#Should I post more doodles like this? In the before rendering stages?
finchmarie · 11 months
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I would actually love to hear these thoughts and how Ashley and Lark became besties (if you're up for it obviously)
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I saw this and then waited to answer til I had time to do a doodle (that will get fully rendered) cause I'm not a strong writer but I did want to draw about it!!
Here is some info from my HC doc:
Ash is the VS in Lark’s story. From the moment Shepard picks Ash up from Eden Prime the two connect and mesh well. Shepard appreciates her insight and they work together very well even when they butt heads. The pair softens and strengthens each other. Lark envies Ashley’s relationship with her family, as Lark is not nearly as close to her own. While Ash encourages her to reach out and connect with others, despite her fears. Lark in turn softens Ashley’s views on working with aliens and helps her cope with being the sole survivor from Eden Prime, as Shepard has learned to cope with Akuze. There is also plenty of teasing to be had alongside their high level of mutual respect.
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sonicasura · 3 years
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SonicAsura Doodles #14
"Well I be. This is the first time someone actually saw me! You know my older brothers are the ones who run the show, but I prefer to keep my presence down low. Chimeris is my name, glad to meet y'all the same." ~ Chimeris, Wonderworld Theatre's Songstress and Musical Prodigy.
A mysterious being that appeared in Wonderworld Theatre around 1000 years ago. Neither Balan or Lance know the very young Chimeris had shown up in their magical home but took turns raising her. Unlike the two Maestros, she isn't a Positi or Negati but a Neutra.
Neutra is a term for those who don't completely indulge in either positive emotions or negative, only a steady balance of the two. She can also speak normally if any guest requested. Although, she does swear in rhymes when peeved and not in the vicinity of any children.
Ex: "Come back and take your hit, ya lil shit! You think you are top brass, but all I see is a jackass! You know what goes well with a sandwich, punishing this conniving bitch!"
Chimeris likes helping others as much as she likes to cause mischief.
Various visitors, Negati, Tims and even both Balan and Lance had got caught in her impish pranks. These jokes range from water balloons, whoopie cushions, surprise scares, glitter boxes and the occasional paint bombs. If it doesn't cause any big harm, then it's good in her book.
Music you hear in Wonderworld is often orchestrated by her, each piece being based on an individual or various cultures. Chimeris only gets involved with her brothers' show if they do something stupid involving any human guests.
Despite being about a 1000 years old, it doesn't mean that the Neutra can't overpower Balan or Lance whenever needed. Chimeris' energy is bright green in color and has a unique property of neutralizing positive and negative energy. Something that can render her brothers' powerless for a good amount of time.
The youngest Maestro does care for the inhabitants and guests of Wonderworld but has a wanderlust when it comes to exploring outside the theatre. These little adventures often make her a cryptid to those who catch a glimpse of Chimeris flying about or dancing in the moonlight. Something that earned her the moniker: 9 Tailed Witch or Fox Dancer.
To those who encounter this particular Maestro are in for an interesting adventure.
Hey guys! It's been some time since I posted a doodle. So far, I love playing Balan Wonderworld and been having a blast. It sucks that Square Enix had to sabotage such an interesting and beautiful game. If you want to know what I mean then you should look for: Did Square Enix Sabotage Balan Wonderworld? Post that should be below this on my blog. You can also look at Jim Sterling's videos on Square Enix's screw ups too since this isn't the first they messed with '$60' games.
You know how much of a fresh breath air it is to a play a game not associated with saving the entire world. It's more of a rescue mission if I'm being honest but same difference.
Truth is that I had this little doodle for quite some time and wanted to build her a background of sorts before posting it.
Also, I'll be making some Balan Wonderworld fanfics and even some art. These will have very special tags considering how Square Enix shamefully screwed up Balan Company's first game.
# Fuck Square Enix #Balan Company's Innocent
A brand new small company can't really go against a big one like Square Enix but Balan Company did their best to give us a playable game alongside a novel for the full story. At least it isn't something like Bethesda's Fallout 76.
So you'll be seeing those tags a lot for anything Balan Wonderworld related. I'm almost done with the main story and I'll give my final review alongside favorite costumes, stages, bosses and music.
That's all I have! Until next time folks, see ya in Wonderworld.
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peardian · 7 years
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Looks like a whole bunch of fighters have gathered together... but what for? Well, this image here represents the game series represented in Super Smash Bros. Brawl that I most likely will not be making custom models for. Rather than just completely ignoring them, I figured I would make a fancy render for them and share my thoughts on each series and reasons for why I won’t be covering them. I’ll also be covering the series from the stages, even if I don’t have a render for them.
Also, I have two disclaimers. First, just because the series is listed here does not mean that these characters won’t show up in my fake Subspace Emissary screenshots or other random drawings. Second, this only covers the fighters and stages in Brawl alone, and does not cover Assist Trophies or the fighters added in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U / Nintendo 3DS.
Kid Icarus
While I absolutely love Kid Icarus: Uprising, I couldn’t really get into the original NES title. Though the game does have some interesting monster designs, Uprising pretty much took all of the best ones and gave them wonderful new designs, which means there is very little left for me to work with. I don’t really have an interest in modeling rocks with faces, giant feet, or random Greek mythological figures. Also, Viridi is the best.
Ice Climber
While I did enjoy this game more than Kid Icarus, there is one issue that gets in the way of me making custom models for it: there is only one game in the series, and the past two Super Smash Bros. games have already recreated almost everything in the game. There’s nothing really left for me to make that hasn’t already been done by Nintendo. Still, a fun game to play with my brother.
Just like with the Ice Climbers, R.O.B.’s debut game suffers the same fate of being the only game in its series. I haven’t played the game myself, but I have seen enough videos of it to know that there are only two other characters in the game: an old scientist and an ugly green monster. There’s barely anything to work with, and I don’t have enough interest in the game to touch what is left. That said, if I had the chance to play it properly, I would like to give the game a shot, though I don’t think I would have the patience to sit through the entire game.
I love the Pikmin series, especially Pikmin 2. The reason I won’t be making custom models for these games, though, is because the games are already in full 3D. There’s nothing left in these series for me to model that wouldn’t be just a replica of the official model with a different texture art style. I feel like mentioning that my favorite captain is Brittany, and my favorite creature is the Armored Cannon Beetle.
My brother and I played F-Zero GX a ton, even if we weren’t good enough at it to beat the harder difficulties. It took nearly a decade before we learned there was a fourth cup after Emerald. I really like all of the vehicles designs, especially the Twin Norita. I remember being fascinated by Melee’s Big Blue stage, as I had only played the original F-Zero and did not know about F-Zero X, so I had no idea who any of the other racers were. Anyway, like with Kid Icarus, the wonderful GameCube sequel has taken all of the best parts of the series and made it look great, and while there are new vehicles in the numerous Game Boy Advance titles, I don’t have any interest in modeling them.
Fire Emblem
Even though I have never directly played any of the games, I have a respect for the series that Intelligent Systems has created. I am not very fond of the swords, magic, and dragons settings of the games, though, nor do I have any interest in modeling various human warriors, which is why I won’t be touching on the series. The newer games in the series do have some neat designs, but they already use 3D models.
Game & Watch
This one almost goes without saying. The games are simple and fun, but the designs are more like vector drawings than proper models.
Metal Gear Solid
I haven’t really played any Metal Gear games at all, but I know a lot about them, probably more than I should. While I love the designs of the various machinery in the series, nearly all of it is already modeled in 3D already. Not to mention my favorite, Metal Gear REX, is already in one of Brawl’s stages.
Electroplankton (not pictured)
This was a fun little game, if you can call it that, but the art style of the game doesn’t really lend itself well to 3D models. Even Brawl’s own Hanenbow stage was a flat and colorful recreation of the game’s least-abstract mode. Of the ten modes, Beatnes is probably my favorite.
Pictochat (not pictured)
Do I need to explain this one? In terms of creativity, it’s probably one of my favorite Brawl stages. The stage also happens to represent most of my experiences with the program: drawing random doodles alone in an empty chat room while tiny Nintendo mascots jump around my screen and beat each other up. Okay, maybe not...
Animal Crossing (not pictured)
I’m a big fan of the series, and I still play New Leaf regularly to this day. Like with Pikmin, though, the entire game series is 3D modeled, so there is nothing for me to do. On a side note, the name (and theme) of my town has always been Delfino.
Whew! That went on a lot longer than I thought it would. It was kind of fun to go through each series like this, so I might post a follow up of the series I do cover.
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