#Shmi Skywalker is the Mortis Mother you cannot change my mind
naberiie · 6 years
It’s not until much later, weeks after their strange trip to Mortis, does Anakin realize it, and when he does, it’s no surprise to him. What is a surprise, is the fact that both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka do not seem to realize it, too.
There was a Father, a Daughter, a Son. Light, dark, the balance that kept them in check.
He only realizes it when Obi-Wan remarks on the absence of the archetypal ‘Mother’ in that tone that means ‘this is worth looking into, but later, when I have the time.’
(What goes unsaid is also ‘when I have the energy, when I don’t feel as if I am being pulled apart every day.’)
Anakin realizes it when he catches his laughter in his throat – are you blind, Obi-Wan? Did you really not see her?
And then Anakin realizes no, his old Master had not seen her.
He had not seen her tired, loving eyes; her graying hair pulled back in a simple bun; her sun-stained skin and well-worn hands or the coarse tunics draped over her weary but indomitable frame. She had not been as grand or mysterious or as mystical as the other beings on that planet, but, then again, Anakin knew her to be more powerful, more beautiful than all of them combined.
He had no father, but he had a Mother.
She had given him his name, the one he bore with an unfathomable, never-ending, infinite pride, a verb as well as a noun: Sky-walker.
Shmi Skywalker had walked the grounds of Mortis; how could one say there was no Mother?
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