shibuyasgame · 3 years
Departure of a Composer
Hello TRGers! As 2021 draws to a close, so does the participation of one of the roleplay’s head moderators: I, Doge. Long story short, I’m focusing on finishing my education and am now leaving the Composer position after (almost) two delightful years.
There’s nothing comparable to watching this roleplay grow from a close group of three TWEWY fans back in 2012, to the friend group it is today. Through thick and thin, new and old, I’m glad to have witnessed and met everyone in TRG history. Though I may no longer be spearheading changes to the roleplay, I know I’ll find time to pop into upcoming events and future Games. Hope you’re not tired of me yet.
With this message, I’m passing along the torch to anyone who’s able to give this wonderful community the time and attention it deserves.
Signing off for the last time in 2021. Happy holidays!
— Doge
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crystal-lillies · 4 years
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Unleash the power of your imagination, and set sail on a personal voyage to win back your life!
Shibuya's Game/The Reaper's Game is a live chat-based role-playing game based on the highly popular Square Enix game The World Ends With You (TWEWY), which is soon to be an anime and have a sequel game! For seven real-time days, you will fight alongside other Players to earn a second chance at life. You'll get to complete fun puzzles, make new friends, fight Noise, and most importantly: have a Ton of fun!
The Game will take place from February 22 - 28th and will be hosted on Discord! In addition, this time, the Game will take place in Chicago, USA!
Player applications are open now until the last minute of February 20th, 2021. You can find both the link to the Discord server and applications on the @shibuyasgame blog!
Hope to see you there!
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artawaker · 3 years
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Yuri: (chases me with a shinai) NO FAIR!!! I WANT TAM BACK!!! YOU PROMISED ME A HAPPY ENDING!!!
Me: I can't bend the rules, Yuri! But I'll make it up to you! I'll let you in as Kazuki's friend in Artificial Fantasy and Professor Sycamore's companion in that Infinity Train/Pokemon fanfic I'm working on!
But on a serious note, Week 19 of The Reaper’s Game has ended and I was excited, enthralled, and heartbroken at what has occurred in the Discord RP when playing Yuri Ichiro, my Player OC (well, used to be, but it's a long story) for that week.
And trust me, I wasn't kidding when I said I was heartbroken. I literally cried during some tear-jerking moments in the climax part of the Game. (BTW, RIP Tam... Best Partner gone too soon... 😭)
I would like to thank Meru, the GM who organized the missions and story of Week 19, and all of the fellow Players and Reapers I've RPed with for the past 7 days, especially Ryryhme for being the best Partner! Looking forward to the next Game and an AU weekends ahead with Yuri and my future OCs in TRG!
And don't worry, I'm not done with Yuri just yet. Check back soon for his drawing of him and his future appearances in some of my stories and fanfics.
Yuri: SPINNER!!! (shooting noises)
Now if you excuse me...
GAAHH!!! Put that shinai and Quartz down! Please calm down! I will give you a better ending and a lighthearted story next time! I promise!!! 😨
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myrrhdarkwing · 5 years
First Encounters: Aoko, AAW
"... Hey, who were you talking to?" It's a little, tiny girl with brownish hair who's staring at Uso from across the school lunch table. She's at least as young as Uso looks, maybe more. Her uniform says she's too young to be here. Her expression says no one cares. "Hey, you're the demon, right?"
Uso blinks rapidly, multiple times, before managing to focus in on the little girl in front of her. "Talking to...? Yeah, I'm a demon, though. That's me."
"My friends and I heard you talking to someone. But I don't see anyone there. Do you have friends that no one else can see?" The little girl looks absolutely serious about this.
"Yeah," Uso decides after several long moments of thought. Not only does she have the entire UG as her playground, but... well, there's god, and Shouji, and Yuuki, and Sachiko... Only wolf-san last night had ever acknowledged them haunting her. "Well, that's what you get if you kill people. Who're you?"
"I'm, I'm..." The little girl gestures, but says nothing.
"That's not a name," Uso points out. "I'm Uso. I'm the demon. Don't you have anything to call yourself?"
"No." It's a straightforward answer. Moreso than Uso was expecting. After all, doesn't everybody have a /name/?
"Eh, you don't have a name...?"
"No." She doesn't seem perturbed by this, just swinging her feet back and forth, staring unblinkingly at Uso. Her eyes are almost the same shade her own are, Uso notices.
"What do the teachers call you, then?" Roll call is an important part of class.
"Stupid words. I don't answer to them. Some of my friends have names. Some don't. Does that count?"
"I... guess?" For once, it's Uso who's not entirely sure how to handle a situation. At least this girl got her in a more lucid period, when she's not lashing out at everyone and everything. "Hey, why'd you want to meet the demon, anyway? People stay away."
"People stay away," the girl echoes. "People are mean, and dismissive, and awful, and rude. I don't like people. My friends don't like people. But you're not people, you're a demon, so we snuck in here to find you."
Uso looks around and around, but for the life of her, she can't see anyone as young-looking as the two of them in the lunchroom. Maybe this girl has older friends who snuck her in? "Where're your friends?"
"Oh. They're right here with us. Can't you see?" The girl gestures with both hands to the empty seats at the table. Apparently her friends at least have manners.
"Oh, you have those kinds of friends." Uso nods. "No, I can't see them. Doesn't mean they're not there. Just means I can't see them." Just like only she can see god. It doesn't mean god isn't real, it means she's special.
The girl brightens up immediately, waving her hands around in excitement. "You get it! You get it! We thought a demon would..."
The bell rings, interrupting their short conversation, and the girl's face falls again. "Oh, but we have to go back to my school before I'm found missing again..."
"Okay," Uso responds, still a bit baffled by this all. "Maybe I'll see you around."
"Maybe!" And the girl runs off, leaving Uso with no name, no school information, and no way to find her. Oh, well. She'd have something positive to tell wolf-san, now...
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shibuyadickshunary · 5 years
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catsbiggestfanboy · 5 years
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    // Find me at my rebooted personal blog if you’re interested in seeing my art and some development of my OCs! I’m about to write up some stuff about my character Maximilian, a player for Week 16 of Shibuya’s Game. 
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And besides in the mean meantime, 
I’m just dreaming of tearing you apart~
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hannahp0calypse · 8 years
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RP is a fun way to pass time in a creative and entertaining way with your friends
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tfwfenris · 8 years
The Reaper’s Game is a real-time The World Ends with You roleplay hosted in Chatzy. Players must compete and survive for seven days to earn a second chance at life, while Reapers strive to eliminate the Players to ensure their own survival. TRG features battles, shops, plots, and an abundance of feelings, and who doesn’t want those?
Player applications close at the end of January 23 and the Game starts on January 30, with the tutorial Day 0 being held on January 29. Come and join us!
Below the cut is a drabble about my Player for this Week, Kazuya Naito.
As he continued twisting the ring around his finger, he kept staring out at Shibuya, thinking of the upcoming Game. He wasn’t sure he was ready for it and he wasn’t sure if he was going to live through it, but he was sure as hell going to try.
Hauling himself out of bed, Kazuya came to stand before the window of the apartment. Outside was the Shibuyan cityscape, as big and bright as ever. Buildings towered far into the sky, shops displayed colorful signs to attract customers, and people excitedly flitted through the streets.
Shibuya hadn’t really changed much since he died. Sometimes he found himself overwhelmed by the fact that he had been dead for three and a half years, but at other times it was difficult for him to remember what it had been like to be alive.
If he were actually able to come back, things would be very different from before. Back then, Ayano was really the only person he had been close to, but she was gone now. Now, everyone he was close to was a Reaper.
Suddenly he realized he was twisting his ring around his finger, and a heavy feeling settled in his chest. Ying had given him this ring over a year ago, a few weeks ago he had thrown everything between them away after becoming Game Master. Kazuya didn’t understand why he was doing this or what he was trying to achieve, and he had been heartbroken when Ying had broken up with him. Since then, he had been living with Nagito and had been trying to recover. He had been able to remove all of the other jewelry he had given him, but not the ring. Taking it off felt too final for his comfort.
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audi-famas-illiorum · 4 years
Report #1 - Issues
    This is the first journal I’m writing down at the suggestion of my brother, but it’s more of a report to keep track of things that I gather during my time as a Reaper. I’ve dedicated myself to the service of other Reapers as a true-to-the-term Support Reaper based on my experiences as a Player. 
    Ultimately, I chose to be a Reaper to satisfy a need I saw in the Underground. I already died (even if it was an accident) and I’ve already come to accept that. I didn’t expect there to be any sort of afterlife and the people that are here need some help. Players just have to beat missions, but some Reapers have to erase Players to survive. There’s a cost that comes with it and I don’t understand it entirely- but I have experienced it.
    Fighting Tohru wasn’t a pleasant experience, seeing as I saw him as a friend and helpful aide to the Players during the week I ran the missions. It feels like so long ago now, yet it wasn’t even a year ago yet. I still remembering suspended, immobile and helpless... I has to trust the others to take care of it. And I could only hope that Tohru would come to his senses.
    That’s why I can never imagine being a Harrier Reaper. I don’t know how they survive and put up with what they do. They could look at it in the way that I look at it- we’ve all died already so anything we get now is just a bonus. Some prolong that bonus and others are cut short of it.
    Luckily, my brother is helping me understand Reaper life a little better. He’s introduced me to the games they play throughout the week, common wagers, ways of coping, and even given me access to some VIP parties they hold in secret. The UG is truly wondrous, but it has its faults.
    I worry that someone may try to hijack one of the weeks again and attempt to take over as Composer. Maybe my timing is untimely, but with so many oddities at once, I can’t imagine that a place like this is truly stable. Just on the other side, people are living normal lives without the worry of tattoo animals trying to destroy their existence nor are worrying about the idea of everything they know coming crashing down. Literally. 
    I’m not Psychology major, but I’ve made it my personal mission to make the lives of Reapers better than it has been. Maybe with some extra time between weeks I can study up and talk it out with the higher ups. Besides Seamus, of course. Even my brother agrees some things need to change around here.
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shibuyasgame · 3 years
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Have you ever wanted to explore Mondstadt and join the Knights of Favonius?
Welcome to The Reaper’s Game: Teyvat AU, a two-part, real-time chat-based game themed around Genshin Impact! This roleplay will be hosted on two separate parts: Dec 11-12 being Part 1, and Dec 18-19 being Part 2. Roleplay Discord: (click here for our invite link) Character applications: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejzsZIz-p51y9YK0ythf9RY4E3wRaPfPjssL_WLmlLJnoaMQ/viewform
See you there!
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crystal-lillies · 7 years
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Hello again, friend of a friend I knew you when Our common goal was waiting For the world to end
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artawaker · 3 years
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Are you hype for the upcoming Neo: The World Ends With You? Do you want to roleplay in the Reaper's Game? Well, I got some news from the UG cause Week 19 is coming in The Reaper's Game!
In case you're curious, The Reaper's Game is a Discord RP based on TWEWY canon where you can fight Noise and Reapers along with any TRG meme-worthy memes along the way! Plus, violence, music puns, and pop-culture memes galore!
I'll be playing there on July 19 as a Player, so if you're interested, then join in as the Player and Reapers apps are now open until July 16. To join, visit their Tumblr and get the invite for the Discord server there (and follow them if you like!).
Also, make sure to follow their Twitter, too! See you in the UG!
(Special thanks to one of the mods/GMs there for the awesome poster!)
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myrrhdarkwing · 6 years
The first time he met her, he’d just gotten out of a discussion with the principal about how it was inappropriate for a girl to be wearing the boys’ uniform. There had been reports that his behaviour was disruptive, the principal had said. Disruptive. Only because he’d made the mistake of telling anyone he was a boy, instead of just a typical girl who wanted to wear pants for some reason. And now his classmates were reporting that as disruptive behaviour.
He hadn’t been paying attention to where he was going at all, too dejected over the scolding to watch out for a particular trio of his classmates like he usually did. Then a hand grabbed his arm and tugged him sharply into the dim, hidden space beneath the stairs.
Hajime stared up at the three boys there with dull eyes and a disinterested expression, which got him slapped across the face for ‘not paying attention’ to them. He let his body go loose and limp to protect somewhat against the blows. His mind was beginning to drift away in a haze of pain and anguish when, abruptly, there was a girl between him and the bullies who tormented him. Her hair was pure white and her eyes were a blazing, bloody red. No one had seen her coming. But then again, none of the four living boys here could see the UG.
“Stop,” the girl told the three much taller and heavier boys, with the air of someone who expected herself to be listened to and respected. “This one is mine now. So, you’ll leave him alone. Got it?”
Apparently, the boys did not ‘get it’. Hajime watched in horror as one swung a fist at the tiny girl’s throat, intending to silence her. And then the girl just... wasn’t there, and instead was behind the boy who’d tried to strike her, throwing a yo-yo up into the air to strike him on the side of the head instead. “I said, got it?!” she snapped, baring her teeth in a manner reminiscent of a fanged serpent. “If you don’t understand and leave this one alone, I’ll cut you up.”
The string of her yo-yo was glittering and looked oddly sharp for yo-yo string. More like... razor wire. Oh. Oh. It probably was razor wire, wasn’t it... Just looking at this girl, he felt fear like he had never known before, even of the bullies who tormented him. Something about her was... oddly terrifying, in a way he couldn’t name.
“Youkai,” one of the boys hissed through clenched teeth, backing away from Hajime now that he wasn’t such easy prey. “Demon girl!”
“Yep,” she replied, oddly cheerful for such an insult. “Aoi Duvert. Otherwise called Uso. And a youkai through and through, so don’t you forget me, mmkaaay~?”
Once the bullies were gone, not wanting to be around the demon any longer than they had to be, she turned to Hajime. “Hi. I don’t know you, but you were getting hurt and I didn’t like it. I’ll protect you if you agree to serve me. I’m starting a gang, y’know? So I need gang members! And you look like you totally could be one!”
“O... okay,” he agreed numbly, blinking slowly at her. He wasn’t quite sure about all this ‘gang’ stuff, but... protection sounded nice. And he wasn’t above serving someone, though he wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that. “I’m... Hajime. I’m a boy. I am.”
“Well, yes.” She tilted her head to blink up at him, her eyes now a lovely shade of light blue and all the fear that had surrounded her existence having melted away. “Of course you’re a boy. I was listening. I’m a boy sometimes, too. It’s allowed, you know. And if anyone says it isn’t, I’ll eat them.”
Somehow... that didn’t sound like an empty threat, coming from this girl...
“Okay. I’ll join your... gang, then. B-but I’m not any good at fighting, except for punching people, maybe, and I don’t want to destroy things...”
“Oh, don’t worry. The bunny-person who rules part of Canada told me that the best gangs are non-violent and positive ones!” Uso beamed up at him, looking far too pleased with herself for what she’d just said.
“Rules part of... Canada. Okay.” He had the feeling his life was about to get a lot more strange...
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shibuyadickshunary · 3 years
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Siegfried Doge?
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catsbiggestfanboy · 5 years
// I have a new, reignited love for trpg ( twewy rpg ) and want to do chatzy stuff again. It’s been 4 actual years since I’ve done it but hell am I willing to do it again
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