properbloke79 · 5 months
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Leonardo Seker
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chicinsilk · 8 months
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Marc Bohan for Christian Dior Haute Couture Collection Spring/Summer 1965. Sophie Derly wears "Los Angeles", pure carded wool grapefruit yellow toile suit by Perceval Sekers, silk shantung blouse with yellow and white stripes by Sache, belt and breton in white leather.
Marc Bohan pour Christian Dior Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1965. Sophie Derly porte "Los Angeles", tailleur en bouclette jaune pamplemousse pure laine cardée de Perceval Sekers, blouse en shantung de soie à rayures jaunes et blanches de Sache, ceinture et breton en cuir blanc.
Photo Frédéric Scheibe
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yuregindenyarali · 5 months
hayir hayir koltukta yatan gobekli beyaz atletli pembe tespih sallayan adam gercek degil
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teatrtenei · 9 months
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Seker (also spelled Sokar, and in Greek, Sokaris or Socharis) is a hawk or falcon god of the Memphite necropolis in the Ancient Egyptian religion, who was known as a patron of the living, as well as a god of the dead.He is also in some accounts a solar deity as for The Temple of Seker in Memphis. Although the meaning of his name remains uncertain, the Egyptians in the Pyramid Texts linked his name to the anguished cry of Osiris to Isis 'Sy-k-ri' ('hurry to me'), or possibly skr, meaning "cleaning the mouth".In the underworld, Seker is strongly linked with two other gods, Ptah the Creator god and chief god of Memphis, and Osiris the god of the dead. In later periods, this connection was expressed as the triple god Ptah-Seker-Osiris. Seker was usually depicted as a mummified hawk and sometimes as a mound from which the head of a hawk appears. Here he is called 'he who is on his sand'. Sometimes he is shown on his hennu barque which was an elaborate sledge for negotiating the sandy necropolis. One of his titles was 'He of Restau' which means the place of 'openings' or tomb entrances. Like many other gods, he was often depicted with a Was-scepter.
In the New Kingdom Book of the Underworld, the Amduat, he is shown standing on the back of a serpent between two spread wings; as an expression of freedom this suggests a connection with resurrection or perhaps a satisfactory transit of the underworld.Despite this, the region of the underworld associated with Seker was seen as difficult, sandy terrain called the Imhet (also called Amhet, Ammahet, or Ammehet; meaning 'filled up').
Seker, possibly through his association with Ptah, has a connection with artisans. In the Book of the Dead, he is said to fashion silver bowls and at Tanis a silver coffin Sheshonq II has been discovered decorated with the iconography of Seker.
Seker's cult centre was in Memphis, and festivals in his honor were held there on the 26th day of the fourth month of the akhet (spring) season. While these festivals took place, devotees would hoe and till the ground, and drive cattle, which suggests that Seker could have had agricultural aspects about him.
Seker is mentioned in The Journey of Ra: the myth used to explain what happens during the night when Ra travels through the Underworld. According to the myth, Seker rules the Fifth Kingdom of Night, which is called "Hidden", and is tasked with punishing the souls of evildoers by throwing them into a boiling lake.
As part of the festivals in akhet, his followers wore strings of onions around their necks, showing the Underworld aspect of him. Onions were used in embalming people - sometimes the skin, sometimes the entire onion. When just the skin was used, it would be placed on the eyes and inside the ears to mask the smell.
Also, the god was depicted as assisting in various tasks such as digging ditches and canals. From the New Kingdom a similar festival was held in Thebes, which rivaled the great Opet Festival.
Other events during the festival including floating a statue of the god on a Henu barque, which was a boat with a high prow shaped like an oryx.
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pirunika · 11 months
girl help they translated sugar daddy as seker baba which is I guess accurate but wtf lol
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grayrazor · 9 months
It's kind of funny how SG-1 killed off Set early on as a villain-of-the-week and so when they needed a Satan-substitute villain in later seasons they had to settle for a chump god like Seker.
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They didn't even try and rationalize it as "obscure minor goa'uld tries to rebrand as the Christian devil to gain some credibility," they were just like "Sokar was always a satanic archetype, maybe even the first one," which if anything describes Set or Apophis/Apep a lot better.
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ekasiotompuy · 5 days
bu sene hatta son üç beş aydır boyoe vücudumun baya büyüdüğünü hissediyorum yani kütlesel olarak değil de sanki kizliktan kadınlığa geciyeoum gibi??? hiç hoşuma gitmiyor gözüme bir sürü şey batmaya başladı sanki yaşlandım ya
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galgannet · 9 months
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A sketch for my second Shadow Theater blog. Seker (also spelled Sokar, and in Greek, Sokaris or Socharis) is a hawk or falcon god of the Memphite necropolis in the Ancient Egyptian religion, who was known as a patron of the living, as well as a god of the dead.He is also in some accounts a solar deity as for The Temple of Seker in Memphis.
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defnekalbim96 · 7 months
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pogasssm · 1 month
nigerian music isn’t nigerian enough why didn’t lagbaja pass his torch. like where’s the modern day fela kuti and femi kuti and sunny ade like cmon….
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chicinsilk · 23 days
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US Vogue September 1, 1961
Pierre Balmain Haute Couture Collection Fall/Winter 1961-62. Dorothy McGowan wears a black Lyon velvet suit by Perceval-Sekers, jacket with black fox collar and cuffs, overblouse entirely embroidered with black sequins, pearls and jet tubes, matching black velvet bonnet. Hair by Guillaume.
Pierre Balmain Collection Haute Couture Autmne/Hiver 1961-62. Dorothy McGowan porte un tailleur en velours de Lyon noir de Perceval-Sekers, veste à col et poignets en renard noir, surblouse entièrement brodée de paillettes noires, de perles et de tubes de jais, bonnet en velours noir assorti. Coiffure par Guillaume.
Photo Irving Penn vogue archive
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nasilguzeluzuluyorum · 5 months
kizlari tavlama yetenegim varmis yurtta yasarken farkettim zibilyon tane kiz taniyorum
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spice-hill · 2 years
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Ptah-Seker-Osiris Figure, 663-525 B.C.E
Polychromed wood
This figure represents Ptah-Seker-Osiris, a deity created by combining three separate gods. Notice the visual elements that distinguish each deity.
The mummy shape represents Ptah, the creator god.
The circular collar represents Seker, the sun god.
The feathered headdress represents Osiris, ruler of the underworld
-Description by The Detroit Institute of Art
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httpsfxs · 11 months
her zaman kahvemi ictigim bardagi bulamadim ve baska bardakta yaptim kahvemi ama tadi bi garip
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bozusuruz · 11 months
Bi de sekeri bıraktgımdan beri en basit sekerli besinler agiz tadimi bozmaya basladi ornegin muz ya da hazir icecekler asiei korkunc geliyor
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witchgirll3 · 2 years
Bazıları için ölmek kolaydı. Uğursuz bir trenin gelmesi yetiyordu, tamamdı bu iş. Ama benim için göklere uçmak ne kadar güçtü. Herkes engel olmak için bacaklarımı tutuyordu.
~Şeker Portakalı
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