#She's Talking to Angels{Bethisms}
brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I will have to go with Jo's answer here and say every ship I have has something about it that makes it my OTP, something unique to us and our partner/their muse. And I don't want anyone to feel excluded or unloved or less loved than anyone else. I do think because she was literally created side by side with @morgansmornings that they share a deep bond that is both familial and the deepest sort of friendship. They are family. They are transcendent.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Platonic, familial, and romantic are all on the table with discussion ooc, time, and development. I will do pre-established on the first two but Beth is demisexual/quoiromantic, with a leaning toward sapioromantic. Meaning it takes bonding with someone before she even feels anything 'below the belt' so to speak, and doesn't really understand/distinguish the difference between romantic/platonic feelings, treating them both in the same way, but she does have a very slight preference toward people who can engage her mentally, and seduce her with their awkward intelligence. Toxic ships can be a thing with huge boundaries. The boundary is how comfortable with you as a friend, ooc, regardless of what we are writing. Currently I will be willing to do toxic with: Mischa/Larry { @thebiggestlies }, My Dear Prince and Ionaka {and potentially Na Baron Feyd Rautha @nightmarefuele }, Shades of Ben { @kylo-wrecked }. And I live for the hate-ship of Lorcan and Beth with @macdiari, whose mun is totally one of my bffs which makes it funnier. We can have meetings about the rest. Dubcon/non-con, etc...has to be plotted to within an inch of its life, I don't care what Beth says.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? Age is not a really a thing with Beth when it comes to her significant other as long as they are a little over 'of age' {18-21}. She has literally one ship where this isn't the case and her paramour is 15 and she's 25...and it isn't what many people would assume, both of them are broken hearted. This a unique situation with @macdiari. Beth does have a penchant for older partners. Let the 'daddy issue' jokes commence.
Are you selective when shipping?
I would say yes. I only ship with chemistry. And by that I mean myself and the mun as much as the muses. Shipping requires a delicate balance between interest, trust, compatibility, goals... writing something fictional that isn't just pwp is not unlike building a real-life relationship. I want to get to know the other mun. I want us to have in-jokes, I want for us to be comfortable talking about everything and anything even if we might not always agree. I want us to be friends, first.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I guess I follow the TV guidelines. We can write up to a certain point but once there's body parts that you wouldn't see on network television, it should probably get a tag. I don't care if there's a read more {I will occasionally do that for terminally long posts}, if my partner is more comfortable with one, great. If they prefer it on a different blog, awesome. If you want to write it on discord? Go ahead and add me, fren. I try to faithfully tag certain things because Beth is just...wrong and a lot of her hobbies and interests tend to be really morally questionable at best.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Beth tends to be drawn to people who are neurologically divergent, biologically divergent, other-worldly, empowered, and the like. She is drawn to those who are lonely, othered, or unusual because there is so much in them she sees in herself. And if Beth happens to fall in love, she is neither likely to mention it, nor does she expect for the feeling to be returned. For Beth, love is love. So if you see someone on my dash, unless it's brand new just met you, know that they are cared for, and will always be someone important. As I consider every mutual mun and their muse{s} as some kind of relationship {platonic, familial, romantic, or enemy...I can't really list *every* blog. Sorry.}
Does one have to ask to ship with you?,
I mean it's nice to be asked, so at least I know in broad-strokes what sort of relationship you, the other person, might like but also the fiction can often dictate the course of how things go :)
How often do you like to ship?
I am not gonna lie. I love watching and writing how Beth interacts with people. How she slowly starts to unfold around them and what leads her to becoming involved with other folk.
Are you multiship?
Yes. And multiverse, too. One of the best things is when you have a multi-verse partner and get to see how your ships and theirs change from friends to other things, depending what verse your in, and how everyone can make a community with that information.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Ship more or less. I love it as much as the next person but that's not the sole purpose of my blog.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I am still waiting for Olivia and Elliot to get married. IYKTYK.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Let me know what you want? Be patient. We'll talk boundaries, desires, needs, and build it/grow it as it goes.
Tagged by: my darling @betwitchingbaker
Tagging: Heave ho, thieves and beggars....
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 days
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The Nurse Shark || Beth Riley
Five Songs for Your Muse I. Waiting for Superman || Daughtry II. Hand Me Down || Matchbox 20 III. Comfortably Numb || Pink Floyd IV. Blower's Daughter || Damien Rice V. Come As You Are || Nirvana Five Quotes for Your Muse
I. She reminded him of a trapped critter crouching on the floor like she was as far away from him as she could get. But as soon as the thought crossed his mind she was back on her feet as if the moment was respite to get her strength back. Not only back on her feet but in his face full of anger. ~ Raylan Givens || Angels and Outlaws {Justified au} II. The dog and pony she put on was entertaining at least. In spite of there being no show of it, he was amused by her intentionally telegraphed actions and the care with which she performed them– like he was some skittish horse she’d corralled and whose trust she needed to earn. ~Frank Castle || Rough Roads {Punisher au} III. He was hurting to be stuck in his own head, but it hurt worse to be out there, with her. He had healed, she’d seen to that. He didn’t think too hard about where all that power of hers came from. But it wasn’t enough to heal his head. All she’d wanted to do was talk about it, do what she could as a human to make it better. Unfortunately, that wasn’t how John functioned. He took the fag with nary a ta or blessing, then the lighter. Spooky how well she seemed to know him, how easy She could appeal to his needs. He thought about taking advantage, doing something horrid to her or himself, just to scare her off like he did to so many wankers in his life. You don’t deserve her, he knew that. ~John Constantine || The Laughing Magician's Apprentice {Hellblazer au} IV. Phantom eyes tracing phantom mien; where carotid pumps into nervous dissonance; where clavicle slopes into smoother, deeper, warmer nights. Jonathan doesn't look at Beth like she is the sun. His moon only wallows in the sky. Jonathan looks at Beth like she is visceral. Imperial silks of blood unspooled. Bones like pearly synapses tempering a wickedness, a molten decay. Neurons more fascinating than jewels.
“I don't want Eden.” ~ Jonathan Crane || Demons with Subtle Guile {Gotham au} V. How did she get up here? Did she scale the fire escape like a faery, like one of the Lost Boys, or Pan himself? Full of magic and mischief and perhaps madness.
Sometimes he isn’t sure Beth is real, which seems unfair, as she was perfectly whole. A person, a whole person, staring up at him from below but encompassing him from every side. ~Ben P. Solo || Look Both Ways {Modern au}
tagged by: stolen from my darling C @nightmarefuele tagging: all of my beloved dash-goblins.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
borrowed with grace from new friend Vee over @reyestr
A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘What you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet.
Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Fill in details.
(Please do not remove the credit + blank meme link)
blank meme: x
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Sex: Masculine. Feminine. Non-Binary. Notes: Beth was born a cis-gender female and most of the time she's comfortable in that shape/body.
Race: Polynesian/Caucasian {Hawai'ian and Irish, respectively, or as she'd say it, hapa-haole}
Complexion: Beth's natural skin tone is a tawny/dusky shade that might be compared to sand or toast. Most public photos taken of her tend to lighten her skin as much as possible per the Admiral's request. When she spends her time out-doors she tans easily and resembles more her Island kin than the Irish side of the family. Beth tends to wear minimal make up, and when she's doing a dramatic look she usually sticks to eye make up and bold lipsticks, highlighting what she considers her best features. Upon closer inspection one might notice a small constellation of tiny freckles that hover around the right side of her mouth and chin, and another sweep of fainter freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her skin tone leans towards the autumn spectrum, and it is incredibly fine, soft.
Height: Beth is just barely five feet tall.
Body Type: Endomorph. Mesomorph. Ectomorph. Other / More Details: Beth is actually somewhat underweight for her size, ranging between 90-96 lbs. Most of her curves tend to remain in her hips and backside, and her chest is narrow, sporting a very modest b-cup.
Body Build: Small. Medium. Athletic. Muscular. Soft. Curvy. Voluptuous. Other / More Details: Beth has been called small, delicate, bird-boned. From behind or at a minor distance, she has been mistaken for a young teen or larger child. It is hard for her to put on or maintain muscle tone.
Body Hair: None. Shaves/Waxes. Trims/Grooms. Untamed. Color: The colour on her arms and legs matches that of her hair, a dark to medium dark brown. Notes: Beth's body hair tends to be incredibly fine, almost non-existent, and thus she doesn't feel the need to wax or shave very often.
Head Hair: None. Buzzed. Short. Medium. Long. Very Long. Asymmetrical Cut. Color: Naturally Beth has dark brown almost black hair with natural red highlights. Occasionally she might do a subtle colour, either deep auburn or honey-brown. Style: Beth tends to style her hair to within an inch of its life, keeping it sleek and straight so that the Admiral has nothing to complain about. Naturally it tends to be incredibly wavy/curly {3b hair}, with a tendency to become a touch frizzy in moist/damp air. Most of the time Beth keeps her hair long and loose. For work it's in a ponytail or bun, and when her mental health is at its absolutely lowest, she hacks it pretty much down to a bob.
Eye color: Beth has green/brown central heterochromia,which is what most people call hazel. Her noticible colour is green, with an almost honey brow mixed in. It is a far softer colour than her brother's.They tend to shift colour via lighting or dilation of the pupil. Details: Wide, upturned eyes tend to give her a Disney-Princess look. Her lashes are naturally long and thick.
Scars: Beth's left leg has a large shark-bite scar from the bottom of her knee to the top of her ankle. Within the borders of the scar the muscle is visibly atrophied and has the texture of something close to a burn scar. The tendons are shortened, making her left leg a fraction shorter than her right.
Fashion Style: Vintage. Traditional. Casual. Artsy. Vibrant. Geeky/Nerdy. Tomboy. Sporty. Trendy. Preppy. Girly. Bohemian. Elegant. Formal. Grunge. Punk. Rocker. Gothic. Other:
Color Palette: Beth tends to wear seasonal colours {lighter pastels in the spring and summer, darker secondary colours in the fall and winter}.
Typical Clothing: Beth tends to wear as little clothing as she can manage without making a scene. During warm weather she tends toward camisole tops or bikinis. She tends to wear ankle/floor length skirts. For work, she wears scrubs. Beth does. not. wear. pants. unless she's out jogging, doing yoga, or wearing a wet-suit. And while she has a walk-in closet full of designer and custom gowns and other clothing, the kinds of which would make Paris Fashion Week drool in their dreams, she tends to prefer vintage clothing.
Piercings: Beth's ears are pierced in multiple places which differ from ear to ear. She has a sub-dermal piercing at her hip.
Tattoos: Beth has a tattoo of a honu {sea turtle} on the back of her left hip, whose shell contains the Hawai'ian archipelago and a hibiscus flower. Other tattoos vary verse to verse.
Other Information: Beth tends to hate shoes and will wear 'slippahs' whenever she can get away with it. At home she tends to be barefoot, or during cold snaps, she might tolerate socks. She likes to wear rings, bracelets, earrings when not at work. She keeps her nails manicured.
General Facial Expression: Beth's features tend to be open, friendly, and at worst, neutral.
Default Body Language: As stated above, she tends to have open, inviting body language that changes only when/if she has disengaged with someone, or it's the Admiral. Around the Admiral her body language is closed, defensive, on the verge of flight/fight.
General Movements: Beth's incredibly graceful from a lifetime of surfing, swimming, dance. She tends to flow through the room, slow and cautious. The longer she has been awake, or the longer she's been on her feet, it becomes apparent that she does have a faint limp, due to shortened tendons and ligaments, atrophied muscle in her shark-scarred leg.
Presence: Beth's entire presence rests on the fact that she is warm and gracious, curious until she's given reason not to. Everyone is treated like a friend. As such, she tends to be a soothing comfort, and someone a person can open up to easily.
Appearance: Beth is always perfectly dressed for every situation, impeccably garbed in public, perfect but often subtle make up. This does not carry through to being at home where she feels comfortable.
Scent: She makes her own essential oils/lotions and people tend to describe her as tropical; lightly floral, a touch of sea salt, coconut, macadamia, something very faintly herbal. Too soon after work, she tends to carry the smell of hospital antiseptics {and/or blood}.
Voice Description: Her voice tends to surprise people. Being so short and slight, most people expect her to have a high/thin/child-like voice. She speaks so softly that she rarely speaks above an audible whisper, and her tones tend to be a little husky/smokey, warm, layered. When she does have to raise her voice, it is the kind that doesn't brook arguments and carries the tone of command of a queen or a soldier, though she is neither.
Accent: yes / no More information: Beth has always had problems with certain digraphs {th in particular} and is most comfortable speaking her native pidgin with a slight speech impediment. She can, however, speak perfectly serviceable "Haole" {American English}. She also understands a host of other languages, and takes a small measure of pride in being able to pick local idioms/slang easily, despite her audio processing disorder.
Speech Mannerisms: Beth tends to be a touchy person; conveying meaning or clarity with minor touching of other people's hands, knees, shoulders when speaking closely. She also tends to gesticulating while she's talking. When she speaks "Haole" it is far slower, measured, careful than when speaking pidgin, with slight pauses occasionally as she struggles with a phrase or sounding out words in her head. When conversing with someone, she tends to watch the person's mouth and eye area to pick up contextual clues and mouth-shapes to help bolster her understanding.
Anything else to add? Beth tends to sometimes come across as the most real person in the room, is magnetic despite her best efforts. However, if she doesn't want to engage with someone, she tends to slowly slip away from their thoughts/memories, until she is absolutely forgotten. Perhaps the eeriest noticible trait is that she never fully blinks. Her eyes tend to only half close, three quarters at best. {It almost feels like she's missing a nictitating membrane}. The second most noticible trait is that she has small, sharp teeth, almost preternaturally so, and slightly crooked. {{Certain kinds of hunters and others like her recognise these as 'primal markings' and might speak to her slightly less than human dna}} {{Beth's main face claim is Kristin Kreuk, and her secondary face claim is Smiley Arianne}}
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 months
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 months
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I. Love II. Kindness III. Envy IV. Timidity V. Exhaustion
02. COLOURS. I. Purple II. Forest Green III. Garnet IV. Sea-glass blue V. Rust 03. SCENTS.
I. Sweet cinnamon II. Coconut and ʻawapuhi III. Brow sugar IV. Plumeria {Lei flower} V. Blood 04. FASHION. I. Scrubs and lab coat, crocks or sneakers II. broom skirts, knee length cardigans, tank-tops III. Designer gowns and heels IV. Whimsical earrings, stacked bangle bracelets, multiple rings V. Bikinis or wet suits, bare feet
05. OBJECTS. I. Variety of surfboards II. Knitting needles and yarn III. Emergency/Trauma kit IV. Coffee mug V. Knives
06.BODY LANGUAGE. I. Blinks that do not fully close, consistent eye contact/lip reading II. Shy smiles, sometimes hidden behind her hand III. Biting the corner of her lip IV. Gentle touches emphasising words V. Slight limp at the end of the day.
I. Sea endlessly caressing the shore and swelling waves II. Wild growing old forests and bird song III. Candles, crystals, tarot cards, wands IV. Busy urban emergency room V. Bloody hands and mouths
~*~ Tagged by: my lovely friend @triicksters, mahalo!hun Tagging: Ride it like you stole it, and tag me back!
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
What combination of scents do others associate with you?
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ocean breeze, starlit skies, lavender, bamboo you're the wide, open sea meeting the clear, starry skies on the hazy horizon. you reach out a hand and a gleaming star falls into your palm. you're at peace. the moon smiles down at you. scents recommended for you: light blue by dolce & gabbana, omnia crystalline by bvlgari, meander by amouage, replica: lazy sunday morning by maison margiela ♡
stolen from: @southern-belle-outcasts
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
character info sheet.
Name: Elikapeka Ailine Alohaekauneikahanuola'wahine'Ilikea Riley, but goes by anglicised Elizabeth Irene.
Name meaning: Fully translated, her name means "love alights here {like a bird}-the breath of life is a fair skinned woman who brings peace and whose promise is God." You can see why she normally just goes by "Beth" {which means house/home}.
Alias(ses): Maga Elizabeth Kahu Pono bani Verbena, bani Sögumaður, Initiate Exempts of Prime, Adeptus of Forces and Entropy, Master of Life and Spirit. {{Amongst formal magickal circles, bani means 'of the house of' and is used first to tell of her Tradition [Verbena], and second to honour her cherished mentor in the magickal arts. Initiate/Adept/Master are ranks attained in those particular spheres of magick, and maga is singular feminine of magus, or mage}}
Two pictures you like of your character:
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Three headcanons you never told anyone:
If Beth had been born fully Rokea {wereshark} rather than just as Kinfolk, her swimming jaws {shark} form would be that of a tiger shark, instead of the nurse shark she jokes about being.
While she's very much a cat person, Beth tends to love "ugly", unlikeable, misunderstood creatures, because no one/nothing should ever have to feel hated/unwanted simply because they aren't ideal.
She experiences a sort of existential dread that the more time she spends away from Hawai'i and her ancestors, the more she's losing her own identity. She wonders if she's now more haole than she cares to admit.
Three things your character likes to do in their free time: I. surf II. sketch/draw/paint III. knit
Three people your character loves/ loved:
Andrew Riley {her brother}
Jay Morgan {Her hanai-sister}
They know. {no, seriously. like it can't be more obvious}.
Two things your character regrets: I. Not ever being good enough, no matter how hard she tries. II. Being related to the Admiral Three phobias (fears) your character has: I. Darkness II. Peanut Butter III. The L word / Emotional Intimacy ~*~
tagged by: my dear @bewitchingbaker
tagging: Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 months
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 months
Take the what color is your aura quiz Then make a moodboard with that color
The Nurse Shark || Beth Riley
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Moss marshes, microscopes, crocodiles, green juice, grid notebooks, long socks, algae. your essence is moss: it is you against the mysteries of the world. you are an impassioned problem solver; it is natural for you to depersonalise, absorbed in your interests rather than in your skin. others find you unconventional yet genuine. you are the investigator. you are the scientist. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of chartreuse, honeysuckle, forest, and gold, who share your immense focus. you are also drawn to the intense souls teal and bronze, who will help you grow and uncover new passions. however, you may struggle to get along with the pandering personalities of magenta and marigold who seem too demonstrative.
The Dreaming Tree || Melakeni Ivers
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Garnet brooches, anthologies, stained glass, leaves, dining chairs, long robes, curtains. your essence is garnet: you are a quiet flame that dwells beneath your soft surface. self-confidence armours you; many would call you stubborn, though protective of what has come to dwell in your heart. always just a whisper away is your temper, promising to make the world bend if it would make your loved ones smile. you are the guardian. you are the volcano. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of terracotta, tawny, crimson, and umber, who share your proactive nature. you are also drawn to the vibrant indigo and marigold, who will help you grow and teach you to name what's inside of you. however, you may struggle to get along with the internal personalities of teal and hickory who are too willing to be silent.
Tagged by: Stolen from beloved @corinnebaileyrp Tagging: Anyone who wants to
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brooklynislandgirl · 28 days
What gets your muse in the mood instantly? (Mischa likes to think the answer is 'him'. And he's not talking coital relations)
Body of Evidence || Accepting There's a myth that a shark can smell a single drop of blood from a mile away. The truth is that they have the same sensitivity as most other fish. They can also detect smells at between one part per twenty-five million, and one part per ten billion, depending on the chemical composition and species of shark. Or roughly one drop of blood in a swimming pool. Another truth is that Beth is neither an actual tiger-shark though she can adopt the form and the abilities when she wants to hunt free of guilt or needs a breather from the human world. Neither is she full Rokea like her cousins, most of whom tolerate her only because she Kanaka Maoli, and some only because her grandfather's deed names carry weight even outside the Beast Courts of the Emerald Mother. What she is, though, is observant. Calculating in a way that her brother could never understand, and committed to her beliefs just as strongly as he is to his own. In her estimation, what she is doing now is a Public Service that will go unsung except by their shifting-kin, other Verbena, and no one else. She knows Mischa sometimes worries about feeding off her exclusively though in Grandmother's grace, she seems created entirely for that purpose, and she respects his mostly unvoiced fears. Secretly engaged with Kindred and Kine can be problematic for both sides. Her Tradition often sees his kind as an insult to the natural order, and her kin see him as an agent of the Wyrm. They don't know him like she does. They don't hear the dreams in his poetry, they don't feel his longing for the days he had been alive and able to walk in the warmth of the sun. They don't know the good he does against an increasingly strangled reality, and do not know that he is just as willing to help her correct the balance. And then...then there's people like Todd. Possibly the douchiest of haole types. Thinks that it's okay to call women 'sweetheart', 'toots', and the like, and subscribes that a man can put his hands on one anyway he likes, regardless of her opinion on the fact. Todd comes to her attention via a request to partner with Riley Steel to promote some new blah blah blah. She didn't read the whole proposal, not when it involved land in the Dakotas, oil, and had the Endron logo. They're still digging themselves out of the whole they dug ten years ago, when they were involved in a huge scandal from a pressure pump exploding off the coast of Scotland, killing thirteen or so people and causing a huge oil spill that covered large parts of the coast. The five billion dollar penalty and public discredit was not nearly a just punishment to make up for the disaster. But of all the company's disgusting acts, the two that are the most criminal to Beth and Jay, is the fact that they are investing heavily in hydraulic fracking and trying to build a mega-pipeline in Egypt, which they are currently calling "Apophis." There is a laundry lists of crimes that Todd-Actually-I'm-a-Top-Exec is guilty of and Beth has not a single qualm when she invites him to a secluded spot out by the old lighthouse she knows. He's only too happy to join her and it takes almost less of the five minute walk from the car to the lighthouse before his hands are already on her shoulders, her back, her other places. She isn't quite faking the elevated pulse, the soft gasping breathes, or even the flood of warmth in her most delicate places, but they aren't for Todd. No, those belong entirely to Mischa as he seems to the mortal eye to materialise from the darkness itself. She isn't so full of herself that she thinks the look on his face has anything to do with jealousy, but in her own fantasy, it's nothing but. That someone would dare presume to manhandle his Sprite. His fangs gleam as he flashes as smile at her, pristine white if only for the moment. Sure, Beth could have disposed of Todd all on her own, if she put her mind, and her not inconsiderable talents, to the task. But nothing stirs her quite the way Mischa does in all of his glory, sating his hunger.
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brooklynislandgirl · 8 months
YOUR MUSE'S INVENTORY. [original meme from @treasurechestrpmemes​.]
rules: list the things your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their every day life. (optional: explain their significance.) repost, don’t reblog.
The Nurse Shark || Beth Riley
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I. Phone ~ Perpetually at 6-15% battery yet never actually runs out of power. She has the standard apps on it, plus ones she uses for work reference: NDR, PDR, CCN, Epocrates Essentials, Medscape, Pedi-Stat, and so on. Beth does have an Instagram account but rarely uses it. She also has a YouTube channel where she doles out advice on occasion. She isn't fond of social media. She does, however, enjoy having portable music. Her Hanai-Sister Jay is her ICE contact, and the first number on speed dial. The next 7 numbers are various take out places with delivery options.
II. Bone athame ~ This is probably Beth's most important item, one she never forgoes. Over eight inches in length, carved with sigils and symbols of her craft, this is her most unique foci, and also her most personal as it is made from her own bone, stained with her own blood. It was created during her initiation into her tradition with all the seriousness one can imagine. The ordeal was gruelling and is not something she really talks about. Typically if someone sees it, either their circumstances are dire or they've made a very final mistake. If Beth can't wear it openly or tuck it into her bag, she does have a space for it that isn't for the squeamish. Best not to ask questions.
III. A full advanced trauma and surgical kit ~ literally everything she would need to preform surgery in the most inconvenient place possible. And while the kit might actually weigh a full third or so of her body weight, there's still a coincidental effect overhanging it. She received it as a gift from her Hanai-Sister. Beth keeps everything fully stocked with fresh supplies.
IV. Leatherman Raptor ~ Sometimes you need the right tool and quickly. Can't waste time searching through your bag. Which is where the raptor comes in handy for Beth. The multi-tool combines stainless steel folding medical shears, a strap cutter, a ring cutter, a ruler, an oxygen tank wrench, and a carbide glass breaker, for mobile/crash emergencies. V. Her brother's zippo/matches ~ For reasons, sometimes a girl needs fire. VI. Coffee ~ Not exactly carried in her bag, Beth typically is never seen out of her house without roughly 30 ounces of Kona coffee, often time a quad shot vanilla coconut milk or soy latte.
VII. Snacks ~ nuts, seeds, granola, shelf-stable applesauce or pudding, maybe pop-tarts or whatever small and quick thing she can get her hands on. Great for a quick boost to one's blood sugar, and often time the only meal she can manage to get in a typical day.
VIII. Burt's Bees Lip Balm ~ Beth keeps two tubes of it with her all the times, a coconut & pear clear balm, and a tinted lip balm usually hibiscus or red dahlia shares.
IX. A novel or two ~ whatever book Beth is reading at the time. She prefers actual books with pages. She has no preference between paper or hard back.
X. A spare pair of slippahs ~ You never know when you're going to have a flip-flop incident, so it's better to be prepared just in case.
XI. A few travel sized toiletries ~ clean pair of underwear {or bikini bottoms}, toothbrush and paste, hair brush, deodorant. Shampoo and conditioner, moisturiser, soap, lotion, her favourite essential oil perfume, dental floss. XII. Wallet ~ ID, credit cards, debit card, somewhere in the neighbourhood of one hundred dollars in various paper money, half used subway passes, upwards of four half used loyalty cards for Jay's coffee shop, spare car key, spare house key. And three non-slip, tangle free hair elastics {rubber bands}. XIV. Almost comically oversized sunglasses ~ {which can, if need be, slip over her regular reading glasses. Beth does not like contacts. XV. Her work keys/hospital credentials. Because she works. And stuff.
tagged by: the ever lovely Bun who pretends to be in charge of @hxllblazer tagging: Heave-ho, all together {but particularly @kylo-wrecked and @nightmarefuele}
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 days
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 days
The Nurse Shark || Beth Riley
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to love you keep this homemade soup to yourself, and you've made too much. it simmers, you keep it warm for yourself, and nobody else. you long to share, but you're insecure, or afraid. what if they don't accept the offer, or what if they don't enjoy it? what if they push it away? it's slowly boiling. you made too much, and it could overflow any moment, but you're trying to hard to keep it under control. you don't want it to spill out. part of you wants it to, but it'd be a mess, right? your heart longs to love someone, to express love to those around you, but you're afraid. you keep it inside, along with so many other things, and can't bring yourself to properly express it. it's probably someone in specific you want to love, but something is in the way, a block of sorts. let yourself love freely. share your love, for you have so much of it inside of you.
~*~ tagged by: my darling Red @ensnchekov {thank you for thinking of me!} tagging: Be Fae, Steal Quizzes
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 days
The Colour of Your Love
The Nurse Shark || Beth Riley
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Pink; love as empathy Your love is a Valentine's carefully glued together with ribbon, perfume, and a kiss. Loving you is like sinking into a plush mattress. Your spine and soul both breathe out, knowing this is good, this is right. Love is your second nature, love is your language. Love! ~*~ tagged by: stolen from my dash tagging: Be fae, steal memes
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