ryuunosenshi · 7 years
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maswartz · 7 years
Details from the catalog for Kyuranger (thanks to Dukemon and CraneJoe
Releasing in October: KyutamaGattai 13 DX OrionBattler Price- 12,000 yen A transforming robot that ShishiRed Orion pilots. Transforms from a giant battleship into a Super Giant Robot. Composed of the Orion Voyager and BattleOrionShip. (Where OrionVoyager forms the OrionBuster on the right arm.) The BattleOrionShip can hold any 3 KyuVoyager on its deck. The toy has a gimmick where it can automatically combine KyuTama to the KyuVoyagers on deck. Pressing the buttons will activate lines from the Kyurangers themselves in regard to the ship moving out, as well as transformation sounds! Comes with the OrionKyuTama and the All Voyager KyuTama Releasing in November: KyuTama Gattai 77 DX KojishiVoyager (Leo Minor) Price- 2,800 yen A small-type KyuVoyager that has varied abilities. It can combine with ShishiVoyager (via 5 KyuTama loaded into it) to form the Super ShishiVoyager. It's not specified if it becomes those 5 KyuTama, or if others are needed. It can then combine with KyurenOh to form SuperKyurenOh; where its head parts become a bazooka! Comes with the Kojishi KyuTama. Note- Giving it #77 is a pun (Shichi and Shishi)
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reversemoon255 · 7 years
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So let’s talk some Toku news because...I’m going to be buying things, and I have opinions on the things I’m going to buy. Luckily there’s only 2 upcoming big toys over the next couple months I’m going to be getting, and I’d like to say my piece, I guess.
Giganto Houou: I like the idea behind the combination transformation, mostly because it actually looks a lot like a Megazord design I was doodling last May before Kyuranger got its announcement. It also (both Houou and my design) has some similarities to the Mega Voyager from MegaRanger. I have 2 issues with it, both related to its combined forms and which are subsequently remedied by other releases. Firstly, The fact that it requires Shishi Voyager and no one else, meaning you’ll have 10 other Voyagers lying around. Seven if you create another Megazord. This is actually remedied by the release of the second toy we’ll be talking about, who is a remold of ShishiVoyager and seems to have all the necessary parts to do his combinations. The second is that it requires you to remove all the Kyutamas, leaving you’re remaining Voyagers kinda bare. Again, this is remedied by the DX Cockpit Set releases, so the X number of Kyutamas I’ll have lying around will serve a purpose. Overall, I wish he integrated a bit more, but if you’re going completionist on the line then that integration is negligible. At least until fourth quarter...
And I can’t figure out where the combined feet pieces go normally.
Cerberus Voyager:
And yes, it is Cerberus. I translated it myself. It’s just in Japanese it’s pronounced more like Care-Bear-Us, which is why the katakana doesn’t line up quite right. (If you’ve messed with some of the Wizard toys you might be familiar.) Anyways, I like him and find him quite hilarious. I mean, it’s got a pug face. Seriously. I can see the combination points required to combine with Ryu Voyager, so it should be able to fill all of Shishi Voyager’s roles, hopefully with either Ryu or Houou.
Oh, and this is probably our movie toy for this year. I was expecting it to be a remold of Hebitsukai Voyager, but I think this will work out better in the long run.
Houou Soldier and ShishiRed Orion:
I don’t have a ton to say on these guys, other than Lucky is a Kamen Rider, Soldier’s head is a Kyutama, and we’ve now officially hit 12 Rangers, surpassing Kyoryuger’s 11 and making this the series with the most Rangers of any previous Sentai.
What, don’t tell me you forgot about DeathRyuger/KyoryuNavy? Don’t worry, most people did.
Overall overall, I’m happy. Next Megazord isn’t until July based on the calendar, so I’ve got time to save up and recoup my impending purchase of Brave Kyoryujin. I just hope the pacing of the show slows down a bit so we can enjoy what’s coming. We’re only on episode 9 people, and we’ve already met the first 11 Rangers. Slooow dooown.
Oh, and here’s that sketch I mentioned:
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