honeymyheaven · 2 years
[ a week with alucard ]
slight n//s//f//w mention
super long 😔✊
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≫ monday ≪
monday mornings are slow, wrapped up in big blankets and slow kisses. his arms draped around you, holding you close to his chest as the sun made its way through the slight opening in the velvet curtains. he smiled watching you stand to your feet, the pale sheet draped around your body, your hands moving through your hair as you yawned and stretched.
mondays are designated for planning; what ingredients you needed, what sick people to visit, what experiments to try out, what rooms needed cleaning or building. His eyebrows furrowed as he poured over plans and schedules, his hand interlaced with yours as you looked over his shoulders and made suggestions.
mondays are for sunday’s leftovers. simple, cold meals enjoyed together under the summer sun or beside a winter furnace. Talking about the conclusions you reached earlier, making final tweaks and enjoying each other’s company. Every now and again, a letter would arrive from his former companions and he would lay his head in your lap and ask you to read it to him.
monday evenings are filled with fleeting kisses and a tight embrace, fangs tauntingly tracing the skin of your neck and your nails pressed to the skin of his back. Easing into the mattress engulfed entirely by him, falling asleep wrapped within each other.
≫ tuesday ≪
tuesdays start early, no time to waste in waiting for the sun to peek through the curtains. Mornings filled by groggy remarks and sulking yawns, shivering in the early wind and making idle conversation with the horses. He’s quiet, helping you into the little “carriage”, pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead before setting off. He was much too careful to let you go by yourself, too weary of humans to bother trusting them around his one treasure.
tuesdays are for wandering through the bustling marketplace, haggling for the best price possible. It was one of his favourite things to do; watch you wear down the merchant until getting a fairer price, there was no stopping you once you set your eyes on something. He would wander off around midday, look for something out of the ordinary while you haggled away, every tuesday he wanted to get you something new, something unique. this tuesday was a miniature stained glass, hand painted and designed to be worn as a necklace.
tuesday evenings are for quiet rides home, fingers clasped around the new gift and head resting comfortably on his shoulder as you headed home. The road was bumpy and the air chilly. The comfortable quiet broken only by the sounds of nature around you. His embrace is warm as he carries you off the wagon and into the castle, ever so gentle as he places you down on the bed, smiling when you pull him near and press your lips to him in silent gratitude.
≫ wednesday ≪
wednesday is spent resting once more, not for too long, no time to lounge like there is on monday. There is time however to clamber on your lover’s chest and press your lips to his forehead, his cheeks, his eyes and his jawline, smiling at his attempt to feign being asleep. He pulls you in when you pull away and runs his hands up your body, feeling your warmth on his fingers as he lets out a sigh. Good mornings are exchanged in the entangling of bodies and laboured breaths.
wednesdays are spent back in the village, more specifically in the little cottage the two of you turned into a makeshift clinic. The bottles of medicine clattered in the back of the wagon as you rushed down the country road. the line was already sizeable by the time you arrived. He helped out mainly with the children and you adored watching him play with them. His tone was patient and his expression peaceful, you wished he could be like always. the villagers were grateful, giving from what little they had to make your lunch there filling.
in the evening, you made him pull over, noting a rare medicinal herb in the grass. Grinning, you pulled it into your pouch. Looking at him, you noted him staring “what’s wrong?” to which he answered by lifting you into his arms and peppering your face with kisses, murmuring over and over how much he loved and cherished you. Your face was warm, pulling him down in the grass on top of you. The ground was cold underneath your back but his skin was hot as he pressed against you. His head dipping between your legs and your fingers tangling in his hair.
≫ thursday ≪
thursday is for enjoying the nature around you. morning started before the sun awakened, feeling the cold nip at every bit of exposed skin, watching your lover smile at the baby birds he had been taking care of and looking simply at ease with himself. You grin and press the palm of his hand to your lips, shrugging when he asks what that was for “you look happy,” you remarked offhandedly, moving through the bushes
you picked medicinal and cooking herbs in the open field while he went through the trees to hunt for what would make your dinner. you spread out the light food you brought with you while you waited, lounging in the afternoon sun and feeling it warm your skin. You laughed when you felt his arms wrap around you, turning to press a kiss to the top of his head. the rest of the afternoon was spent with your head in his lap as he read quietly.
as the sun went down, he helped clear up. the hunt was unsuccessful so the soup from earlier would have to suffice. He carried the basket for you and the walk home was spent making idle conversation about whatever novel the two of you were reading.
≫ friday ≪
fridays are for enjoying each other’s presence; starting with a barrage of kisses all over his face to which he would respond by pulling you underneath him with a grin, pushing his head in the crook of your neck. He could feel your skin against his and he wanted to hold you even closer, breathe in your scent and litter your entire body with his affection. Your hand through his hair made him groan and the whimpers passing through your lips made him praise you.
fridays are for experiments and learning; spending your days indulging in whatever has caught either of your attention for the time being. He was looking into more effective irrigation systems for the village fields while you looked into getting the castle’s magic teleportation up and running once again. Little breaks would be taken here and there, sometimes he’d go down into the basement and linger in the doorway, watching you at work, eyebrows furrowed as you tried putting the puzzle pieces together.
evenings are spent eating whatever the villagers had given you a couple of days earlier, discussing findings and asking the other’s opinion or advice. He listened intently, smiling at the ways your eyes practically glistened when you made a discovery. The nights were quiet, spent in each other’s embrace, falling asleep to the sound of each other’s soft breathing.
≫ weekend ≪
Weekends are spent lounging around, sleeping in and indulging in creative projects, dusting and cleaning the important rooms of the castle. They’re spent paying your respects to his late parents, placing your hand in his as he looks at the paintings of his father and mother. He’s silent, sometimes tears and apologies mix together and you have to hold him. You remain quiet as he trembles in your arms, kissing the back of his hands and assuring him you’re there for support.
And he kisses you, thanks you and places his head on top of yours. You bury your face in his chest and assure him he’ll always have you right there beside you. But as the years go by, you’re not sure just how much longer you’ll be able to keep your promise.
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
[crave you] nanami
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Your eyes were glued to your coworker; face stone serious and fingers diligently typing away.
Frowning, you push your head onto your outstretched arms. He had you in an iron grip and he didn’t even know it. You put so much effort into making him take notice of you; changing your makeup and hair almost every week, making sure your clothes advantaged your body in the absolute best way possible.
Everyone noticed. Everyone complimented and threw clever flirts your way. Everyone wanted to talk to you, find out your opinion, everyone wanted you to take notice of them.
Everyone but him.
“Do you have last week’s report?” His voice made shivers run down your spine, yet the feeling was bittersweet, the lack of a name at the end of his request making tears well up in the corners of your eyes.
You blinked and lifted your head “Yeah,” you replied curtly “Give me a minute.”
Letting out a sigh, the blonde leaned back in his chair for a moment. You stared, bathing your eyes in the absolute sight of him, the laboured groan that followed making your very core tighten.
Inhaling, you bit down on your lip as you looked through files “Here it is,” your fingers brushed against his as you passed the folder. He seemed to pause for a moment, making your breath practically disappear, before nodding and giving a small thank you.
Leaning forward once more, you wanted to scream; why can’t you want me?
“That hairclip,”
his voice moved through your stupor.
“is really practical.”
It was a simple compliment (if you could call that a compliment), but it made your heart ready to burst.
And a few weeks later, when inevitably asked about the consistency of that specific hairclip in your outfits, you who changed constantly, you shrugged “It’s just…practical.” you almost sighed out, glancing at your coworker; his face stone serious, fingers diligently typing away.
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
Castlevania + modern Romania
basically if the castlevania characters lived in modern Romania
im romanian btw !
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the die hard patriot
trevor usually makes the slow ardelean jokes around him and alucard sulks for 3-5 business days about it
“de ce-l enervezi ma jegule?” you’d jump to the dhampire’s defence, struggling to keep yourself from laughing
drives a dacia 1300 because “those were the good old days”
would pick you up in it and you’d absolutely want to die even more so if Trevor and Sypha happen to be visiting
“Baaaaa, cu tigaia se fac clătite nu se iese pe strada” (you use the pan to make pancakes not go out on the street)
and you can’t even say anything because 😔
refuses to listen to manele or any new music + has every stela enache, gheorghe gheorghiu and mihaela runceanu record kept in absolute pristine condition
you’d be lying however if you didn’t absolutely adore when he would put old songs on and grab you to dance around, laughing while singing along
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antena 3 and euforia on full blast every day
manelistu strazii
top 5 words in his vocabulary include but are not limited to: țeapă, prințesa, sa moara *insert any person to ever make his acquaintance*, bă / mă, cafeluța și tigara
“Lecții de viața” enthusiast and absolutely nobody can convince him these stories are fake
“Auzi, dacă mi-as pierde jobu ca Bogdan, m-ai lasa?” (if I lost my job like bogdan, would you leave me?)
“tu acuma n-aj job ma nenorocitule” youd roll your eyes and he laughs, grabbing your face between his hands and pressing kisses all over your face
“Sa știi ca ești rea de tot,”(you know you’re really bad) he would tease but refusing to believe that show is scripted
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
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Your touch was soft and he found himself leaning into it. The water felt warm against his back and your voice brought an unsought soothing to his core.
“This…” he cleared his throat, leaning his head further back into your touch “This is nice.”
You smiled but remained silent, continuing to massage the hair product on his scalp, feeling his body slowly lose tension the more you continued. He was a man of few words, who knew what he wanted and always got the latter.
But at times like these…he seemed to lose that and melt into someone fragile, someone who needed you to handle him with care. You wished this would last for longer but you knew better than to hold hope. So, you allowed him to rest in your presence, pouring the water ever so carefully on his hair, noting his eyes closed.
Your fingers moved against the skin of his cheek, lips moving to press against his forehead. His eyebrow creased ever so slightly but he remained silent, indulging for just a moment.
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
[ 19:08 ] nanami
you didn’t mind night shifts; they’re quiet, not many people to serve, and the ones that did enter didn’t give you much trouble. Customers were mostly limited to salarymen working in the large skyscraper next door. Shuffling in at late hours in the evening, eyebags painfully prominent and answers curt. They never stayed for very long, you’d see them for a week, two, three at the very most after which they would simply not come any more.
you didn’t blame them.
there was one person, however, who had been showing up every night at the exact same hour since the day you first started. The two of you seemed to have had your first shift on that exact same day. He could tell from the way your face scrunched up when trying to figure out why the machine didn’t scan his instant meal and how to apply the discount he had given you the coupon for. He was patient, not rushing and biding you to take your time.
since then, at 2 am every night for the past month, you would have his usual order ready for him to pick up at the till. The time saved looking for the items, he would spend making idle conversation with you. His voice was comforting and he never seemed to say things just for the sake of saying them. The fact that he was easy on the eyes was just another bonus.
you had started to wait for him to come, looking at the clock, heart pounding as the hours slowly passed. you’d look in the mirror under the desk at 1:40, making sure everything was in place, tucking away stray strands and assuming a nonchalant position. but he could tell, you knew he could and yet, apart from a gentle knowing smile he never brought it up.
the sound of the bell made you almost jump.
the always comforting voice rang out throughout the store, steps hurriedly moving towards the till. you stood to your feet and gave him a smile “rough day huh?”
he sighed, pulling the leather wallet from his back pocket “it’s not good to be doing so many night shifts, you know.” he muttered, counting the coins.
shrugging, you scanned his items and opened the till “pot calling the kettle.” his fingers brushed against the palm of your hand as he handed you the money, his ever observant eyes catching the light flush that spread across your cheeks as they did.
“I can say that now,” he paused for a moment, measuring his words “it’s my last shift.”
the words seemed to hit you harder than acknowledged, the only sound in the store being the crinkling of the instant meal and the flickering lightbulb your manager had promised to fix a month ago. You laughed, fingers shaking as you reached to give him his change “Is,Is,” steadying your voice you lifted the coins in your palm “Is that so?”
the clatter on the floor made you swear under your breath, immediately rushing from behind the counter to pick them up “Sorry,” you mumbled, not noticing him kneel down beside “I guess I’m tired.”
looking up, you could see his eyes trained on you and you were suddenly all too aware of your quivering bottom lip, your burning cheeks, your eyes starting to fill with tears. Nanami had always been a comfort to you, making the night shift just that much bearable, you didn’t realise he had grown to be so much more.
but he had and he was somewhat happy his going away was making you flustered, it gave him courage to ask something he had been brooding on the entire week.
“Do you have tomorrow off?”
raising to your feet, you pass the change to him “What’s that?”
“You’re not working tomorrow,correct?”
“No, my manager said it’s been too many night shifts and I’m basically forced to take a break even though I told him I don’t need a break but he’s just so-!”
“Join me for dinner.”
you didn’t mind night shifts; they’re quiet.
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
idk if anyones made a post about this before but something rlly interesting i noticed is that
when gojo was in high school(with Geto by his side) he only wore his whore glasses then
when Geto had his entire non-sorcerers are disgusting and im going to cull them all phase and went against him he covered his eyes with WHITE bandages and
when geto bit off more than he could chew and went 💀 mode, he changed his eye covering to that black (im guessing silk🤷‍♀️) thing that he wears im guessing because he was in continuous mourning over his bf </3
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
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The palace floors are cold.
His eyes are colder.
You look into them as he reaches his hand towards you, and his indifference stares right back. You lower them quickly, biting into your lip until the sting in your chest gets replaced with something more tangible.
His embrace was warm against your skin but left you feeling alone. Your hands tremble, slowly lifting to wrap around him, head burying in his chest trying so hard.
Trying so hard…to what….
Trying so hard to make him see you? To feel less alone?
What are you trying so hard to do?
Your eyes fill with tears.
Why are you crying? What were you expecting? What’s crying going to do?
That’s right, let him kiss you. Let his arms hold you close and pretend like there’s love surrounding the two of you. Hold his face between your hands and lean into him.
It’s not going to get any better than this. He may never truly see you, but you can pretend he does and he can pretend not to notice.
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
guys I’m sorry I’m literally obsessed with ✨him✨
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
[2:15am] geto suguru
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You felt it scratch at the skin of your fingers as soon as you took them out of your pocket. The restaurant’s light flickered behind you, the last of the customers lifting their large coats.
You watched your breath form and disappear in the same second. The customers slurred a goodbye as they left but were met with silence and a nod.
Your fingers were starting to get numb by the time you managed to pull a thin cigarette from its pocket. You placed it between your lips with a sigh, pushing your hand back in your pocket, rummaging for something to light it with.
“Need some help?”
The voice was familiar. Before it would make your heart practically expand but now it made a cold chill run down your spine. You didn’t look up, movements slowing down.
“My soul?” The ever so gentle voice continued and you struggled to keep your tears to yourself, but kept your eyes to the ground before eventually pulling out the lighter you were looking for “Please.”
Your fingers were shaking as you tried lighting it “You’re not him.” you managed to grumble, once again not even looking at the man before you. His soul felt…different; cold, full of anger and unease. But the face you had so tenderly caressed, the hands that had once wrapped around yours in winters like these, the smile that spread to his eyes…those were the same.
The silence built between the two of you, broken only by a long inhale followed by a sharp exhale “My Geto was warm.” You muttered more to yourself “He was kind and made me feel at home.” Taking one more inhale, you threw the half finished cigarette in the snow by his feet “Give him back or go away.”
He felt it scratch at the skin of his fingers as soon as he took them out of his pocket, the restaurant’s light flickered behind you and he shoved them back into the warmth of his jacket.
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
just watched the jjk movie yesterday and wow,,,,,let’s just say it was all fun and feral but the end had me crying so loud
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
wayyy too many of you guys look at this specimen
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and for some reason think he is in any way emotionally available
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
Modern day romance + SNV 
part 2 of this post !
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comfortable silence at the end of a long day, sitting in bed together both tending to different things. the bedside light flickering softly as he eases into a book, one hand placed softly on your hand, thumb running soft circles onto your skin while you were focused watching your favourite show. The air was warm and you felt at ease
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the warmth of the shower water and his arms wrapped around you from behind as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. he’s bad at communicating when he’s having a tough time, but whenever things get too heavy he likes resting his head right there. you remain quiet, pressing your lips to the top of his head and allowing him to wash away the strains in your closeness
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long car rides filled with out of tune singalongs, bright smiles and loving teases thrown backwards and forwards. the loudness slowly moving into comfortable silence, his hand moving to rest on top of your thigh and your head resting on his shoulder.
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his fingers gently skimming across the skin of neck, moving your hair to the side with soft gestures before lifting the necklace you requested help with. smiling at the way your cheeks remained flush despite him doing this for so many years. slowly wrapping the jewellery around your neck, asking how high you wanted it and clasping it securely before silently admiring you in the mirror for a few seconds
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
okay just cleaned up my inbox !! hopefully much more stuff is gonna start getting released here and on the 18+ blog hehehe 😼
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
Which voice actor do you think would fit Buddha
EASY ANSWER ! THE DANDY MANNN -> junichi suwabe ! my fave characters that he voices are
undertaker(black butler)
ren(uta no prince sama)
greed(fullmetal alchemist)
SUKUNA (jjk)
GRIMMJOW (bleach)
aomine (kurokos basketball)
HERMES (ror)
All of these characters have a similar personality to Buddha like playful but FUCK SHIT UPPPPP and i think junichi would absolutely SMASH that voice 😼 but he already voices Hermes and he’s doing such a good job but in my personal opinion his voice suits buddha a lot more 🤷‍♀️
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
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honeymyheaven · 2 years
Okay so basically Nostradamus is a Venti cosplayer and destroyed like 90% of hell for shits and gigs, Hades volunteered to fight in place of the open spot for the gods and Qin broke down several walls on the god's side and sat in Hade's chair (and flipped Ares around twice and counting) then Brunhilde and Goll told him to go an fight and instead of going down normally he used the platform-thing on the god's side as a slide and now we were just told he killed a Deamon-God thing and now he has eyes.
That's the best I can do sorry if it's confusing or giving too many sopilers
this breakdown was what made me want to catch up absolutely fucking love this ! Thank you for the breakdown bb !!!!
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