#Segun Obe
seriesmagicx · 2 months
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Die Macht des Doctors: Ein Jubiläumsspecial, das begeistert
"Doctor Who" hat uns seit Jahrzehnten mit unvergesslichen Abenteuern, faszinierenden Charakteren und erstaunlichen Geschichten verzaubert. Das Jubiläumsspecial „Die Macht des Doctors“ – Teil 2, anlässlich des 100-jährigen Bestehens der BBC, setzt diese Tradition in beeindruckender Weise fort. Ohne Spoiler verraten zu wollen, möchte ich euch einen Einblick in dieses epische Ereignis geben und einige Gedanken dazu teilen.
Eine Reise durch die Geschichte des Doctors
Die Geschichte von Doctor Who ist geprägt von Wandel und Erneuerung. Seit dem Debüt im Jahr 1963 hat sich die Serie durch verschiedene Inkarnationen des Doctors kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Von William Hartnells griesgrämigem Großvater bis hin zu Jodie Whittakers einfühlsamer und mutiger Heldin – jede Inkarnation bringt ihre eigene Dynamik und Tiefe in die Serie ein.
Einfluss des Jubiläumsspecials auf die Serie
„Die Macht des Doctors“ markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für die Serie. Es ist nicht nur eine Feier der Vergangenheit, sondern auch ein Ausblick auf die Zukunft. Die Handlung greift zentrale Themen von Doctor Who auf und führt sie in neue, aufregende Richtungen. Alte und neue Fans finden gleichermaßen Freude an den raffinierten Wendungen und der beeindruckenden Inszenierung.
Die Rückkehr alter Bekannter
Ein Highlight des Specials ist die Rückkehr einiger der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Charaktere. Ob alte Gefährten oder Erzfeinde – ihre Rückkehr sorgt für emotionale Tiefe und spannende Konfrontationen. Diese Begegnungen sind nicht nur nostalgische Momente, sondern tragen auch wesentlich zur Weiterentwicklung der Geschichte bei.
Visuelle und technologische Meisterleistung
Die visuellen Effekte und die Technologie in „Die Macht des Doctors“ setzen neue Maßstäbe für die Serie. Von atemberaubenden Weltraumlandschaften bis hin zu detaillierten Kulissen – die Qualität der Produktion ist beeindruckend und trägt maßgeblich zur atmosphärischen Dichte des Specials bei.
Bedeutung der Handlung
Die Handlung von „Die Macht des Doctors“ ist tiefgründig und vielschichtig. Sie greift zentrale Themen der Serie auf und bietet gleichzeitig neue Perspektiven und Entwicklungen. Die Entscheidungen und Handlungen des Doctors haben weitreichende Auswirkungen und öffnen Türen für zukünftige Erzählungen.
Kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Reflexionen
Doctor Who war schon immer mehr als nur eine Science-Fiction-Serie. „Die Macht des Doctors“ reflektiert aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen und Herausforderungen. Es bietet eine Bühne für Diversität, Akzeptanz und die Macht der Veränderung – Themen, die heute wichtiger denn je sind.
Die Musik und ihr Einfluss
Die musikalische Untermalung des Specials ist ebenso beeindruckend wie die visuellen Effekte. Komponist Segun Akinola schafft es, die Emotionen und die Spannung der Handlung perfekt einzufangen und zu verstärken. Die Musik trägt wesentlich zur Gesamtstimmung bei und zieht die Zuschauer noch tiefer in die Geschichte hinein.
Fan-Reaktionen und Kritiken
Die Reaktionen auf „Die Macht des Doctors“ waren überwältigend positiv. Fans und Kritiker gleichermaßen loben das Special für seine fesselnde Handlung, die beeindruckende Produktion und die gelungene Mischung aus Nostalgie und Innovation. Es ist ein würdiger Beitrag zur langen Geschichte von Doctor Who und ein Highlight des Jubiläumsjahres.
Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen
Die Produktion von „Die Macht des Doctors“ war eine enorme Teamleistung. Interviews mit dem Cast und den Machern bieten faszinierende Einblicke in die kreativen Prozesse und die Herausforderungen, die bei der Umsetzung eines solchen Projekts gemeistert werden mussten. Diese Einblicke zeigen die Leidenschaft und das Engagement, die hinter der Serie stehen.
Mit „Die Macht des Doctors“ wurden die Weichen für zukünftige Abenteuer gestellt. Die Fans können gespannt sein, welche neuen Geschichten und Herausforderungen auf den Doctor warten. Die Serie bleibt dynamisch und unvorhersehbar, und das Jubiläumsspecial hat die Messlatte hoch gelegt.
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„Die Macht des Doctors“ – Teil 2 ist ein beeindruckendes Jubiläumsspecial, das die Essenz von Doctor Who einfängt und gleichzeitig neue Wege geht. Für ein Jubiläumsspecial zum 100. Jahrestag der BBC ist es eine herausragende Hommage an die lange und reiche Geschichte der Serie. Ich persönlich fand dieses Special sehr gut gemacht, besonders die Bösartigkeit des Masters und die Loyalität der Begleiter haben mir gefallen. Auch wenn die Regeneration des 13. Doctors und die Einführung des 14. Doctors am Ende für einige überraschend kam, bleibt nur zu sagen: Schaut es euch an und erlebt die Magie selbst!
Doctor Who (2022) „Die Macht des Doctors“ – Teil 2 [enthalten in Staffel 13]
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ujjinatd · 2 months
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Según se informa, Open AI impidió que su personal advirtiera sobre los riesgos de seguridad – Computerworld Una carta de un denunciante ob... https://ujjina.com/segun-se-informa-open-ai-impidio-que-su-personal-advirtiera-sobre-los-riesgos-de-seguridad-computerworld/?feed_id=693329&_unique_id=66951f33adec2
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hardynwa · 1 year
Download Audio + Video: MEDLYE - “GONE WITH THE WIND
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“Gone with the Wind '' by Medlye is a testimony of how the love of Jesus Christ can clean deep wounds. Be it mental, emotional, generational, physical and spiritual. And how He can wait for you till you meet freedom and embrace eternal sanity. The piece is basically directed at the younger folks who are going through mental challenges that have kept them in drugs and social vices. Yes, no one may understand what you are really going through. But know when the love of Jesus Christ comes into that challenge, You won’t know when the storm will seize. GONE WITH THE WIND. https://youtu.be/Owxw-CzYE2M DOWNLOAD HERE LYRICS INTRO It’s been a long time coming, so longIt’s been a long time comingUhhhhhNobody knows how the story goes. VERSE 1: We all gon’ die some dayMy mind spoke.Hey it’s too late to win,Stay right there.You’re 20 it’s good enough,Let go dear.What the hell are you hoping for,No one hears. ohhhShut the scream hold the string,Put it in.Let the drugs do it’s thing,Breath it in.Countless times it whispers again and again.You won’t understand. CHORUS: It’s been a long time comingso long so longIt’s been a long time comingNobody knows how the story goes. VERSE 2: It was cold that lonely day,I’d rapped a log of hemp.Illuminating it shines on me,The brightest light.Piercing through my troubled soul,The swiftest sweep.ummummmI know you’ve been through a lot of storms,But I am here.. uhhhhhhMake the scream shade the skin, Put me in.Let my love do it’s thing,Breath me in.countless times it whispered again and again. hmmmmmmWent with the wind.Gone with the wind.All the burdens gone.Went with the wind..ehhhh. VAMP: (gone with the wind)Sorrow gone(gone with the wind)Addiction gone(gone with the wind)Sickness gone(gone with the wind)Depression gone(gone with the wind)Frustration gone(gone with the wind)Sin gone(gone with the wind)ehhhhh they’ll gone, gone. OUTRO: Oh yes it was a long time comingIt was so long, so longiI was a long time comingBut Jesus knew, cause now the story’s end MEDLYE whose full name is Felagha Tokoni Medlye is a female who hails from Amassoma community in Southern Ijaw LGA of Bayelsa State of Nigeria. She is married to Pst. Abili A. Samuel Jr. She is a ChristoConscious Gospel singer/songwriter, fashion designer, life coach, certified public speaker and a promotional model. She is the President of Medlye Ministry A youth movement with the mandate to rebuild the broken bridge between childhood and adulthood, educating the youths on the morals and values of our faith and how to apply them in their day to day living through the mountains of EDUCATION, MEDIA, ART & ENTERTAINMENT. She has to her credit her debut musical album titled SO WONDERFUL released Oct. 15th 2015, and her Singles: Forever Yours, Saved, and Victory which are still blessing lives all over the globe. Her efforts in the Gospel Music Industry has been recognized within and outside the state with awards for BEST FEMALE VOCALIST 2014 by the Bayelsa Artiste Gospel Merit Award (BAGMA AWARDS), FEMALE ART OF THE YEAR 2019 by the Baylesa Music Artiste Awards (BMAA), WORSHIP LEADER OF THE YEAR 2020 by the Bayelsa International Gospel Award (BIGA), BEST CONTEMPORARY SONG (FEMALE) 2020 by the Baylesa International Gospel Award (BIGA), Best Reggae Collaboration 2020 by the Bayelsa International Gospel Awards (BIGA), and Best Contemporary Collaboration 2020 by the Bayelsa International Gospel Awards, (BIGA 2021) SONG WRITER of the Year. A musically adventurous soul, this beauty has explored several genres of music, ranging from gospel, soul, jazz, pop, reggae, hip hop, rnb, afro, high Life e.t.c This unique expression of God’s creativity has shared the stage with outstanding musicians such as Vashawn Mitchell, Michael Stuckey, Segun Obe, Joe Praise, Sammie Okposo amongst many others. Read the full article
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coghive · 2 years
[Music Video] Glory On My Way - Tohyeen Ft. Tobi Jeff Richards
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Gospel music minister Tohyeen kicks off the new year 2023 prophetically with the single “Glory on my Way”. The song which was originally released in September 2022 has now been accompanied with the official video. “Glory on my Way,” featuring Tobi Jeff Richards describes the desperation of the child of God to who pants after the glory of God’s presence and his bid to superimpose that upon the earth. Just like the bible says, the whole earth will be covered with the knowledge of God’s glory. The time is now! The world has embraced darkness and confusion long enough. Now is the time for all God’s children to seek the glory of God. His glory gives light, direction, purpose and fulfilment. Tohyeen is a UK based Nigerian singer, songwriter and worship leader. She has served as a music coordinator and lead soloist in her home church and well known for her unbeatable chase for God’s presence and passion to make God’s glory evident in the place of worship. She also served as part of the notable choir of the House on the Rock Church Lagos, called the Rock Cathedral Gospel Choir, from 2009 till 2019. She has been on several occasions a background vocalist for notable artists such as Sammie Okposo, Onos Ariyo, Eno Michaels, Gloria Brymah, Segun Obe, Nikky Laoye, and more. Her songs include “Brand New Day,” “No One Like You” featuring Neon Adejo, “Going Higher,” “I Can Carry On,” “Jesus at Christmas,” “I See You” and more. In 2021, Tohyeen’s songs were nominated for the 2021 GOSPEL ACT award category, organised by THE ICONS AWARD based in Nigeria. Followed by this was another set of nominations in 3 different categories : the best gospel praise song, the gospel song of the year and the best gospel collaboration song at the Rhema Awards Global 2021 organised by the Maranatha global Revival Networks based in USA. Tohyeen is happily married to Adeyinka Oyekan with two lovely children. If this song truly blesses you, kindly like the video, leave a graceful comment and subscribe to her Vevo channel for more inspiring contents and be a blessing by sharing the link with others! Glory On My Way - Tohyeen Ft. Tobi Jeff Richards Watch video below: https://youtu.be/eiE83I9v8g4 Read the full article
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naijagospel · 5 years
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[AUDIO] “Stay With GOD” – Mike Abdul Ft. Segun Obe Mike Abdul teams up with another seasoned gospel act, Segun Obe to deliver a brand new hit single titled "Stay With GOD", this follow after his still trending single titled "Different Case".
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lokcitymusic · 5 years
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Mike Abdul – Stay With God Ft. Segun Obe Nigeria Gospel Minister, Mike Abdul teams up with another seasoned Gospel act, Segun OBE to deliver a brand new hit single titled “Stay With God”.
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asfaltics · 4 years
fdela, folded folding
  del peccaclox fdela WOW*       1 y guardar la autoridad fdela persona Real       2   Indifference . fdela volonté,       3 he said, No Man can den , but ’that-there is great fDela] of       4   for he had got a Letter from one Madam fDela-val ...that fDela-val had writ to know       5   Deferno time, fdela- ye have dangerous ends; . F-“ter and cry,       6   FDela Li       7 fdela lumière,       8   the part of .fdela, and, although evidently labouring under the effects of a heavy cold, she acquitted herself exceedingly well; ...       9   4 M. F du R 4c. du F de la D. 18 F de la D 3ec. du R.   26 F de la D à la 2e 6. de la D. 27 F de la D3e c. du R.       10   THE PLAC F. D. E. L. A. CON       11 I ETY () F D E L A V       12   i i FDELA Leat araute       13 per me°fdela. v-       14   fDela’pse, sb. Obs. rare.       15 fDELA I | .c_ \ - , GTARK 1 _’_._.*J. .       16   Fdela. bonds .... .. o lgg -lg       17 from “P’fdela Grange”       18   45243   FDEJE     folded 45244   FDEKC     folding   45245   FDELA     Folder-s (of) (for)       19 45245   FDELA     will it fill       20   fdela. usgue. elect, I, ore-o, fire       21 FDEKZ   FDELA       22 a boundary in C   (fdelΔ)       23  
sources (many in Spanish, of which but a few used) and (potentially) these (not pursued) and some telegraphic codes at hand
1 OCR confusion over “si la memoria del pecado: y de la penaen” and this from the preview : Iflq tue-11102111 del peccaclox fdela WOW* [ape-1a y 114111011 1102 111' :.2chch aclaendwsm elcfpjnmq nnefiw'o . - u, . , , f .' FZ e11'110 q 1108110me fi qmemdeleqllesas q [e dimosSl el bf1 dejjetosy'eamoefl.. e] key fu pam-c mquyeaclo ... ex Francisco de Osuna (1492 or 1497 – c. 1540, *), Abecedario espiritual Primera Parte (Junta, 1544) : fol. viii 2 ex Thomas Cerdan de Tallada (¿1530?-1614), Veriloquium en Reglas de Estado, segun derecho divino, natural, canonico, y civil, y leyes de Castilla... (Valencia, 1604) : 27 wikipedia (in Spanish) see also José Luis Bermejo Cabrero, his entry on Cerdán (Jurista, abogado en ejercicio y escritor político) at DB~e (El Diccionario Biográfico electrónico) and via google translation 3 ex François Antoine Pomey (S.J.) Le grand dictionaire royal, I. François-Latin-Alleman / II. Latin-Alleman-François / III Alleman-François-Latin... (Cologne and Frankfurt, 1715) : 511 4 ex Thomas Osborne, [scoundrel, and] 1st Duke of Leeds (1632-1712, *), The English Subject’s Right to the Liberty of His Person, Asserted in the Argument made by the Earl of Danby (afterwards Duke of Leeds) at the Court of King’s Bench, on his Motion for Bail, after an Imprisonment of above Forty Months in the Tower of London (London, 1722) : 12 OCR misread of italics, and loose letterspacing for “that there is great Delay of Justice (to say no worse of it)” 5 two OCR misreads of italicized “Madam Deval,” ex Popish Intrigues and Cruelty Plainly Exemplified in the Affecting Case and Narrative of Mr.s Frances Shaftoe (The Second Edition, London, 1745) : 39 an earlier (1707) edition 6 OCR misread, for: “Reig. Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends; Enter and cry, the Dauphin ! presently, And then do execution on the Watch.” The First Part of King Henry VI, Act 3 Scene 4. ex William Warburton (1698-1779), ed., The Works of Shakespear : Volume the Fourth (Dublin, 1747) : 427 7 OCR misread of table at 90ºccw (re: Indian tribes and their locations), within Query XI. A description of the Indians (Aborigines) established in that state, in Notes on the State of Virginia. Written by Thomas Jefferson. Illustrated with a map, including the States of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania (London, 1787) : 170 much on slavery, and the capacities of Blacks and Whites, in his passages devoted to “property” 8 OCR misread of “action répulsive fdela lumière” perhaps occasioned by ink show-through from next page 84 ex Les trois règnes de la nature, par Jacques Delille, avec des notes, Par M. Cuvier, de l’Institute, et autres Savants. Tome Premier. (Paris, 1808) : 83 9 snippet only, Paddy Kelly’s Budget; Or, A Pennyworth of Fun (1832) : 96 BL description 10 ex Almanach des échecs, contenant douze parties par les plus forts joueurs contemporains (Paris, 1852) : 10-11 11 OCR misreads of captions to (two) plates, The Illustrated London News (September 9, 1865) : 232 and 239 (Reception of the French Minister; The Place de la Conversation) 12 ex index (1889) to Laws of the State of Delaware (1887) : 35 OCR misread of, an act to amend / an Act to Incorporate the Homeopathic Hospital Society, o[f Dela]ware 13 ocr misread of the blurred word “formula,” in Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (1888) : here (snippet only) 14 ex a complex cluster of ocr misreads of smaller-type marginal note, and cross column error (not part of the fdela misread, however), in discussion of “Auction sale of real estate, and goods,” in Leonard A(ugustus) Jones, his Forms in Conveyancing: And General Legal Forms, Comprising precedents for ordinary use, and clauses adapted to special and unusual cases. With practical notes. Second edition, revised; 1891) : 200 15 some OCR confusion, snippet preview from previous word Delapse, but actual error is misread of † Delash v. Sc. Obs. from OF delacher, to discharge..., in A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles Vol. 3 D (through Dizen), (1897) : here 16 imaginative OCR misreads of Map of the Ft. Wayne & Wabash Valley Traction Company and Connecting Lines (e.g., Porter (upper left), DELA/Ware, &c.), in The Commercial and Financial Chronicle : Street Railway Section (February 24, 1906) : 39 17 evidently ocr misread “4 % deb. bonds . . . . . . 0 100 -102” ex The Financial Review of Reviews (London, sometime in 1909, snippet view) : 164 another year (October-December, 1913) at archive.org 18 ocr misread/extrapolation from “Pte. de la Grange” in map of the northern coast of Haiti, ex Maps — Noteworthy Accessions (1909-10), in Report of the Librarian of Congress for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1910179 19 ex General Telegraphic Code (The Business Code Co., 1912; Worthington Pump & Machinery Corporation edition, 1921) : 298 20 ex Private Telegraph Code, The Pearson Engineering Corporation (The Business Code Co., 1912) : 299   aside — note same code word (and corresponding figure) — but different meanings — in these two codes (both compiled by The Business Code Co.)   21 ex W. Horton Spragge. Longmans’ Latin Course, Part III. Elementary Latin Prose, with complete syntax and passages for learning by heart. (New Impression; London, New York, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, 1914) : 204 22 ex names of cities and companies, in Private Telegraphic Code of Swift & Company (Peterson Cipher Code Corporation, 1931) : 287 23 ex chapter/section 5.2 “Hierarchy of Almost Nonevasive Complexes,” in Jakob Jonsson (*), his Simplicial Complexes of Graphs (2007) : 75  
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gospelhotspot · 5 years
Chapel Of Transfiguration Presents Encounter 5.0
Chapel Of Transfiguration Presents Encounter 5.0
The year 2020 has being indeed Superb from its inception in the gospel scene; Chapel Of Transfiguration Church aka My Father’s House is bringing into limelight the Fifth Edition of another yearly Gospel musical concert tagged ‘Encounter’.
Encounteris a platform where different Gospel Artistes with different musical styles come to Praise & Worship the Supreme Being Himself. It is a gathering of…
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cybersamblog · 5 years
Mike Abdul – Stay With GOD ft. Segun OBE
Mike Abdul – Stay With GOD ft. Segun OBE
Download Mike Abdul Stay With GOD Mp3 ft. Segun OBE
Mike Abdul Stay With GOD Mp3 featuring Segun OBE. The song will surely make waves this coming week!. Expect something lit as you Download & Listen to Edi MP3 Download Mike Abdul ft. Segun OBE Below.
Don’t forget to share on Facebook, Twitter & Whatsapp.
Mike Abdul Stay With GOD Mp3
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2ndtopostblog · 3 years
Gospel Artiste, Segun Obe Replies Christians Attacking Him For Participating In A Non-Christian Reality Show
Gospel Artiste, Segun Obe Replies Christians Attacking Him For Participating In A Non-Christian Reality Show Popular gospel artiste, Segun Obe has fired back at Christians lambasting him for participating in a reality TV show, Nigerian Idol which they have tagged as ”Non-Christian.” Segun who sits as a judge on the musical show said people who feel the need to throw shades at him should at…
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latestupdates2022 · 3 years
”Assistant Jesus”- Gospel Artiste Segun Obe Replies Critics Bashing Him For Partaking In A Non-Christian Reality Show
”Assistant Jesus”- Gospel Artiste Segun Obe Replies Critics Bashing Him For Partaking In A Non-Christian Reality Show
”Assistant Jesus”- Gospel Artiste Segun Obe Replies Critics Bashing Him For Partaking In A Non-Christian Reality Show Nigerian gospel singer, Segun Obe has fought back against Christians who have attacked him online for appearing on a reality TV show that they have labeled as “non-Christian.” People who want to cast aspersions at him , who is a judge on the musical show, should do so directly…
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youthsloadedmedia · 3 years
Gospel Artiste, Segun Obe Replies Christians Attacking Him For Participating In A Non-Christian Reality Show
Gospel Artiste, Segun Obe Replies Christians Attacking Him For Participating In A Non-Christian Reality Show
Gospel Artiste, Segun Obe Replies Christians Attacking Him For Participating In A Non-Christian Reality Show Popular gospel artiste, Segun Obe has fired back at Christians lambasting him for participating in a reality TV show, Nigerian Idol which they have tagged as ”Non-Christian.” Segun who sits as a judge on the musical show said people who feel the need to throw shades at him should at least…
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newshubnaija · 3 years
Ali Baba, Bois Olorun, Segun Obe, BJ Sax Thrill Audience At Sunrise Christmas Special
Ali Baba, Bois Olorun, Segun Obe, BJ Sax Thrill Audience At Sunrise Christmas Special
The Christmas Special edition of Sunrise, Channels Television breakfast show featured top music artists and comedians thrilling the audience. Nigeria’s King of comedy Alibaba Akpobome was the co-anchor who alongside the Ayo Makinde presented the Christmas special. The gospel Apala music band, Boiz Olorun also serenaded the viewers as they render Christmas songs in traditional style served with…
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olutaller-blog · 3 years
Segun Obe to host new gospel show, “Rejoice” on Hallelujah channel
Segun Obe to host new gospel show, “Rejoice” on Hallelujah channel
By Ayo Onikoyi Multiple award-winning gospel artiste, Segun Obe, will host the premiere gospel live musical show, REJOICE!, on the Hallelujah pop-up channel this Easter. The show will feature live musical performances by notable gospel artists: Monique, Onos and Mike Abdul on Sunday, 28 March and Frank Edwards, Tim Godfrey and Abdul on Easter Sunday, 4 April from 3 pm. The Hallelujah pop-up…
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gospelhotspot · 5 years
Mike Abdul Ft. Segun Obe - Stay With God
Mike Abdul Ft. Segun Obe – Stay With God
Nigeria Gospel Minister, Mike Abdul teams up with another seasoned Gospel act, Segun Obe to deliver a brand new hit single titled ‘Stay With GOD’, this follow after his still trending single ‘Different Case’.
This Inspirational Tune was Produced by Tyanx.
Speaking on the New Single, The Minister said
“When brothers unite with one voice under the banner of Grace… When the leading of the spirit is…
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