miseryofmidenight · 1 year
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ahalliance · 2 months
antoine + étoiles insane moments, p.2. aka the ass saga. p1 here
transcript + context for some of the clips below
[Video Transcript:
[First clip plays.]
Rivenzi: You want to see Etoiles’ ass, of course…
Antoine: Yeah, I’m gonna stare at your ass, Etoiles…
Etoiles: Fuck, what dread, during Popcorn [a talkshow Etoiles had been invited on the previous week], when I went up to the map and you said that, and I thought ‘whoa—‘
Antoine: Sorry
[Second clip plays: the moment during Popcorn]
PA/Domingo: Antoine Daniel has posted a tweet for us: ‘I wanted to look at this map of Africa, but Etoiles’ ass in the shape of a standing bell is driving me crazy. Smiley face with eyes in the shape of hearts.’
[Third clip plays: a continuation of the first clip.]
Antoine: Sorry, bro…
Ponce: Oh but that tweet, besides
Rivenzi: A standing bell…
Antoine: What’s more is that I never tweet and when I do it’s to tweet this sort of shit
Ponce: That’s exactly what I told myself. When PA read the tweet, I thought to myself, ‘but he never tweets!’ And he tweets to talk about Etoiles’ ass
Antoine: There needs to be a good reason, you see
[Fourth clip plays: a clip from the Team du Lundi’s minecraft server.]
JDG: Someone (in chat) said, ‘I can’t tell whether the atmosphere is good tonight or—‘
Antoine: It sucks, it sucks
Florence: You don’t need to ask every time, it always sucks
Baghera: Always sucks. Especially when Etoiles talks about ass [which had been a previous topic of discussion for him that night]
Antoine: Stooop, I enjoy it
Mynthos: You enjoy it?
JDG: It’s true tonight that it’s more weird than bad
Antoine: I like it when Etoiles talks about ass….
[Fifth clip plays: a second and different clip from Popcorn.]
Etoiles: —you’re not allowed to tell me that [Xari claimed to not know much about cinema]. I know you, I studied, because you’re my rival [in pop culture]. I really enjoy what you do in life, Xari, and you’re really knowledgeable about cinema
Antoine: What do you mean he’s your rival? And I’m just shit?
Etoiles: You, you’re my lover
Antoine: Oh yeah, sorry, my bad
PA/Domingo: One of the three is gonna die soon. There’s a whole situation, there’s a whole lore
[Sixth clip plays: a clip from the QSMP.]
Antoine: Don’t you want to get married, dude?
Etoiles: Well, I don’t have the time to fuck
Antoine: What the fuck?!
Etoiles: I don’t have time to fuck, dude. I just need to kill everyone
Antoine: No but just a marriage, you see. You’ve watched Game of Thrones— you haven’t watched Game of Thrones, you can’t know how marriages work in that series
Etoiles: I’ve watched it, but I’m married to the street, dude. I can’t give out my heart that quickly
Antoine: Yeah but you can give out your ass quickly, no?
Etoiles: No, frankly, my ass—
Antoine: What the fuck?!
Etoiles: Giving out your ass takes time, dude
Antoine: What the fuck…
Etoiles: Then again, I need to think about it. I’ll give you my answer. I need to discuss, and everything
Antoine: I’m tired of getting betrayed. You get married with someone else—
Etoiles: Never in a million years!
Antoine: —it’s like yesterday. Apparently Maximus got the mic from his ass removed while I wasn’t there. I was supposed to be the one to do it
Etoiles: Oh okay, so I’m your second choice?
Antoine: No! It was just to help him—
Etoiles: No, but, okay
Antoine: He got— listen—
Etoiles: There’s no problem!
Antoine: Fuck, nevermind
Etoiles: There’s no issue! Oh, so you’re opening my chest and stealing?
Antoine: I was just looking! Out of curiosity
Etoiles: Yeah, that’s it
Antoine: I don’t even understand what’s in it
Etoiles: Yeah, out of curiosity. Dude, your opinion on my cave?
Antoine: Well frankly it’s big
end Video Transcript.]
#antoine daniel#etoiles#étoiles#jay clips#qsmp#<- this is an appropriate tag wait till the end . it makes up half the video too#4/08/2024#le fameux bol tibétain d’étoiles…. traduit pour les inters#and i call it a saga here because the clips here span from early 2021 to mid 2023#you know the first clips are old because antoine is still using twt at that point#not included here; a zlan 2024 clip where étoiles yells ‘fuck me in the ass’ (french) at antoine 👍#also not included ; a serveur du lundi clip where étoiles jokes about antoine having a leash at home#antoine denying this and étoiles saying ‘well i spent a weekend at your place’#????????? yeah sure why not#ALSO re the qsmp clip antoine brought up the marriage possibility after hearing about the upcoming spiderbit wedding <3#bro sounds so fucking needy in the clip it’s sending me . how can i make this into qantoine lore……. this WAS the period where things were#slowly changing within the french dynamic (aka . they were meeting and talking to new people) and qantoine was growing increasingly paranoi#about trusting people then……. him trying to hold onto someone he loves dearly because he’s not sure if he can keep up with him…..#anw some other translation type notes read if ur interested in that:#wasn’t quite sure on the best way to translate ‘l’angoisse’ here . i went with ‘dread’#literally it translates to ‘anxiety/anguish/dread/etc’ but it’s used in a very flippant way in slang#so anguish felt a bit strong here . when someone says ‘oh l’angoisse’ about something it’s usually to mean an uncomfortable or unusual#scenario . but the intensity of that very much varies#OH ALSO : if anyone wants the sources to each of these clips lmk#i may just add them here later when im less tired#insuline & nicotine
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rotting-guy · 16 days
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abibeur · 10 months
Headcanons about the "Serveur du Lundi" and how it integrates to QSMP lore
Somebody had to do it one day, and I had some ideas, so... Bear in mind these are mostly headcanons, even if I'm basing these on what we already have. Oh also, even if I don't write "q!", if I mention our French streamers' names, know that I'm obviously talking about the cubitos.
The server in itself
Vacations for the friends on it, think of it as wild camping
The land was bought by JDG (more on that later)
Aypierre wasn't here, because he fled in the wilderness due to being pursued by Ayr0b0t (yeah, funnily the "hardcore" season of his LP coincided with the Serveur du Lundi). Etoiles could still call him, tho', so he wasn't totally cut off.
Kameto also wasn't here, but we could imagine he was actually already spying for the Federation, lurking in the shadows, watching the Serveur du Lundi doing their thing...
The players (and their skins)
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JDG / Jidège / Frederic Mollas / Fred / "Pepito Kawazakii"
Is actually pretty famous, like in our world
Big entrepreneur, responsible for many things: parkings, factories, recycling plants, architectural design, talk shows, tv programs...
"His theme" Antoine taught to Pomme is the theme of his talk show!
Antoine was the first to met him personally (probably due to being a doctor). He introduced him later to his other friends.
Aypierre didn't really met him, but he knew of the guy. He did talk to his engineer, though!
Was the one who bought the land for the Serveur du Lundi, under the name "Pepito Kawazakii"
"Pepito Kawazakii" is actually one of his (many) aliases (which include "Odessa Silverberg" and others), when he wants to travel incognito (or do some shady stuff without facing the consequences).
Horty / Hortense
Is a weird humanoid sea creature (and I must restrain myself from doing any Splatoon reference)
Met Baghera in her childhood, while she escaped Quesadilla Island
Both are pretty good friend (even besties!) since this, so Baghera introduced her to her other friends
Both of them are pretty close to nature (due to their animal nature?), causing conflicts between them and JDG
Due to being an aquatic being, she can actually come and go from Quesadilla Island, visiting Baghera sometimes, even if she can't help her escape (because she can't carry her and also because the Federation watches, this time!)
AngleDroit / Florence
Judge, PhD and lawwoman extraordinaire
Actually a furry (even if the idea of her being a human-animal hybrid without any link to the Federation was funny)
Met with Antoine and Etoiles through friends (Antoine really likes befriending powerful and influent people)
Baghera likes to make fun of her but they're still very good friends
Zerator / Adrien
Showman, he met most of the others through social events he organised
Even if he organises caritative events for environmental causes, it doesn't stop him from partnering with JDG in his urban projects
Once again, Antoine can't stop himself from befriending influent people-
Normal headcanons:
A man of the land: farmer, worker, miner, baker...
Met with Zerator through friends (well the French viewers reading this know which friend it is)
Has a Ricardo Milos shirt because why not
Probably the friend with who Antoine bickers the most
Unhinged headcanons:
IT'S A GIANT FLOATING HEAD (oddly similar to Ricardo Milos')
Antoine introducing him to the others, who quickly brushed off the fact that he is a giant floating head, telling themselves that if Antoine said it's a normal human, then it is, why would Antoine lie about that?
Has a weird obsession with animal reproduction
Seems to be abundantly secreting a mysterious liquid, which apparently is edible, but only Antoine dares to drink it
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odusseus-xvi · 10 months
At the end of the Team Du Lundi Server tonight, Quackity shows up to invite all the ones not on QSMP like Nick Fury with the Avengers.
I know, my uncle told me. He is Mynthos.
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bon je sais que j'ai pas été là depuis un moment mais ya quelqu'un ici qui a envie de parler avec moi sur discord un peu? tchatter genre, juste.....écrire, pas de micro ou bah tu vois
j'ai juste envie de faire un ami ou deux avec qui je peux parler en français pcq les amis que j'ai ne me comprennent pas en français et j'ai envie de parler français donc
ça m'importe pas trop de quoi on parle, mais si tu me suis ici on peut commencer avec doctor who non? et après jsais pas, hobbys? ça n'a pas à être profond
condition est que ça ne te dérange pas que mon français est toujours un peu bancal et que je t'utilise un peu sans vergogne pour l'améliorer
mais vraiment j'ai juste envie que quelqu'un me raconte de ses hobbys et projets ou goûts musicaux genre, peu importe
j'ai regardé mortel cette semaine c'est trop bien
et je pense de participer à whumptober mais je ne suis encore qu'arrivé à remplir cinq prompts. je suis aussi pas vraiment d'humeur pour le whump c'est plutôt hurt/comfort mais quand même
je suis aussi intéréssé par des recommandations pour de la musique francophone alors si tu as des artistes préférés
#vais tagguer un peu excusez-moi#doctor who#mortel#french side of tumblr#c'est difficile de faire de nouveaux amis 😭#je suis entré dans quelques serveurs sur discord mais j'ai vraiment aucune idée comment on se fait des amis là-dedans#les règles de conversation m'échappent un peu là#j'ai considéré d'aller lire des fanfictions et écrire des commentaires et espérer que ça devient qqch comme ça mais#ça prend beacuoup de temps que je n'ai pas vraiment en ce moment fhgjhjhg#j'ai juste envie de snacker nope wrong langue umm de causer un peu les soirs. en français. simple. tu vois#alors si tu veux faire amis ✌️écris moi je suis sérieux et pardon pour mon français#et si quelqu'un avec qui j'ai déjà parlé sur discord vois ça c'est pas que je t'aime pas c'est juste que je ne sais pas quoi dire#ou si on a envie de parler avec moi franchement#donc si quelqu'un lit ça qui a envie de parler avec moi: salut#je sais pas si mon français est très......chiant à déciffrer genre?#tu sais comment le b1 ou b2 je sais pas du cecr décrit qu'à ce niveau c'est pas trop difficile pour les locteurs natifs de comprendre?#bah oui je sais pas si je suis difficile à comprendre#je peux m'efforcer un peu plus c'est un tumblr post c'est mal soigné. je peux utiliser des points et des virgules. en fait.#dfgkjhg en fait je crois que je suis assez difficile à comprendre en anglais également#soit pcq j'écris trop ''poétique'' pour que ça soit clair. soit pcq je néglige mon écriture trop pour que ça soit clair.#mauvaises habitudes vraiment#et je ne sait pas encore comment utiliser le subjonctif mais je suis en train de l'apprendre donc ça ne va trop durer j'espère
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
since we're talking about portyguese idk if in Pt-Pt it's the same but in brazil we call restaurant servers garçon and garçonete. another fun fact is if you tell any brazilian it comes from french they'll probably be shocked 😭
Oh the association of the meaning to that word might come from garçon de café !
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though I find it funny that you actually have garçonete to refer to girl servers (I suppose so ?)
The call hasn't been used in ages for well logical reasons, nowadays you just say "excusez moi !" (excuse me)
And tbh it feels kinda bougie/posh to use "garçon" nowadays to call for a guy server, people will look you weird
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soeurdelune · 1 year
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UN AUTRE MONDE, le serveur discord des rpgistes indépendant·e·s
𝐔𝐧 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞 🪐 a été créé par et pour les rpgistes indépendant·e·s. Il a pour objectif de faciliter les rencontres entre personnes pratiquant le rp indé/1x1/privé, dans un cadre sain et cozy.
En dehors des habituelles chaînes de présentation, recherches, etc., il vous sera également possible de créer votre espace personnel, une chaîne où vous serez seul·e à pouvoir poster et où vous pourrez partager vos préférences rpgiques, personnages, recherches et tout ce qui vous passera par la tête!
Venez trouver votre bonheur dans Un Autre Monde! ☞ Lien d'invitation
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arypurple · 10 months
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Des emotes Discord que j'ai fait. Ne pas les prendre sans ma permission.
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majoraajoram · 1 year
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Please welcome Antoine Daniel, alias « Le futur architecte de Notre Dame de la Merde » 👩‍🎨✨
Seeing him interact with Pomme is both very cute and super funny~
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halebop-s-art · 1 year
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Day 5 : "Carte" / "Map"
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un-sideblog · 2 months
Ça fait deux jours que je travaille en restaurant et je ne demanderais plus jamais de corbeille de pain de ma vie (la carafe d'eau est malheureusement nécessaire à la survie).
J'ai l'air gentil donc tout le monde me demande le pain. C'est si long à faire et après on me reproche de pas servir les plats (ma vrai fonction au sein du restau). Bah oui forcément, chaque client veut deux corbeilles de pain, deux carafes d'eau et de la moutarde. Et pensent qu'ils sont les seuls à faire ce type de demande qui me bouffe cinq minutes à chaque fois (le restau est très grand).
Soyez moins français tous. Moins de pain, service plus rapide pour tout le monde.
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ahalliance · 2 months
rotating the UHCs + serveur du lundi qetoiles precanon potentiality in my mind
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issialou · 6 months
I believe I just understand something. The QSMP's global lore is not about the Federation and all the shits they have did but about BadBoyHalo and his harem XD.
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levlies889 · 1 year
Something so sweet about my wifi going to shit as I'm trying to load the vod of someone else's connection issues. I love immersive experiences qsmp my beloved
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odusseus-xvi · 10 months
"She is coming back tonight"
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