#She’s a problemgirl and I love her
arcaneyouth · 1 year
is death note good? no. but also yes. but mainly no. haunts me anyways
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squarefriend · 2 years
Toriel fanparents and Asgore fanparents??? Please go on 👀👀👀
OK SO this is gonna be long af so I’m putting in a cut after the picture:
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Ok so: let’s go left to right, shall we? Starting off with Asgore’s parents:
• He’s the king of Monsters, and married into the Dreemurr family.
• A very stoic and head-strong man who has a hard time expressing his feelings. Anger is his go to reaction, as it gets the job done and has worked well for him in the past. This can be good in some situations, and VERY bad in others since he also is chronically avoidant of issues he can’t punch in the face.
• Won his wife’s affections through his blunt nature and known cruelty; of which has left him with many battle trophies
• That being said, despite his emotional constipation there’s one thing he is sure about: He ADORES his wife. They’re perfect for eachother and it shows
• Asgore on the other hand has a rocky relationship. Due to the boy’s gentler nature and ability to talk through situations, Raguel perceived him as a weakling in a world that chewed up that kind of people. He does care for his son, but that doesn’t mean everything he did out of that love was good.
• He can’t say no to a fight. So when the war came around, he ended up fighting head on. He ended up dying in one of the first battles because of this.
• She’s the high queen of monsters, and was born and raised royalty. The Dreemurr name is hers.
• To say she’s a cold and cruel woman is an understatement. Due to a harsh upbringing, she’s decided that cruelty is merely the way of the world and the only option is to bite and snarl back. She’s hurt and wants other people to hurt baisically.
• She had very little involvement in raising Asgore, leaving most of it up to nursemaids. Once more, it’s how she was raised, therefore it’s how EVERYONE should be raised. Only when he was a tween did she really start taking real care with him.
• Those being stated, she’s not without her strengths. She’s an incredible talker and rules her kingdom very well (at least economically. she hardly ever goes out to see her people and quietly considers them less than her). She also ADORES her husband, and he is perhaps the only person she’s ever loved.
• She never came around to liking Toriel, and only allowed her to marry Asgore at the threat of the two running away together.
• After the death of her husband, she refused to evacuate with everyone else and ended up going down with her palace.
Now for Tori’s side of the family!!! I’m going abit out of order for this all to make sense:
MEDARDA (left)
• She works as a baker, and occasionally dabbles in embroidery commissions. She is literally the bread winner of the family.
• She has a very cheery demeanor and is a chronic pacifist. It is too the point that it’s almost a problem how sure she is that things WILL get better, but thankfully she takes action to make sure that good things do happen. However, her persistence rides a fine line between inspiring and delusional.
• She’s also very kind hearted. Free pastries sometimes get ‘snuck’ away from her cart by children in the village (whaaat no, OF COURSE she didn’t give them free cakes before dinner! Why would she throw away good money like that ;)) and she makes a point to donate any left overs to the poor. She’s also the one who first taught Toriel how to bake.
• That being said, she’s no softy. She is strong as fuck from carrying baskets of baked goods and water all day, and will beat the shit out of anyone who tries to hurt her little family.
• Medarda’s never told anyone where her scars came from, nor where the rest of her family are or how old she is. But whatever happened has left her very protective over her wife and child, to the point that Leigh needs to take a break sometimes. But that insistence is also what drew the two to eachother in the first place.
• Unfortunately, this protectiveness led to her downfall. When Toriel was just a little girl, there was a raid on the village and Medarda died protecting her family.
LEIGH (right)
• She works odd jobs, mostly selling/trading herbs that she’s gathered and working as a medic/Druid. However, her main jobs are the upkeep of her home in the mountains, gathering food, and training Toriel in the ways of magic and foraging. This is due to her incredible understanding of the art and years of experience.
• She was abit of a recluse before but after Medarda’s passing, Leigh went full hermit mode. In order to ensure Toriel wouldn’t meet the same fate, the two moved deep into the mountains and only returned to the village for goods and work. She’s where Tori gets it.
• She also grew bitter and emotionally shut down after her wife’s passing, which mixed with high expectations led to her and Toriel having a rough relationship for many years. Thankfully, once the girl had grown, they had a looong conversation and made up. They both worked to maintain a healthier relationship and achieved it.
• She LOATHES royalty. It’s her belief that the queen’s inaction led to the death of Merdarda. After they become in-laws, this hatred only grows. She only approved of Toriel and Asgore’s union once he had proven to be nothing like his parents; aka actually caring about his people.
• Technically, she’s a Lady of the Court. However, she hates being called that and will just not respond if you adress her as so more than twice.
• She’s resourceful, stubborn, and active. Because of this, she was able to escape into the Underground during the evacuation. She lived the rest of her life there, eventually dying of old age shortly before the monsters moved out of the Ruins.
AND THATS ALL OF EM. If you have any questions lemme know. I love these guys dearly. Thank you for reading!!
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