Trick and Treat
The benefits of being underground heroes means no one would recognise you. A fact that three certain heroes (plus a sentient quirk) exploit it mercilessly. 
Halloween. An event where people of all kinds get to excuse themselves for pranks and indulged themselves with tooth-rotting candy. It’s also a certain event where two gothic-theme heroes are free to cursed their mothers for bringing them to life far too soon or far too late.
“That’s not a reason to cursed my in-laws, Fumi, Shi.” Shoji Mezou huffed before turning two of his appendages to mouths as to pecked his gloomy husbands. Shoji-Tokoyami Fumikage, who draped himself with a dark cloak and held a handmade scythe, fumed pettily alongside with Shoji-Kuroiro Shihai, who decided to wrapped themselves an equally as black bandages.
“Mezou love, I didn’t agree to marry you to hear you stand in defence for our mothers who let us down for the first time in the beginning of our lives.”
“Fumi’s right in a way. If only they could at least put in more effort on giving birth before the sacred event had ended-”
“Or wait a bit more longer-”
“Okay, guys. I kinda didn’t agree to waste my day off on listening to your brooding. So, could we get moving?” Ojiro Tooru wiggled around in her plain-white cloth while exaggerated her frustration, earning some laughs among her husbands.
“Take care and have fun, Ruru,” Mashirao softly spoke as he setting up the makeshift pillow fort around Hitoshi. The Ojiro husbands decided to spend their rare day off to watch horror marathon with the main Shoji patriarch. 
The invisible lady just giggled before dragging off the other Shoji husbands for their play dates. Mezou waved them off, even blew the sentient quirk a kiss back, before settling down besides the pillow fort. 
“Five thousand yens they come back with more candies than they are allow to have.”
“Six thousand.”
“Toshi! Mezou!”
“Any gummy packets? All I got is candy corns.” the boy with four arms and dressed as Red Riot grimaced.
“Nope, I only got two packets of strawberry marshmallows and some Miruko-branded carrot candies, Red Riot Junior. What about you, Deku Junior?” the green-skinned girl dressed as Shemage quietly answered before glancing at the bulking boy with scales that dressed as the Symbol of Hope.
He smirked before lifting up his bucket, making the other kids jaw dropped. In there, three huge packets of Bakusquad-branded fruity gummies, five king-sized Fatgum-branded chocolate bars, two swirly red and white lollipops, and a box of bite-sized candy bars themed after Pre-Debut UA Class A.
“Impressive, huh?”
“No jokes, Ken- I mean, Deku Junior! How?!” the Red Riot ‘Junior’ tried to reach out before getting his hand slapped by the now-sneering boy.
“Don’t touch it! Anyways, I just roamed around the neighbourhood that filled with old farts who got too much money to spend. One glance at my mega awesome costume then they throwing me prizes after prizes!” The scaly boy exclaimed proudly as he showed off his goods, “Wish you have this amazing influence than some two-bits characters you two decided to dressed as!”
“You got some nerves insulting the chivalrous hero and the mushroom heroine, kid.” All three kids quickly turned towards the voice down the alley. Seeing that it’s someone who decided that draping a white blanket is a good enough costume, the boy scoffed rudely.
“What, blanket girlie, you think you have the rights to tell me off when you have a lame ass costume?” “Wrong, it’s an awesome costume!” the blanket girlie huffed out her chest proudly, “You just didn’t see what is under these ghost sheets.”
“Ghost sheets?” the green girl snickered, “Yeah, right.”
“Why don’t we check it out, eh?” the four-arms boy grinned at the Deku cosplayer, who smirked back as he reached out to pull the sheets. As he did so, the kids paled. There is... nothing under the sheet. Not even the girl who is supposed to be draped over. 
Suddenly, eerie radio screeches can be heard behind the ghost(?). Two little lights are flashing red at where the head are supposed to be located. The lackeys, scared out of their wits, dropped their buckets as they ran away, leaving the leader behind. 
“You took a look under my sheet, and now...” the ghost(?) floated even higher, “YOU HAVE BEEN CURSED! MUAHAHAHA!”
“AAAAA!” the scaly brute dashed off immediately after throwing his bucket at the ghost(?). As the boy disappeared down the street, Tooru immediately emptied out the buckets into her Invisible Bag, which is almost filled to the brimmed with her delicious loots. Hearing another group of little trick-or-treaters coming in her way, she immediately set into her position.
This is just plain stupid. This horror story telling is too repetitive. The dead girl in the toilet. The spooky piano that plays on its own. The suicide forest. Sure they can scared and spooked Hanako at first but listening to these stories over and over again seems to lose its charm.
Her peers didn’t seem to think so. Sitting in a badly formed circle in the middle of an empty park with an electric candle right in the middle of the said circle. Some third-rated spooky music supposedly to put people in the mood to get scared. 
“... and there she sat, drinking the boy’s blood like a drug!”
“You sure this is a true story? Sounds fake.”
“Totes not! Search ‘blood drinking girl’, man!”
Even if it’s a true story, Hanako doubt the legality of the story. If this T.H. girl supposedly love this guy, she should kill those girls instead of the boy. Eh, she shouldn’t question it.
“Sooooo, who’s next?”
“Can I have a turn?” 
A husky voice chuckled, making the horror-numb girl trembled. That was new to her, not one of her peers sound like that. Even her seat partners shivered too.
“Let’s see, anyone ever heard of a certain narcissistic man who killed anyone who said he’s ugly?”
Oh, this is new. Perhaps her peers didn’t disappoint her yet. After affirmation, the rasping voice continued. Due to the light is too dimmed, she was unable to see who’s telling the tale with such voice.
“There was once a man, with a face no one could ever compare to. His visual is second to none. Women praised him, loved him, worshipped him. Men hated him, cursed him, and some even fell for him.”
Hanako lighted up. A total original story! She listened with rapt attention, ignoring how her horny peers groaned and moaned at the suggestively rough voice.
“One unfortunate event is all it took for people to turned away from the man. An arson planned by envious men who couldn’t take it anymore, seeing their supposedly lawful spouses dreamed and loved a man that isn’t them. How envy drove them mad. The damage is dealt. His entire body is burnt to crisps and yet, he lived.”
The music stopped. Before the person in charge of it could fix it, it suddenly played an ominous song that she had never heard before. She didn’t know that the harsh-sounding peer have good taste in music. 
“Truly unfortunate it is. The once handsome man lost all his supporters in one whole swoop. His haters jeered and hurling faux-pity at him. He couldn’t take it anymore. Wrapped in his measly black-burnt bandages, he asked each and every single one of the people, ‘Am I handsome? Am I gorgeous?’. People jabbed jokes at him before they get stabbed to death.”
Hanako is curling into her jacket as the air getting chilly. Weird, as inattentive as she was, no one have a quirk related to wind. Now she think about it, not even one of them have a husky voice, even the her male peers are just getting their puberty hit on them.
“One by one, they dropped to their death. Even children and the senile were not spared. The man went mad with his vanity spiralled out. He asked, he cried, he stabbed. Then, he came onto a group of teens who sat around in a circle telling stories after stories. Can I ask?”
The girl suddenly felt dread coursed over her body. She thinks some of her peers piss themselves. Before anyone could react, the electrical candle went off. Hanako quickly reached out to turned it on and, lo and behold, a man wrapped in black-burnt bandages stood in the middle of the circle.
“Am I handsome?” the man who owned said husky voice gleamed at them with flashing black eyes, “Am I... gorgeous?”
Screams could be heard throughout the neighbourhood. When people found the source of said scream, teens would either huddled up or straight up fainted. The only thing missing among them are the candies they collected. Hanako might cried a bit, but whoever that man is, he earned himself a fan.
“Happy Halloween!” 
Waving off the kids, Mrs Gokudera beamed at her almost empty candy-bowl. Ever since her grandkids started their high schools, they almost never visit her in this lonely home, which makes this holiday truly joyful. Just as she was about to filled the candy-bowl with her homemade striped candy balls, her doorbell rang. Sighing blissfully, she opened up the door.
Instead of little children, few masked people appeared the other side of the door. Mrs Gokudera usually pleased to see that other people enjoyed the good old trick-or-treating but her quirk, Intentions, alerted her as she saw them with dangerously black aura. 
“Heya, old lady. Trick or-”
“Definitely trick, imbeciles.”
Interrupting the one who started to sprouted blades out of their arms, the group of masked people turned towards the other side. Mrs Gokudera couldn’t see who it was as the malicious people blocked her sights but she saw a white aura coming out from that person. Knowing she was in good hands, she immediately slammed her door and dialled the police. As she dare peeked out of the window, she gawked at a hooded figure fighting against people with an obviously fake scythe and a manifested shadow(?) that seems to basked in the chaos.
When the police arrived, the fight is over. The hooded figure and his shadow companion came out unscathed but his prop is broken. Sensing his frustration through a grey aura, Mrs Gokudera beckoned the bird-headed figure, who seems to finished his statement to the police.
“Hello, dearie. You okay?”
“Don’t worry, madam. We are perfectly fine. Although we had to cut short our fun due to this unholy festive spirits that decided to bother you.” the hooded figure solemnly nodded.
“Oh dear. Sorry to cause you trouble.”
The shadow companion seems to beamed at her loudly, “Don’t worry, lady! We are heroes! This is nothing!”
Ah, that explains why the police didn’t bother him for vigilantism. Clearing her thoughts up, she thanked him by giving most of her stashes. It’s really funny seeing how the bird-headed hero humbly accepted while the shadow just cackled in delight as they dumped the wrapped candy balls into their goody bags.
“We are back, hubbies!”
“Welcome ba- why are there ten gigantic bags? Did you guys steal them?”
The three trick-or-treaters sheepishly chuckled as they got stared down by the tail hero. Behind Mashirao, Mezou handed a few paper money to Hitoshi, who tried to snickered quietly before got stared down by his disappointed husband too.
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My Gothic Fiancés
“Ta-da! What do you think, Mezou?! Isn’t this perfect for our wedding?!”
“It’s on me. I didn’t restrain you three.”
Briefly short story about wedding preparation of the Shoujis.
If you told Shouji Mezou, from his childhood to middle school days, that he will ended up marrying two gorgeous heroes, he would had laughed at your face. Because who will marry the giant monster that faked his age? His UA days said otherwise.
If he could ignore all of the uncalled villain attacks, he had a better school years. Teachers care, genuine friends who didn’t mind his appearance, and best of all, his then-boyfriends, now-fiancés.
Shouji-Tokoyami Fumikage and Shouji-Kuroiro Shihai. (Shouji Dark Shadow as well, they liked to feel included)
While he and Fumikage hit it off as acquaintance for the first few weeks at school, Shihai is the one that started it all when he invited himself in Class 1A stands back in their First Year Sports Festival. Flirting without shame, fondling Mezou’s muscle consensually, even blew the bird-headed teen and his sentient quirk a kiss for their match. In no time, both of them were smitten with the black-skinned boy of Class 1B and as well as each other.
They officially announced themselves boyfriends after moving into the dorms. As years goes, their feelings grew even stronger. It was a shame that they couldn’t moved in together as they went to different agency after graduation. When their mutual friend Deku finally became Number One and the Symbol of Hope, crime rates finally went down permanently as he called all of them to helped to make their country better than All Might Era.
The mutant and ‘villainous’ quirk communities especially, started to feel included for the first time without people criminally coding them. It was because of this, Mezou was ready to start a new chapter with his gothic boyfriends, not without movie reference of course.
The triad were having a candlelight dinner at Mezou’s apartment. They were conversing about their life before the Deku era. Dark Shadow, who found it boring and unromantic, were playing with candles, much to Fumikage’s disapproval. As petty as they can be, they blew the candles, instantly darkened the room.
“I go get the lighter,” the multi-limbed adult abruptly stood up while hiding his giddiness for this godsend timing as Shihai quickly dived into the sentient quirk to maintain their control.
“With this candle,” the tall mutant lit the candles, “I will light your way in the darkness.”
His boyfriends, one of them popped his head out of Dark Shadow, widen their eyes at the familiar quotes. “Your cups will never be empty, for I will be your wine.”
“With these hands,” Shouji Mezou kneeled before them as he opened his arms, “I will lift your sorrows.”
“With this rings, I ask you three to be mine.” One of his hands reached into his pant pocket to take out a small velvet box. Opening it revealed three stunning onyx gem rings. The avian-headed hero started to teared up along with the other pale-haired one in the room. Both of them embraced their large boyfriend, shouting ‘yes’ over and over again.
Dark Shadow childishly trying on the ring while ignoring the ‘sobfest’.
However, just because crimes went down permanently doesn’t mean they can slacked off to make wedding plans, unfortunately. They had to planned it during their patrol breaks.
As Mezou is a stingy minimalist, he was in charge of making sure all of their friends could come without work interruptions. He was forbidden to even planned a single party ever since the Jirou-Yaoyorozu Husbands’ Bachelor Party (Denki and Yosetsu had cried out of raging pain when they saw the decorations).
It’s fine for him since he had no desire to plan another avenue so he agreed to let them in charge. He had texted the last invitation to Pony when he finally reached Four Seasons Hotel to see the wedding reception.
It is the only hotel who can block the media press away while making sure their hero guests could enjoy their leisure activities. Every heroes who needs privacy had never been so grateful for this hotel to existed. The tentacle hero fondly remembered his time here during his UA graduation trip and the Symbol of Hope’s wedding with the gravity heroine and the hot-and-cold hero. The bellboys from different times had packed a mean hook against a persistent media vulture.
Getting way off-track, Mezou shook his head as he power-walked to Hall G where Fumikage and Shihai are. Eager to see his future husbands and their preparations, the multi-limbed hero swung open the large door and shock was written behind his mask.
This isn’t what he expected. Wedding related stuffs are pastel colors theme, right?
Lots of black cloth-cover chairs sit neatly around skull patterned cloth-cover tables respectively. The balloons are white with black skulls plastered onto them. Where vases are located, be it on the tables or the runways, are filled with spider lilies he unfortunately remember as Shihai’s favourites. The altar right in the front of the hall had been decorated with unlit candelabra and vase of chrysanthemums, which he also unfortunately recognised those as Fumikage’s and Dark Shadow’s favourite flowers.
He may not know his flowers, but he definitely knew those flowers represented death and grief, ones he noticed on funerals. Hang on a minute, he didn’t accidentally went to the wrong hall, right? He swiftly checked the sign board right outside of the hall.
“You are here to see the union of Shouji Mezou, Kuroiro Shihai and Tokoyami Fumikage [+ Dark Shadow ;) ]”
Mezou rubbed his main eyes, even shifting his Dupli-Arms again to checked if he really is in the right hall. The grey-haired adult walked hesitantly into the... reception, finally noticing the ones responsible for this arrangement.
They seemed to be happy too, if not delighted to see their giant fiancé witness their masterpiece. The sentient quirk immediately wrapped themselves around the tentacle hero excitedly.
“Ta-da! What do you think, Mezou?! Isn’t it perfect for our wedding?!”
“It’s on me. I didn’t restrain you three.”
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