#Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
thefishbread · 3 years
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Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
taksimhookah · 3 years
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Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
stylelifeso · 3 years
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Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
healthboys · 3 years
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Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
streetparties · 3 years
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Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
pubulc · 3 years
Tumblr media
Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
fashionredbg · 3 years
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Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
funfashionlife · 3 years
Tumblr media
Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
bgfest · 3 years
Tumblr media
Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
hookahlifestyle · 3 years
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Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes
heartlifestyle · 3 years
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Seven evangelical churches in Turkey
There are now seven evangelical churches in Turkey, and, before you receive this, there will probably be eight. These churches of the living God have nowhere to assemble but “ at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation,” in a private house, or in a room rented for the purpose, no house of prayer having been yet erected for any of them. The church of Constantinople was organized nearly two years ago, with forty members, and sixty have since been added to it, there having been additions at every communion. The number of those that belong to the congregation is at least four times as large as the number of those that belong to the church, and no private house is sufficiently large to accommodate them. “ Your servants for Jesus’ sake,” whom you have sent here to invite “ as many as they find” to the Gospel feast, can no longer say to those that come, “ And yet there is room; ” but, in direct opposition to the while spirit of Christianity, our straitened circumstances declare to them more plainly than words, You must go away; there is no more room.
A house of God, then, is imperiously demanded. A lot for the purpose has already been purchased. The contract for the building is already made. The house will absolutely be built. The cost will be ten thousand dollars. The money must and will be forthcoming. You will see the bills are drawn at sight. Should you honor them, the honesty and the reward will be yours. Your own precious Redeemer, who poured out His own soul unto death to save yours, has such confidence in your punctuality and uprightness that you have the honor of His first call. Ilis first drafts are on you; and surely not for worlds would you have His confidence in the stability and integrity of your house shaken.
Should it be asked why the people here do not build their own church, the answer is, they have suffered the loss of all things for Christ, and taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods. Some of them are not even yet able to earn their own bread, so vigilant are their enemies to distress and ruin them. “ Now at this time, then, let your abundance be a supply for their want, that their abundance may hereafter be a supply for your want,” beyond the Rocky Mountains, in Oregon, or California.
Contemplated church of the Redeemer
One word more. Satan has a house of worship building here, — a magnificent theatre, — which will cost at least one hundred times as much as this contemplated church of the Redeemer. Some scores of men have been employed on it for many months, and they will be employed for mouths more. This also is built by subscription. Rut all Satan’s drafts for this object are duly honored. We have not heard of a single bill of his being protested here, although he really has no funds in any house.
Now, my dear brother, we have no more words to say. If any more are necessary, you must say them. Rut we fully expect to hear that those on whom these bills are drawn sat down immediately and wrote “Accepted,” and said at once, “ Rise up and build bulgaria holidays.” And thus all that any future historian of these transactions will have to add will be, “ So they strengthened their hands for this good work.”
Alleluia! Amen! Farewell.
In behalf of the station,
To this were appended a number of drafts for various amounts, to be signed with the names of the cheerful donors of the several sums.
Sustaining pecuniary
From his very entrance upon his work at Constantinople, Mr. Goodell had aimed at calling forth the energies of the people in sustaining pecuniary the various operations that were undertaken for their benefit, and this not merely as a matter of economy, but in order that they might appreciate their privileges. What costs nothing is little valued; and it is equally true that those who have expended time and labor and money on any enterprise will naturally look for some return from the investment. The first year that he was at Constantinople, he encouraged the Greeks and the Turks to 15 v
establish tlieir own schools, while he furnished the plans for carrying them on, and, as far as possible, books and teachers, for which they were expected to pay. In this way they were made altogether responsible for keeping up the schools.
0 notes