#Shock-absorbing Steam Deck case
duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 222
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The recap for this episode includes a cutaway diagram of Babidi’s spaceship.   I think I messed up the screencaps here to make it look like there’s five stages instead of just four, but you get the general idea.   The big chamber at the bottom is where I think Babidi monitors the fights, and then below that is the room where Buu’s ball is stored.  
The thing I never understood was why so much of Babidi’s ship is devoted to this gauntlet he’s having our heroes run.   Each “Stage” is equipped to absorb energy lost by intruders as they do battle with the stages’ defenders, which is handy for Babidi’s current project of reviving Majin Buu.   But this is probably the first and only time this has ever come up.    Would Babidi even have need for stolen energy other than reviving Buu?   
Come to think of it, has Babidi ever had any other agenda before this?   My understanding of his life is this: He was created as a duplicate of his “father” Bibidi, probably to do some side work for him, and when the Supreme Kai killed Bibidi he eventually started plotting to take over where Bibidi left off.   So I would assume he’s spent his whole existence trying to recover Majin Buu, though much of that was preparation, I’m sure.   He had to learn more magic, assemble a crew, acquire this spaceship, and figure out Buu’s location.
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Anyway, up on Stage 1, Vegeta has to fight Puipui before they can proceed further into the ship.    If Puipui hurts Vegeta (or Goku or Gohan, if he ever gets to them), the damage will feed Buu’s ball.  But that doesn’t seem to matter, since Vegeta utterly dominates the guy in his base form.
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To improve Puipui’s chances, Babidi uses his magic.
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Now, the Supreme Kai claims that Babidi only used his magic to change the room, but later episodes will strongly suggest that they’ve all been teleported to a new location outside of the ship.    I’m not clear on this, but one way or another, they’re now standing on what looks like Puipui’s homeworld, the planet Zoon.   The subs spell it “Zun”, but I feel like “Zoon” is right.    “Zuun?”    I kind of like all three.   Skip it.  
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Whether they’re actually on Zoon or a reasonable facsimile, Vegeta is surprised by the change, and Puipui brags that he now has the advantage, because the gravity here is ten times that of earth.    Oh, you sweet summer child...
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Titty grab.
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Closed casket funeral.
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The Saiyans head for the next deck, while the Supreme Kai is gobsmacked by Vegeta’s performance.   Puipui never even touched Vegeta, and Geets wasn’t even using Super Saiyan.  
Watching this fight again, I notice that Vegeta’s style has changed dramatically since his battles against the androids and Cell.    He taunted Puipui a few times, but he wasted no time in putting the guy away.   I’d suggest that the only reason the fight lasted as long as it did was because Vegeta wanted to scout him out a bit before he committed to a finishing blow.   This is a far cry from when he fought 19, and he basically gave 19 a bunch of free hits just to show him how outclassed he was.    He horsed around with 18 and Cell in a similar fashion, thinking he had an advantage that he really didn’t.  But against Puipui, he was all business.   
I point all this out, because it’s tough to square Vegeta’s stoic gruffness in the 2010′s with his manic bluster from early and mid-DBZ.   When he first showed up in the Saiyans Saga, he was very cocky, but also quiet, letting Nappa do most of the gloating.    Then Goku got under his skin and he became downright nutty.    On Namek, he acted like a total lunatic sometimes, which I always chalked up to his desperation to beat Frieza to immortality, and the rich rewards he would achieve if he could pull it off.   
Most of the Androids and Cell period was him trying to prove his superiority, to be the man he had always claimed to be.   His big problem was that he thought turning Super Saiyan was a destination instead of a journey, and that it would solve all his problems.    This is why he kept losing in that arc, because he went into every fight thinking he’d already won by showing up.  
The Puipui fight is the last time we see him win a fight in DBZ.    If we want to count the later series and movies... let’s see.    He killed Nappa in Dragon Ball GT, but how big a deal is that?    He beat Golden Frieza in Movie 15, but he was practically beaten anyway after fighting with Goku.    In Dragon Ball Super he took out Captain Ginyu, then several fighters from the other universes.   Toppo was the big win for that series.     Dramatically speaking, though, all of these resemble the Puipui fight more than the battles he had before that.    Much more focused, no nonsense, and shutting out distractions.   
Maybe that’s what Whis meant when he told him he was wound up too tightly in Movie 15.   If Whis could have seen Vegeta’s fight with Semiperfect Cell, he would realize that Vegeta used to be way too sloppy and self-assured, and the “overthinking” approach he used afterward was his attempt to compensate for that.  
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Anyway, Babidi and Dabura are shocked to find anyone this strong on Earth, because they scouted the planet 300 years ago and didn’t find anyone nearly that powerful.    Okay, but what I don’t get is that they must have realized the Saiyans were unusually powerful, because that’s why they lured them on board in the first place.    They wrote Krillin and Piccolo off as useless, and I’m betting either of them could have killed Puipui.   
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Back at the stadium, Chi-Chu suddenly realizes that she has no idea where Goten is.    For some reason, Bulma doesn’t seem terribly concerned about Trunks, though.  
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Turns out, they’re both in the... lounge?   I have no idea what this room is for, but it’s some place for the tournament fighters to hang out, because when the World Tournament Announcer comes into find Mighty Mask, he finds the boys instead, and tells them they aren’t allowed back here.   See, Goten was tired of carrying Trunks on his shoulders, so they came in here to take a break.   
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WTA wanted to tell Mighty Mask that they’re still figuring out how to proceed with only five fighters, and then he notices MM’s costume on the floor, so Trunks uses super speed to turn on the shower.    WTA almost walks in on the guy, but Goten insists that he’d be mad about that.    WTA’s like “Oh, yeah, those masked fighters hate for anyone to see their faces.”    Okay, yeah, but more importantly, maybe you don’t just walk in on somebody while they’re taking a shower?   Geez.  
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So he calls out to MM from there, and Trunks has to pull the crappiest ventriloquism act ever to respond.    The Announcer buys this completely, just like he buys that Trunks and Goten only came in here to find Mr. Satan and get his autograph.    Then again, WTA’s seen a lot of weird shit in his time.   I get the sense that he’s a dude who gets along by not asking too many questions.    If you served him Steamed Hams, he’d be all excited to sample authentic Utica cuisine.   
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Piccolo and Krillin update: They’re still statues. 
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In the ship, Babidi decides to send Yakon down to Stage 2.   Dabura thinks that’s a bit extreme, but Babidi doesn’t want to take these intruders too lightly, not after Puipui got killed without landing a single blow.    
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Dabura’s all worried that Yakon will kill them all before he gets to have any fun with them, and Babidi has to remind him that he’s his mind-controlled henchman, so he’s not here to have fun, dammit.
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That’s kind of the interesting thing about the dynamic between these two.    Babidi seems to give his slaves a lot of leeway, either because he can’t control them absolutely, or because he prefers to let them think independently.   In Dabura’s case, he seems to enjoy having him as a dependable second-in-command, offering counsel and relaying his orders to the crew.   It gets to the point where even Dabura gets a little too comfortable with the role now and then.   
And it becomes easy for us in the audience to forget that Dabura is one of Babidi’s victims.   He only wants to awaken Buu because Babidi told him to want it.    Would Dabura even care about this goal otherwise?   I mean, it’s an evil agenda, but maybe not his brand of evil, you know?   
I think this is why Toriyama designed him to look so much like a classic interpreation of the Chrisitan Devil.    He’s not like Frieza or King Piccolo, where he’ll have time to establish his credentials as a major villain.   Dabura has to look like a major villain up front, because we’ll never really get to see how he earned the role.   His job is to look like a big deal, to emphasize that Babidi has turned him into plaything.    He could make this guy swab the decks with his tongue if he wanted to.    He only lets Dabura play first-officer because it suits his purposes.  
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So some of the henchmen got to summon Yakon for Stage 2 duty, and he kills them as soon as they open the door to his room.    Awesome!   This guy ain’t fucking around.
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Then Babidi calls to him, probably though telepathy or something, and it’s clear that this guy is Babidi’s plaything too.    It kind of makes you wonder why Babidi even bothered having minions go fetch Yakon in the first place, if this was the only way to get him to cooperate.    But it makes a lot of sense once you realize Babidi is a sick fuck and all of his servants are expendable.   
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In Stage Two, Vegeta suggests forcing the door again, and when the Supreme Kai argues that this might release Buu, he asks how big a deal Buu really is.   After all, Puipui was helpless against him, and Dabura’s not that big a deal either.  
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Shin’s like “Whaaaaa?” and Vegeta’s like, “Yeah, Dabura’s not that tough.    Your friend Kibito only got killed because he’s a bitch.”  
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Shin asks Goku if this is true, and Goku’s like “Yep, Kibito’s shit tier, Supreme Kai.”
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Goku estimates that Dabura’s about as strong as Cell was, and Cell was a big deal... seven years ago.    Now, being as strong as Cell doesn’t mean jack to these guys.   That’s awesome.   I love this.  
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And this makes the Supreme Kai look like a real geek, because he only seemed to know that Goku and the others were very strong, but he had no idea how strong.    My impression is that he had no idea the Cell conflict ever happened, which kind of makes sense, seeing as Cell came from the future.    Perfect Cell was never really meant to be, when you think about it.   In his own timeline, the androids he had to absorb to become perfect were already dead, so without time travel, no one would ever have to deal with him at full power.   As it was, he fought the Z-Fighters umpteen years before he was born, so it sort of forced the heroes to get stronger than they would have been normally.
My guess is that the Supreme Kai knew about how strong Frieza was, and that Goku beat him, so he estimated his power based on this.   Still, you’d think he could have asked around before today.    He knew Goku would be at the tournament, so he must have had some advance notice on this.    All he had to do was talk to King Kai and go “Hey, how do you think Son Goku would stack up against, say, Dabura?”   And King Kai would go “You know, I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think Goku could take him, sir.  He’s improved dramatically since he beat Frieza.”    And at least then he’d know what he was dealing with.  
Something else I wonder about is why none of the Kai’s seem to know anything about Saiyans.   I mean, they’ve all been around for millions of years, and Goku wasn’t the first Super Saiyan.    Maybe he and Vegeta are stronger than all the ones who came before, but you’d think some of the Kais would have noticed when the last Super Saiyan was running wild a thousand years ago, or the Super Saiyan before that, and so on.   
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My point is that both the Supreme Kai and Babidi seem to think these guys are key to their respective plans, and yet they seem surprised to find out how strong they are.    Let me throw out a suggestion here: If Shin knew exactly how strong Goku is right now, do you think he’d just blow up this spaceship and have done with it?    I mean, if Buu wakes up prematurely, in his weakened state, Goku could probably beat him, right?   It’d be a gamble, but no worse than what ends up happening in this story.    
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Anyway, Yakon finally shows up on Stage 2, so we can finally get on with this thing.   
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And it’s Goku’s turn to fight, so we get to see what he can do after all these years.    Doncha dare miss it!
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ftech-laser · 5 years
Long-pulse 1064 Nd.YAG laser to adapt to the symptoms
Long-pulse 1064 Nd.YAG laser to adapt to the symptoms
The three elements of the laser is the key to the beauty of the skin rejuvenation laser wavelength can determine the role of laser target tissue, pulse width determines the extent of laser damage, the general pulse width is narrower, less heat damage. The energy is the fundamental effect of the laser to produce cosmetic effects, laser beauty in the final analysis is the laser energy contained in a stimulus effect on the skin.
And the laser wavelength, pulse width and other factors, the laser energy output is also a laser cosmetic physician choice laser beauty technology an important reference.
According to the energy output, the laser can be generally divided into the following types:
1, continuous laser The continuous output of the laser energy, such laser selective treatment of the target is not strong.
Mainly include: carbon dioxide laser, argon ion laser.
2, quasi-continuous laser Pulse output, the output pulse frequency is very high, the selectivity of the treatment target is not strong.
Mainly include: copper steam laser, krypton laser and so on.
3, short pulse laser Short pulse output, the pulse width is very short, highly selective for the target role, no significant damage to normal tissues.
Mainly include: Q-turn Zi Cuiyu laser, Q-Q ruby ​​laser, Q-switched Nd.YAG laser.
4, long pulse laser Long pulse energy output, pulse width of 1.5-100ms range. Based on the extension theory of selective photothermal decomposition.
Mainly include: emerald laser, semiconductor laser, Nd.YAG laser, dye laser and so on.
Different energy output, determines the difference in the clinical application of the laser. In recent years, long pulse laser in the clinical field has been widely used, whether the effect or the broadness of the response to the symptoms have been unanimously approved, such as long pulse 1064Nd.YAG laser.
Long pulse 1064 Nd.YAG laser is a branch of long pulse laser produced in clinical applications, able to deal with a variety of skin problems, and today we talk about long pulse 1064ND.YAG laser clinical applications.
Long pulse 1064 Nd.YAG laser clinical indications include the following aspects.
1.Vascular lesions Nd.YAG 1064nm laser is a near-infrared light, its wavelength is long, deep tissue penetration, can penetrate 10mm soft tissue. Since oxyhemoglobin in the blood vessel has strong absorption ability to the laser of the wavelength, the laser can selectively generate heat damage to the blood vessel tissue and cause coagulation and necrosis of the blood vessel tissue, thereby playing a role in treating vascular diseases.
Long pulse 1064Nd.YAG laser advantages:
Contrast with continuous Nd.YAG laser.
The use of continuous Nd.YAG (1064nm) laser treatment of vascular disease has been more than 30 years of history, its easy to leave the characteristics of the scar limits its some use.
Long Pulse Tunable Pulse Width 1064nm Nd.YAG laser overcomes the over-heating of continuous laser, which not only has longer pulse width, effectively coagulates the abnormal blood vessel endothelial cells, but also lower than the tissue thermal relaxation time, Cooling, effectively reducing the temperature of the surrounding tissue, greatly reducing the side effects. Contrast with 595 nm pulsed dye laser.
In Europe and the United States, the 595nm pulsed dye laser is regarded as the clinical “gold standard” for the treatment of cutaneous vascular lesions. It has the wavelength of the third peak of the hemoglobin absorption coefficient curve, but the penetration depth is not enough to be a major defect of 595nm. Due to the complexity of the vascular problems, the complete clearance of the treatment is not high.
Taking into account the long pulse of the 1064nm laser which penetrates the depth and the high absorption coefficient, the long wavelength can directly penetrate deep into the lesion and coagulate deep blood vessels, thereby completely improving the vascular problems.
2.Acne, Acne scars, Inflammatory soreness Long pulse 1064nm laser energy can be transmitted to a specific target within a short period of time, do not spread to the surrounding, so acne formation of dark red nodules, scars and pigmentation, there is a very significant therapeutic effect.
Energy directly on the funnel Department of acne bacteria to kill Propionibacterium acnes; so horny epithelial shedding, to reduce hair follicle blockage; and moderate heating of the sebaceous glands, sebaceous glands directly inhibit the secretion of sebaceous glands; inhibition of collagen synthesis and reduce the Scar blood flow, so that tissue hypoxia; inhibit melanocyte activity, thereby reducing scarring and pigmentation.
Acne treatment direction
Acne is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles that have an adverse effect on the skin’s perception and mental condition.
And to deal with acne we not only pay attention to the treatment of inflammatory lesions and pitting scars, but also pay attention to patients with inflammatory lesions after the treatment of telangiectasia or red rash, persistent erythema, with or without depression Scar treatment.
Only solve the problems caused by acne in order to fundamentally alleviate the symptoms of acne and reduce the impact of acne.
3.Acne marks erythema, facial flushing, rejuvenation Wavelength 1064nm laser can be absorbed by melanin and hemoglobin, moisture absorption less, it can penetrate the dermis. After hemoglobin absorbs laser energy, the blood heats up and the heat energy is transmitted to the blood vessel wall, causing damage to the vascular endothelial cells, resulting in damaged blood vessels and thrombosis. Finally, the absorption and regression of hemoglobin can help cure erythema of the smallpox and eliminate facial flushing and dispelment The role of rosacea.
At the same time 1064Nd.YAG laser can stimulate the dendritic cells scattered in the dermis to generate heat shock protein 70 and procollagen I, so that the deposition of collagen in the dermal papilla layer, to repair scars, reduce pores, eliminate superficial wrinkles, skin firming And so on.
Advantages compared with intense pulsed light:
Strong pulsed light, pulsed dye laser for the treatment of acne erythema, facial flushing and achieved good results, but this method is not perfect.
In contrast with the long pulse cooling system 1064Nd.YAG laser well protect the epidermis, while reducing the patient’s pain in the treatment, most patients without obvious discomfort after treatment, due to the long-pulse melanin 1064 laser absorption Less, almost no pigmentation or hypopigmentation and other common color laser complications after the laser. Compared with DPL, long pulse 1064 laser does not produce purpura, the patient’s work and social will not have an impact.
4.Hair removal and dark ethnic hair removal As we all know, dark hair laser hair removal is more difficult, because the epidermis contains more melanin, hair follicles compete with melanin absorption of laser beam, resulting in epidermal damage blisters, pigment abnormalities, scar formation and other adverse reactions.
However, long-wavelength, long pulse widths and a long pulse width of 1064Nd with a cooling system are used. YAG lasers are effective and safe for epilation of dark-skinned humans.
The safest skin color laser hair removal Currently on the market commonly used laser hair removal apparatus with emerald, mostly semiconductors, after comparing the emerald, semiconductor, long pulse width Nd.YAG laser treatment of 100 cases of skin Ⅳ ~ Ⅵ type women with upper lip and facial hair, found that three kinds of laser Hair removal is quite effective, but the long-pulse Nd.YAG laser is considered the safest hair removal for dark-skinned people due to the adverse reactions of Nd.YAG laser such as erythema, surface scalds, small atrophy, and pigmentation that are significantly smaller than the other two. laser.
5.Onychomycosis Long pulse 1064 Nd.YAG laser has strong penetrability, can penetrate the deck, acting on the nail bed, and the main component of onychomycosis cell wall is melanin, melanin on the long pulse energy has high absorption, energy absorption and treatment Local high temperature reaction, the temperature of the deck up to about 45 ℃, thereby disintegrating the fungal cells within the lesion, and through biological reactions and photochemical reactions attack pathogens, while activating the skin repair mechanism. Thus play a role in the treatment of onychomycosis.
Onychomycosis: Onychomycosis is a disease caused by fungi that invade the deck and subchondral tissues and has a high prevalence in the population, especially in the elderly. The pathogens of onychomycosis include dermatophytes, yeasts and non-dermatophytes, and onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes is also called onychomycosis. Onychomycosis accounted for more than 65% of mycosis, of which the most common Trichophyton rubrum infection.
Long pulse 1064 Nd.YAG laser skin effect is significant, so by the beauty of the unanimous welcome, and the market is excellent long pulse 1064 Nd.YAG laser equipment is also a rare example, such as Yuan Tai’s Mercury long pulse laser, in the The response to capillary lesions and hair removal has been recognized by the market.
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