#Shameless plug for Hunger and 4's Company
thatonegreyghost · 2 years
Ohh, how about 11, 25, and 51 for the fanfic writing asks?
Hi Salamander!!!! Taking this one question at a time;
11: do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
Honestly it depends on what's most convenient at the time. For example, I have that snippet from Hunger that you saw, plus an entire chapter for 4's Company that comes much later on(maybe. I'll probably get there in the next few chapters). So when I have story elements that I know I want, I use them as general outlines and plot my story around that, which helps organize the flow. Other than that, the chapters happen as they want to. I just write them down.
25: What is your favorite part of the writing process?
WORLDBUILDING MY BELOVED!!!! I love worldbuilding so much; just the fun that comes with constructing a society, a city, even just a small group of people. A great example of this is from my short story Trouble(P.S. please let me know if y'all wanna read that I'm super proud of it), where I had to construct a society where every citizen had a superpower(think My Hero Academia if it was centered on a grown man and the kid he accidently adopts). I had to do a lot of thought exercises to get the world and society and laws to fit, and most of the time I found myself planning out really specific details that wouldn't even make it into the final story! I love constructing a world and understanding how the world I'm writing works.
51: Does what you like to read differ from what you like to write?
Not drastically. I grew up falling in love with science fiction, thriller novels, and mystery books; the holy trinity for me was Percy Jackson, Encyclopedia Brown, and Goosebumps. And my love of science fiction and all it's sub-genres is what influences my writing so heavily, along with other authors! I believe I've mentioned this in another post, but my writing style is heavily influenced by authors who made a serious impact on my worldview through their writing, and that includes fanfic authors! I will say that I didn't particularly like romance novels(and for the most part still don't), and that's because of two things; 1, my parents are genuinely in love and treat each other with respect, so the typical straight romance novel showcases a completely different relationship type than what I grew up exposed to and 2, I'm queer. Traditional romance novels have a bad habit of putting the partners on unequal footing, and making one completely dependent on the other. That never sat right with me, even when I was too young to understand why. Getting older, i realized it was for the same reason I didn't understand the 'deadbeat dad' stereotype when I was younger, and when I figured out I was ace, everything else clicked. THAT BEING SAID... romance in fanfic? Top tier, 10/10, best romances in existence!!! Partners who actually care about each other, have equal footing in the relationship, communicate, and aren't dependent on each other while still managing to show their affection clearly? That's the shit I grew up with!!!!!
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