#Shini and Karai might be gfs idk
katielynn526 · 8 years
B-Team Support Group AU
Okay hear me out...
Donnie and Mikey getting sick of how their family treats them and doing something about it. 
Something happens. The final peg on this jenga tower of awful gives way and shit comes a tumbling down. Mikey gets hit by Raph a little too hard and is seriously hurt, Donnie just pulled his fifth all-nighter in a row and Mikey finds him passed out in the lab, Leo and Raph leave their little brothers in the lurch to prove their A-team bullshit superiority, etc. Whatever it is, it’s the last straw.
Donnie packs up his laptop and a few essentials from his lab, Mikey puts Ice Cream Kitty in her cooler and stuffs some comics and his teddy bear into a backpack. They leave the lair in the middle of the night, no clue where they’re even going. They just need to get out.
Donnie calls April and they crash at her place for the night. Mikey can’t sleep, his stomach is in knots. He stays up with April, watching Donnie snore away on the couch where he’s passed out. He tells her this is the most sleep Don’s probably had in weeks. They stay up talking until dawn and April holds Mikey when he finally breaks down and cries.  
Pretty soon it becomes clear that Donnie and Mikey staying with April is a temporary solution at best. It’s a small apartment and the brother’s can tell Mr. O’Neil, still suffering from his own PTSD, isn’t exactly comfortable with having his home invaded by mutant teenagers. Donnie can be quiet (until he blows something up), but Mikey’s hyperactive energy is too much.Plus the risk of being seen by the neighbors is too great.
April still insists they’re welcome to stay, but the brothers are gone before she comes home from school.     
Karai originally planned to stake out one of the Shredder’s former hideouts with Shinigami, but the plans change when she comes across Donnie and Mikey on the rooftops, looking lost and tired as they try and figure out what to do next. They can’t go back yet, but they can’t survive on their own topside, not without help. Karai knows that hopelessness, knows what it like to feel like you can’t go home.   
She and Shini bring them back to the Shredder’s old lair. telling Donnie and Mikey they can stay as long as they need to. 
Donnie’s still a bit wary of Karai but he agrees, knowing it’s their best option right now. He texts April and tells her that yes, he and Mikey are safe and please tell the family they aren’t dead or kidnapped. They just need some space.
Mikey is just glad he doesn’t have to go home yet and psyched he gets to spend time with his new big sister and her awesome witch-friend.
Karai texts Leo to let him know that his brothers are safe and with her, but also makes it clear that he, Raph, and Splinter fucked up badly and they need to get their shit together. Don and Mike will come home when they’re ready and if Leo or Raph tries to come over and force them to come back she will personally cleave their shells from their bodies.  
-Mikey hanging out with Shini, coming up with countless contests to test their mad skillz™: Who can do the most impressive flips, who’s more flexible, best dancer, most rad yo-yo trick, etc.
-Karai and Mikey playing a Japanese trading card game (like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh) becuase he found one of her old decks and pulled out his own. 
-Karai being super nervous about being a big sister because she’s never had siblings before and Oroku Saki wasn’t a really affectionate parent, but Mikey putting her at ease and telling her she’s doing a great job.
-Donnie being a little uncomfortable around Karai because she used to be their enemy and tried to hurt April. But she’s also helping them and he sees how hard she’s trying. 
-Karai listening to Donnie vent and commiserating with him about how toxic and demanding family can be. Cause let’s face it, Shredder and Splinter are both super harsh Japanese dads so Karai gets what it’s like. 
-Shini showing Mikey her collection of shojo manga (in Japanese of course)
-Mikey showing Shini how to make awesome shadow puppets.
-Mikey showing Karai and Shini Ice Cream Kitty. Shini thinks she’s adorable and loves taking cute videos of ICK with her phone and sending them to Mikey! 
-Shini telling Mikey all about growing up in Japan and showing him pictures of her and Karai when they were kids, pictures of her life in Tokyo, and one pic of her and her ex-girlfriend, Don’t ask. It didn’t end well... ;)
-Shini calling Mikey, “Mikey-chan.”
-All four of them hanging out in what used to be Oroku Saki’s private quarters, watching poorly dubbed samurai movies on the huge flat screen TV and laughing as they get popcorn everywhere.
-Mikey cooking a big meal for everyone in what used to the the foot clan break room, all of them talking in Japanese while Karai and Shini tease the boys about their terrible accents. 
-Sparring sessions where Mikey isn’t constantly underestimated and Karai and Shini try to teach him techniques to focus his mental energy.    
-Donnie fixing up Stockman’s old lab, overjoyed to see all the awesome high-tech equipment left behind when the Foot Clan fled. Once he clears away all the groady candy wrappers and acid fly spit it starts feeling like home. 
-Karai and Mikey tag-teaming Donnie to make sure he gets a good night’s sleep and doesn’t spend all his time in the lab. 
-Donnie and Karai bonding over blowing shit up and the construction of badass ninja weaponry.
-Shini helping Donnie develop cool new ninja smoke bombs and helping him devise ninja tech for hypnosis and illusions.  
-Karai teasing Donnie about his crush on April but actually giving him solid relationship advice. 
-Mikey, Karai, and Donnie all getting to complain about Leo and his self-sacrificing, lone ranger BS. 
-Donnie building a heat lamp for his snake mutant sis. Snake!Karai curling up and basking with her mutant bros. 
-Leo not heeding Karai’s warning and blowing up Donnie’s T-phone with angry messages. Karai finally going to the lair to bitch out her mutant family and call out her father on what a negligent dick he’s been.
-April and Casey visiting the Girl Gang lair (that’s what I’m calling it) to see Mikey and Don. 
-Casey flirting non-stop with Karai while she kicks his ass multiple times. Soon it becomes a friendly contest between the two on who can come up with the dirtiest pick up line. (Donnie has had to cover Mikey’s ears multiple times).
-April being really nervous around Karai b/c of their history. But they bond over wanting what’s best for the b-team bros and become reluctant friends. Cue Shini insisting that April needs a makeover (because seriously how can she not wear armor?) and lots of badass ninja girl talk. Mikey helps while Donnie and Casey just watch the awesome craziness unfold.
-Karai embarrassing Donnie in front of April but also totally setting them up!
-Mikey and Donnie getting to just chill and be bros without the pressure and constant criticism of their big brothers.       
-Raph and Leo dealing with the fact that their little brothers left, realizing how much they were needed.  
-Leo burning everything he cooks and desperately wishing Mikey were there to take over. (Splinter, Raph and Leo end up living off of takeout, rice, and instant ramen over the next few weeks)
-The hot water heater in the lair breaks and guess who’s not around to fix it? Raph grumbling as he looks up how to fix a hot water heater online, thinking about how fast Donnie would’ve solved the problem. Then Leo breaks the toaster and there’s more shit Raph has to try and fix.
-Realizing how empty the lair feels with out Mikey’s laughter and the occasional explosion from Don’s lab. 
-Leo missing being able to bounce his plans and strategies off his calm, fact-checking genius brother.
-Raph missing Mikey’s easy affection and regretting every single time he hit his baby bro just because he was goofing around. 
-Raph and Leo being too proud to apologize and paying for it dearly as things in the lair continue to break and they try not to give each other food poisoning with their terrible cooking skills. The older brother’s getting angry at themselves and angry at their father for not demanding his younger son’s return. 
-Splinter taking a long look at his actions and questioning his abilities as a father. Wondering how he can repent and heal his family when his youngest sons’ return.
-Splinter staring at a picture of his sons and realizing how much of a burden he’s placed on their shoulders by demanding they fight his war with Oroku Saki. He wonders when was the last time he’d asked Donatello and Michelangelo if they were alright. 
-Casey finding a sulking Raph and using his own experiences as a big brother to call him out and talk some sense into him (And you know it’s bad when CASEY JONES is the voice of reason here). 
-Mikey calling Karai “Nee-san” without even thinking about it and Karai trying and failing to hide how happy she is.
-Karai calling Mikey Otouto and watching his face light up in joy as he hugs her.
-Donnie calling Karai Nee-san quietly when it’s just to two other them after a long tear-filled talk. Karai trying hard not to cry when she realizes she’s earned his trust. 
The health and well-being of the B-team is super important to me, and if I need to make an AU where they get taken in and cared for by a badass ninja girl gang I will! 
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