voice is muffled because your cheek is smushed into the pillow. a breath is kissed to the inside of your wrist, long, strong fingers making their home between yours. 
you don’t hear his response. 
when you wake later, it is after dark. 
there’s a familiar weight at your back, and you’re pleased to realise that at some point whilst you were asleep, he’s tugged the covers up and over you. for a while, you lay there, listening to the sound of him breathing, before you decide that it’s probably well after the time of which you should be making your way back to your dorm. however, when you make to sneak from the bed, the weight of his arm around your middle tightens. 
‘where you goin’?’ 
his voice is several octaves deeper than usual, tone groggily thickened with sleep.  
you feel just as tired as he sounds, but you know that you have to leave. this part is always the hardest, and it usually leaves you feeling a little sick each time. but today, it hurts just that bit more than usual, and you really don’t want to leave. it doesn’t help that he’s also not aiding the situation as he cages you underneath his arm. 
‘i have to go,’ you croak, your own voice heavily laced with exhaustion. ‘have class in the morning.’ 
‘i’ll sort it,’ he promises, nudging his head closer to yours. his fingers search for yours in the dark, trapping them between his own again. 
‘toji, i—’
your protest is interrupted when his chest heaves with a very dramatic sigh that puffs across the back of your head. ‘said i’ll sort it. promise.’ 
you hesitate. you’ve never been risky enough to stay the night, having always been gone long before the sun starts to rise. but he’s relaxed, unworried, and despite your worries, you trust him. as if sensing your apprehension, he tightens his embrace, enveloping your frame with the heat and scent of him. your eyes blink shut, and you’re so tired that you’re almost falling asleep again. he murmurs your name into the dark. 
‘stay,’ he breathes. 
and so, you do. 
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© obitohno. all rights reserved. do not repost my works.
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The Mask of the Red Death
By Edgar Allan Poe
The “Red Death” had long devastated the country. No pestilence had been ever so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avator and its seal — the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleedings at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim, were the pest-ban which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow-men. And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease were the incidents of half an hour.
But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless, and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys. This was an extensive and magnificent structure, the creation of the prince’s own eccentric yet august taste. A strong and lofty wall girdled it in. This wall had gates of iron. The courtiers, having entered, brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts. They resolved to leave means neither of ingress or egress to the sudden impulses of despair from without or of frenzy from within. The abbey was amply provisioned. With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion. The external world could take care of itself. In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think. The prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure. There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballêt-dancers, there were musicians, there were cards, there was Beauty, there was wine. All these and security were within. Without was the “Red Death.”
It was towards the close of the fifth or sixth month of his seclusion, and while the pestilence raged most furiously abroad, that the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friends at a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence. It was a voluptuous scene that masquerade.
But first let me tell of the rooms in which it was held. There were seven — an imperial suite. In many palaces, however, such suites form a long and straight vista, while the folding doors slide back nearly to the walls on either hand, so that the view of the whole extent is scarcely impeded. Here the case was very different; as might have been expected from the duke’s love of the bizarre. The apartments were so irregularly disposed that the vision embraced but little more than one at a time. There was a sharp turn at every twenty or thirty yards, and at each turn a novel effect. To the right and left, in the middle of each wall, a tall and narrow Gothic window looked out upon a closed corridor which pursued the windings of the suite. These windows were of stained glass whose color varied in accordance with the prevailing hue of the decorations of the chamber into which it opened. That at the eastern extremity was hung, for example, in blue — and vividly blue were its windows. The second chamber was purple in its ornaments and tapestries, and here the panes were purple. The third was green throughout, and so were the casements. The fourth was furnished and litten with orange — the fifth with white — the sixth with violet. The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue. But, in this chamber only, the color of the windows failed to correspond with the decorations. The panes here were scarlet — a deep blood color. Now in no one of the seven apartments was there any lamp or candelabrum, amid the profusion of golden ornaments that lay scattered to and fro or depended from the roof. There was no light of any kind emanating from lamp or candle within the suite of chambers. But in the corridors that followed the suite, there stood, opposite to each window, a heavy tripod, bearing a brazier of fire that projected its rays through the tinted glass and so glaringly illumined the room. And thus were produced a multitude of gaudy and fantastic appearances. But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all.
It was in this apartment, also, that there stood against the western wall, a gigantic clock of ebony. Its pendulum swung to and fro with a dull, heavy, monotonous clang; and when its minute-hand made the circuit of the face, and the hour was to be stricken, there came forth from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which was clear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical, but of so peculiar a note and emphasis that, at each lapse of an hour, the musicians in the orchestra were constrained to pause, momently, in their performance, to harken to the sound; and thus the waltzers perforce ceased their evolutions; and there was a brief disconcert of the whole gay company; and, while the chimes of the clock yet rang, it was observed that the giddiest grew pale, and that the more aged and sedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confused reverie or meditation. But when the echoes had fully ceased, a light laughter at once pervaded the assembly; the musicians looked at each other and smiled as if at their own nervousness and folly, and made whispering vows, each to the other, that the next chiming of the clock should produce in them no similar emotion; and then, after the lapse of sixty minutes, (which embrace three thousand and six hundred seconds of the Time that flies,) there came yet another chiming of the clock, and then were the same disconcert and tremulousness and meditation as before.
But, in spite of these things, it was a gay and magnificent revel. The tastes of the duke were peculiar. He had a fine eye for colors and effects. He disregarded the decora of mere fashion. His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre. There are some who would have thought him mad. His followers felt that he was not. It was necessary to hear and see and touch him to be sure that he was not.
He had directed, in great part, the moveable embellishments of the seven chambers, upon occasion of this great fête, and it was his own guiding taste which had given character to the costumes of the masqueraders. Be sure they were grotesque. There were much glare and glitter and piquancy and phantasm — much of what has been since seen in “Hernani.” There were arabesque figures with unsuited limbs and appointments. There were delirious fancies such as the madman fashions. There was much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust. To and fro in the seven chambers there stalked, in fact, a multitude of dreams. And these, the dreams — writhed in and about, taking hue from the rooms, and causing the wild music of the orchestra to seem as the echo of their steps. And, anon, there strikes the ebony clock which stands in the hall of the velvet. And then, momently, all is still, and all is silent save the voice of the clock. The dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand. But the echoes of the chime die away — they have endured but an instant — and a light, half-subdued laughter floats after them as they depart. And now again the music swells, and the dreams live, and writhe to and fro more merrily than ever, taking hue from the many-tinted windows through which stream the rays from the tripods. But to the chamber which lies most westwardly of the seven there are now none of the maskers who venture; for the night is waning away; and there flows a ruddier light through the blood-colored panes; and the blackness of the sable drapery appals; and to him whose foot falls upon the sable carpet, there comes from the near clock of ebony a muffled peal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their ears who indulge in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments.
But these other apartments were densely crowded, and in them beat feverishly the heart of life. And the revel went whirlingly on, until at length was sounded the twelfth hour upon the clock. And then the music ceased, as I have told; and the evolutions of the waltzers were quieted; and there was an uneasy cessation of all things as before. But now there were twelve strokes to be sounded by the bell of the clock; and thus it happened, perhaps, that more of thought crept, with more of time, into the meditations of the thoughtful among those who revelled. And thus, again, it happened, perhaps, that before the last echoes of the last chime had utterly sunk into silence, there were many individuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware of the presence of a masked figure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before. And the rumor of this new presence having spread itself whisperingly around, there arose at length from the whole company a buzz, or murmur, expressive at first of disapprobation and surprise — then, finally, of terror, of horror, and of disgust.
In an assembly of phantasms such as I have painted, it may well be supposed that no ordinary appearance could have excited such sensation. In truth the masquerade license of the night was nearly unlimited; but the figure in question had out-Heroded Herod, and gone beyond the bounds of even the prince’s indefinite decorum. There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion. Even with the utterly lost, to whom life and death are equally jests, there are matters of which no jest can be properly made. The whole company, indeed, seemed now deeply to feel that in the costume and bearing of the stranger neither wit nor propriety existed. The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have had difficulty in detecting the cheat. And yet all this might have been endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around. But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood — and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror.
When the eyes of the Prince Prospero fell upon this spectral image (which with a slow and solemn movement, as if more fully to sustain its rôle, stalked to and fro among the waltzers) he was seen to be convulsed, in the first moment, with a strong shudder either of terror or distaste; but, in the next, his brow reddened with rage.
“Who dares?” he demanded hoarsely of the group that stood around him, “who dares thus to make mockery of our woes? Uncase the varlet that we may know whom we have to hang to-morrow at sunrise from the battlements. Will no one stir at my bidding? — stop him and strip him, I say, of those reddened vestures of sacrilege!”
It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood the Prince Prospero as he uttered these words. They rang throughout the seven rooms loudly and clearly — for the prince was a bold and robust man, and the music had become hushed at the waving of his hand.
It was in the blue room where stood the prince, with a group of pale courtiers by his side. At first, as he spoke, there was a slight rushing movement of this group in the direction of the intruder, who at the moment was also near at hand, and now, with deliberate and stately step, made closer approach to the speaker. But from a certain nameless awe with which the mad assumptions of the mummer had inspired the whole party, there were found none who put forth hand to seize him; so that, unimpeded, he passed within a yard of the prince’s person; and, while the vast assembly, as if with one impulse, shrank from the centres of the rooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with the same solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from the first, through the blue chamber to the purple — through the purple to the green — through the green to the orange, — through this again to the white — and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movement had been made to arrest him. It was then, however, that the Prince Prospero, maddening with rage and the shame of his own momentary cowardice, rushed hurriedly through the six chambers — while none followed him on account of a deadly terror that had seized upon all. He bore aloft a drawn dagger, and had approached, in rapid impetuosity, to within three or four feet of the retreating figure, when the latter, having attained the extremity of the velvet apartment, turned suddenly round and confronted his pursuer. There was a sharp cry — and the dagger dropped gleaming upon the sable carpet, upon which instantly afterwards, fell prostrate in death the Prince Prospero. Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revellers at once threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave-cerements and corpse-like mask which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted by any tangible form.
And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped the revellers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall. And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay. And the flames of the tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.
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Edgar Allan Poe
The “Red Death” had long devastated the country. No pestilence had been ever so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avator and its seal — the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleedings at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim, were the pest-ban which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow-men. And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease were the incidents of half an hour.
But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless, and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys. This was an extensive and magnificent structure, the creation of the prince’s own eccentric yet august taste. A strong and lofty wall girdled it in. This wall had gates of iron. The courtiers, having entered, brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts. They resolved to leave means neither of ingress or egress to the sudden impulses of despair from without or of frenzy from within. The abbey was amply provisioned. With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion. The external world could take care of itself. In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think. The prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure. There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballêt-dancers, there were musicians, there were cards, there was Beauty, there was wine. All these and security were within. Without was the “Red Death.”
It was towards the close of the fifth or sixth month of his seclusion, and while the pestilence raged most furiously abroad, that the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friends at a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence. It was a voluptuous scene that masquerade.
But first let me tell of the rooms in which it was held. There were seven — an imperial suite. In many palaces, however, such suites form a long and straight vista, while the folding doors slide back nearly to the walls on either hand, so that the view of the whole extent is scarcely impeded. Here the case was very different; as might have been expected from the duke’s love of the bizarre. The apartments were so irregularly disposed that the vision embraced but little more than one at a time. There was a sharp turn at every twenty or thirty yards, and at each turn a novel effect. To the right and left, in the middle of each wall, a tall and narrow Gothic window looked out upon a closed corridor which pursued the windings of the suite. These windows were of stained glass whose color varied in accordance with the prevailing hue of the decorations of the chamber into which it opened. That at the eastern extremity was hung, for example, in blue — and vividly blue were its windows. The second chamber was purple in its ornaments and tapestries, and here the panes were purple. The third was green throughout, and so were the casements. The fourth was furnished and litten with orange — the fifth with white — the sixth with violet. The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue. But, in this chamber only, the color of the windows failed to correspond with the decorations. The panes here were scarlet — a deep blood color. Now in no one of the seven apartments was there any lamp or candelabrum, amid the profusion of golden ornaments that lay scattered to and fro or depended from the roof. There was no light of any kind emanating from lamp or candle within the suite of chambers. But in the corridors that followed the suite, there stood, opposite to each window, a heavy tripod, bearing a brazier of fire that projected its rays through the tinted glass and so glaringly illumined the room. And thus were produced a multitude of gaudy and fantastic appearances. But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all.
It was in this apartment, also, that there stood against the western wall, a gigantic clock of ebony. Its pendulum swung to and fro with a dull, heavy, monotonous clang; and when its minute-hand made the circuit of the face, and the hour was to be stricken, there came forth from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which was clear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical, but of so peculiar a note and emphasis that, at each lapse of an hour, the musicians in the orchestra were constrained to pause, momently, in their performance, to harken to the sound; and thus the waltzers perforce ceased their evolutions; and there was a brief disconcert of the whole gay company; and, while the chimes of the clock yet rang, it was observed that the giddiest grew pale, and that the more aged and sedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confused reverie or meditation. But when the echoes had fully ceased, a light laughter at once pervaded the assembly; the musicians looked at each other and smiled as if at their own nervousness and folly, and made whispering vows, each to the other, that the next chiming of the clock should produce in them no similar emotion; and then, after the lapse of sixty minutes, (which embrace three thousand and six hundred seconds of the Time that flies,) there came yet another chiming of the clock, and then were the same disconcert and tremulousness and meditation as before.
But, in spite of these things, it was a gay and magnificent revel. The tastes of the duke were peculiar. He had a fine eye for colors and effects. He disregarded the decora of mere fashion. His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre. There are some who would have thought him mad. His followers felt that he was not. It was necessary to hear and see and touch him to be sure that he was not.
He had directed, in great part, the moveable embellishments of the seven chambers, upon occasion of this great fête, and it was his own guiding taste which had given character to the costumes of the masqueraders. Be sure they were grotesque. There were much glare and glitter and piquancy and phantasm — much of what has been since seen in “Hernani.” There were arabesque figures with unsuited limbs and appointments. There were delirious fancies such as the madman fashions. There was much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust. To and fro in the seven chambers there stalked, in fact, a multitude of dreams. And these, the dreams — writhed in and about, taking hue from the rooms, and causing the wild music of the orchestra to seem as the echo of their steps. And, anon, there strikes the ebony clock which stands in the hall of the velvet. And then, momently, all is still, and all is silent save the voice of the clock. The dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand. But the echoes of the chime die away — they have endured but an instant — and a light, half-subdued laughter floats after them as they depart. And now again the music swells, and the dreams live, and writhe to and fro more merrily than ever, taking hue from the many-tinted windows through which stream the rays from the tripods. But to the chamber which lies most westwardly of the seven there are now none of the maskers who venture; for the night is waning away; and there flows a ruddier light through the blood-colored panes; and the blackness of the sable drapery appals; and to him whose foot falls upon the sable carpet, there comes from the near clock of ebony a muffled peal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their ears who indulge in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments.
But these other apartments were densely crowded, and in them beat feverishly the heart of life. And the revel went whirlingly on, until at length was sounded the twelfth hour upon the clock. And then the music ceased, as I have told; and the evolutions of the waltzers were quieted; and there was an uneasy cessation of all things as before. But now there were twelve strokes to be sounded by the bell of the clock; and thus it happened, perhaps, that more of thought crept, with more of time, into the meditations of the thoughtful among those who revelled. And thus, again, it happened, perhaps, that before the last echoes of the last chime had utterly sunk into silence, there were many individuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware of the presence of a masked figure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before. And the rumor of this new presence having spread itself whisperingly around, there arose at length from the whole company a buzz, or murmur, expressive at first of disapprobation and surprise — then, finally, of terror, of horror, and of disgust.
In an assembly of phantasms such as I have painted, it may well be supposed that no ordinary appearance could have excited such sensation. In truth the masquerade license of the night was nearly unlimited; but the figure in question had out-Heroded Herod, and gone beyond the bounds of even the prince’s indefinite decorum. There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion. Even with the utterly lost, to whom life and death are equally jests, there are matters of which no jest can be properly made. The whole company, indeed, seemed now deeply to feel that in the costume and bearing of the stranger neither wit nor propriety existed. The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have had difficulty in detecting the cheat. And yet all this might have been endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around. But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood — and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror.
When the eyes of the Prince Prospero fell upon this spectral image (which with a slow and solemn movement, as if more fully to sustain its rôle, stalked to and fro among the waltzers) he was seen to be convulsed, in the first moment, with a strong shudder either of terror or distaste; but, in the next, his brow reddened with rage.
“Who dares?” he demanded hoarsely of the group that stood around him, “who dares thus to make mockery of our woes? Uncase the varlet that we may know whom we have to hang to-morrow at sunrise from the battlements. Will no one stir at my bidding? — stop him and strip him, I say, of those reddened vestures of sacrilege!”
It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood the Prince Prospero as he uttered these words. They rang throughout the seven rooms loudly and clearly — for the prince was a bold and robust man, and the music had become hushed at the waving of his hand.
It was in the blue room where stood the prince, with a group of pale courtiers by his side. At first, as he spoke, there was a slight rushing movement of this group in the direction of the intruder, who at the moment was also near at hand, and now, with deliberate and stately step, made closer approach to the speaker. But from a certain nameless awe with which the mad assumptions of the mummer had inspired the whole party, there were found none who put forth hand to seize him; so that, unimpeded, he passed within a yard of the prince’s person; and, while the vast assembly, as if with one impulse, shrank from the centres of the rooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with the same solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from the first, through the blue chamber to the purple — through the purple to the green — through the green to the orange, — through this again to the white — and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movement had been made to arrest him. It was then, however, that the Prince Prospero, maddening with rage and the shame of his own momentary cowardice, rushed hurriedly through the six chambers — while none followed him on account of a deadly terror that had seized upon all. He bore aloft a drawn dagger, and had approached, in rapid impetuosity, to within three or four feet of the retreating figure, when the latter, having attained the extremity of the velvet apartment, turned suddenly round and confronted his pursuer. There was a sharp cry — and the dagger dropped gleaming upon the sable carpet, upon which instantly afterwards, fell prostrate in death the Prince Prospero. Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revellers at once threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave-cerements and corpse-like mask which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted by any tangible form.
And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped the revellers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall. And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay. And the flames of the tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.
Hey what the fuck?
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petprosupplyco · 8 days
Durable and Secure: Top Steel Kennels from PetProSupplyCo
For pet owners and professionals alike, finding the perfect kennel that combines durability and security is paramount. Steel kennels are renowned for their strength, longevity, and ability to keep pets safe. At PetProSupplyCo, we offer a selection of top steel kennels designed to meet the highest standards of quality and reliability. Here's a closer look at why steel kennels are an excellent choice and our top recommendations to ensure your pets are housed in the best possible environment.
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Why Choose Steel Kennels?
1. Superior Strength and Durability: Steel kennels are exceptionally robust, capable of withstanding significant wear and tear. Unlike other materials, steel does not easily warp, break, or deteriorate, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. This durability ensures that your investment lasts for years, providing a reliable housing solution for pets of all sizes.
2. Enhanced Security: When it comes to the safety of pets, steel kennels offer unparalleled security. The sturdy construction and secure locking mechanisms prevent escapes, ensuring that pets remain safely contained. This is particularly important for strong or large breeds that might test the limits of weaker materials.
3. Low Maintenance: Steel kennels are relatively low maintenance compared to wood or plastic alternatives. They are easy to clean and resistant to odors, bacteria, and pests. A quick wash with water and mild detergent is usually sufficient to keep them hygienic and looking new.
4. Versatility: Steel kennels come in various designs and sizes, making them suitable for different environments and purposes. Whether you need a kennel for home use, a veterinary clinic, a grooming facility, or a boarding kennel, there is a steel option that fits your needs.
Top Steel Kennels from PetProSupplyCo
1. ProSelect Empire Dog Cage
The ProSelect Empire Dog Cage is known for its indestructible design, making it a top choice for strong and aggressive dogs. Features include:
Heavy-duty steel construction with reinforced 20-gauge steel and 0.5-inch diameter steel tubes.
Dual latches on the door to prevent escapes.
Removable tray for easy cleaning.
Four casters for easy mobility, two of which lock to keep the cage stationary.
2. Impact Collapsible Dog Crate
The Impact Collapsible Dog Crate offers portability without compromising on strength. Key features include:
Aircraft-grade aluminum, which combines strength with lightweight design.
Collapsible design for easy storage and transport.
Secure slam latch to ensure the door stays closed.
Ventilation holes to provide ample airflow and visibility for pets.
3. Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Wire Kennel
The Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Wire Kennel is perfect for outdoor use, offering both space and security. Highlights include:
Welded steel construction with a durable powder-coated finish.
Waterproof cover to protect pets from the elements.
Raised legs for easy cleaning and to prevent debris from getting inside.
Pre-assembled panels for quick and easy setup.
4. K9 Kennel Store Modular Kennel
The K9 Kennel Store Modular Kennel is designed for versatility and customization. Notable features include:
Modular design allowing for various configurations and expansions.
Heavy-duty galvanized steel for rust resistance and durability.
Secure gate latch system to prevent accidental openings.
Options for adding roofs, floors, and covers for added protection and comfort.
Investing in a steel kennel from PetProSupplyCo ensures that you are providing a secure, durable, and comfortable environment for your pets. Whether for home use, professional grooming, professional kennel, veterinary care, or boarding, our top-quality steel kennels meet the highest standards of safety and reliability. Explore our selection and choose the best steel kennel to suit your needs, knowing that your pets’ security and well-being are in good hand
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localservices6 · 17 days
Unlocking Potential: Effective Strategies for Replacing Broken Garage Door and Gates
A garage door and gate are essential components of a home, providing security, convenience, and an aesthetic appeal. However, like any mechanical systems, they can experience wear and tear over time. When these crucial barriers malfunction or break, addressing the issue promptly is vital to maintain the safety and functionality of your home. This blog post will explore effective strategies for replacing broken garage doors and gates, ensuring a seamless and stress-free process.
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Assessing the Damage
Before embarking on the replacement process, it’s essential to thoroughly assess the damage to your garage door and gate. This step will help determine whether a full replacement is necessary or if repairs can suffice. Look for signs of wear such as rusted hinges, bent tracks, frayed cables, or damaged panels. For gates, check for any broken welds, malfunctioning motors, or compromised structural integrity. Documenting the issues can also aid in communicating with professionals if needed.
Choosing the Right Replacement
Selecting the appropriate replacement for your garage door and gate is crucial. Here are some factors to consider:
Garage doors and gates come in various materials, including steel, wood, aluminum, and vinyl. Steel doors are durable and low-maintenance, while wood offers a classic, elegant look. Aluminum is lightweight and resistant to rust, making it suitable for coastal areas, and vinyl is both durable and low-maintenance, ideal for homes with young children or pets.
The style of your new garage door and gate should complement your home’s architecture. Traditional, carriage house, contemporary, and modern styles each bring a unique aesthetic. Consider windows and decorative hardware to enhance the visual appeal.
For garage doors, insulation is a key factor, especially if your garage is attached to your home. Insulated doors help regulate temperature, reduce noise, and increase energy efficiency. Look for doors with high R-values for better insulation performance.
Security Features
Security is paramount. Modern garage doors and gates come with advanced security features such as rolling code technology, which changes the access code each time the remote is used, and smart technology that allows remote monitoring and control via smartphone apps.
DIY vs. Professional Installation
Deciding whether to replace your garage door and gate yourself or hire professionals is an important consideration. While DIY can save money, it requires significant time, effort, and expertise. Here’s a breakdown of both options:
DIY Installation
If you’re handy and have experience with home improvement projects, a DIY installation might be feasible. Ensure you have the necessary tools and follow manufacturer instructions meticulously. However, be aware that improper installation can lead to safety hazards and void warranties.
Professional Installation
Hiring professionals ensures a seamless and safe installation process. Professionals have the expertise to handle complex installations, address unforeseen issues, and ensure that all components are correctly aligned and functioning. Additionally, professional installation often comes with a warranty, providing peace of mind.
Maintenance Tips for Longevity
Once your new garage door and gate are installed, regular maintenance is key to prolonging their lifespan. Here are some tips:
Regular Inspections
Conduct periodic inspections to identify any wear and tear early. Look for loose bolts, frayed cables, and signs of rust. Early detection can prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems.
Lubricate moving parts such as hinges, rollers, and tracks regularly to ensure smooth operation. Use a silicone-based lubricant for best results.
Keep your garage door and gate clean. Remove dirt and debris from tracks and clean the surface with mild soap and water. For wooden doors, apply a fresh coat of paint or stain every few years to protect against the elements.
Balance and Alignment
Ensure that your garage door is balanced and aligned. An unbalanced door can strain the opener and lead to premature wear. Test the balance by disconnecting the opener and manually lifting the door halfway. If it stays in place, it’s balanced. If it moves, adjustments are needed.
Replacing a broken garage door and gate can unlock the full potential of your home by enhancing security, functionality, and curb appeal. By carefully assessing the damage, selecting the right replacement, deciding between DIY and professional installation, and committing to regular maintenance, you can ensure that your new garage door and gate serve you well for years to come. Embrace these effective strategies to make a wise investment in your home’s future.
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tatastructura · 2 months
Understanding Steel Structures: A Comprehensive Guide with Tata Structura
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Steel is our everyday metal as we interact with it regularly. From the utensils we use for cooking and eating, door handles, and cloth hangers. Steel is present in almost every aspect of our life. This multi-dimensional metal is used extensively by the realty sector too. In the incessant world of brick and mortar, steel structures have revolutionized the way steel structures are implemented in architecture and construction. Steel offers strength, durability, and versatility and hence made a profound impact on modern construction practices. Among the industry leaders, Tata Structura stands out as a pioneer, driving innovation and setting new benchmarks in steel structure solutions. 
A steel structure is a metal structure that is made of structural steel components systematically connected. This helps the structure to carry loads and provide full rigidity. Due to the high strength grade of steel, this structure is reliable and consumes less raw materials than traditional raw materials like concrete structures and timber structures.
In modern construction, steel structures is used for almost every type of structure including heavy industrial buildings, high-rise buildings, equipment support systems, infrastructure, bridges, towers, airport terminals, heavy industrial plants, pipe racks, etc. These applications are carried out using Tata Structura hollow sections.
Depending on each project’s applicable specifications, the steel tubes might have various shapes, sizes, and gauges made by hot or cold rolling, others are made by welding together flat or bent plates. Tata steel tubes are perfect for these applications.
Let's explore why steel has been directing the tide of revolution
The Strength and Durability of Steel Structures
The strength of steel is unparalleled and hence an obvious choice in the construction world. The steel structures have an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, making them a perfect option for a wide range of construction projects. It also means that their load-bearing capacity in comparison to their weight is very high. Unlike traditional building materials, steel pipes boast remarkable tensile strength, allowing it to withstand immense loads and stresses without compromising structural integrity. The high-strength quotient contributes to the longevity of the structure, but also enhances its safety and reliability, making it an indispensable choice for critical infrastructure projects.
Moreover, steel is indifferent to environmental factors such as fire, moisture, and corrosion. This secures the long-term durability of the structures.  Tata Structura has cultivated cutting-edge technology and placed strict quality control systems to ensure that the product delivered is of the finest quality. The quality is checked precariously to make sure it can withstand the harshest of conditions. Tata Structura’s name is fruitful in providing peace of mind to architects, engineers, and contractors.
Versatility and Design Flexibility
Another significant advantage of steel structures made out of steel pipes is their versatility. Steel can be molded, bent, and shaped to accommodate virtually any architectural design. With the power of steel structures by the architect’s side, fancy skyscrapers, robust bridges, and mega industrial facilities can be developed with sophistication.
Tata Structura offers a wide range of steel tubes that can be used in different applications. This comprehensive range consists of hollow section sections, tubes, and customized solutions like main gates, car parking sheds, etc. Another advantage of such a wide range is the scope of creativity that it allows. Steel structures have proven to be engineers’ and architects’ creative partners. The flexibility of steel has proven to be fruitful in bringing to life even the most complex designs.
Speed of Construction and Cost-Effectiveness
Time is rightfully compared to money. In the fast-paced construction world, time is very important as it translates into an increase in the cost of production for delay by every second. Hence, efficacy and pre-planning are the keys to keeping overheads as low as possible. Prefabricated steel components play a vital role in this equation. Since they are constructed off-site, their quality is impeccable and it reduces on-site chaos. It also saves a lot of man-hours and accelerates growth. Using steel structures is an economically viable option for projects with tight budgets and deadlines
Tata Structura has excellent manufacturing and is monitored by skilled and trained professionals. This combination ensures that the product is of supreme quality. Hence, the Tata Strutura steel tubes are trusted and used by contractors in the construction industry, thanks to their durability and low maintenance. This practice enables contractors to optimize their work and maximize their resource utilization.
In the realm of construction, steel structures have revolutionized the way we build, offering unparalleled strength, versatility, and efficiency. Tata Structura's commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability has positioned it as a leading provider of steel solutions for a wide range of construction projects. From the initial design phase to the final execution, Tata Structura's premium products and comprehensive steel pipe range ensure that every project is a phenomenal success.
Tata Structura is the perfect companion for architects seeking to push the boundaries of design, for structural excellence. Even for contractors who are primarily focused on timely and cost-effective project delivery, Tata Structura's steel solutions offer them the perfect solutions.
For more details, visit our website: https://www.tatastructura.com/
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dellarussel · 6 months
Best Industrial Gates Repair In Los Angeles
When it comes to industrial gates repair in Los Angeles, La Gates and Garage Doors is the go-to company. With years of experience and exceptional service, we have gained a reputation for our top-notch repairs and customer satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the reasons why La Gates and Garage Doors is considered the best industrial gates repair in Los Angeles.
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Reliable and Experienced Technicians: 
La Gates and Garage Doors have a team of highly skilled and experienced technicians who specialize in industrial gate repairs. These professionals undergo extensive training to ensure that we are up-to-date with the latest repair techniques and technologies. We have a deep understanding of different gate models and can effectively diagnose and fix any issues that may arise.
Quality Repairs: 
The team at La Gates and Garage Doors is committed to providing superior-quality repairs for industrial gates in Los Angeles. To ensure longevity and durability, we always utilize the best tools and supplies. Our attention to detail and precision in our work guarantee that the repaired gates will be functioning in optimal condition.
Prompt Service: 
One of the factors that set La Gates and Garage Doors apart from other repair companies is our commitment to prompt service. We understand that a malfunctioning industrial gate can disrupt operations and cause inconvenience to businesses. Therefore, we prioritize same-day repairs and are available around the clock for emergency repair services. This quick response time minimizes downtime for businesses and ensures that our gates are back in working order as soon as possible.
Wide Range of Services: 
La Gates and Garage Doors offer a comprehensive range of services for industrial gates in Los Angeles. Whether it's a mechanical issue, an electrical problem, or damaged components, our technicians are proficient in diagnosing and repairing all types of gate malfunctions. From gate opener repairs to welding and fabrication services, we have the expertise to handle any repair job efficiently.
Affordable Pricing: 
Despite our exceptional services, La Gates and Garage Doors strive to provide affordable pricing for our industrial gate repairs. We think that quality repairs shouldn't be prohibitively expensive. We offer competitive rates that fit within the budget of businesses, without compromising on the quality of our work.
Customer Satisfaction: 
La Gates and Garage Doors prioritize customer satisfaction above all else. We understand that a satisfied customer is a loyal customer. Our friendly and professional staff goes the extra mile to ensure that clients are informed and involved in the repair process. We also offer warranties on our repairs, providing a sense of security and reassurance to our customers.
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In conclusion, La Gates and Garage Doors is undoubtedly the best industrial gates repair in Los Angeles. With our reliable and experienced technicians, quality repairs, prompt service, a wide range of services, affordable pricing, and commitment to customer satisfaction, we have established ourselves as the leader in the industry. Whether it's a minor repair or a major overhaul, businesses can trust La Gates and Garage Doors to deliver exceptional results. Don't settle for subpar repairs – choose La Gates and Garage Doors for all your industrial gate repair needs.
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The Masque of the Red Death
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The “Red Death” had long devastated the country. No pestilence had been ever so fatal, or so hideous. Blood was its Avator and its seal — the redness and the horror of blood. There were sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleedings at the pores, with dissolution. The scarlet stains upon the body and especially upon the face of the victim, were the pest-ban which shut him out from the aid and from the sympathy of his fellow-men. And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease were the incidents of half an hour.
But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless, and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys. This was an extensive and magnificent structure, the creation of the prince’s own eccentric yet august taste. A strong and lofty wall girdled it in. This wall had gates of iron. The courtiers, having entered, brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts. They resolved to leave means neither of ingress or egress to the sudden impulses of despair from without or of frenzy from within. The abbey was amply provisioned. With such precautions the courtiers might bid defiance to contagion. The external world could take care of itself. In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think. The prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure. There were buffoons, there were improvisatori, there were ballêt-dancers, there were musicians, there were cards, there was Beauty, there was wine. All these and security were within. Without was the “Red Death.”
It was towards the close of the fifth or sixth month of his seclusion, and while the pestilence raged most furiously abroad, that the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friends at a masked ball of the most unusual magnificence. It was a voluptuous scene that masquerade.
But first let me tell of the rooms in which it was held. There were seven — an imperial suite. In many palaces, however, such suites form a long and straight vista, while the folding doors slide back nearly to the walls on either hand, so that the view of the whole extent is scarcely impeded. Here the case was very different; as might have been expected from the duke’s love of the bizarre. The apartments were so irregularly disposed that the vision embraced but little more than one at a time. There was a sharp turn at every twenty or thirty yards, and at each turn a novel effect. To the right and left, in the middle of each wall, a tall and narrow Gothic window looked out upon a closed corridor which pursued the windings of the suite. These windows were of stained glass whose color varied in accordance with the prevailing hue of the decorations of the chamber into which it opened. That at the eastern extremity was hung, for example, in blue — and vividly blue were its windows. The second chamber was purple in its ornaments and tapestries, and here the panes were purple. The third was green throughout, and so were the casements. The fourth was furnished and litten with orange — the fifth with white — the sixth with violet. The seventh apartment was closely shrouded in black velvet tapestries that hung all over the ceiling and down the walls, falling in heavy folds upon a carpet of the same material and hue. But, in this chamber only, the color of the windows failed to correspond with the decorations. The panes here were scarlet — a deep blood color. Now in no one of the seven apartments was there any lamp or candelabrum, amid the profusion of golden ornaments that lay scattered to and fro or depended from the roof. There was no light of any kind emanating from lamp or candle within the suite of chambers. But in the corridors that followed the suite, there stood, opposite to each window, a heavy tripod, bearing a brazier of fire that projected its rays through the tinted glass and so glaringly illumined the room. And thus were produced a multitude of gaudy and fantastic appearances. But in the western or black chamber the effect of the fire-light that streamed upon the dark hangings through the blood-tinted panes, was ghastly in the extreme, and produced so wild a look upon the countenances of those who entered, that there were few of the company bold enough to set foot within its precincts at all.
It was in this apartment, also, that there stood against the western wall, a gigantic clock of ebony. Its pendulum swung to and fro with a dull, heavy, monotonous clang; and when its minute-hand made the circuit of the face, and the hour was to be stricken, there came forth from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which was clear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical, but of so peculiar a note and emphasis that, at each lapse of an hour, the musicians in the orchestra were constrained to pause, momently, in their performance, to harken to the sound; and thus the waltzers perforce ceased their evolutions; and there was a brief disconcert of the whole gay company; and, while the chimes of the clock yet rang, it was observed that the giddiest grew pale, and that the more aged and sedate passed their hands over their brows as if in confused reverie or meditation. But when the echoes had fully ceased, a light laughter at once pervaded the assembly; the musicians looked at each other and smiled as if at their own nervousness and folly, and made whispering vows, each to the other, that the next chiming of the clock should produce in them no similar emotion; and then, after the lapse of sixty minutes, (which embrace three thousand and six hundred seconds of the Time that flies,) there came yet another chiming of the clock, and then were the same disconcert and tremulousness and meditation as before.
But, in spite of these things, it was a gay and magnificent revel. The tastes of the duke were peculiar. He had a fine eye for colors and effects. He disregarded the decora of mere fashion. His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre. There are some who would have thought him mad. His followers felt that he was not. It was necessary to hear and see and touch him to be sure that he was not.
He had directed, in great part, the moveable embellishments of the seven chambers, upon occasion of this great fête, and it was his own guiding taste which had given character to the costumes of the masqueraders. Be sure they were grotesque. There were much glare and glitter and piquancy and phantasm — much of what has been since seen in “Hernani.” There were arabesque figures with unsuited limbs and appointments. There were delirious fancies such as the madman fashions. There was much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust. To and fro in the seven chambers there stalked, in fact, a multitude of dreams. And these, the dreams — writhed in and about, taking hue from the rooms, and causing the wild music of the orchestra to seem as the echo of their steps. And, anon, there strikes the ebony clock which stands in the hall of the velvet. And then, momently, all is still, and all is silent save the voice of the clock. The dreams are stiff-frozen as they stand. But the echoes of the chime die away — they have endured but an instant — and a light, half-subdued laughter floats after them as they depart. And now again the music swells, and the dreams live, and writhe to and fro more merrily than ever, taking hue from the many-tinted windows through which stream the rays from the tripods. But to the chamber which lies most westwardly of the seven there are now none of the maskers who venture; for the night is waning away; and there flows a ruddier light through the blood-colored panes; and the blackness of the sable drapery appals; and to him whose foot falls upon the sable carpet, there comes from the near clock of ebony a muffled peal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their ears who indulge in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments.
But these other apartments were densely crowded, and in them beat feverishly the heart of life. And the revel went whirlingly on, until at length was sounded the twelfth hour upon the clock. And then the music ceased, as I have told; and the evolutions of the waltzers were quieted; and there was an uneasy cessation of all things as before. But now there were twelve strokes to be sounded by the bell of the clock; and thus it happened, perhaps, that more of thought crept, with more of time, into the meditations of the thoughtful among those who revelled. And thus, again, it happened, perhaps, that before the last echoes of the last chime had utterly sunk into silence, there were many individuals in the crowd who had found leisure to become aware of the presence of a masked figure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before. And the rumor of this new presence having spread itself whisperingly around, there arose at length from the whole company a buzz, or murmur, expressive at first of disapprobation and surprise — then, finally, of terror, of horror, and of disgust.
In an assembly of phantasms such as I have painted, it may well be supposed that no ordinary appearance could have excited such sensation. In truth the masquerade license of the night was nearly unlimited; but the figure in question had out-Heroded Herod, and gone beyond the bounds of even the prince’s indefinite decorum. There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless which cannot be touched without emotion. Even with the utterly lost, to whom life and death are equally jests, there are matters of which no jest can be properly made. The whole company, indeed, seemed now deeply to feel that in the costume and bearing of the stranger neither wit nor propriety existed. The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave. The mask which concealed the visage was made so nearly to resemble the countenance of a stiffened corpse that the closest scrutiny must have had difficulty in detecting the cheat. And yet all this might have been endured, if not approved, by the mad revellers around. But the mummer had gone so far as to assume the type of the Red Death. His vesture was dabbled in blood — and his broad brow, with all the features of the face, was besprinkled with the scarlet horror.
When the eyes of the Prince Prospero fell upon this spectral image (which with a slow and solemn movement, as if more fully to sustain its rôle, stalked to and fro among the waltzers) he was seen to be convulsed, in the first moment, with a strong shudder either of terror or distaste; but, in the next, his brow reddened with rage.
“Who dares?” he demanded hoarsely of the group that stood around him, “who dares thus to make mockery of our woes? Uncase the varlet that we may know whom we have to hang to-morrow at sunrise from the battlements. Will no one stir at my bidding? — stop him and strip him, I say, of those reddened vestures of sacrilege!”
It was in the eastern or blue chamber in which stood the Prince Prospero as he uttered these words. They rang throughout the seven rooms loudly and clearly — for the prince was a bold and robust man, and the music had become hushed at the waving of his hand.
It was in the blue room where stood the prince, with a group of pale courtiers by his side. At first, as he spoke, there was a slight rushing movement of this group in the direction of the intruder, who at the moment was also near at hand, and now, with deliberate and stately step, made closer approach to the speaker. But from a certain nameless awe with which the mad assumptions of the mummer had inspired the whole party, there were found none who put forth hand to seize him; so that, unimpeded, he passed within a yard of the prince’s person; and, while the vast assembly, as if with one impulse, shrank from the centres of the rooms to the walls, he made his way uninterruptedly, but with the same solemn and measured step which had distinguished him from the first, through the blue chamber to the purple — through the purple to the green — through the green to the orange, — through this again to the white — and even thence to the violet, ere a decided movement had been made to arrest him. It was then, however, that the Prince Prospero, maddening with rage and the shame of his own momentary cowardice, rushed hurriedly through the six chambers — while none followed him on account of a deadly terror that had seized upon all. He bore aloft a drawn dagger, and had approached, in rapid impetuosity, to within three or four feet of the retreating figure, when the latter, having attained the extremity of the velvet apartment, turned suddenly round and confronted his pursuer. There was a sharp cry — and the dagger dropped gleaming upon the sable carpet, upon which instantly afterwards, fell prostrate in death the Prince Prospero. Then, summoning the wild courage of despair, a throng of the revellers at once threw themselves into the black apartment, and, seizing the mummer, whose tall figure stood erect and motionless within the shadow of the ebony clock, gasped in unutterable horror at finding the grave-cerements and corpse-like mask which they handled with so violent a rudeness, untenanted by any tangible form.
And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Death. He had come like a thief in the night. And one by one dropped the revellers in the blood-bedewed halls of their revel, and died each in the despairing posture of his fall. And the life of the ebony clock went out with that of the last of the gay. And the flames of the tripods expired. And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.
Edgar Allan Poe
Published 1842
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Top places to visit in Denver
Denver is a big city with many things to do. You can go to the mountains, see animals at the aquarium or zoo, watch sports teams at their stadiums, and more!
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The mountains
Denver is surrounded by mountains, so it's no surprise that there are plenty of great places to hike and ski in the area. If you want to get away from the city for a bit, head up into the foothills or go all the way up into one of Colorado's 14ers (that's what they call mountains over 14k feet).
The aquarium
The aquarium is a great place to visit. You can see many different kinds of fish, including sharks, octopuses and sea horses. There are several exhibits at the aquarium, such as an underwater tunnel through which you can get up close looks at some of the animals. There's also a restaurant and gift shop on site if you want lunch or souvenirs after your visit! The aquarium is open year round so there's no excuse not to go!
The zoo
The Denver Zoo is a great place to go if you want to see animals.
The zoo has many different kinds of animals, including elephants, giraffes, lions and more!
You can also see animals from all over the world at this zoo.
If you like seeing different types of reptiles or amphibians in your travels then check out their reptile exhibit!
Sports stadiums
Sports are a big deal in Denver. The city has four major sports stadiums, including Sports Authority Field at Mile High (home to the Denver Broncos), Coors Field (home to the Colorado Rockies), Pepsi Center (home to both Major League Soccer's Colorado Rapids and National Basketball Association's Denver Nuggets), Invesco Field at Mile High (home to Major League Baseball's Colorado Rockies) and Dick's Sporting Goods Park (home of Major League Soccer's Colorado Rapids).
Concerts and shows
Denver is a great city for concerts and shows. The city has many venues to choose from, which means there's always something going on. Denver is also known for its music scene, so if you love live performances, this is the place for you!
If you're looking to enjoy some time with friends or family while listening to some good tunes, check out one of these top-rated shows in Denver:
Red Rocks Amphitheater - This world-famous venue offers breathtaking views of the Rocky Mountains as well as an incredible sound system that makes each performance special no matter what kind of genre it represents (from jazz to country).
Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom - Located right next door is another historic spot where many famous artists have performed over the years--including Bob Dylan and Tom Petty--and continues today with acts like Guster or Amos Lee taking center stage during their tours through Colorado's capital city."
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Chapter Six: Respects
July 14th
            My accelerated pace helped shorten the journey dramatically. As it turned out, the patrol we fought was the only one in that area of the Canada/New Empire border, and thus the only resistance we met. Seven hours later, I’m alighting to touch down in a forested area just to the west of Arlington.
            The van-pack is a bit of a challenge to get off, since I have to work it around my wings, and I have to remove it without crushing the precious cargo inside. Uncle Cyrus only built the right strap with a release: the left strap is a solid piece welded to the underside of the van chassis. After some contortions of my dragon body, I’m finally able to get the pack off of me, setting it down upright, gently, on the mossy ground we’ve landed on. The sliding door opens up, and Dad, Michi, and William pile out. Meanwhile, I stand to one side and shrink back down into my human body. Once I’m down, Dad is kind enough to run up and cover me with a blanket.
            “Sorry, William,” Dad teases. “Can’t have my baby girl running around naked.”
            It’s true. Since I wrecked Mom’s old uniform in the Inferno, my clothes are now a casualty if I grow into the dragon, so I’ll need changes of clothes constantly if I continue to use that form. Michi tosses my bag over to me, from which I extract some underwear, jeans, a T-shirt, and a pair of moccasins, one of the few mementos I have of our home on the Navajo rez. Once dressed, I step back around the curtain Dad created with the blanket and rejoin the group, right at William’s side.
            “So where are we? I’m ready to find some butts to kick,” Michi growls, cracking her knuckles.
            “Well, we should be within walking distance of the cemetery.” Dad steps away from the group briefly. “Yeah, it’s through these trees. We’ll need to go through the front entrance.” He runs over to the van and pulls out another sack, in which are secured four Holographic Self-Image Projectors. “Put these on and power them up. We’ll need them to get through undetected.”
            Each of us takes one of the wristwatch-like devices and straps it to an arm. Almost like we’re on cue, all four of us power up the HoSIPs, which create camouflage bodies for us, so that we don’t look like ourselves. In this case, we don’t even look like anyone we know; they are set to random attributes, so we look like nondescript men and women.
            Michi looks at her body and groans. “Man, what’s the point of being a cat girl if I can’t show off?”
            “Showing off isn’t going to do us any good,” William intones, though I kind of see Michi’s point because my boyfriend is now just a plain old slacker-looking man. Nobody’s at least complained about mine or Dad’s bodies, though, which I suppose is a good thing. Nondescript is going to save our lives on this trek.
            “All right, bodies are on, let’s head out. We’ll come back here once we’ve finished.” Dad starts striking out, and we’re all hard-pressed to keep up. Eventually we reach the front gates of Arlington National Cemetery, after a too-brisk walk.
            All four of us take on hushed tones to our voices and our steps as we cross into the grounds. The lines of white tombstones, stretching as far as we can see, are chilling and almost religious all at once. So many lives, given in the name of freedom, are laid to rest on these grounds.
            When all is said and done, will we be joining them in the ground?
            I cast a nervous glance back at the guards, just waiting for one of them to pull a weapon and stop us, but thankfully they’re stock-stiff, staring out, persistently on guard, keeping these sleeping heroes safe. I catch up to Dad, who’s urgently scanning through the headstones.
            “What are we looking for?”
            “Believe me, you’ll know it.” He keeps walking, mumbling numbers and letters to himself. Michi crouches down at one of the newer headstones, stroking the face of it gently. I come over to where she’s paying her respects, and spot the name on the stone.
            She looks up at me. “Grandpa. I didn’t know he was here.” She turns sadly to the name again. “I remember we had to go to Japan for his funeral, but I didn’t know they transported him here to lay him to rest.”
            I put a hand on Michi’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I know you and your mom loved him a lot.”
            She wipes a tear away from her face, creating a brief shimmer in her camouflage body. I can see the true Michi through it, see the sadness on her cat face. “I love you, Grandpa.” She places a light kiss on the stone, just above the name.
            “Guys, come on! We’re close!” Dad calls over to us, with William at his side. I help Michi back to her feet, then we jog over. Once we’re regrouped, we only move over two more stones before we’re stopped by Dad.
            He kneels down and lowers his face. I kneel down next to him and look up at the headstone, reading the name.
            “In this plot lies the last Guardsman before me, my father.”
            Dad’s words sound so solemn. Then again, I suppose they should be, since it’s my other grandfather. I’m so used to Julian now, I sometimes forget that I had another set of grandparents.
Dad’s face takes on a dark shadow. I take his hand. “Dad? What’s wrong?”
He smirks and turns back to me. “It’s funny. I spent so long hating his guts. We spent years and years apart, never knowing where he was, only seeing him three days out of an entire calendar year. Mom died while he was deployed, and he never knew. He never seemed to even care.” He takes a shaky breath. “I hate to admit it, but if it wasn’t for him leaving me the birthright … willing me his position on his old unit … you would have never been born, Alanna.”
            That’s right, Dad met Mom by taking his father’s place on their team. I squeeze Dad’s hand. “Do you still hate him?”
            He sighs deeply, then smiles, warmly and truly, at me. “Nah. I can’t stay mad at him. He is family, after all, and your mom would never forgive me if I kept hating him.” He pulls me into a gentle hug, but as he does I feel something hard under my knee.
            That’s weird, there’s only grass here.
            Dad senses my encounter when I flinch. “What is it?”
            “I think there’s something under my knee. It’s kind of hard.”
            He puts his hand down where my knee is. Michi and William lean over us, giving us some cover from prying eyes. “I think we found it. Alanna, honey, I need you to scooch about three inches to your left.”
            I do as Dad asks, and he digs his fingers deeply into the grass where my knee had been resting. A large square of the sod lifts up almost too easily, which he folds over. Underneath the newly-formed divot is revealed a narrow metal box. I dig my hands down around the edges of the treasure and pry it out of the earth.
            “This is it. You just found my best-hidden breadcrumb.” Dad smiles and tousles my synth-hair. “I knew you’d be the one to do it, Alanna.”
            “Thanks, Dad.” The box has a hinged lid and a latch. I unhook the latch and, with trembling fingers, open up the lid. Inside the box are a file folder and a plastic zipper bag. I take the file out of the box and open it. The first thing in the file is a note in Dad’s handwriting.
To Whoever Finds This:
Contained in this file are top secret plans of the New Empire of America. These plans entail an experiment that should have been destroyed nearly twenty years ago, but has been restarted. If you are reading these words, then I leave it to you: you must destroy this project, at all cost. This project has cost me too much already. It has cost me a wife and a daughter. It cannot cost anyone else even one single life. Take this information to the press, release it online, do what you must to make sure this material sees the light of day.
Lt. Cdr. Cole Sharpe, USN (Ret)
            I look up at Dad. “Do you remember writing this?” I show him the note.
            “Vaguely.” He’s moved on to the plastic bag. I’m still checking out the file, which is overfilled with documents, diagrams, maps, and photographs. I scan through some of the documents, and the scientific jargon goes straight over my head—something about genetic markers, hormonal resettlement, and the like—but then the photos catch me.
            Lines and lines and lines of dragons. They’re curled up in glass tubes, which look kind of like wombs. All of them are similarly marked like the one that attacked us in mid-air, with the New Empire sigil branded into their right arms and their backs.
            I need to know more. I’m suddenly feeling very exposed out here. “Dad, we need to go back to the van, so we can decide what to do.”
            “Looks like I already decided when I left this breadcrumb.” He holds up the plastic bag, and shows me the contents. It’s an entry badge for Scolar.
            I narrow my eyes and read the text. “Experimental Military Laboratory … Patuxent River?”
            My blood chills. Patuxent River holds a very harsh part of my family’s history, the place where Mom was turned into a dragon, the place that employed Gerard. Dad’s face, however, is cut in stone.
            “You’re right. Let’s go.” He takes large strides, and it’s very difficult for the rest of us to keep up with him.
After a half hour, exactly fifteen minutes less than it took us to get to my Sharpe grandfather’s grave, we’re back at the van-pack, all four of us inside the vehicle’s chassis. Dad cracks on a magic flare Uncle Cyrus packed for us in the glove compartment, so that we all have light as the sun sets, and we all collect around the middle of the passenger compartment.
“Alanna, open the file, let’s see it.”
I nod at Dad and spread out the paperwork I found in the file folder. The photos wind up near Michi, the diagrams and maps by William, while I wind up with the documentation. We all look through what’s closest to us.
“Okay,” Dad starts, “who wants to share first?”
Michi holds up a couple of the photos. “Here’s what I see, a bunch of dragons being grown and harvested like a farm. I have no idea what the New Empire is doing with dragons.”
Maybe you don’t but I do. My face darkens, thinking back to Chicago, back to how I was framed as a terrorist.
“Okay, so how complete do they look?” Dad has continued while I’ve been fuming.
“Just about finished, actually. If they’re the same age as the one we fought, they’ll probably be ready to go in no time.”
“Just what I thought,” Dad confirms, grinding his teeth. “William, what have you got?”
“A map. Take a look.” William spreads the map out between all four of us. “It looks like we’re going to be facing an honest-to-the-Creator labyrinth. The entire lower level of the facility is made up of those pods, only broken up by guard offices. The upper level consists of three research laboratories, a holding cell, and living quarters for the staff.”
Part of his description catches my attention. “A holding cell?”
“I think it’s a holding cell, at least. There’s a room that’s marked ‘living source,’ which I think means they’re holding a donor there.” William looks over at me, his face showing his instant guilt over his word choice. “Oh no, I’m sorry, Alanna, I didn’t mean …”
“No, no, it’s okay, I understand.” If there’s a “donor” being held, it’s probably Mom.
“Okay, good,” Dad interjects. “That leaves us with the last of it. Alanna?”
I flip through the sheaf of papers. “Most of this is scientific jargon that’s going way over my head, but there’s one thing in particular that’s interesting to me. The dragons are referred to as STBs, which is apparently an acronym for ‘Supernatural Tactical Beast.’ There was an order made about a year ago as of this paperwork for a quantity of 25,000 STBs in anticipation of something referred to as ‘Operation Glass Jaw.’”
“Any details?”
“Nope. Just the name of the operation, there’s nothing like details about what it is or where it’s taking place.”
“Well that’s worrisome.” Dad strokes his chin. “As far as the rest of the contents of the box, I showed it to you, it’s apparently a badge that will get me into the facility. So now we have to decide what to do.”
I think Dad’s already made up his mind. He has that expression on his face, the one that he gets when he talks about going into battle with Mom. He’s going, no matter what.
William clears his throat. “Well, we don’t know what Operation Glass Jaw is, but if that name’s any indication, it’s an attempt to show some kind of weakness in its target. If the dragons are part of it, we should try to disrupt it.”
“Sure,” I answer. “The only problem is we need to know how far advanced these dragons are in their growth. Are they going to kill us as soon as we lift a finger on them? Are they trained at all?”
“How many does it say are complete?” Michi asks.
I flip through more pages, hoping for a small number. Unfortunately it doesn’t come. “Out of the original order of 25,000, this says that about 3,850 are complete, in their final stages of growth. The only thing is we saw one of them on our way here, so God knows how accurate this is now.”
Dad nods. “True, this is at least two years old. We need recent intelligence.”
We’re stuck with what we’ve got, though. We’re going in blind, just like usual.
I take a deep breath. “Well, I think it’s important enough to the New Empire that these dragons get deployed. I’d say that’s as prime a target as any.”
William raises his eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
I nod. “Between the four of us, I think we can handle nearly four thousand inexperienced, newborn dragons. If their combat skill level is anywhere close to that one we fought on our way here, it’ll be a piece of cake.” I smile to emphasize the point, but I’m not sure they’re buying into my bravado.
Michi nods. “You’re right. Let’s do it. I say we go to the lab and fuck some shit up!”
“Well, we know whose kid you are,” Dad jokes. “How about you, William, Alanna? Are you guys in on this?”
William shrugs. “If the wendigo can help …”
“It can, believe me.” I reach across and take William’s hand, turning to Dad. “You got us all.”
Dad smiles. “Good. We’ll rest tonight, then tomorrow we’ll go to Pax River.” He collects all of the contents of the metal box and puts it up in the front seat.
What did we just agree to do?
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triroundbars · 1 year
Flat Bar Vs Round Rail?
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Flat Bar : 
Often, when shipping large modules, such as tanks, boats, or construction equipment on container vessels, there are challenges in loading and securing them at the port of origin, and there can also be similar problems at the port of discharge.
In addition to loading larger items as breakbulk cargo, the containers must also be stowed on a bed of flat racks that are installed on board first. For the vessel operator, this means additional time and special arrangements must be made for shipside operations, as well as an increase in costs for the shipper.
Additionally, shipping options for breakbulk may only be available on direct (port-to-port) sailings, thereby causing frustration for shippers who wish to access those markets served by transshipment container services as well.
The term flat rail for skateboarding refers to a metal pole that sits horizontally on the ground. Ben Dillinger FS Feeble. You will see flat rails in skate parks with different heights and lengths. You can get element round bars and square rails, as well as flat rails with kinks and curves that can be ridden on.
Many skate parks have flat rails with a wide variety of heights and lengths. You will find flat rails with round and square variations as well as flat rails that go around curves and have kinks in them.
On a flat rail, you can do all the grinds and slides that you like. However, it is a lot more difficult to balance on a narrow metal bar than on a curb, because it is narrower in diameter.
Building support materials such as flat bars are common in the construction industry. They are used for support braces, ladder hangers, gate latches, ductwork, overhead doors, heaters, and bracing.
Uses For Flat Bars
With a flat surface and a rectangular face, a flat bar skateboarding is extremely versatile and can be used for a wide variety of projects. Here are four of the most popular uses for skateboarding flat bars:
1. Frame Construction:
Because metal bars can withstand construction weight, they are frequently used for frameworks. They can be easily cut to length and drilled or welded into place.
2. Building Support
Building support materials such as flat bars are common in the construction industry. They are used for support braces, ladder hangers, gate latches, ductwork, overhead doors, heaters, and bracing.
3. Improvements & Additions
Besides being used during construction, flat bars can also be used post-construction to reinforce existing structures. They can be easily cut and formed to match, replace, or support existing materials.
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shaqodoon · 1 year
Terms of Reference: Welder/Mechanic– The HALO Trust Somaliland Summary The Mechanic/Welder is responsible for repairing all mechanical and electrical defects identified on HALO vehicles, generators and others tasks as directed by the Workshop Manager or Senior Mechanic. Particulars: Reports to: Senior Mechanic, with technical guidance from the workshop manager from Hargeisa. Is Line Manager for: None Internally, he works in close cooperation with: Senior mechanic. Externally, he deals with: None Responsibilities The Mechanic/Welder repairs all mechanical and electrical defects to HALO vehicles and generators as directed by the Workshop manager or senior mechanic. The Mechanic/Welder will be tasked with field recovery or repair tasks. These may be at remote Demining Sites or on routes between locations. The Mechanic undertakes the appropriate services on the vehicles, according to the vehicle service schedule. Require ability to weld aluminum, stainless steel and perform welds in all positions – flat, horizontal, vertical up and down. Capable to weld vehicles, Windows, doors, security gate barrier, case buckets and demining equipment’s. Always follow specifications and instructions for maximum efficiency The Welder must clean and tidy the workshop, put away tools and carry out any other tasks necessary for the efficiency operation of the workshop. Mechanic/Welder is responsible and accountable for any vehicle he is working on. Tools & spare parts will be issued to him for completion of any job that he may be assigned to. Maintain equipment in a condition that does not compromise safety Report damages on machines and equipment’s Test and inspect welded surfaces and structure to discover flaws The Mechanic/Welder is to undertake other duties as requested by the senior management staff.   Skills and Qualifications CV (stating your experience) A minimum of 2 years of experience as welder using a variety of welding equipment, machinery and procedures Good knowledge of and adherence with safety standards Attention to detail Team player Good time-management skills Great interpersonal and communication skills. How to apply The HALO Trust is an equal opportunities employer, and will not discriminate against any candidate on the basis of age, sex, ethnicity, religion, or any other characteristic. All recruitment are conducted in a transparent manner, with selection made solely based on ability. Women candidate are highly encouraged to apply. Submit a CV and cover letter in soft copy [email protected] B. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted Deadline: 29/01/2023 [email protected]
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