#Shadow confessing his feelings Live in ultra HD
cheetahsprints · 6 months
Sonic: Ok, SonadowForever asks... Oh boy we're really gonna answer this... with the username? Alright ... Shadow why are you - hehe - aha, sorry, it says, Shadow why are you so gay? Haha... Well that's presumptuous heh that's a BOLD question. You can't (snorts) Hahaha oh my Chaos, SonadowForever, you can't just ask people why they're gay! Shadow: Because Sonic is very handsome. Sonic: Haha what, excuse me Shadow... Pfffft what??? Amy Rose: So... You are gay then? If you don't mind me asking.   Shadow: Yes. Sonic: (snort) HAHAHEHEHE --- (high-pitched) LGBT for the win?! Shadow: For Sonic.   Sonic: Ah haha whoa there haha... Wait, are you... You weren't joking before? What does that even mean? Sonic: Shadow? Just gonna... Leave that hanging there? .... uh... ok. Sonic: Since we're sharing heh... I'm Bisexual. Not too picky, I go where the wind takes me... Yeah... Sonic [barely audible]: (((Right now it's taking me toward Shadow... Hi there~))) Shadow [barely audible]: (((...Sonic?))) Amy Rose: I prefer boys but I like to keep an open mind. For the possibilities. Your soulmate is your soulmate. Knuckles: Yeah uh... I dunno never really thought about it. Whoever catches my eye, but I'm usually too busy keeping an eye on the Master Emerald. There is a special lady who’s been on my mind though...   Amy Rose: Ooh I think I know who... Tails: Me too, hehe. Knuckles: No you don't! Tails: I’m not really interested in romance yet, if it happens. I'm focused on inventing and helping the team. Eggman: Ah..  I'm straight.. I think. But not really looking to date right now. Feel a little awkward after all of that...   Amy Rose: Oh don't feel awkward! Everyone is valid. As long as you don't make others feel bad about themselves. Knuckles: Is it me or did Sonic get really quiet? Amy Rose: Yeah what is he - ah.. haha oh. Knuckles cover Tails’ eyes, quickly! Tails: Huh?! Sonic: Oh this thing was still going? Haha... woops. Shadow: In regards to the answer Knuckles gave... Do I need to get the shovel ready? I'm not her father but... Close enough. Sonic: It's shovel TALK, Shadow. It's an expression. No actual shovels are involved. Shadow: Not if I have anything to say about it. Sonic: Well anyway! Thanks for the question... SonadowForever... really eye opening...  heheh. Sonic [barely audible]: (((What if, heh, you couldn't say anything, eh, Shadow?))) Amy Rose: Oh brother, does anyone have a spray bottle? Eggman: Here you go. I don't need to see that again.
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