#Send help I'm about to murk a cat
undeadhousewife Β· 7 months
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So my asshole cat puked in my keyboard last night
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xvangoghssunflowerx Β· 5 years
Artemis Muirgel Profile
Credit for template: @hogwartsmysterystory
Name: Artemis Muirgel (nicknames are Arty by her sister. Everyone else would just use Artemis).
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: December 21, 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pure blood-ish (father is a wizard, mother is a squib from a long line of pure bloods from Mexico).
Sexuality: Bi
Alignment: lawful good
Ethnicity: Latina Caucasian
Nationality: Mexican Irish
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INFJ
The Mage
Pine wood
Dragon Heartstring core
11" 3/4
Rigid Flexibility
"The straight-grained pine wand always chooses an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, and I can confirm this in as much as I have never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. The pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic."
Animagus: Polar Bear
Misc Magical Abilities:
Occlumens/Legilimens: She was able to master this ability since she was a toddler due to her fear of her mother being attacked.
Wandless Magic: Has been able to do this since she was a baby, though at random. She was able to master this at Hogwarts.
Bogart Form: A wolf being hunted by an angry mob.
Riddikulus Form: The mob turning into butterflies and the wolf happily chasing them.
Amortentia: She would smell like the ocean breeze and mangos (her favourite).
Amortentia: freshly baked cookies, and pickles/gherkins. (Chiara, I'm assuming, since this is all I have πŸ˜‚).
Patronus: Polar Bear
" Polar bears are native to the Arctic region and are one of the largest species of bears. When hungry, a real polar bear can be unpredictable and vicious. They’ve even been known to eat humans in circumstances like these. A polar bear Patronus, however, would direct that ferocity at a Dementor and send it packing out of fear of getting a chunk bitten out of its creepy behind."
Patronus Memory: Seeing the ocean for the first time, playing with her sister, when she became friends with Chiara.
Mirror of Erised: She would see herself, at age 11, graduating Hogwarts. Then later sees herself and Chiara, both wearing white dresses.
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Protego: she uses this spell when she helps Chiara on the night of the full moon.
Expecto Patronum: Learned this spell out of curiosity to find out her animal or if she could even cast one.
Expelliarmus: Loves using this spell the most to not hurt others.
Skald: Uses this as a last resort. Scalding pressurized water. (Made up spell since there's not very many water spells).
Faceclaims: (random images on internet. Younger on left. Older on right. )
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Game Appearance:
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Height: 5'05"
Weight: 135lbs
Physique: A bit mascular, full hour glass shape.
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Dark brown, wavy thick. She likes having it down. She only puts her hair back if she's in potions, or herbology.
Skin tone: Fair light sand.
Body Modifications: two ear piercings.
Scarring: Left hand on her two fingers.
Inventory: Sometimes has her wand on her, usually not. Her favourite book (magic book from her mother's native people).
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Ilvermorny: N/A
Head Girl
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Ministry of Magic
Head Girl
Spy for Order of the Phoenix
Ministry of Magic
Muggle Liaisons Office
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Charms: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…βœ°οΈŽ
Flying: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…βœ°οΈŽ
Herbology: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
History of Magic: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Potions: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies
She loves to fly, but hates competing. She'd much rather watch than play the "brutal sport".
Extra Curricular:
Potions club (though difficult to start one, but Penny managed to convince Snape).
Herbology Club
Favourite Professors:
Professor Severus Snape: Always diligent in his class, she admires how easily he can brew potions.
Professor Aurora Sinestra: She loves the constellations and space. Therefore, she was quite ecstatic to finally have a professor dedicated to it.
Professor Silvanus Kettleburn: She loves how cooky and eccentric he is, but also loves to learn about the many creatures he's worked with.
Least Favourite Professors:
Sister: Marimar Muirgel
Slightly shorter than Artemis (1/2"), short light brown hair but died red, with brown eyes.
Sorted into Hufflepuff when she was in Hogwarts
Protective, lost in her thoughts, she's stubborn and won't back down when her parents tell her no.
Wandless Magic
Works at a store in Hogsmeade
Father: Beacon Calder Muirgel
Pureblood Wizard
Tall man, slim, blue eyes, short thick red hair with beard.
Sorted into Hufflepuff when at Hogwarts.
Fought in the 1st Wizarding War.
Prefers not to fight, but will do anything to protect his family.
Patronus: Irish Hare
Job: Auror
Mother: Tochtli Ichtaca Muirgel
Squib from a pureblood family of native Aztecs
Short slim woman with dark brown hair, sleek and straight, brown eyes.
She stayed in hiding during the first wizarding war with her two daughters.
She's very hot tempered and energetic.
She may not have magic, but she knows plenty of things from her family that she taught to her daughters.
Love Interest: Chiara Lobosca
They met in 1st year during the investigation of the werewolf on campus. They didn't become friends right away due to Chiara's wanting to keep her distance from anyone.
After a lot of convincing and help from Artemis, they officially became friends the following year.
It took until 6th year for Artemis to finally confess her feelings to Chiara. Though, Chiara rejected her, for fear of hurting Artemis, even though she does indeed love her.
Artemis has backed off, but still remaining friends until graduation. When she asked Chiara to live with her, for her protection. Chiara accepted her offer.
It took two years of living together for Chiara to finally open up her heart, much to Artemis' surprise. It happened one night, when Artemis took her to the nearby forest for the full moon. After the sun had risen, the muggle villagers, who had finally caught on to the werewolf living in their midst, prepared a gun with silver bullets which they fired at Chiara, now back in human form. Artemis had thrown herself in front of Chiara. They apparated out of the village, where Chiara healed her up, apologizing profusely. To which Artemis just looked at her with a smile, happy to see that Chiara was unharmed.
The two of them fought in the battle of Hogwarts.
After the incident in the muggle village, they moved to a cottage far away from anyone on a cliff facing the sea.
They got married in secret. Her sister, Penny, Liz, Barnaby and Charlie were in attendance.
Took Borf with them after graduating.
Best Friends:
Penny Haywood
Charlie Weasley
Barnaby Lee
Liz Tuttle
None. She doesn't like competition.
Fenrir Greyback
Death Eaters
Rowan Khanna
Liz Tuttle
Ismelda Murk
American short hair brown and black tabby named Loki (Artemis')
Black short hair cat named Squeaky (mother's)
Fluffy ragdoll cat named Michaelangelo (mother's)
Orange short hair cat tabby named Spaghetti (mother')
White persian Himalayan cat with blue eyes named Blizzard (mother's)
Fruit bat named Waffles
Brown Owl named Cherry (family)
Closest Canon Friends:
Charlie Weasley
Barnaby Lee
Penny Haywood
Liz Tuttle
Closest MC Friends:
Artemis grew up in the port town of Dingle. She loved going down to the beach to watch the waves crashing against the shore. Her sister was always off doing something, so Artemis was often left alone.
She was very fascinated by the muggles in her neighborhood and always asked to borrow their things.
She conjured up the scalding water spell on her own one day, when a suspicious man tried taking her with him.
She was a precocious child, always asking questions beyond her age.
She learned Legilimens and Occlumens as a toddler due to the much hate the wizarding community had towards her mother for not only being a squib, but from a foriegn country. She would often get into the minds of people she thought were harmful or mean to make sure they stayed away from her mother.
At Hogwarts, she became fast friends with Barnaby and Penny during potions class in their first year. She made friends with Chiara in their second year as well as Liz. Then made friends with Charlie during their care of magical creatures class.
She hates causing trouble and tries her best to avoid Tulip, Jae, and Tonks. Though, occasionally she'll talk with Tonks.
Introverted: She just prefers to be by herself, with others like her or extroverts who respect her quiet nature. She'd much rather snuggle with a book all day than talk, unless she felt comfortable around that person.
She loves swimming and anything nature related. Or just staring up at the night sky.
Has Gaelic ancestry and Aztec Ancestry
Her father and mother teach her and her sister of both Gaelic and Aztec culture.
She speaks Spanish, Nahuatl, English, and Gaelic.
On her mother's side run seeresses and on her father's side run animagus.
Her love of muggles lead to her taking up a postion in the ministry in that department. Though, she finds out quickly that it is one-sided. She tries her best to see the good in muggles and wants them to coexist with witches and wizards in a friendly manner.
She ends up separating herself from her parents when they discouraged her from getting involved with Chiara. (Since graduation).
Her theme music is: Boyish by Japanese Breakfast and TΓΊ by Maye
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