#She only has Jango’s one X chromosome(so turner syndrome)
steeb-stn · 7 months
My medically-trained self trying to figure out how omega, a girl, is a clone of Jango Fett
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ashen-sky · 2 years
So with my limited bio knowledge (I just completed grade 11 bio and now believe I know everything/j), here's a thought on Omega. Sorry there's no keep reading, I'm on mobile.
TLDR; Omega has a few mutations but her DNA wasn't changed by the kaminoans, still making her the best source of Jango's DNA without Boba.
⚠️Quick content warning, I mention Turner Syndrome idk if that's a sensitive topic for some people but better safe than sorry
So, Omega is supposed to be an exact clone of Jango, right? Just like Boba. And Boba is an exact copy, same hair, eyes, the only diffrence being their development and subsequent differences in personality and physique. But genetically they're identical. But Omega is not, first off She is she and she is bonde. Two big differences.
Now, considering I also have a limited understanding of gender identity I want to preface this by saying I am not dismissing the possibility that she is physically male and identifies as female. This is just exploring another possibility, which is that she's missing a second sex chromosome. In the real world this is called Turner syndrome.
Turner syndrome is when the person only has one X chromosome or the second X chromosome is missing part of itself.
Now, Omega doesn't seem to have any symptoms of Turner Syndrome* (low set ears, wide or web-like neck, arms that turn outwards at the elbow, low hairline at the back of the head) and considering this is a fictional universe and she was created artificially by a pretty advanced race it either might not exist or the Kaminoans did something. But I think the idea of her missing a sex chromosome is a viable option to her gender.
As for the blonde thing, I'd be willing to bet it's a recessive trait that somehow came through in a mutation in certain clones, as Rex also has blond hair.
In conclusion, I think Omega's DNA mutated, accidently getting rid of her Y chromosome and removing the brown hair gene. Or maybe it didn't mutated and just accidently deleted parts of itself, DNA can do that, or maybe the Kaminoans screwed something up when making her. I don't think these things would affect anyone cloned based off her, at least too severly, but the Kaminoans might have to substitute some older genetic material to fix some gaps. Either way, I love her❤
*I tried to pick symptoms that would be obvious in her character design, things like heart and cardiac defects aren't necessarily obvious. Here is the site I was referencing for Turner Syndrome.
Be advised I wrote this at 11 o'clock at night, it may not be completely coherent and I do apologize if I over stepped or offended anyone.
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