#Shattercatch anthony
doodle17 2 months
馃┒馃挋馃枻Just because you have wings doesn't make you an angel馃枻馃挋馃┒
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I miss my boys, so here's one of em
Anthony you angst machine I can't wait to draw you and your fluffy butt more
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doodle17 7 months
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"You gonna get up and fight you lazy bastard?"
Oc posting time babyyyyy oh yeahhhhh
Anyways, here Anthony being Anthony, aggressive and mean and getting into fights.
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Okay not really babies, but they're itty-bitty and cold AND scarred for life! Just waiting for their auntie to come pick em up outside the airport before he finds them
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doodle17 7 months
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*sighs dreamily* my boys... GOSH I LOVE THEM they are just so- aavaiwvwiwbkwnw馃枻馃枻馃┑馃┑
ALSO!! I finally got a a basic design for their wings down!
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Considering they're part husky AND dove Kimuri, their wings have a few mixed colors instead of just white or gray, on account of their Hudky DNA mixing with the dove
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doodle17 2 months
I am suddenly overcome with the urge to draw my OCs wearing nothing but cloth scantily covering just enough skin like dramatic Renaissance paintings of angels
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doodle17 7 months
馃崁 for Anthony
Ohhh boy we're going aaaaalll the way back to 2017 fellas!
So there was this one animator on YouTube who made animation memes and stuff, their name then was Fizzy-pop (I think) and they had like- this really interesting design for Bendy and I really like it
I ended up making both Will and Anthony, with their designs heavily referenced to their design of bendy. And Anthony originally had a surgical masm to cover his mouth because it was sewn shut
But that was before I narrowed down the plot and stuff to what it is now. It was waaaaaay different at the time! They weren't even animal type creatures they were demons and stuff. It's definitely a lot different than what we have now (thank GOD)
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doodle17 9 months
For the OC ask game:
10 for Bianca, 15 for Ellie, and 13 for your original character Anthony!
Bianca (Psychonauts) makes clicking noises when doing certain things. Tilting her head, stretching, putting her hands on her hips, flicking her wrists, and a bunch of other simple things.
Ellie (Psychonauts) is a great scientist and inventor. She is incredibly smart, but she hates when people "get in the way" of her plans. She can't stand being told no, or that her projects are to ambitious.
Anthony (original) is either hardly looking at you or staring directly into your soul. Usually the latter, but it depends on how he feels about you. But its not the eyes, it's usually what his ears look like. If they're relaxed your good. If they're alert though, He's either suspicious, mad or threatening you. But with piercing blue eyes like that, it's hard to focus on the ears
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doodle17 10 months
OC Ask Game~ 1 and 12 for Anthony?
Okay I don't want to spoil too much, so to keep it as basic as possible, anything involving his stepfather or biological mother. That's all I'm gonna say
Unfortunately, due to Anthony's aggressive and protective nature, he tends to get in fights quite often. Whether it gets physical or not, it has lead to him and Will having to move around quite often. And he's lost way more jobs than he can count because of it.
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doodle17 1 year
SO I said something about posting some stuff for my original story, so here's some stuff about the species I made who are the main focus of the series.
The story is called ShatterCatch, and the main race/species of the whole series are these people called the Kimuri.
Nothing much changes, it's basically an alternate world where humanity Is replaced Kimuri. What are Kimuri? Let me explain.
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Kimuri are basically humanoid like creatures, human anatomy, human brains etc. The only think about them is they each have animalistic traits and abilities! Examples of what a few look like above.
Kimuri are most like human, their animal species being similar to race in a way. They're all omnivores, even if the animal they are is carnivorous or herbivore. This also means that they all have claws and fangs, even if the animal they are doesn't posses them. This is one of the unique things that separates them from animals and humans. As well as non-hair type Kimuri having hair. Example: a reptilian type of Kimuri, can still have a full head of hair.
They all have a very a distinct pattern on their skin. Sometimes the pattern can differ in shape and size, depending on if its hereditary or not, but every Kimuri has it.
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Very rarely, this pattern can be inverted! Instead of white on black it can be black on white.
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Nose shapes can differ, of course, but they usually stay around these two types.
Next thing is, regular animals exist in this universe as well. So no, they don't cannibalize eachother, or keep eachother as pets. However, therapist Kimuri (like therapy animals) do exist!
Despite the animal stuff, Kimuri are basically humans. They talk, walk, communicate, think, drive, have careers, vote, build. They can use their animal abilities in their everyday lives, and its normal for them.
Another thing about Kimuri, is they can mix! They don't have to stay to one species. When this happens, the offspring is usually just one of the parents species. However, very rarely, a Kimuri can have two animalistic traits! Sometimes it has a few flaws, and needs medical attention, but most of the time there's no problems after birth.
Now that I've got the stuff for the species and world put of the way, allow me to introduce you to our leading lads!
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These boys, are William and Anthony Catch! They are husky- oh, I'm not finished. They are Husky DOVE type Kimuri! Yep! They have wings sometimes!
I don't want to give to much away, but this story is a doozy! It's going to have angst, mutilation and experimentation, love and family... I've been working on this story for so long, and I'm hoping to get started on making it a WebComic, possibly creating a blog specifically for it!
There are so many characters
So many relationships
And I can't wait to share them with you guys
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doodle17 8 months
馃枈+any OC you wanna go off about lemme.hear about those scallywags
Shima! She's one of the main characters of ShatterCatch! She's a cat type, and she definitely has a cat kind if personality. She's very feisty and likes to get her way, and she'll work hard for it. She'll get through whatever gets in the way of her goal no matter what. But of course, a person like that has some deep issues. Not only is her current boyfriend a complete ass to her, but her current job has started making her question the morality of her actions. Especially since she befriended our main men, Anthony and William. I'm afraid that's all I can reveal atm, for spoiler reasons
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