memecoins · 2 years
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$KIBSHI is the world's first AI-generated meme coin. KiboShib is a cryptocurrency that is the result of the union between Kabosu (Doge) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). It is a fun and playful coin that is intended for use as a form of online currency for buying and selling goods and services within the KiboShib community.
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lwcmanagment · 1 month
Shiba Inu auf dem Vormarsch: Neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten durch CoinGate Integration
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Die Krypto-Welt ist in ständiger Bewegung, und Shiba Inu (SHIB) ist keine Ausnahme. Dank einer bedeutenden Integration des litauischen Zahlungsanbieters CoinGate mit Polygon und Binance Smart Chain haben SHIB-Besitzer nun noch mehr Möglichkeiten, ihre Tokens im Alltag zu nutzen. Von großen Marken wie Nike bis hin zu Dienstleistungen wie Airbnb – die Anwendungsbereiche für Shiba Inu erweitern sich rasant.
Ein Meilenstein für SHIB-Besitzer
CoinGate, bekannt für seine Rolle als Brücke zwischen der Krypto- und der traditionellen Finanzwelt, hat Shiba Inu in sein Zahlungssystem integriert. Das bedeutet, dass SHIB-Besitzer ihre Kryptowährung jetzt in zahlreichen realen Transaktionen einsetzen können. CoinGate selbst äußerte sich dazu begeistert:
“Shibarmy, nutzt eure SHIB, um Airbnb zu buchen, die neuesten Spiele von Steam und PS5 zu kaufen, eure Garderobe mit Nike und Zalando aufzufrischen und mehr.”
Mehr als nur ein Memecoin
Shiba Inu arbeitet kontinuierlich daran, seinen Status als „Memecoin“ hinter sich zu lassen. Ein bedeutender Schritt in diese Richtung ist die Einführung von Shibarium, einer Ethereum Layer-2 Skalierungslösung. Dieses Upgrade, das kürzlich durch ein umfassendes Hard Fork abgeschlossen wurde, soll schnellere Transaktionen und stabilere Gasgebühren ermöglichen und damit das Nutzungserlebnis erheblich verbessern.
Vertrauen der Investoren wächst
Im April sorgte das Shiba Inu Team erneut für Schlagzeilen, als es in einer großen Finanzierungsrunde 12 Millionen USD sammelte. Diese Mittel sollen in die Entwicklung einer neuen Layer-3 Blockchain fließen. Bemerkenswert ist, dass namhafte Investoren wie Polygon Ventures, Mechanism Capital und Animoca Brands zu den Unterstützern gehören, was das wachsende Vertrauen in das Potenzial von SHIB verdeutlicht.
SHIB-Kurs stabil, aber mit Potenzial
Trotz der wachsenden Akzeptanz und den technologischen Fortschritten blieb der Kurs von Shiba Inu in letzter Zeit relativ stabil. Seit dem 7. Mai schwankte er zwischen 0,00002379 USD und 0,00002227 USD. Doch Analysten sehen Potenzial für signifikante Kursbewegungen in naher Zukunft. Ein Durchbruch könnte den Kurs auf 0,00002558 USD treiben, was eine Steigerung von über 13 Prozent bedeuten würde. Auf der anderen Seite könnte ein Rückgang den Kurs auf etwa 0,00002080 USD fallen lassen, was fast acht Prozent unter dem aktuellen Niveau liegt.
Die Integration von Shiba Inu durch CoinGate und die kontinuierlichen Bemühungen, die Funktionalitäten und die Akzeptanz der Kryptowährung zu erweitern, markieren einen spannenden Moment für die SHIB-Community. Mit der Aussicht auf schneller und stabiler werdende Transaktionen und der Unterstützung durch bedeutende Investoren steht Shiba Inu vor einer vielversprechenden Zukunft. Bleibt abzuwarten, wie sich diese Entwicklungen auf den Kurs auswirken werden, aber eines ist sicher: Shiba Inu ist auf dem besten Weg, weit mehr als nur ein Memecoin zu sein.
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cryptosnewss · 2 months
Shiba Inu's Shibarium Hits New Heights: Massive Growth in Daily Transactions
According to Shibariumscan, Shiba Inu’s Layer-2 blockchain innovation has seen an unheard-of spike in activity. The number of daily transactions on the site has increased dramatically in only the last 24 hours, rising from 288,690 to an astounding 347,460. This spike, which peaked on March 25, is a noteworthy 6,171% increase from just four days ago, indicating a significant change in the dynamics…
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dencyemily · 4 months
Shiba Inu's Value Surges 20.23% Amid Shib-Zama Privacy Collaboration
Shiba Inu (Shib), a prominent player in the cryptocurrency space, has witnessed a remarkable 20.23% increase in its market value, currently trading at $0.000013. This substantial upturn coincides with Shib's latest collaboration with Zama, a cryptography leader, emphasizing the growing investor confidence in the Shib Ecosystem.
The partnership announcement with Zama, renowned for its expertise in Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), marks a pivotal moment for Shib. Zama's proficiency in cryptographic innovation positions it as a beacon in the field, reinforcing the importance of encryption and privacy within the Shib Ecosystem. The market response to this collaboration underscores an opportune moment for Shib, reflected in the significant surge in trading volume, reaching $1,513,240,498 in just one day.
Shib's collaboration with Zama extends beyond the immediate market value increase. It opens doors for Shib developers to create cutting-edge, privacy-focused applications. Access to Zama's open-source tools not only fosters innovation but also builds trust among the Shib community, enhancing transactional confidentiality and data protection for users.
The substantial increase in Shib's market value and trading volume highlights the growing enthusiasm and confidence among investors in the Shib Ecosystem. This partnership is anticipated to fuel the ecosystem's expansion and creativity, marking a pivotal moment in advancing privacy and security within the cryptocurrency domain.
As Shib continues to navigate the dynamic crypto landscape, the collaboration with Zama positions it at the forefront of privacy advancements. The value surge and heightened investor confidence reflect not just a momentary market response but a testament to Shib's commitment to innovation and user-centric security. This collaboration serves as a catalyst for Shib's growth, promising a future characterized by enhanced privacy standards and increased investor trust.
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cryptonewsupdate · 5 months
Shiba Inu's Potential Upward Momentum: TD Sequential Indicates a Target of $0.011
Shiba Inu, the cryptocurrency known for its playful canine branding, is not just making headlines for potential price surges but also for its strides in blockchain innovation. The recent introduction of Shibarium, a key component in Shiba Inu's ecosystem, offers users a seamless method to bridge BONE tokens, contributing to the enhancement of its blockchain infrastructure.
The Shibarium network has unveiled an uncomplicated process for users looking to diversify their digital assets by bridging BONE tokens. The steps are user-friendly, starting with the assurance that users have BONE tokens in their wallets. By visiting the official Shibarium website, users can connect their digital wallets effortlessly, choose the BONE token, specify the desired amount for bridging, and initiate the transfer. The result is a secure and efficient migration of tokens to the Shibarium network, typically completed within a 20-minute timeframe.
This development aligns with the broader trend in the digital currency landscape, emphasizing the importance of blockchain diversity and interoperability. As Shiba Inu enthusiasts eagerly explore these opportunities, the Shibarium integration underscores the project's commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation.
Shiba Inu's market trajectory, while recently experiencing a minor dip with a reported price of $0.000009099, remains resilient. The 2.26 percent decrease over the past 24 hours and fluctuations between $0.000009 and $0.0000085 indicate an ongoing market battle. However, the substantial trading volume of $98 billion within the same period reflects a sustained interest in SHIB, showcasing its prominence in the cryptocurrency market.
Ranked 16th on CoinMarketCap with a live market capitalization of $5.34 billion, Shiba Inu continues to capture attention. The ongoing dynamics between bullish and bearish sentiments contribute to its significance for market analysts and investors.
Technical analysis provides additional insights, indicating a leaning toward a bearish trend. The RSI, currently at a neutral level of 45 but approaching oversold territory, suggests a growing bearish sentiment. While various technical indicators currently point to a neutral market stance, the MACD signals a potential negative trend in the near future.
As Shiba Inu enthusiasts navigate both potential price surges and blockchain advancements, the cryptocurrency's journey unfolds within the broader context of an evolving digital landscape. Shibarium's integration stands as a testament to Shiba Inu's commitment to providing a diverse and innovative blockchain experience for its community.
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crypto360world · 6 months
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bmsilva · 8 months
Shiba Inu Whales Bet Big As Shibarium Grows – Road To $0.1?
Watch here: https://youtu.be/CY-Nsmyfhmk
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kripto-parahaber · 9 months
Shibarium'un da önemli gelişme: SHIB'nin yanma oranı yüzde 107 arttı, SHIB fiyatında son durum nedir?
Kısa süre önce piyasaya sürülen Layer-2 blok zinciri Shibarium yeni rekorlar kırmaya devam ediyor. Bu arada Shiba Inu yakma işlemlerine ilişkin yeni verileri web sitesinde paylaşan Shibburn cüzdan takipçisi, bu popüler meme paranın yakma oranının son 24 saat içinde önemli bir artış gösterdiğini duyurdu. Ayrıca Shibarium daha dün bazı temel ölçütlerinde yeni önemli kilometre taşına ulaştı. SHIB…
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shibahero · 9 months
don't sleep on this gem on shibarium
supershib ($sush)
find it on geckotermiinal
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smart contract 0x5bfc6e91cd7add9b28dd46c4b42dd9b812f4b2c2
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36crypto · 10 months
Shibarium Records Impressive Growth After Relaunch
Layer 2 blockchain network, Shibarium has recorded impressive growth shortly after its relaunch on August 28. The project was relaunched by its lead developer Shytoshi Kusama with support from other teams including Polygon, Unification Fund, and the decentralized Shibarium team. In a blog post on August 28, Shytoshi expressed gratitude for the support he received from the aforementioned team…
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coinguitar · 10 months
Shiba Inu Developer Launches Live and Fully Operational Shibarium Layer-2 Protocol
Pseudonymous memecoin developer Shytoshi Kusama has stated that Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) scaling solution, Shibarium, is currently operational and performing efficiently. In a recent blog post, Kusama conveyed that Shibarium has reached a state of readiness for widespread utilization, overcoming initial technical challenges attributed to a substantial surge in user activity following its official…
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asiainsider · 10 months
Shiba Inu’s Highly Anticipated Shibarium Bridge is Now ‘Fully Functional’
Withdrawals can take anywhere from 45 minutes to a week, depending on the token, developers said in a Monday update. Token withdrawals out of the Shibarium bridge are now live and available to users, weeks after a much-hyped launch quickly fizzled out after being riddled with software bugs that led to millions of dollars in limbo on the network. Developers said in a Monday update that withdrawals…
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cryptosnewss · 3 months
Shibarium Surge: Exploring Shiba Inu's Layer-2 Solution's 6,823% Growth
Shibarium, the Layer-2 solution powering Shiba Inu’s ecosystem, has experienced an unprecedented surge, with a jaw-dropping 6,823% increase in new accounts in a single day. The platform, designed to enhance the scalability and efficiency of transactions within the Shiba Inu network, witnessed a monumental spike in user activity, boasting a remarkable 4,457 active accounts, a staggering leap from…
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dencyemily · 4 months
Challenges for SHIB Token as Shibarium Fails to Attract Fresh Interest, Leading to Decline
Shibarium, the layer-2 ecosystem designed to enhance the Shiba Inu network, recently observed a notable surge in activity. However, the excitement generated by this surge did not translate into an influx of new users, posing challenges for the Shiba Inu ecosystem. The apparent stagnation in user growth raises concerns about the sustained popularity and liquidity of Shibarium, essential elements for the success of Shiba Inu's offerings.
This trend has sparked concerns within the Shiba Inu community, recognizing the importance of a growing user base for the network's long-term viability. A lack of new participants could potentially lead to diminished demand for SHIB tokens, impacting their market value. Despite these challenges, the community's active engagement on social media platforms indicates ongoing enthusiasm.
Notably, weighted sentiment analysis points to a shift in perceptions, with negative sentiments beginning to outweigh positive sentiments among commentators. This shift is noteworthy as meme coins, including SHIB, heavily rely on community enthusiasm and social media traction to drive value.
Amidst these challenges, positive indicators emerge within the Shiba Inu ecosystem. SHIB's network growth metric has demonstrated resilience by attracting new addresses holding the token. This suggests that, despite the hurdles faced by Shibarium in attracting new users, the core SHIB token continues to garner interest from new investors. Additionally, the velocity of SHIB transactions has increased, indicating heightened trading activity within the existing community.
A strategic move within the Shiba Inu ecosystem involves the intentional burning of SHIB tokens. In the past 24 hours, 2 million SHIB tokens were deliberately removed from circulation. This deliberate reduction in supply, if met with sustained or increased demand, could counteract negative price pressures and introduce a deflationary effect on the token's value.
As of the latest update, Shiba Inu is showing signs of recovery within a bullish market environment. The token has surpassed the $0.000009600 level, experiencing a 1.51% increase in the past 24 hours. While this positive movement hints at potential recovery, the Shiba Inu community remains vigilant as the ecosystem navigates through the complex landscape of challenges and opportunities.
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kriptobilim · 10 months
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cryptoshib · 1 year
Shiba Inu Achieves Unprecedented Milestone as $SHIB Network Surges with Growing Support from Long-Term Holders
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