#Sheva Isanan
hurl-a-can · 4 years
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° Sheva. 
- memory keeper - blood warrior
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hurl-a-can · 5 years
OC voice claims (and accents)
OK, so almost none of the voice claims matches the accent I’ve given whatever OC they’re a voice claim for. Some of them are not even native English speakers. *shrugs* ---
Takeshi Kaneshiro for Das Davarris.
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Just imagine THAT voice - and thick Scouse. (I realize how that might be difficult.) (Yep, Denerim elves talk like Scousers in my world state. Deal with it. :-)) Das speaks fast (and a LOT) and he is expressive: his tone, pitch, volume and tempo of speech shift often. But he rarely gets overbearingly, unpleasantly loud. (Battles, other high-adrenaline situations - or taunt exchanges - are a different story, though.) He has a rich vocabulary and he uses it as he sees fit. His language is playful, metaphor-heavy and quirky - because that’s just how he is. There are some echoes of Denerim alienage slang in many of his curses and odd word choices, though.
Vladimír Javorský for Lennan Tabris.
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Lennan’s accent is barely there most of the time. But he will often slip right back into it when talking with Arana or other Denerim elves. While travelling, he and Ara have heard the question ‘What language is that?’ more than once - and they’ve heard it from others in their party as well.
Lenn is always calm and soft-spoken, but he’s got a way of making his voice heard. Something about his tone and delivery makes people shut up and listen.  But if need be, his voice can carry extremely well and surprisingly far, with just the smallest adjustment to his pitch and volume. ‘Smallest’ is the key word here - he’s found out early enough that ‘calm and quiet’ works best with most people, whether he aims to persuade--or intimidate.
Dylan Moran for Keenan Hawke.
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Well, one 100% match at least, voice and accent and manner of speech.
And the general attitude as well. He never sounds completely sober and he never sounds terribly drunk, he *always* sounds half-drunk or kinda drunk, whether he’s been sober for days or whether he’s so arseholed he’s rendered himself virtually blind and legless. And, sadly, a lot of the time he actually IS kinda drunk... (But you can usually tell how drunk he really is. His delivery doesn’t change much, but the more he drinks, the less coherent he gets. With enough booze in his system, he ceases to make any fucking sense whatsoever. That - and he can’t stand up.)
Paul McGann for Sheva Isanan.
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Isanans are a wild mix of influences, but as far as accents go, I imagine them with Arabic ones. (Ironically, McGann is the first actual Scouser on this voice claim list. Ah well.) Sevarras is young and a bit of a snobbish twat - and it shows in his speech. His volume is always controlled and his tone is always subtle. And though he does have a bit of an accent, his grammar is flawless and his vocabulary is broad, rich and on par with most Circle scholars. He knows all the big, intimidating words and he WILL flaunt them at you. He does like to show off he’s well-read and well-educated.
Chris Walken for Ranna Lavellan.
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Young Walken is Ranna’s face claim, sort of, so it would be a shame not to have Ranna sound like that as well. Ranna Lavellan does not have an American accent, obviously. Lavellans sound mostly Scottish. Because I have a thing for those kinds of British accents. Ranna's accent is probably a tad lighter and more mixed, partly because he travels a lot. (If you’re now stuck with Walken’s voice speaking in a vaguely Scottish accent in your head, you’re welcome.) When Ranna speaks, he sounds confident, easy-going and warm - never intimidating. There’s always a hint of a smile and just the tiniest bit of cockiness in his tone. Like most of my characters, he is well-read, but, much like Lenn, he prefers to make himself easily understood. 
Alexander Veljanov for Fennas Lavellan.
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Speaking and singing voice both. (Fennas is one of the best singers in the clan.) Regarding the accent, listen to Kevin McKidd to get the idea. Fennas is a man of few words. He doesn’t raise his voice unless he really needs it to carry far. He’s a big guy with a scary glare. He doesn’t even need to speak, let alone shout, to get people’s attention or scare the living daylights out of them. He is generally straightforward, honest - and brief.
Rosario Dawson for Yevren.
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Just...with a generic southern English accent.
Yevren speaks quietly and fast - and she doesn’t always bother with articulating clearly. If she got a copper for every time people asked her to ‘repeat that, please’, she could buy the entire Grand Cathedral with the Divine still in it. She is a nerd who spends most of her time either in books or with other like-minded nerds - and she always speaks like a scholar would speak to another fellow academic - no matter whom she’s talking to. If you want her to speak the layman’s Common, you have to explicitly ask her to. (And it may turn out to be a bit of a struggle for her at times.)
Emma Thompson for Salshira Lavellan.
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I imagine a somewhat deeper, but even more importantly, mature voice for Sal. She sounds a couple of decades older than she looks. Emma Thompson’s voice is pretty much how I’d want her to sound if I had MY way...:-) I even found a clip of her doing a bit of Scottish accent so she sounds like a proper Lavellan. :-)  Salshira looks like a sweet bean and yeah, she is a huge geek (more gifted and way geekier than Ranna) - but she’s a very observant, sarcastic, no-nonsense kind of girl. And you can hear that undercurrent in her voice and tone. She’s very eloquent but pretty direct in her choice of words. If she slips into metaphors and euphemisms, it is usually for irony’s sake. :-) I used to h/c her very differently when I made her, but she has changed a LOT since then. And I like her much better now.
Consider yourself tagged if you haven’t done this yet but wanna.
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hurl-a-can · 5 years
🍯 😵 and 💩 for whoever you like :D
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🍯 for a food headcanonSevarras loathes Fereldan food with a passion.He is a rather picky eater in general, but the first time he was presented with a proper Fereldan meal, he did get somewhat sick just by smelling and looking at it. (Now, elven food is a different story - he does find most of the food in alienages palatable and even somewhat pleasant, even if a tad bland for his Rivaini taste buds.)
😵 for a sickness headcanonWhether it’s the cold climate or the southern flora, the moment he crosses the Waking Sea, his nose starts running and he gets all the common cold symptoms - and they don’t completely stop until he leaves.The South hates him.And he absolutely hates it in turn.
💩 for a ridiculous headcanonHe has started out as a half-brother to Das, but I’ve recently decided he’s actually his uncle.Das’s paternal grandfather had many kids and Sheva was the youngest. He was born almost a decade after Daël died and Das was born - but he is Das’s uncle nonetheless. (He takes himself a tad too seriously and doesn’t enjoy being reminded of it. So of course Das calls him by the proper honorific for a paternal uncle whenever he wants to tease him or piss him off.Sheva eventually does grow some sense of humour about it and learns to respond by addressing Das as ‘nephew’ or ‘lad’.)
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
3 Words
Tagged by @dreadhobo and @jaffa-keksi Thank you!
Lennan Tabris: serious, self-denying, kind Keenan Hawke: eloquent, self-indulgent, loyal Das Davarris: affectionate, mercurial, curious Fennas Lavellan: proud, fearless, steadfast Ranna Lavellan: cunning, talented, level-headed Salshira Lavellan: bright, nerdy, mischievous Yevren: cool, ironic, practical Sevarras “Sheva” Isanan: vengeful, idealistic, aloof
Tagging: @mocha-writes @red-wardens @enchantment1385 @dickeybbqpit @my-da-phase @keeperscompanionsdai @marquis1305 @ironbullsmissingeye @pink-lyrium @nerdierholler @goblin-deity @bearly-tolerable @beckily @queen-of-the-crows @fleshwerks @sunshinemage  @norroendyrd
...and anyone else who’d like to be tagged.
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hurl-a-can · 5 years
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OC in 5 gifs
° Sheva Isanan
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tagged by: @dickeybbqpit tagging: Everyone!!
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
OC aesthetic - movie/TV scene tag
Got bored and this is the result.
Lennan Tabris aesthetic
He’s gentle, soft-spoken, conflict-averse... Also a bit of a troll. Absolutely WILL kill you if you push him. Deadpan. Bleak.
Keenan Hawke aesthetic
Bohemian. Loves food and drink. Gets (very) drunk (very) often. Eloquent and irreverent. Unruly. Entitled. Selfish. Usually backs off if threatened.
Das Davarris aesthetic
Got a smart mouth on him. Can’t stand pompous twats. Will happily punch a pompous twat.
Fennas Lavellan aesthetic
Loyal, steadfast, badass. Enemies shit their pants at the sight of him. "They have an army of demons!” “We have Fennas.”
Sheva Isanan aesthetic
Lofty ideals, bleeding heart and seething rage. Holds grudges. Fire and blood.
tagging: @enchantment1385 @dickeybbqpit  @red-wardens @my-da-phase @marquis1305 @jaffa-keksi @nerdierholler @keeperscompanionsdai @pink-lyrium @norroendyrd @medeadea @veridium-bye @ace-amatus @mocha-writes @tessa1972
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
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So I’ve been rewatching Black Books lately - and this suddenly seemed like a good idea. I’m gonna tag people. Feel free to ignore, of course, as usual (I mean I don’t even know how many of you have watched Black Books - but if you haven’t you should).
Sorry if it makes no sense at all.
tagging: @enchantment1385 @keeperscompanionsdai @my-da-phase @red-wardens @dickeybbqpit @goblin-deity @pink-lyrium @dirthara-mama @sunshinemage @norroendyrd @apostatetabris @cullenvhenan @ironbullsmissingeye @jaffa-keksi @marquis1305
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
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° Sheva.
...he got an upgrade. Because Isanans are supposed to wear tattoos. Except they’re not vallaslin because Isanans don’t count themselves among the Dalish. So now that I have found that lovely mod, Sheva can finally sport a cool tattoo - that actually looks a lot like what I have in mind for his clan. The mod, by the way, can be found here.
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
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° Sheva.
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
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...look at all my elven children... (I love them.) I really need to update my character page.
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
2, 8, 18, 25 - for all of them. x)
OK, this is gonna be a long one.
° Das.
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2. How would they meet the Inquisitor?You’ll only get him if, in Hinterlands, you eliminate the Apostates first. He’ll be outside the mages’ cave, waiting – a sole survivor from a small group of Dalish scouts who got unfortunate enough to run into a group of rogue Templars. He’s hunted down most of those bastards who killed his lover and his friends, except one. The last one’s tricky and he’s not above asking for your help.
“I learned a thing or two about them and their schedule and whereabouts… Those twats stomp about like the whole soddin’ Hinterlands are theirs, it wasn’t terribly difficult to sniff them stinkers out. But I’m alone and they’re a bunch. It’ll be a pleasure to help you out. Lead you to their camp and maybe distract the guards, get to gut a pig or two…”
8. What kind of Inquisitor would drive them to leave the Inquisition/confront them about their actions (what gets their approval low? what does that scene look like)? Das is a flexible fellow who can appreciate different points of view…But he has no patience or tolerance for cruelty or casual disregard for the lives of the ‘little people’. He also highly values compromise, so an Inquisitor incapable of that will irritate the hell out of him. Being a jerk, being needlessly confrontational and being a stuck-up twat – any of those will definitely cost you approval points.(As will neglect. Das needs to feel appreciated and if you don’t bother talking to him, he’ll get pretty annoyed pretty quick.)He is very much in favour of standing up against oppression and he’s fiercely defensive of those he sees as the underdogs (mages, elves, casteless dwarves, peasants) – but he friggin’ *hates* loudly proclaimed political agendas and he’s very mistrustful of anything that smacks too much of ideology. So while actions that actually help elves, mages, slaves and other downtrodden souls will net you a lot of approval, he’ll disapprove if you put too much emphasis on any political or religious agenda. (That means disapproval if you choose any of the class or race specific options upon assuming the Inquisitor’s title and also disapproval if you choose any other throne/heraldry/banner than the Inquisition ones.)He’ll disapprove if you ally with the Templars (he’ll greatly approve if you conscript them, though), if you banish the Wardens or if you leave the Warden in the Fade (regardless of who the Warden is), and as much as he loooves to bitch about how *impossible* the Dalish are, you will lose approval if you choose options that don’t favour them during the war table missions.
Also, he may be Andrastian, but a very devout Inquisitor will gain his disapproval pretty fast.An Inquisitor who doesn’t show any mercy is guaranteed to arrive at Das’s low approval scene pretty soon, too. If you let Solas kill the mages in the Exalted Plains, if you judge too harshly too often… Not how you become friends with Das Davarris.If you sacrifice the Chargers, kick Dorian or Sera out – or if you choose any other way to deal with Blackwall/Rainier than handing him over to the Wardens or giving him opportunity to atone, you’ll get a cutscene where Das pays you a surprise visit in your quarters – and you will find yourself at the receiving end of a litany of most inventive curses.If your overall approval is high enough, you can explain yourself and talk him down. You’ll get a very similar scene if your approval hits a critical low, though it may differ slightly based on your in-game choices.If he confronts you (be it about a specific action on your part or due to his low overall approval), you can choose to punch him. In which case he’ll punch you back (and knock you out – you’ll wake up to the concerned face of either your LI or whichever advisor you’ve listened to most often during war table missions). Das will be gone by then.A war table mission will become available to search for him. If you play your cards right and meet a set of requirements, he’ll be caught and brought to Skyhold for judgement. You may choose between imprisonment, exile, a whipping + a gibbet, and a pardon. Anything but a pardon (or an exile) will antagonize much or most of your inner circle, though.(A pardon might result in him rejoining if you ask him to – and if you were otherwise on more or less good terms when you had the fight; i.e. - ain’t gonna happen if you fought because he’d grown to detest you.)If it never comes to punches, he’ll just pack up and leave when his approval drops by a few more points. You’ll get a very short cutscene with the Inky standing on the ramparts and watching him walk out the gate.)18. What’s their reaction to a dragon showing up? Answered here.25. In the alternate reality, if they were corrupted with lyrium, how do they act? What’s their attitude about the end of the world/their inevitable death? He is–weirdly in tune with it all.He’s glowing red all over, a cluster of crystals making a mess of the right half of his face and his left eye socket – but he’s like… “I’m cool… I kinda like what I’m hearin”…’ He might hum along with a strand of the lyrium song he picks up.He seems very zen about it all at first – but he is really just broken. You know simply by noticing how much more cynical he is about everything.He’s kinda gone – and yet not quite. He’s quieter and much more passive - but every now and then you can see his old self shining through and he has a good grasp of what is going on. Overall, he appears very…grounded. Every now and then he comments on this or that with a line from the Chant. More often than not, it is…darkly humorous.He may admit he’d ‘done his fair share of raging but one can only rage for so long when there ain’t much left to salvage anyhow’…“I mean it’s all oddly pretty if you gawk at it long enough, but not very livable…”He looks pleased to see you but resigned to his fate. You showing up certainly lifts his spirits a bit, just enough to get him into fighting mood again.“Been a shite year. Glad it’s over.”
° Fennas.
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2. How would they meet the Inquisitor?
You only get him if, in Hinterlands, you eliminate the Templars first. He’s waiting by the entrance to the Templars’ camp once you clean it out – a sole survivor from a small group of Dalish scouts who got unfortunate enough to run into a group of Apostates. He’s hunted down most of those bastards who killed his lover and his friends – all but one; and now he’s asking you for help.
“They’re holed up in Witchwood. I can show you the way. All I ask is that you let me join in the fight. I’m no worse at killing mages and demons than any Templar – and one of those berks still owes me a gallon of blood.”
8. What kind of Inquisitor would drive them to leave the Inquisition/confront them about their actions (what gets their approval low? what does that scene look like)? When you talk to him, be respectful. He won’t tolerate any displays of disrespect, especially not from a shem.Fennas has no strong opinions on the whole mages vs. templars conflict. That’s a shem thing and he only cares about it if and when it affects his own people.He will disapprove of a very pious, pro-Chantry inquisitor. He wouldn’t take anti-elven decisions or sentiments well. If the Inquisitor is elven, Fennas will expect them to represent the people proudly and openly – and he’ll get upset if the Inky fails to do that.He’ll disapprove of any resolution to WEWH that doesn’t involve Briala by or behind the throne.He’ll disapprove of skipping the rituals at the temple and not hearing out Abelas’s proposal. (Once Abelas is done talking, however, he won’t care either way – kill them or ally with them, he’ll be OK with either.)He’ll GREATLY disapprove if a non-elven Inky drinks from the Well. Same with an elven Inky letting Morrigan drink from it.Arrogance and insensitivity to other non-Andrastian cultures, especially from a human Inky, will make him fume as well.He won’t be a big fan of an Inquisitor who’s too soft and too yielding, but he’ll dislike a jerk much more (he may be a proud, harsh man, but he’s still a man of principle and he has some morals, you know…).
If his approval drops to -10 or so, he’ll call you out. May even threaten you with his spear and remark how easy it would be to rid the world of your incompetence.With the right dialogue choices, you may persuade him to stay and even gain some of that lost approval. If his approval drops below -40, he’ll leave your party if you travel with him to the Dales or to the Storm Coast and he’ll never return. If you piss him off even more, he’ll just leave Skyhold – on a stolen horse. (And he’ll choose one of the best ones. You’ll get a cutscene with the horsemaster reporting the incident to you.)If you send people after him, they’ll come limping back – and pass to you a letter that will let you know, in no uncertain terms, that the next bunch of sods you send after Fennas won’t make it back alive.18. What’s their reaction to a dragon showing up? Anwered earlier. :-)25. In the alternate reality, if they were corrupted with lyrium, how do they act? What’s their attitude about the end of the world/their inevitable death? He won’t be very vocal.He’ll be…silently furious. At you, among other people – because he was in favour of contacting and conscripting whatever was left of the Templar order – and very much in agreement with Cullen that there was no walking out of the Redcliffe castle and that going there was foolish.He’ll brush aside any concern for his health or well-being (he’ll have a huge nasty looking crystal formation protruding out of his back and shoulder, but he’ll insist ‘it is of no concern, not to him and certainly not to you’; instead he’ll demand explanations).He will give you a very quick overview of what happened but basically, he’s just gonna be like 'let’s stop talking and get moving’…His last words will be: 'Just… Don’t fuck up.’
° Ranna.
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2. How would they meet the Inquisitor?You’ll meet him on your return from Val Royeaux. He pacifies a rift right in front of your eyes – but he still needs your help to completely close it.Once that’s done, he introduces himself. His Keeper sent him to study the Breach and, if possible, find a more efficient way to deal with the rifts.
“I can offer little but my own expertise and – if Keeper agrees – some of our clan’s resources to help with your task. My people have traveled places where the Veil is thin for generations. We know a great deal about the Veil and the tears in it. Though, obviously, what we know is nothing compared to all that is there to learn. That’s why I’m here.”
If you ask him why a Dalish clan would want to ally themselves with the Inquisition, he says: “The wounded sky is bleeding nightmares into the waking world. If there’s ever been a time to put our grievances aside, it has to be now.”
8. What kind of Inquisitor would drive them to leave the Inquisition/confront them about their actions (what gets their approval low? what does that scene look like)? A very chaotic one, one without vision or curiosity – and certainly a stupid one.
I can see him putting up with some very problematic and even ruthless decisions and steps, even borderline tyrannical ones – provided it leads to a greater good. But the uglier your means, the harder time you’ll have convincing him that the end justified them.An Inquisitor without a plan or a vision, or worse, a mundane power-grabber interested in hoarding power and resources purely for their own sake – that will drive him away very quickly.He greatly values diplomacy, so a very military-minded Quizzy will irritate him. If you aren’t careful, you might lose a lot of approval real quick simply by how you choose to resolve war table missions.(However, while generally more of a diplomat, he’s no pacifist. So you can’t just assume the diplomatic solution is always the safest one. Ranna always pays close attention to the context, effectiveness and *morality* of any decision – and so should you.)He’s also a proud Dalish elf and though he’s by no means unreasonable and by no means a revolutionary, he’ll call you out if you’re a racist piece of shit.Oh, on revolution. Much like Viv, Ranna is a good politician – and he prefers stable, gradual improvement over revolutions of any kind. He realizes they may sometimes be necessary, but generally speaking, he thinks they do more harm than good.So a very idealist 'Freedom for everyone! Mage rights! Elf rights! NOW!’ kind of Inky won’t see eye to eye with him.If, for example, you choose to let Briala rule through Gaspard, he’ll call you out for being - in his opinion - an idiot. “The nobles hate her and she cares nothing for anyone or anything outside her agenda. The first moment she slips up – and she will – it’ll be alienage purges left and right. Bravo.”His tone and attitude will only shift slightly as you lose approval. If you annoy him enough, you’ll get a cutscene with the Inky catching Ranna in the middle of practising his fighting moves. He’ll direct a splinter of ice your way – missing you just by an inch and clearly on purpose. You’ll have a brief conversation mostly revolving around self-control, self-education and self-improvement, with Ranna casually tossing thinly veiled insults your way – until he announces he’s realized he’d achieve more on his own and that his and your goals clearly do not align. And with that (and with a curt bow) he’ll leave.(He’ll still watch you, however – and if you start performing more to his liking, later on you might get a series of war table missions that involve him and some intriguing discoveries he’s made in Emprise du Lion. He won’t be coming back, though.)18. What’s their reaction to a dragon showing up? He’ll exclaim something in elvhen. Whatever the words mean, he sounds excited.He clearly enjoys dragon fights, but will urge you to slow down after a third dragon kill.He will greatly disapprove if you kill them all.25. In the alternate reality, if they were corrupted with lyrium, how do they act? What’s their attitude about the end of the world/their inevitable death? Calm, rational, analytical.Absolutely fascinated with the science/magic behind it all.You’ll find him sitting in his cell, meditating and throat-singing. (“I was—singing against it. It calms me down, helps me focus…”)He won’t worry much about his own inevitable demise and he’ll urge you not to worry about him either. He immediately latches on to this sudden unexpected chance to turn the tides. He will be quick to share whatever information or insights he has and eager to leave his cell and get going.He keeps a keen and optimistic attitude throughout – and in the end he’ll welcome the chance to help you reverse the events of the past year (and the opportunity to kill a few more Venatori) with a slight smile, a nod – and a wish of best luck to you and Dorian.“We’ll do what we can. Make it count.”
° Sheva.
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2. How would they meet the Inquisitor?You find him in Hinterlands, not far from the farms, defending a bunch of refugees against Templars.It turns out the refugees are runaways from a Circle, on their way to Redcliffe. The Templars start negotiating, once you weaken them enough. They maintain the mages are dangerous and that Sheva is a criminal and they demand his head – in exchange for the mage refugees’ lives.Sheva begs to differ, of course: 
“I’ve seen apostates running amok all over the place, but these kids here have done nothing wrong and neither have I!”
You could either help him dispatch the Templars – in which case he’ll thank you, leave with the mages to accompany them to Redcliffe – and then he’ll show up and offer his help once you enter the village.Or you could try to turn him in, in which case he’ll pull the blood magic out of his sleeve and kill all the remaining templars with a single spell. If you made it absolutely clear you want the group of mage refugees free and unharmed, he’ll just vanish before you get the chance to catch him and you’ll never see him again. You might also try to ally with the Templars, in which case you will have to fight and defeat Sheva and all his refugee friends.
8. What kind of Inquisitor would drive them to leave the Inquisition/confront them about their actions (what gets their approval low? what does that scene look like)? A pro-Chantry, pro-Circle, pro-Templar one. He’ll greatly disapprove of conscripting the mages or choosing to contact the Templars at Therinfal Redoubt. (And allying with them on top of that – instead of disbanding and conscripting them - may net enough disapproval for him to leave the Inquisition before you even reach Skyhold.)Failing to properly punish (i.e. kill) people like Florianne or Erimond won’t sit right with him either. (Don’t even think of making any of the antagonist mages tranquil, though.)If your Hawke supported the mage rebellion, leaving them in the Fade will result in disapproval (he won’t give a fuck about a pro-Templar Hawke).He is a revolutionary at heart; he wants changes and wants them now. An Inky who is too cautious, too eager to appease the Chantry or too hesitant to completely abolish the circles – even if they are relatively reformist/progressive – just won’t quite cut it for him.Unless you share both his views and his passion in pushing that agenda, he’ll be pretty aloof with you.Careful how you speak of magic, especially blood magic. If you subscribe to the Chantry dogma on those issues, he’ll take it very personally.Much like Fennas, he won’t appreciate if you don’t treat him with enough respect.If you keep pissing him off consistently enough, you’ll first get an opportunity to address his apparent dislike of you in a conversation and talk things out. If you don’t patch it up or change your course, eventually you’ll walk up to his usual spot at Skyhold to find him packing up his belongings. He’ll explain he wants nothing to do with you and (if you’ve been very anti-magic or anti blood magic) that he doesn’t feel very appreciated (or safe, for that matter).If you’ve reached this point, there’s no convincing him to stay, but it may go down either in a relatively cool, civilized manner – or, if you attempt to hit him, he’ll give you a quick taste of what it feels like to be on the receiving end of the dreaded mind control abilities of a blood mage. (He won’t hurt you, but he will be very explicit in expressing his utter disdain for you and your Inquisition.)Once Sheva is done with you, that’s it. You’ll never hear from him again.18. What’s their reaction to a dragon showing up? “Alright, that’s about as close as I want to get.”If (when) she attacks. “I don’t get paid enough for this.”Any subsequent dragon sighting: “Fuck no.” (Sounding very annoyed.)25. In the alternate reality, if they were corrupted with lyrium, how do they act? What’s their attitude about the end of the world/their inevitable death?Angry, determined – and fighting the voices encroaching upon his mind.The first time you see him, it’s just two red gleams in the dark corner of the cell.He’ll react first with surprise and anger (“You… How is it YOU? Where in the Void have you been?”) - then with relief (“So all’s not lost then…”).If you ask him how he is: “I’ve been better.” (He sounds…bitter about it.) Every now and then, he mumbles to himself or hits himself in the temple and refers to them or the voices or those bloody pests.He won’t have any parting words for you at the end. He’ll just pick up a blade, slice his forearm open and walk into the fray, surrounded by a crimson cloud. (You won’t see his dead body – but you’ll see a rage abomination entering the throne room.)(If you confront him about the blood magic and the possession once you get back, he’ll deny everything, of course - and swear that whatever made his future self walk down that path, it must have happened after the Veil came down. He’ll thank you for telling him. “It is a warning I shall take to heart.”)
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
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° Sheva Isanan. Blood warrior.
“No demon taught me what I know. And no, there are no sinister whispers encroaching upon my waking mind. I know my limits and I avoid excess. Perhaps that’s all there is to it.”
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
For the discourse meme(hope this one makes it through): for some reason I feel there would be a debate over whether or not Sheva is secretly evil. x) and for the bigger controversies, Lennan's choice to make the Ultimate Sacrifice definitely could lead to discourse(TM) as well + Warden!Das' storyline splits the entire fandom into those who "miss the old him >::((" and those who welcome his change.
Sheva is a fairly neutral character, but he totally gives off some disturbing vibes. And of course, being a blood mage might make him more suspicious in the eyes of many people.Agree about Lennan - given that his decision not to do the dark ritual was motivated solely by trying to make absolutely sure the old god soul would NOT survive, which, I think, might rub a lot of people in the anti-Andrastian, anti-Chantry crowd the wrong way. And on top of that, he refuses to let Loghain (of all people) deal the killing blow. And yeah, while Warden!Das retains much of the old Das’s personality and many of his quirks, I guess if nothing else, all that liberal use of blight magic might be a tad controversial. :-)
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
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° Sheva...
...does not like Cullen.
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
OC theme songs - khoomei special
Just another bout of pure self-indulgence for my music tag.
Fennas Lavellan:
Keenan Hawke:
Das Davarris: 
Ranna Lavellan:
Sheva Isanan:
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
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° Sheva.
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