shadowsbestiary · 3 years
Kelusine Species Sheet
Name: Kelusine 
Height: 2’6”-6’0” at the shoulder 
Weight: 900~ lbs-2000< lbs 
Diet: Carnivore 
Classification: Planetary, Natural, Non-Magic Sensitive, Sapient, Feral, Feline 
Trainable: Yes 
Temperament: Territorial, Protective, Energetic, Playful
Danger Level: Medium
Lifespan: 170-180 Kelusian Years 
Litter size: 2-4 cubs
Morphology: Immense felines, they are quite similar to the big cats of Earth aside from their strong saber teeth (which range from 4-8 inches) and thumb-like appendages in place of their dew claws. Males have lion-like manes whereas the females sport a short mane along the nape of their neck. In certain subspecies that reside in colder regions (Mountaineers and Wastelanders), the females’ manes may extend to their shoulders and belly. 
Islander: The swimmers and climbers. Found in low level coast forests in tropical regions and, as their name suggests, on island chains connected by shallow expanses of ocean. The smallest species, this cat resembles a Cloud Leopard in structure and their ankles can rotate backwards, just like the real life cat’s. This enables them to climb down trees headfirst, climb upside down, or even hang by their back feet. These cats reach only two and a half feet at the shoulder.
Plainer: The runners. The second smallest in shoulder height (4 ft), yet the second longest (14ish feet) thanks to their lengthy tail, Plainers are built purely for speed. Living on the wide open grasslands, they rely on quick bursts of speed to take down their prey. Their long tail acts like a rudder, just like a cheetah’s would, which enables them to make sharp turns with minimal warning. 
Forester: The jack of all trades. An intermediate of the five subspecies (4 ½ feet at the shoulder), Foresters resemble the tigers of Earth in build. Strongly built without sacrificing speed, Foresters live in, you guessed it, forests. They prefer hardwoods with mixed pines, but can adapt to Alpine forests or mid-latitude jungles and woodlands. 
Mountaineer: The jumpers. Closely resembling snow leopards or mountain lions, Mountaineers are found in similar environments; high altitude snowy mountains. Thick fur keeps them warm in the frigid air, and a thick tail helps them balance while chasing prey across steep slopes. Unlike snow leopards, however, Mountaineers are immense and rank #2 height (5ish feet) and #1 in length from nose to tail tip (16ish feet). 
Wastelander: The bone crushers. Unlike the other subspecies, which have body types based primarily on existing big cats, Wastelanders get their inspiration from smilodons and grizzly bears. Built for pure power with strong shoulders and immense front paws, Wastelanders are the largest of all Kelusines with shoulder height measuring six feet and even seven in rare cases. They are also the only subspecies with a short tail. 
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Light Brown
Brown Ash
Green Ash
Yellow Ash
Russet Brown
Red Ash
Colorpoint: Dilutes the     base while leaving the extremities (face/tail/paws) normal
Reversal: Switches the     color of the base coat and markings (ex: black with white stripes)
Light: Turns the     inner marking of rosette/smeared/clouded/snow spot lighter than the base     coat
Pied: White covers     25%-90% of the beast in solid patches
Splatter: White “paint     splatters” cover 10%-50% of the beast
Tortoiseshell (Female only):     The “red” gene is active and causes discoloration in patches. 
Blotched Tabby
Mackerel Tabby
Plain (no pattern)
Spotted Tabby
Ticked Tabby
Double Dose (Spots on body and stripes on extremities)
Snow Spot
Chimera (Two different base colors and markings)
Split (Two marking types)
Fallen Snow (Sabino along dorsal side)
Drift (Sabino along ventral side)
Glitch (Markings are broken and missing in some places)
Mist (Markings fade towards dorsal side)
Fog (Markings fade towards ventral side) 
Storm (Markings in thin vertical bands)
Physical Mutations:
Razorback (mane continues to tail)
Rimmed (mane along forelimb and back limb undersides; not found in Islanders or Plainers)
Curtain (long fur resemble horse mane; not found in Islanders or Plainers)
Static (Long and stiff along spinal area)
Scruff (Longer chin fur; standard Wastelanders)
Bobtail (Stump)
Angel (longer silky fur)
Short (Akin to a wolf; standard for Wastelanders)
Pointed (triangular rather than semi-circle; standard for Islanders)
Tufted (Lynx-like; standard for Wastelanders and Mountaineers)
Horned (Curl backwards)
Folded (Folded downwards)
Habitat: Thanks to the abundance of specialized subspecies, Kelusines are one of the most diverse species in terms of location. They can be found almost everywhere apart from the far poles, deserts, and swamps. Large carnivores, they require an area rich in prey and thus control large swaths of territory either as a clan or as individuals.  
Diet: Hypercarnivores, Kelusines require meat. They are not picky when it comes to meat, although shy away from carrion or cannibalism and a vast majority will not eat humans. One exception is the Wastelander subspecies, who will eat whatever prey they can catch. And humans are easy prey; dumb and slow. 
Intelligence: Kelusines are one of the most intelligent animals of Kelusia. Like most creatures, they can speak Basic, or English. However, they are one of the few species that can learn languages other than their own and Basic. Kelusines are also one of the few that can operate high level technology. Some actually possess a Communication Watch on their wrists. Able to comprehend advanced math and science, Kelusines still prefer subjects that deal with history, natural science, and technology. 
Social Life: Social creatures, wild Kelusines often live in small prides that consist of 5-7 individuals. However, sometimes to expand their territory, prides will join and make larger groups, or clans, of around 10-20 individuals, depending on the amount of prey available. When in clans, Kelusines have a ranking system to help things flow smoothly within the clan. The “head” positions are the Leader, Medic, and Deputy. Below that is the bulk of the clan, divided further into equal subgroups: Scouts, Operators (tech), Hunters, Guards, Milk Givers, and Elders. Below that rank the Trainees, who are the Kelusines ages 4-12 years, and finally come the Cubs, or Kelusines under the age of 4. 
Life Cycle: Kelusine females carry for 9-10 months. There are 2-4 cubs in a litter, on rare occasions 5. The cubs are born helpless and cannot see or hear a week after birth. It is not uncommon for an expectant mother who resides alone to seek out a clan who will let her stay with them the first week or so after her cubs’ birth. She does this to ensure that her cubs are not killed by a rival or possibly a jealous male. 
At two weeks, Kelusine cubs are stumbling around on stubby, unsteady legs. By now they can hear and see. They resemble fluffballs on sticks, their fur soft as down feathers. At three weeks, they can walk on their own without trouble and are play fighting with littermates or cubs near the same age if there are any. Around two months they are introduced to solid food. However, they continue to nurse until they are 9 months. At two years they begin to learn how to hunt for their own prey. They are usually taken out by both their mother and father if in a clan. If not, the mother or an older sibling will take them. 
Kelusines are considered cubs until year four. By that time they are the size of a teenage tiger or lion. From year four to twelve they are considered adolescents.  By now they are about the size of an adult lion or tiger. During the teenage years, Kelusines’ manes begin to grow. Their saber teeth also grow longer and stronger. Unless they grow up as rouges or loners, Kelusines begin to learn the basics of fighting at age twelve. If they were born outside of a clan, Kelusines often learn to fight sooner. 
At sixteen years, Kelusines can make it on their own with no extra help. However, they are not considered full adults until age twenty. Females mature, both sexually and mentally, faster than males. They are considered mature at eighteen, while it takes males until year twenty. After a Kelusine reaches age twenty, they may leave to explore or may look for a job as a mount. 
Kelusines are a unique species in that they are biologically immortal. The oldest Kelusine on record, a Forester by the name of Powerful Huntress of the Mountain Pass Pride, reached 220 Kelusian Years. However, most Kelusines only make it to 160-180 KY due to an oddity within their genes that becomes active around that age and produces similar symptoms to the viral infection rabies. Instead of intense fear, the Kelusine will become extremely aggressive, attacking anyone and anything in sight. This is not contagious, as it is not an infection, but there is also no cure for the affliction referred to as “Old Age Rage”. The only way to stop an OAR Kelusine is, unfortunately, to kill the beast.
Vocalization and Body Language: Like many of Kelusia’s unique fauna, Kelusines can speak Basic but also, as said earlier, have a unique ability to learn other languages such as Ragera. However, when they talk it is noticeably more guttural and rough compared to human speech. Aside from being able to speak “civilized” languages, Kelusines can make a wide variety of feral sounds. They have the ability to roar, snarl, growl, chuff, cough, groan, and hiss. Younger Kelusines can purr, but they do not have the ability to roar until age 5. Islanders and Plainers cannot roar no matter their age, but instead, like cheetahs, can purr through adulthood. 
Kelusines are also heavily reliant on body language. Their body language heavily mimics the tigers of Earth. A calm Kelusine has a relaxed body posture, and the tail hangs languidly. When curious, their tail will be raised high in the air and their ears will be forward in interest. An aggressive Kelusine will bare its teeth, widen its mouth, enlarge its pupils, and flatten its ears. 
Ridability:  Very human-like in their intelligence and readily available, Kelusines are not hard to come by. Kelusines are perhaps the most common mount as living with riders ensures a constant, easy food source while also making sure they get their exercise. That being said it is crucial for riders to understand Kelusines are not pets. Rather, they are companions who have agreed to carry the rider on their back. It is also important to keep in mind that, while Kelusines do have the intellectual capabilities of a human or higher creature, they are still highly dangerous predators who can turn on you if they so please. So treat them well. 
Common Uses: Mounts, Guards, Guides, Rangers.
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