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2022.7.31~8.1 鹿児島 志布志 志布志駅と日南マリーン
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 year
Can you do a meta on Naze from Medaka Box?
Naze is a character who built herself a whole identity based on a philosophy that narrative doesn't take seriously. She's unambiguously wrong and the first half of the manga uses her every character moment as an opportunity to point out how wrong she is.
Kujira was born with talent and privilege, which she was always eager to put to good use, but she was led astray by the belief that wonders can only be born in hell. She gets an interesting setup as a challenge to Medaka. The person who wants to make everyone happy confronts the person who genuinely wishes for unhappiness. Naze being Medaka's sister is only an extra incentive for her to give attention to this clash of ideas.
And did this confrontation actually happen? No. Because the narrative never gives any level of merit to the idea that a human being would actually want to be unhappy. Naze is the only Thirteen Party member who goes down without a fight, meaning the idea she chose to represent is the one that's not worth fighting for.
Ultimately, Koga gets Taxed by Miyakonojou and Naze chooses getting revenge for her friend over furthering her research in these ideally unfortunate circumstances. She got exactly what she asked for and her philosophy immediately crumbled on itself when put to the test. No further elaboration because it's too childish to be even debated.
One key point of her backstory (that will be relevant later when we talk about Shibushi) is that she went through multiple bouts of amnesia in her transition from Kujira to Naze. Her conscious pursuit of misfortune resulted in so much trauma that her very brain chose to block it off, meaning her very body rejects her dumb point. Actively wanting misfortune is not just too silly of an ideal to any reasonable person. It's too silly of an idea to her own instincts too.
Take a look at Kumagawa, the face of negativity. He is the anti-perfection, the most Minus of the Minus, and even he can't go to this logical extreme. On the contrary, Kumagawa actively pursued the happiness of the Minus by dragging the top down to the bottom level.
Speaking of Kumagawa, the next time Naze is relevant is when Kumagawa tries to recruit her to Class -13. Thanks to her accomplishments and fame as a noncommital and evasive individual, he sees her as a useful asset that's more like-minded to him than to Medaka, and who is willing to double-cross for the promise of making her life worse. This gets to her for a moment until her first conversation with the Minus side unpromptedly demolishes her emotional contradictions and makes her double-cross the Minus. Once aware of her own happiness, Naze can't go back to her noncommittal self. Black White of the Thirteen Party is no more. She now has to pick a side.
Her main part in the Minus arc is her fight against Shibushi. Shibushi's Scar Dead is the power to open old wounds, and that heals Naze's multiple amnesias, making her relive all the trauma she suppressed. By her own worldview, this is the situation of maximum productivity. The opportunity to create something wonderful. But instead what she creates is her Minus, Ice Fire, a symbol of her noncommittal past. A tool she describes as horrid, and one that directly causes her to lose the game, even if she wins the fight. (Because Shibushi is also a Minus, so they both need to lose)
By having her ultimate hell produce something that wasn't wonderful, Naze's worldview is finally refuted on all levels. Nonetheless, Naze wins the fight, because above her personal views, there are the themes of the Minus arc. Class -13 is a group of kids going down a negative spiral because they let their trauma define who they are. Naze, on the other hand, is someone who instrumentalized trauma before she even had one, so won by using trauma as a tool to do something positive for Medaka's student council's sake. She's dumb in believing that trauma was something to pursue, but she understands better than Class -13 that having trauma is not the end of the world, and that useful things can come from it.
Her last hurrah in the series is her battle against Sui. This one really doesn't add much to her character, but at least it shows off that by this point she's a different woman. Her edgelord is there as usual and she gets one masochist gag, but her defining philosophy is already completely abandoned. This time she's fighting for Medaka and Zenkichi, fully aware of the bonds of companionship she values a lot more than her research productivity. Sui even makes a passing comment about how peace dulled the Kurokami family, to which Naze fully agrees, but this matured version of Naze sees that as a good thing.
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no1-shochu · 2 years
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【 志布志みなとまつり2022 】 ( 志布志市イベント) ( 花火大会 ) 2022年10月23日に志布志みなとまつり(花火大会)がありました。 若潮酒造も地元を盛り上げるためにお祭りに参加いたしました(σ≧▽≦)σ 若潮酒造ブースに長蛇の列ができまさかの商品が完売してしまいました(^^;) 来ていただいた皆様心よりお礼申し上げます。 これからも皆様に愛される企業を目指し頑張っていきたいと思います。 これからも若潮酒造を宜しくお願いいたします♪ ~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~ ザ・ファブルを読みながら黒若潮(くろわかしお)で乾杯♪ ※ザ・ファブルは、週刊ヤングマガジン(講談社) に連載され累計発行部数750万部越えの超人気漫画です♪ その超人気漫画 ザ・ファブル に若潮酒造の焼酎が登場致しました\(^^)/ 登場した単行本は、第一部11巻、13巻、19巻、20巻、第二部第2巻、3巻です♪ ※週刊ヤングマガジン(講談社)にて、ザ・ファブル第二部連載開始中♪ ※単行本 第二部 第1巻、第2巻、第3巻、第4巻絶賛発売中♪ ※映画にもなって、今一番注目されている漫画です‼️ 凄く面白い漫画です‼️ 南勝久 先生様有難うございます♪ 心より御礼申し上げます♪ これからも若潮酒造を宜しくお願い致します。 皆さん是非本屋さんにて超人気漫画ザ・ファブルを買って究極の日常酒 白若潮 (シロワカシオ)を探して下さいね~♪ ( ザ・ファブルを読みながら白若潮で乾杯♪ ) 映画 ザ・ファブル 殺さない殺し屋 情報🎬‼️ 💿『ザ・ファブル殺さない殺し屋』DVD&BD 発売中‼️ 江口カン映画監督様作品。 主演も超豪華、 岡田准一 様、 木村文乃 様、 平手友梨奈 様、 安藤政信 様、 黒瀬純 様、 好井まさお 様、 橋本マナミ 様、 宮川大輔 様、 山本美月 様、 佐藤二朗 様、 井之脇海 様、 安田顕 様、 佐藤浩市 様、 堤真一 様 監督 = 江口カン 様 ( KOO-KI - 空気株式会社 様 ) 脚本 = 渡辺雄介 様 漫画 = 南勝久 先生様 V6岡田准一 様の超凄いアクションシーンにも注目‼️ ____________________________ ✨若潮酒造受賞歴✨ 鹿児島県本格焼酎鑑評会 ✨24連続受賞‼✨ ____________________________ ※若潮酒造の焼酎は、プリン体0・糖質0・甘味料0 、体に優しい芋焼酎です(^^♪ ※焼酎は、色々な飲み方が出来て楽しいです♪ 冷やしてストレート、グラスにいっぱいに氷を入れてロック、氷と炭酸水を入れてソーダ割り(焼酎ハイボール)、グラスにお湯を入れてお湯割り、柑橘系&炭酸水を入れて、カクテル、酎ハイ、色々な飲み方が出来ます♪ 皆さん是非、自分好みにアレンジして楽しんでくださいね~♪ ※若潮酒造の焼酎が日本全土 、 全都道府県 に広がるように頑張ります。 ( 北海道 青森県 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 山形県 福島県 新潟県 茨城県 群馬県 栃木県 埼玉県 東京都 千葉県 神奈川県 山梨県 長野県 富山県 石川県 福井県 静岡県 愛知県 岐阜県 三重県 大阪府 京都府 滋賀県 兵庫県 奈良県 和歌山県 鳥取県 島根県 岡山県 広島県 山口県 徳島県 香川県 愛媛県 高知県 福岡県 佐賀県 長崎県 熊本県 大分県 宮崎県 鹿児島県 沖縄県 ) ★若潮酒造は見学、ツアーも出来ますので皆さん是非若潮酒造に遊びに来て下さいね♪ ( 会社が休みの場合も有りますので、見学に来られる際は事前に御連絡して下さいね。) 若潮酒造株式会社への 商品、見学、ツアー お問い合わせ 若潮酒造電話番号 = 099-472-1185 若潮酒造住所 = 鹿児島県志布志市志布志町安楽215 お気軽にお電話下さい (^^♪ ✨若潮酒造公式ホームページ✨ http://wakashio.com/ ※皆さん是非ホームページにアクセスして下さいね(๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ #若潮酒造 #焼酎 #志布志みなとまつり #志布志みなと祭り #志布志みなとまつり2022 #花火大会 #志布志 #花火 #鹿児島 #夏祭り      #鹿児島県 #志布志市志布志町志布志 #志布志市 #しぶし #若潮酒造株式会社 #志布志まつり #志布志祭り #志布志花火大会 #若潮酒造服部明 #ほんわかくん      #焼酎好きな人と繋がりたい #酒好きな人と繋がりたい #飲酒タグラム #sake #秋祭り #若潮酒造服部 #飲み屋 #焼酎好き #歩く一日 #焼酎ほんわかくん (Shibushi, Kagoshima) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQSa6spRPd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Welcome to the news channel of the Angry Nature,Today we will tell you about Sakurajima volcano,, On Friday, September 23, around 13:30 pm local time, the Sakurajima volcano threw large plumes of smoke and ash over the island of Kyushu in Japan. The height of the ash column reached 1800 meters. A small infrasonic wave was also observed. The volcano is located near the city of Kagoshima, with a population of about 600,000 people, and the locals experienced a sense of unease. Volcanic ash was blown southeast of the crater. A small amount of ash is expected to fall by 5:00 am on the cities of Tarumizu, Kanoya, Kinko, Osaka, Shibushi and Higashikushira. The Sakurajima volcano is currently under Volcanic Danger Level 3 entry restrictions. Sakurajima is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Due to its explosive potential, the volcano is considered very dangerous and is under close surveillance. #sakurajima_volcano #Japan_volcano #angry_nature #volcano_eruption #Kyushu_volcano ________________________________ The channel lists such natural disasters as: 1) Geological emergencies: #earthquake  #volcanic_eruption  mudflow, #landslide landfall, avalanche; 2) Hydrological emergencies:  #flash_flood #tsunami  Limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding; 3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire, Glass Fire, Wildfire; 4) Meteorological emergencies: #tornado, #cyclone #blizzard  Hail, Drought, Hail, #hurricane #storm, Thunderstorm, typhoon Tempest, Lightning. ATTENTION: All videos are taken from sources. The selection is based on publication date, title, description, and venue. Sometimes, due to unfair posting of news on social networks, the video may contain frames that do not correspond to the date and place. It is not always possible to check all videos. We apologize for any errors! Thank you for watching, don't forget to subscribe our channel, We Wish you good Weather,
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shantihtown · 2 years
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七輪会 (Shibushi, Kagoshima) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_c1xCP3lh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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richrbr · 2 years
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Nice weather to start the #today 🥰💪 thanks god for another day to enjoy my life and giving me courage to face the challenges everyday💪🌸🥰 #shibushi #kagoshima #richele #gratefulheart #aimrichele #withrichele #healthiswealth #car #boat #goodvibes #fightcorona #頑張りましょう (at 志布志市志布志町志布志) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ2hJPkB-K7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nanjotoshiyuki · 6 years
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Shelterbelt, Shibushi, Kagoshima, 2018 防砂林, 志布志, 鹿児島, 2018
http://nanjotoshiyuki.com/shelterbelt http://nanjotoshiyuki.com/tagged/shelterbelt
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Light earthquake 4.9 mag, 44 km NNW of Miyanoura, Japan
Earthquake News on http://www.earthquakenewstoday.com/2020/12/24/light-earthquake-4-9-mag-44-km-nnw-of-miyanoura-japan/
Light earthquake 4.9 mag, 44 km NNW of Miyanoura, Japan
A light earthquake magnitude 4.9 (ml/mb) has occurred on Thursday near Kagoshima-shi, Kanoya, Ibusuki, Kushikino, Ijūin, Makurazaki, Kaseda-shirakame, Japan. The earthquake was picked up at 20:38:30/8:38 pm (UTC/GMT) at a depth of 112.9 km (70 miles). Did you feel anything? Was there any damage?
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yasuda-junji · 6 years
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#Si #peintart #shutterpainting #shibushi #solcreators #sol #art #painting (多機能型情報発信拠点s.o.l)
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hironoglyph · 4 years
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いつも実家近くのコンビニに行く時に通る橋の上から。 先日の豪雨災害の爪跡もちらほら見える所もあったけど、静かな朝歩くのは気持ち良い。 #おはよう #鹿児島朝活 #かごなつ2020 #あささんぽ #志布志 #shibushi #前川 #宝満寺 #志布志市天神 #朝散歩 https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2fKhhHBVp/?igshid=1j9n8bpg2sust
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himetsuri · 4 years
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when ur scrolling thru ur stuff and find things from back when u colored manga seriously :(
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression, radio version - Ep 54, Sep 2016 - Playing pre-recorded songs at lives, thought provoking messages, eel portrayed as school girl in swim wear for PR video. 
Kaoru starts by saying to Joe that the DSS tour final at Namba Hatch should have happened last week. (At the time of broadcast, it had taken place the previous week, but at the time of recording it had yet to take place). Joe is sure to have been in attendance, but as this show is pre-recorded, he can't yet offer his thoughts. One thing Kaoru can say for sure is that Joe is likely to have been extremely drunk afterwards. Joe says he always gets carried away whenever he drinks with Kaoru, and feels like he should probably try not to drink. Kaoru tells him he doesn't mind, its all good.
Since the tour has finished and the weather has cooled down a bit, Kaoru says he will probably be getting into song writting mode around now. During the 'Mode of' tours, the band have been experimenting with playing new, pre-recorded material during lives, and Kaoru is using this as part of the writing process, by further tweaking new material after testing it out live first. Joe asks Kaoru how audiences have reacted to the new material. Kaoru laughs and says its too early to say, but it is useful to get an idea of whether he should continue tweaking a song, or whether he should just give up on it altogether, and write something new.
After playing the first record, Kaoru continues with this topic, and says that new songs start out without set lyrics. They go through a lot of changes in their early stages, but in the end they often end up sounding closer to how they started. Joe asks Kaoru if playing brand new songs live makes him want to continue changing them a lot afterwards. Kaoru says not really, its more small changes like changing the tempo etc. Joe thinks its really fun to hear songs in this kind of early state. Kaoru says after 20 years of activity, he is glad to be in a position where he can actually do this kind of thing. Joe thinks there is a great contrast between the original concept of these tours (replaying old material) and the idea of playing pre-recorded, brand new songs within that.
Kaoru moves onto his first news story next, which relates to an aquarium in Kagoshima. At the very end of the route through the aquarium, there sits a small tank, empty of any living things. Since the aquarium opened in 1997, not a single living thing has ever been displayed in it. A message with the words 'The silence of the ocean' is attatched next to the tank. The message continues, 'This blue ocean used to be filled with the sounds of living creatures, now we hear nothing. We humans think only of ourselves. If we continue in this way, we will hear the voices of one or two creatures, and eventually none at all. This silent blue ocean. What should we do to ensure our children don't face the same worry?'. The idea came from a group of high school girls and others at the time the aquarium was opened, but Kaoru thinks its very important to think about things in this way. He says its good to put out this kind of message and get people to start thinking about issues. Joe says that this applies to music too. When he interviews artists he undoubtedly always asks them what message they are trying to convey with their work, not in regards to song lyrics, but feelings. Kaoru says he often finds it tough to answer this kind of question in (pre-release) interviews . Part of him wants the fans to listen to the new record without prejudice, but there are also times when he has no particular message to declare. He feels odd trying to attatch some kind of pretend meaning to a song for the sake of answering an interview question. He is quite happy just to say, 'If people like the song, thats good enough for me'. Joe comments that in this day and age, it is almost unforgivable to have no reason for something when asked about it, which can feel a bit constrained.
They welcome Dobashi to the conversation next, who picks up on another story from Kagoshima. The city of Shibushi in Kagoshima has released a PR video promoting its farmed eels, which portrayed an eel personified as a young woman wearing what appears to be a school swimsuit. The video has recieved a lot of criticism online.
Both Kaoru and Joe have watched the video before recording this show. The video shows the woman having fun in the swimming pool, showering in fresh water, eating, sleeping by the pool etc. At one point she looks straight into the camera and says 'Feed me'.
Dobashi wonders if its sexist to portray an eel as a woman in swimwear. There was also criticism on Twitter saying that an eel is raised to be eaten, therefore representing it as a human is inappropriate. A representative from Shubushi city made comments that the film was made to showcase that the eels are raised in very fresh water, but it had been interpreted in a way they did not intend. Dobashi then asks Kaoru and Joe for their direct thoughts on the video. Kaoru says he doesn't really understand why they would want to show an eel as a young girl in school swimwear, and he doesn't get the point of making her say 'feed me'. Joe expands on this by saying that putting the 'feed me' line at the end of the film changes the way it will be interpreted. Dobashi says that a young girl saying 'feed me', could end up being associated with the many cases of abduction and confinement of girls which have happned over the years. Kaoru says that even if there is no such association, he still doesn't understand why they would make her say that. They all agree that this video doesn't persuade them to want to eat eel, it barely even reminds them of eels, and actually feels a bit creepy. Joe thinks Shibushi city should have made a film showcasing the cooked eel itself instead of this. Kaoru comments on a scene in the video where the girl tries to pick up a plastic bottle to drink, but can't pick it up because her hands are all slippery/slimy. He thinks is this terrible. He feels like asking the people who agreed to go ahead with this what they were thinking. Joe wonders how much the whole thing cost, and Dobashi replies with 'Oh, the fee for the school swimsuit?' As the conversation becomes more risque, they wonder why a more developed woman wasn't chosen for the video (*Correct me if Im wrong here*). Kaoru says that this would have destroyed the image of the eel even more. Joe replies thar Hiranabe would have prefered that though. Kaoru suggests that this turn in the conversation has no chance of heading in a good direction. Joe asks him if he's scared, to which he immediately replies, 'Ok, lets play a record!'.
To finish Kaoru plugs the upcoming Kisou tour, saying brand new songs will be included this time too. They will be written in the setlist as 'new song', but its a totally undecided process. The new songs they will play, and in what way is entirely free/flexible. He ends with a quick reminder of the Instagram campaign.
Songs - Dir en grey/Filth, Killswitch Engage/The End of Heartache, Dir en grey/Utafumi
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lehuablossom · 2 years
“Historically, Austronesians uniquely live in an "island world". Austronesian regions are almost exclusively islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans, with predominantly tropical or subtropical climates with considerable seasonal rainfall. They had limited penetration into the interiors of large islands or mainlands. They include Taiwanese indigenous peoples, the majority of ethnic groups in Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Micronesia, the Philippines, and Polynesia. Also included are the Malays of Singapore; the Polynesians of New Zealand, Hawaii, and Chile; the Torres Strait Islanders of Australia; the non-Papuan peoples of Melanesia and coastal New Guinea; the Shibushi-speakers of Comoros, and the Malagasy and Shibushi-speakers of Réunion. They are also found in the regions of Southern Thailand; the Cham areas in Vietnam and Cambodia, and Hainan; and the Mergui Archipelago of Myanmar.”
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“So this is the one you’ve chosen Shibushi? Yes... I can see it... I can see you growing fat on the darkness within that youth... Let your primal energy florish...” A man in red watching Kaiyo said.
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richrbr · 2 years
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you can get excited about the future🥰🤩the past won’t mind😉💪👏❤️💕 あなたは未来に興奮することができます。 過去は気にしません😉🤩🥰 #happynewyear #あきましておめでとうございます #newlife #newyou #shibushi #志布志 #ヴィクトリア志布志 #ハニー2022 #enjoyinglife #fightcoronavirus #頑張りましょう (at AIM WORLD Health and Wealth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYX9HejvjMg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nanjotoshiyuki · 6 years
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Shelterbelt, Shibushi, Kagoshima, 2018 防砂林, 志布志, 鹿児島, 2018
http://nanjotoshiyuki.com/shelterbelt http://nanjotoshiyuki.com/tagged/shelterbelt
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