#Senu Responds
oblivions-dawn · 2 months
why is your writing...like that
It's fucking AWESOME innit??
I love going back and rereading my writing and realising HOLY SHIT. I WROTE THAT. AND IT'S AMAZING. An entire literary world born of words and feelings and emotions and characters and . . . I did that. I did that when some said I couldn't, or didn't believe that I would.
I'm still doing it. Because I love doing it still.
And damn is that something to be fucking proud of
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Bayek x Reader: The Hero of Siwa
A/N: I might’ve jumped on this train a little too fast with not much information but I couldn’t help myself. I already think he is such a great character and if I had the talent to draw him I would be drawing him and Senu nonstop. But here’s my little contribution.
The laughter of children brought a smile to your face as you watched them delight in the simple joys their games brought them; their excited footfalls caused the water to dance along with them as they circled around each other and played. It was a pleasant distraction from the heat whose heaviness burdened you and the other women around you who worked tirelessly on the same task of cleansing the clothing of their families. Well, perhaps not entirely the same task... There was not a single person in the oasis of Siwa, or beyond for that matter, that you could identify as family; not in what was thought to be the traditional sense. Life had chosen a very difficult road for you to travel on; a road that heavily relied on the kindness of others for the simple things every child should be guaranteed. Things like shelter and even happiness. It was the kindness that lived in the heart of a simple merchant and his wife that persuaded them to raise you as their own and from that moment on, as you aged, you learned that there was more involved in being in a family than blood relation. Besides, there was something almost magical about being invited into someone's heart, about being accepted and being loved in a community that had turned you from being a stranger in an unknown land to becoming one of their own. You lifted a hand to shield your eyes from the wrath of the sun's rays and allowed the other to place the last article of clothing you had washed in the basket along with the others. Sparkling brightly and languidly flowing along, the river brought refreshment from dry air with it gentleness. You dipped a small cloth into the river and wrung it, bringing it up to your face to erase the perspiration. The new found coolness allowed for the breeze to bring you some comfort as the playful wind touched your skin. You were not aware of the hidden giggles shared between the other women just a small distance apart from you nor had you noticed the way they hid their sly smiles under the palms of their hands as a figure was slowly shortening the distance between you. It had been the children who alerted you, when their excitement shifted from their momentary source of amusement to the sudden presence of the last Medjay. They shouted his name with great joy, all of them making sure that they wasted no time in greeting and flocking the beloved hero of Siwa. A smile graced his lips as well as he temporarily strayed from his path towards you and knelt down to share a moment with the enthusiastic children who all wanted to gain his attention. Your gaze drifted in his direction as he lowered the hood off his head and patiently listened to their animated voices each picking up where the other left off as they explained a number of things all at once. It was endearing when his laughter joined their own. The handsome man spoke when he was gifted the turn to and he leaned closer to the children, as if telling them a secret, before lifting his head above their little huddle to look at you. The sparkle in his eyes and the grin on his lips seemed to grow when he caught you looking in his direction. You immediately look away and feel a heat warm your face that was not a product of the sun. You attempted to hide your blush by quickly looking in the other direction, towards the women, who were now openly smiling towards you; aged and married hearts being warmed at the prospect of young love. You quickly busied yourself with the task of collecting all the supplies you had brought with you, already feeling nervous knowing that all the hero of Siwa had to do was walk a short way and he'd be standing right in front of you. You could not deny the fact that you were overjoyed at his arrival. His proximity meant that he was safe, unharmed, and back in his home. You could not deny the fact that your heart began to beat just a little faster when you knew well that his happiness had been directed towards you. That you were in his thoughts and that, perhaps, he longed to be at your side just as much as you longed to be at his; that he might miss your conversations and walks through the market as much as you did. You could not deny that you would often stare at the starry heaven above you and wonder if he had been staring at that same moon. Your hands had begun to tremble, if only slightly, as you collected the small cup you used to pour water from the ground. The sun, who had relentlessly showered you with its warm glow, had suddenly disappeared. You were left kneeling in a soft shadow that guarded you from that which ailed you. You looked up to see what had caused the eclipse and the small cup fell from your hands. "Bayek." You said, almost breathlessly, as with soft eyes you admired what you truly thought to be the most perfect man in all the land. He lowered himself to the cushioned ground of the riverside and reached for the object that had slipped from your grasp before his hazel orbs met your own. "(Y/N)." He soft your name just as gently as you said his. Once more you could feel the presence of your blush. You truly hoped he would not notice. Though he did. He was astutely observant, especially when it came to you. He sometimes wondered if you knew how amazing you were in his eyes; if you knew exactly how beautiful you were to him and how much he treasured every one of your moments together. You were the first person he came to when he returned from his missions. He entered Siwa and every one around knew the one question he was going to ask as he always inquired about your whereabouts. He placed you in priority, always, knowing that you had worried about him for the time of his absence. Before even his desire to rest there was his desire to see and be around you. "May I?" He asked, gesturing to the basket that you were going to carry back to your home. "Oh, no! I've-I can-you don't have to worry-" The sound of his charming chuckle cuts you off and you look away as you feel the blush on your face redden. You could feel his eyes on you; intently watching you, giving you all of his attention and focus. It was completely your fault, Bayek reasoned. Had you not been so captivating, had your smile not been so beautiful, then perhaps he would not be the source of your bashfulness. Being honest, he did not like the idea of another causing you to react as he did, for losing you would be losing the world's finest treasure. "You do not have to worry about me, yet you do. You must allow me the same courtesy." His words were always sincere, perfectly enunciated by his deep voice. Every part of him was completely beautiful to you. He had been your friend when you had most needed him. He was patient and compassionate. Kindhearted to a gorgeous degree with everyone yet a fierce warrior whose skill was extraordinary. His calloused rough hands could be the most gentle around you. The same man that has taken lives is the same man that fiercely protects others. How blessed did you feel knowing you held a spot within Bayek's heart. He carried the basket with ease as he walked by your side. The sun was no longer a bother as you trekked along the busy market path where merchants of all kinds attracted customers. There was always various smells in attendance as well as many sounds of both animals, locals, and the occasional foreigners. It all blended into background noise because all of your attention was now given to the man who was sharing tales of his journeys with you. You had always wanted to explore the world and there was no better source of information than Bayek, who took his time to describe even the smallest detail.   "That is truly incredible, Bayek." The admiration palpable in your voice as you looked up to the handsome man that blinded you with his smile. "I cannot imagine how grand it must be always walking towards the horizon." You had romanticized the idea of his travels without knowing the exact truth of why he spend extended lengths of time away from the home that loved him and that he loved in return. He could not blame you as he did many of the things that he did in the pursuit of ridding the world of such evilness, hoping it would never extend and reach you. There was a larger world that you were not aware of. A world that, honestly, many people did not know existed. There were certain groups of people who did not have kindness living in their hearts, instead they had wicked intents that lacked compassion for people; whether it be their own or others. You were innocent to it and Bayek felt, as some others that also shared his sentiment, that it was his duty to protect people like you from the harm that can be unleashed upon you. He wanted to protect those who could not protect themselves. "Trust me, (Y/N), there is no greater feeling than the joy of returning home." He responded genuinely, shifting his gaze from you towards the small home that you called your own. It was not much though it was perfect for you. It was in a strategic location meaning that anything you would ever need was very close but the reason you truly loved it was because you were treated to the most amazing of sunsets and sunrises from the roof of your home. You would see the market place dwindle in the dark and blossom when the light was nearing. You welcomed Bayek; shared what you had with him, insisting he was not to go anywhere without a meal first and the man simply could not deny you. He enjoyed the fish and bread you had given him and he watched how you carefully stored what the both of you no longer wanted. He knew how giving you were. It was a part of your character that came naturally. Nothing that you ever made ever went to waste and there were many beggars that waited for whatever mercy they could acquire at the end of each day. You were well known for your boundless generosity. You had been a recipient of that mercy as a child and since then you implemented and lived by that same benevolence; wishing to show it to everyone you met. It made you extraordinary. It astonished Bayek every time that he witnessed it. For there were not many times that you now received anything for your generosity but that did not stop you from giving. That reminded him... His hand reached out to grasp yours, surprising you. You once again noticed how his hand dwarfed yours; encompassing it almost completely. "I have a gift for you." "For me?" His nod answered your question as he produced a small leather bound book, clearly worn by the weather and travel, that held various sheets of papyrus closed together by a thin strand of the same leather. He handed it to you, enjoying the curiosity that swirled in your eyes and watched as you gently took it from him. You opened it and your eyes widened. "You did this?" You asked as your hand carefully touched the sheets that held the art of far off places that you love to get the chance to one day see. You flipped each page. Your awe only increased. Everything was absolutely beautiful; elaborately detailed from how the people dressed to the impressive backgrounds. Every page was filled and every page held a different wonder until you reached the end. A pleased smirk appeared on his lips as you remained silent trying to find the right words as you gazed onto the pictures. "Bayek," you said as you once again turned the pages of the book and smiled widely as your heart filled with happiness. "This is amazing! You did this yourself? It is spectacular." He had separated a time during his travels, when the sun was leaving the sight of the world to rest, to quickly sketch whatever was around him. The busy Nile, the impressive shadow the pyramid could cast, the Greek ships, the architecture of that particular area. Anything he deemed worthy enough to take back to you. "You enjoy it." "I will always treasure it. Thank you." It was you who reached out to touch his hand this time and he felt the same pleasant surprise and the instinct to intertwine his fingers around yours; just as you had felt. The world never existed when you were with him. When the two of you were together. Bayek missed these moments more than anything when he was away but he always kept you in his thoughts so that you were never too far out of reach. In the shade of your home, with your affections beating loudly with your heart, you gathered your bravery to lean in a place a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." You repeated, this time at a very short distance from him, using the bravery you had somehow gathered to do that. "You are welcome." He answered, slowly nearing your face to repeat your same action as he gently raised a hand to your face and closed the distance between you so his lips kissed your forehead. The moment between the both of you was incredibly soft. You felt almost lightheaded having Bayek so close and you wondered if he felt the same. You took him in. The fullness of his lips, the arc of his nose, the light hidden in his eyes that were so focused on you. He was utter perfection. You raised your hand to softly caressed his cheek. His eyes closed for a moment as he slightly leaned onto your hand letting you know he appreciated your touch before opening those beautiful eyes to stare back into yours. You both moved closer; your heart beating wildly when he lifted a hand to hold onto yours as your lips meant. A kiss shared by two shy lovers who would give up the world to be with one another but a pair that knew that the time for them to be together would be soon. Bayek couldn't ever place you in harm's way and you knew that your dream of being at his side was soon to come true. He couldn't ever let anything hurt you and he would protect you from all threats including himself. But for this moment you both allowed yourselves to feel the love that was so obvious and so strong through a kiss.
He was indeed glad that you had liked his gift and that a moment as pure as that one had been shared. It was moments like those that made it really difficult for him to leave your side. When all he desired was to be near your presence and to give you everything that you truly deserved. He too wished for a marriage. He too wished to share a home with you and never have to be far from your embrace but the stakes were high and there was still much danger lurking silently but that would not keep him away from you. Not forever. He was going to have all those things with you. He promised it.
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Introduction of Robobraille
Robobraille is a free email and web service. This is a site where you can automatically transform documents into an alternate format for the visually and reading impaired, this technology will read out loud to the listener so they don’t have to read it themselves. You can find it at www.robobraille.com. This service is accessible 24/7 and is self service. You don’t need to register to use this service. Its objective is to support self suffiency of people with additional needs. Robobraille was originally created by synscentre refsnaes in Denmark and senus aps and was launched in 2004. It has received many awards+
Functionality and usability
It is a fairly easy to use it goes through the steps with you as you input information and sends it to your email so you can listen when you want to. It can be used to study while commuting, if your resting or even while exercising, it can be used whenever it is suitable for the user.
It’s free to use which is always a bonus. It can be used for the visually impaired or dyslexic or other reading difficulty. It’s a great study aid where the user can listen to tutorials with their headphones in at any time or place that might not have being convenient otherwise.
You can use it anywhere, you don’t need to type all text into it you can download from computer files. Its cost effective and saves time to access material production. It aids flexible learning so the user can learn any where such as walking, running, in bed, on the bus or train etc. It also aids inclusive learning and offers learning to people with learning difficulties such as dyslexia or visually impaired.
Comparison with other technologies
The old “skool” methods of robobraille was Dictaphones where the user would record themselves speaking into a microphone and listen to it later, or an audio recording which was similar to a Dictaphone. These methods where very time consuming and there was always a risk of someone recording over the persons recording.
This could be useful in my setting if I was working with a parent with a visual impairment or learning difficulty where I could send letters or newsletters in an audio form where they can listen and respond to me if needed. I could send all my policies and procedures to all parents regardless of their background if they have a learning difficulty or have English as a second language, so all parents can feel included and have an input to the running of my playschool. If I wanted to highlight any certain topic like my curriculum or health and safety I could send the information by this method so all parents can access this.
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oblivions-dawn · 6 months
Hi, just so you know, I set an auto-clicker to boop you every 2 seconds
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oblivions-dawn · 5 months
🕯️🥤🌿 for the Writers Truth or Dare!
✑ On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
UHHH I . . . edit as I go! I really love going back through and fiddling with words and sentences until they ZING. Sometimes though they are zingy right off the bat and that's always the best feeling. But editing is part of the writing process and I love it all so . . . . YAY
✑ Recommend an author or fanfic you love
I must ALWAYS recommend @thequeenofthewinter's absolutely AMAZING fanfiction. I never thought I'd adore her Ulfric as much as I do, but damn it, she has completely ensnared me. I will also recommend @umbracirrus's fanfiction starring Jarl Balgruuf and @sylvienerevarine's fanfiction with Roggi!! I could sit here and recommend five more fanfictions but I will refrain nyehehe
✑ Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
I am perhaps the worst person to ask at the moment, as I am deep in a writer's block and very low on creativity due to, well, life. You can't always force writing and creativity, so I've done my best to relax and play Skyrim [among other games] and remind myself that sometimes just daydreaming about writing and scenes is just as much a part of the process as it is actually doing it. It's hard not to beat myself up every day for not writing, but I know I'll return to it soon enough; I just need more time. ❤
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oblivions-dawn · 9 days
2, 13, 28, 29 forrrrr Raedis :]
✑ Do they have a dynamic trope? (enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
HMMMM. Maybe a sort of . . . beauty and the beast? MONSTER AND SLAYER? I looked up a list of tropes and these two I think fit them
✑ What’s their opinions on PDA?
Since Rae lives in a preeeeeeeetty seclusive place . . . I don't think they really worry about such things. And even if there were people there more frequently, neither of them really care LKDFJGLKFD
✑ What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
At some point, any and all birds remind Jordis of Rae. Jordis also keeps one of Rae's feathers with her, tucked in her armour. Rae at some point acquired some of Jordis' hair, which she keeps in a small bottle.
✑ What is something they can never agree on? How do they meet in the middle?
Rae is not used to leaning on anyone for anything. This is something that frustrates Jordis to no end, even if she understands that Rae is old as dirt and therefore, old habits die very, very hard. However, Rae is . . . trying. Slowly, but surely, trying to trust and depend on someone else when she's in excruciating pain or can't do something by herself. Jordis has learned to settle for what she can get, but hopes that Rae will come to fully lean on her when needed.
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oblivions-dawn · 6 months
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oblivions-dawn · 9 days
29, 24, 1, and…I forget the other number so this one is totally random 7 for our favorite girls VIRANA 4 EVA
✑ What is something they can never agree on? How do they meet in the middle?
Answered here! Some day Vigdis will be better about meeting in the middle . . . maybe . . . .
✑ What are their favorite places to kiss on their partner(s)? What are their favorite types of kisses?
An anon got to me about this before you did, but I will say . . . perhaps they also enjoy the kind of kisses that travel when clothes are suddenly missing . . . . you know, the whole worshipping thing :3c
✑ What's their love languages?
Also answered here! Which of course is my dumb answer of pHYSICAL TOUCH even though there's definitely more, I'm just . . mush
✑ Who is the more romantic one?
You would think it's Serana--and sometimes, it is! But I think Vigdis has a pretty romantic side too. Just in a quieter . . . different way. SIGH some day I will get to writing about my idiots being like this. Until then, we suffer
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oblivions-dawn · 9 days
7, 11, 13, 24 for Shithero. Uhm. Cictha. Shathero. Laughs-With-Mother <- correct one
thank you for allowing me to spam you
✑ Who is the more romantic one?
. . . Neither of them?? WHEEZE. Mmmaybe Cicero but. They're weird. They're so weird. I don't--my poor mind is being VIOLATED by what their definition of romantic is please free me from this nightmare
✑ What's a song that describes their relationship? Or, what's the song they've deemed "their" song?
I'm at work so I won't post links shhhh BUT. Martyr by KiNG MALA and gaslighting by OnlyOneOf, to name only two on the Shatha playlist >:3c
✑ What's their opinions on PDA?
SHATHA HATES IT SO MUCH DFLKJGLKJH. She's so possessive and obsessive and she doesn't want to share or even have people SEE any of that. I imagine at first Cicero was like 'WHY NOT' and then. Well. Smug
✑ What are their favorite places to kiss on their partner(s)? What are their favorite types of kisses?
Cicero LOVES kissing her hands. It's just one of those things. And she likes kissing him randomly, mostly to see what he does DFKJGLKJHFG
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oblivions-dawn · 9 days
1, 16, 17, 25 for Do'Shav/Farkas :3c
✑ What’s their love languages?
✑ What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
YESSSSS YES YES YES!!! They're the type to dive head first into projects around the house and just have so much fun doing it and those are Do'Shavir's favourite moments
✑ What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
Cuddling and taking naps . . . maybe some playful wrestling or sparring . . . .
✑ What is their dream home? Do they buy a place together? Who plans the decorations and who does the heavy lifting?
OKAY SO they eventually buy Tundra Homestead together [or maybe they build it . . . . .I haven't decided yet] and it's very much something done TOGETHER They argue about what wood to use and what accents the walls should have and where the kitchen should be and they both just. Love it. Farkas does end up doing a lot of the heavy lifting [Do'Shavir is 5'7. Tiny] BUT YOU KNOW WHAT. THEY LOVE DOING IT TOGETHER ANYWAY THEY ARE MY SOFT LADS AND I LOVE THEM
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oblivions-dawn · 9 days
6, 8, 15, 19 for mevlerica >:3c
✑ Do they go out often or prefer to stay indoors?
Oh these two absolutely love to stay indoors. Vampires and their shared hatred of the sun and all that
✑ Do they have any favorite activities to do together?
YES!! They love to read books by the fire and hold hands and also tend to Valerica's courtyard and garden and [gently holds them]
✑ Do they go on vacations together? Where is their favorite place to visit?
OOOO. I imagine that they do in fact travel together sometimes just to explore and to find cool new alchemy ingredients. This makes me want to write about them visiting a city or something . . . . one thing at a time Senu you fucking idiot
✑ How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
For Mevunsi, it's DEFINITELY through touch. Whether it's holding hands or fixing Valerica's hair, she's very much about romantic gestures through that avenue. I could see Valerica pointing out things that make her think of Mev, or picking up some of her habits. Sigh. My goth grandmas are so so cute. Some day my dumbass will finish their one-shot and post it
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oblivions-dawn · 9 days
3. Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who’s banned from the kitchen? 4. What’s their favorite sleeping/cuddling positions? 5. Who does what chores?
For Wynn/Bryn/Saph!
AHH HELLO FRIEND!! Ooo an ask about my newly formed polycule EXCELLENT
✑ I actually imagine that Sapphire and Brynjolf cook and Wynnarwe is 110% BANNED from the kitchen. No one taught her how to cook, and thus, cannot do it to save her life. And so, Wynn is ultimately stuck with cleaning duty. Most of the time.
✑ Saph and Bryn both like to lay on Wynn when cuddling. She's comfy. But in bed I imagine either Bryn or Saph get squished in the middle LKJFLGKJFDKLG
✑ I feel like Saph somehow ends up doing most of them DKLFJGLKDFJGK. Except Wynn is such a bastard and LOOOOOVES being the ultimate distraction so . . . how anything gets done or clean is beyond me
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oblivions-dawn · 9 days
2, 9, and 24 from the ship asks for Virana <3
✑ Do they have a dynamic trope? (enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
Enemies to lovers . . . annoyances to lovers . . . . the pissy one and the cordial one . . . vampire hunter and vampire . . . . lesbians
✑ Baths or showers together? Do they like elaborate ones with bubbles and flower petals?
They have technically bathed together at least once onscreen . . . neither of them seem the type to give it a little flourish though WHEEZE
✑ What are their favorite places to kiss on their partner(s)? What are their favorite types of kisses?
Oh Serana is all about kissing Vig's neck and shoulders and jaw, and Vigdis is more than happy to just soak in how soft her lips feel. Vig is more the type to kiss Serana's brow, or by her ear, or her palm. Haugh. After all this NONSENSE I've thrown them into trust and believe that I fully intend to explore all of their romantic relationship bullshit LJDFLKJGKLDJG
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oblivions-dawn · 13 days
What's the first OC backstory bit that pops into your head?
WELL I've been trying to get my Hagraven/Lich OC, Raeyla'szah, to tell me more about how she, well, came to be--and I think she's [sort of] finally told me!
I want to write it out more coherently and detailed for her backstory, but I learned that she was born on Yokunda during the Dragon Cult! Which I think is really fascinating and I believe that technically makes her my oldest OC! And I just think that's pretty neat uwu
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oblivions-dawn · 4 months
It is truly an honor and privilege to consider you a friend. 💕 Your writing is spectacular and brings me so much joy.
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I don't know what I did to deserve you and your kind words and your amazing friendship; your writing and art is also spectacular and fantastic and brings me immense joy and happiness ❤❤ You deserve the world AND MORE
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oblivions-dawn · 6 months
i give you 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇
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