#Seeing other peple talk about my posts and hearing what they say about them is such an easy way to make my day
kunstpause · 9 months
Welcome to a little interactive Tav/Astarion Au fic.
Hello, I'm your writer and DM today. This will be a story where the major decisions and dialogue choices will be determined via twitter poll. I am aiming for this to be a gender-neutral Tav, so you can headcanon whatever you want in that regard, but we are gonna give them some character nonetheless. Also: It's an AU, so we won't touch the main plotpoints of the game. This is for the silly romance feels and perhaps some vampire steaminess. So be aware that, depending on choices, this could get nsfw.
And because I am very tired of the constant Spawn vs Ascended discourse, we are going with a secret third option, the details of which you might find out in the story, again, depending on choices, of course. ^^
You can find the interactive version here on my Twitter
Setting: Countess Sierran is known for throwing the social events of the season in Neverwinter, raising money for good causes, and giving people a platform to meet all sorts of new acquaintances. You know that this is also an inofficial welcome to someone fairly new to the city. A white-haired man who bought a sizable estate but not that many people have met yet in person. Rumor has it he has left his home of Baldur's Gate behind for good, but why and what for is the source of much gossip. Perhaps tonight, there will be some answers, or maybe just a lot more questions.
But before we can start: Character creation!
The options are under the cut and on twitter, under this post with the matching polls to vote for.
Pick a name, I've tried to pick suggestions that work for any gender. 1 - River 2 - Ash 3 - Morgan 4 - Storm
What brings you to the palace tonight? (Background)
1 - The Hero You are a seasoned adventurer that has been through a lot and made a name for themselves. Even when not being part of nobility, your deeds have granted you an invitiation nonetheless. Everyone in the city knows your name, after all. If its generosity or a political move, you cannot say. Yet.
2 - The Commoner You are an oridinary person, a commoner living in the city and making ends meed by working as a tailor. One of your oldest friends has married rich and keeps sending buisness your way. And one day, an invitation along with this. You are here on their good graces, trying not to leave a bad impression.
3 - The Servant You are a servant of the palace, having worked for the countess for a while. You keep your ear to the ground, hearing far more of what the nobility gossips about than anyone could possibly imagine. It's a simple life, but your employer is fair and you can't complain. Tonight, you're responsible for seeing to the guest's needs, even thought o msot of them, you are mostly invisible.
4 - The Criminal You've spent your childhood on the streets, learning early that no one gives you anything, and you have to take what you want by any means necessary. Nowadays, you are a blade for hire, and your current employer has sent you here with an invitation and a target. You know how to blend in perfectly, dagger hidden beneath clothes as you wait for just the right moment.
What do people think of you (Personality)
1 - The Closed Book You are a closed book, you rarely talk, and especially not about something personal. You are so stoic, people have a hard time getting to know you, and many don't put in the effort to try.
2 - The Charmer You are upbeat and easy to talk to, but you know how to play an audience. You use charme to set people at ease, but what you truly feel and think is often a mystery.
3 - The Open One You are friendly and open, not seeing a point in hiding how you truly feel. You wear your heart on your sleeve and often disarm people with how genuine you are.
4 - The Liar Telling the truth is for peple not careful enough. You have an easy time lying and utilize that skill to keep yourself safe and others at arm's length.
What do you strive for (Goals)
1 - Riches and Comfort You want more. No matter where you are right now, you know there is something more for you out there, and all you need to do is go after it with all your heart.
2 - A Different Life Everything is wrong. You know you are not who you are supposed to be. You need to get away from the status quo by any means necessary, even if that means accepting help.
3 - Peace and Quiet All you want is to rest. Life has been troublesome enough, you just want something quaint and peaceful where you don't have to be "someone" anymore.
4 - Nothing You are perfectly content in your current situation, you want nothing to change at all, and if you have to, you are ready to put the work in or even fight to keep what you have.
What frightens you (Fears)
1 - Lonelyness You can't stand the thought of being on your own. You need someone with you, someone who fights for you and you for them.
2 - Death You fear nothing more than the cold finality of death. It lurks around every corner and you know you have to be smart to outwit it.
3 - Betrayal You have difficulties trusting people, the thought that someone who knows you intimately turns your back on you is petrifying.
4 - Obscurity The thought of being forgotten, of your life not mattering to anyone in the long run and leaving no impact behind once you are gone sends chills down your back.
If you wanna influence the main character you have until the weekend to vote on it here.
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knightofbalance-13 · 8 years
Weird RWBY Dialogue Episode 5+6: Rebuttle
I swear to god if anyone s reading this without taking a loo at the link, I will punch you in the nads!
An ad-libbed line and it’s really fucking golden
Normally I wouldn’t complain about praise but this person will go into depth why something doesn’t work and yet won’t of the same if something does, which to me shows laziness in critique so let me explain why this works: We watch for a few moments as this bird flies through the skys without music or context, on edge to see what will happen. Then BAM! Ruby rockets through it s the bird cries and Ruby calls out the line. It’s quick, unexpected and catches the viewer off guard: not a hard joke to dissect.
I wanted to complain about this, but it’s a fair setup to what Pyrrha’s powers are AND it calls back to the spear Jaune took before, so he would recognize it now. I’d even tolerate his “thank you” then, just taking issue with how it’s heard.
Why? What is there to complain about? It was a cute exchange with a bit of character in it. Plus, we’re talking about a world that defies so much logic hearing a far off “thank you” is like complaining about a mecha in Gurren Lagann for staying in the hair a second too long.
I can see Ruby putting things aside and going with the teammate thing, but she does so surprisingly quickly.
Maybe because she’s an innocent child-like teenager who doesn’t now why Weiss is defying the rules.
Feels like a half-assed way to formally show that Ruby has a Semblance.
Yes because it’s not like there wasn’t a trailer that formally showed Ruby having a Semblence or that this was obviously structured as a humorous moment.
I know she maybe just thinks it’s Ruby, and for good reason since Ruby would be looking for Yang first, but if that wasn’t the intention, it’s weird that she would go to Ruby’s name first.
Maybe it’s because Yang is her big sister, the place is full of Grimm, Ruby’s super nervous so she’ll attract Grimm and they lost their mother this way.
See, when I see Ruby, I don’t think red “hood.” I think red “big fucking cape” because who wears a cape even? Like even Jaune wears a hoodie, but capes are a bit rarer. Plus Ruby barely wears her hood up. This is all very ironic considering the iconic character on which she is based.
This is just rambling, a hoodie is different than a hood earnd every depiction of Red Riding Hood is depicted the same way Ruby is. This is called being selectively ignorant.
The performance of this line is cringey and so is its general existence.
Glass houses Miss “Screws up the ‘it’s a gun’ line”. Also, I found it perfectly belvable and you don’t know cringe if this is your definition of cringe. I’m versed in old anime dubs so I know cringe.
Now this is person, but I think it’s weird that Ruby said that particular thing. Why not “I wish” or something? Like I said this is just me.
This is all personal, not just this one line.
Anyway, It shows Ruby is getting fed up with Weiss by showing a more snarky side. Considering she’s descended from this world’s version of Lenoard Church, I  am not surprised.
Weiss’s response appears to come out of nowhere to me. Nothing in Ruby’s statement has to do with her being a child or strong, and the “sneak” thing might just be Weiss being a jerk, but it’s unprovoked. It’s actually a little narratively confusing since we learn another character is who actually sneaked into Beacon. Maybe that was an attempt at a red herring.
... You’re an idiot.
Weiss has been constantly referring to Ruby and treating her like a child up to this point; it is a continuation of Weiss’ insult to Ruby she is a child thus making her seem high and mighty as well as reinforcing Ruby’s pure and naïve character. The sneak thing is an extension of the insult of being called a child in which she is implying Ruby doesn’t belong at Beacon! The sneak thing is not an allusion to Jaune as the audience KNOWS Ruby got legitimately!
This is basic writing or characters and the author doesn’t get it! And they still claim to be better than the writing staff!
The delivery on Pyrrha’s line here is so awful. Like it’s the worst line read in the history of the show, I swear. This is really super unfortunate because I really liked Pyrrah’s lines in episode 4.
Yet another problem re is that WE CANNOT HEAR THE LINE! We don’t kow if it is awful and considering your hate boner for the writing staff, I’m going to assume this is just more bitching to bitch!
Implications of real-world culture blah blah blah
And that one word is a problem how? And they share a word is a problem how? And having a common pharse for misunderstanding is bad how? Not going to say? Then you’re lazy and will be treated as such.
I mean, everything here is gonna never be referenced again, but Aura being the manifestation of the soul is actually something that sticks. Is she, however, implying their souls watch out for them, or that the soul gives them a spider-sense? The scene of Ren in the forest makes this unclear.
Yeah, never referenced again..outside of the maidens...and Ozpin...and Semblances...and a god damn WoR episode DEDICTED TO THIS!
Yeah not in RWBY it doesn’t. Dark and light are never mentioned again to my knowledge, and if they were it’s been too long since they were introduced lol. Yeah there’s kind of some stuff with the Brothers Grimm Gods but the Grimm themselves have always just seemed like some chaotic force separate from good and evil.
Yeah because things thought to not to be important or essential end up being so is totally not a trope in fiction. Definitely not called “Chevok’s Gun”
Also, notice how the write says it hasn’t happened to their knowledge and immediately retcons it? Well, at least Miles stood by his work for longer than two seconds.
And again, Grimm are made by the Brother of Darkness so your point is not only invalid but shows you’re not willing to pay attention to anything you can’t bitch about.
This is just so incredibly stupid and pointless and never ever ever referenced again as a thing that even behinds to be a thing….I have no more words. Watch this scene if you don’t remember it fully. I mean it. There’s a reason you don’t. It is single-handedly the least useful scene in the show.
*Cracks neck and knuckles*  Let’s go:
A. This is foreshadowing for Pyrrha’s demise and her continued influence. By dying and unlocking Ruby’s power, fending off Cinder so people can survive and motivating Jaune and Ruby to evolve, Pyrrha is immortally present throughout the story. Not mater what happens, Pyrrha will always there even as everyone else dies because ehe fr influence in her passing is infinite and her ability to help others is unbound in death. This is the heart and soul of her predeseccor Kamina’s ability (Yes, THE Kamina.) In life, Kamina could help and inspire others but he was only a man and was limited. But upon dying, he became a paragon in which everyone strived towards, forever improving themselves in his name. Just like Pyrrha now.
B. Gee, talking about the human spirit is unbound and in that there  no futility even in death, I wonder who use to say that? Oh wait, I know: Monty Motherfucking OUM. This was practically his Modis Operandi, his philosophy, his motive for making RWBY in 6t6he first place. And you call his words stupid and pointless? FUCK YOU.
Jfc is this the part where Pyrrha gets super hot for Jaune? Like listen to how she says “You have a lot of it” like it makes me super uncomfortable. “Jaune your AURA is SO BIG.”
 Wow, no wonder you’re writing sucks so much, you don’t understand characters even as they are explained to you. Pyrrha outright says WHY she loves Jaune in Volume 2, Episode 7 (https://youtu.be/0-f-mGvOba8?t=3m15s)
Pyrrha: “I’ve been...blessed! By incredible talent and opportunities! I’m constantly surrounded by love and praise...But when you’re placed on a pedestal for so long, you become separated by the peple who put you up there in the first place. Everyone assumes I’m too good for them I’m on a level they can’t attain. It’s become impossible to form any kind of meaningful relationship with anybody!
That’s what I like about you (Jaune.). When I first met you, you didn’t even know my name. You treated me as anyone else. And tnaks to you, I have made friendships that will last me a lifetime. I guess...you’re te kind of guy I wish I was here with.”
The character was explained right in front of you and you couldn’t even see it. That or you’re an obnoxious prick who’ll bitch about anything related to a male character.
I take back everything, episode redeemed
Fuck you, it isn’t here.
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To my fellow Johnlock shippers and the rest of the Sherlock fandom
There is something I need to get off my chest and, as per usual, I’m going to do it on Tumblr. First of all, I want to clarify that I am in no way, shape or form trying attack and insult anybody, I don’t want to start a fight. Also, this is probably going to be a bit long and it is 100% my opinion so I understand if you don’t give a fuck about what I have to say and scroll past this post. I do this myself, too. I just hope that there is going to be at least one person who will hear me out, or actually read me out ayyy (here goes the only person who would have given me a chance) and maybe even agree with me.
So. I’ve been a fan of Sherlock and a Johnlock shipper for more than 2 years now. Even tho I don’t post much, I think I’ve been a part of the TJLC community for over a year now. I’m one of those people who believes Johnlock is end game and is constantly deep in meta. But I am also in a several other fandoms and in some of them I ship the unpopular ship. That has helped me to notice something that Johnlockers do that isn’t quite right.
People don’t choose what they ship, they just either ship it or they don’t. And although to me Johnlock is the whole point of the show, I also see why people ship the other ships. Here is an example:
Sheriarty - from the moment Moriarty was introduced to the show, he’s been treated as someone who is quite similar to Sherlock but is “ön the other side”. Moriarty is portrayed as someone who is very interested in Sherlock and he has been pretty suggestive a few times. There was even an almost kiss on the actual show. I can see why people would ship it. I personally don’t because I believe that a) Sherlock is neither dark nor an actual sociopath and b) he’s always seen Moriarty as the biggest villain and has shown signs of in his own way being afraid of him. Also I think he needs someone who doesn’t present themselves in a similar way to who he tries to be. But that is just my opinion and it is equally as valid as of those of the people who ship them.
The same thing goes for every other ship concerning the characters of the show that may exist. They are all equally as valid no matter which one I think will actually become canon.
Also, there are some people who don’t have any ships on the show. They are just there to watch a very well made tv series about a famous detective who has been a fan favourite for over a century now. And that is perfectly okay, too.
Here is my problem. I’ve seen some, not all, but quite a few Johnlock shppers talk down on people who don’t ship it. I myself have probably done it too before I experienced what it felt like first hand. We call everybody who doesn’t agree with us “casuals” and although this might be okay, what is not okay is all of the time we talk about them like they are very stupid which is not okay. I also remember seing this post recently on the tag of something that had nothing to do with Sherlock at all, which said something like “Do peple who don’t ship Johnlock even exist?”. I don’t know what the person who posted this intended to do with it and what they meant but I’ve seen a lot of people making fun of my ships and me and the rest of the fandom and Ï have seen posts adressed to people like me that say that we are weird and our ship is dumb and how we’re just some odd minority. And let me tell you, it is not nice. Now, I’m not saying that this is what that post meant but to some this is what it looked like. This is why everyone in the fandom is either a Johnlock shipper or hates Johnlock. Because we love insultng them.
Long story short, what I’m trying to say is that we should all respect each other and that no one is a lesser human because of what they ship. Because at the end of the day, it’s just fiction.
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